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Jul 28

This Simple Eating Tweak Could Unlock The Key To Less Stress And Fewer Gut Issues – Women’s Health

If youve ever enjoyed takeout while texting your friends, scrolling Instagram, and simultaneously binge-watching The Bear, it may help to consider a more mindful eating approach. Sure, it may seem like a good idea to scarf down lunch at your desk so you can get more work done at the office, but slowing down, savoring your food, and practicing mindfulness may be better for your mental and physical health in the long runespecially if you frequently rush mealtime, experience

Mindful eating is an approach to food that encourages you to focus on your sensual awareness and bring your full attention to the present moment. It is rooted in mindfulnessan Eastern philosophy believed to originate from Buddhismand was later researched extensively by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). He defines mindfulness as paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. To that end, mindful eating is essentially mindfulness applied to eating-related thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors, per a 2022 study in Nutrition Bulletin.

While it might seem like a big ask to sit quietly in your office break room while you chew your sandwich, the benefits are worth it. Ahead, experts break down everything you need to know about mindful eating and how it can benefit your health and nutrition.

Meet the experts: Lena Bakovic, RD, is a dietitian specializing in intuitive eating at Top Nutrition Coaching. Jenna Werner, RD, is a dietitian and the founder of Happy Strong Healthy. Carlie Saint-Laurent Beaucejour, RD, is a dietitian nutritionist and founder of Crave With Carlie.

First and foremost, mindful eating is not a diet, rather, its an approach that requires a bit of a lifestyle (and mindset) shift. Mindful eating [helps] clients truly reconnect to their bodies and first learn and then listen to what foods make them feel their best, says Jenna Werner, RD, the founder of Happy Strong Healthy. The idea is that, over time, you start to understand how different foods affect your mood, digestion, and energy levels. Then, youll begin to understand your hunger cues and fullness cues effectively, Werner says.

While mindful eating does not have an exact set of steps or principles like, say, intuitive eating, the ideologies are similar: listen to your body, be present with each bite of food you take while chewing slowly, and dont feel guilty if you cant be fully present for each meal you consume. (Hey, some nights call for some DoorDash and a scary movie marathon, and thats okay.)

Also, mindfulness doesnt *only* apply to eating. Mindful eating is more of a mindset than anything," says dietitian Carlie Saint-Laurent Beaucejour, RD, founder of Crave With Carlie. In order to be more mindful with eating, you need to be more mindful with living. You can practice mindfulness in your workout routine, in your communication with loved ones, with your breathing, and beyond. Simply put, its all about being present, curious, and thoughtful about what youre doingand noticing how you feel about it, without judging what that feeling is.

The wellness benefits of mindful eating are twofold, according to Lena Bakovic, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching. First: Mindful eating practices can be beneficial to our bodies in the sense that they can prevent over- or under-eating and contribute to being at a healthy body weight, Bakovic says. And research tends to support this: Mindful eating can be an important component of weight management and treating obesity, per a review in the journal Current Obesity Reports. Second, with a mindful eating approach, there are no restrictions on what you can eat, making it a sustainable skilland yes, you can still consume your favorite sweet treats mindfully.

Adopting a mindful approach to food in general may also help you feel less overwhelmed. Mindful eating can help to ease the stress surrounding eating and the many food decisions people make each and every day, Bakovic says. Mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques may be effective interventions for chronic health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, and techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and body scans may even help people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), research has found. Because the mind and gut are connected, calming your mind can only help your body function more optimally.

As opposed to restrictive diets that focus on elimination, calorie-counting, and other methods that can be harmful, mindful eating often poses minimal risk to healthy individuals, Bakovic says. However, in some cases, it could be possible to become a little too mindful when it comes to eating, Bakovic and Werner say. If mindfully consuming each meal, snack, and drink feels like a chore or causes significant distress, it could be a detriment to your mental health.

When we obsess over health changes, we can quickly cross the line from healthy to disordered or no longer health-promoting, Werner says. Identifying the line between mindful and disordered eating varies from person to person, but in general, there are some red flags to watch out for, Werner says. If you tend to avoid social situations related to food or notice that youre making lots of rules and restrictions to how you eat, it could be a sign that mindful eating isnt necessarily helping, she says.

Remember, mindful eating is about cultivating more present-moment awareness during mealtimebut not judging yourself or the food on your plate or how youre feeling while eating. Its also more about curiosity and less about having the perfect routine. (Lets be realnot every meal or snack has to be a mindful one!)

It takes some practice, initially, to become comfortable with the integration [of mindful eating] into your lifestyle, Bakovic says. If youre ready to make a change, heres how to start and keep your mindful eating practice sustainable and healthy, according to experts.

My number one tip is to have a mindset of curiosity, purpose, and openness, and then you can follow all other helpful actionable tips, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. This means doing your best to approach different foods (and mealtime) with curiosity at the forefront. How might it feel if you relaxed and enjoyed your morning tea, for instance, without feeling rushed to scroll through your email inbox at the same time? Be purposeful with the what, how, where, why, and when with your eating, and be open to exploring new and old eating habits without judgment, she says.

As previously mentioned, a major component of mindfulness is being non-judgmental. So, try not to harshly judge your meals or snacks by their nutritional value when mindfully eating and aim to be kinder to yourself, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. It's interesting for me as a dietitian to say this, but mindful eating has very little, if anything, to do with nutrition (the science part), she says. Instead, its all about becoming one with your food and eating experience, and not judging yourself for what youre eating or how you feel, she says.

If you like to eat dinner while binge-watching your favorite show or endless TikTok videos, it might be time to hit the off button during your meal, says Bakovic. Snacking while distracted can lead to over-eating, research has found. For mindful eating practices, its vital to focus on your plate and notice how you feel with each bite. And dont worryyour TV and phone will be ready for you when youre done.

Setting a timer can aid in your mindful eating journey, says Saint-Laurent Beaucejour. This means that for 10, 20, 30 minutes or more, ideally, you only have one thing to focus onso try to challenge yourself not to do anything else during that time. Once mealtime is up, you can go back to multi-tasking at work or get back to texting your friends.

During meals, take some time to enjoy what youre eating and drinking, Bakovic says. Savor the smells, taste, and textures of each bite of food. Slowing down and savoring your food as opposed to eating while doing other tasks may also prevent overeating later on, per a study in the European Journal of Health Psychology. Plus, the practice of savoring helps you genuinely appreciate what youre consuming. When was the last time you grabbed an ice cream cone on the board walk and enjoyed it mindfully while listening to the ocean waves?

Writing in a food journal can be a helpful tool to support mindful eating, says Saint-Laurent Beaucejour. You may have heard in the past that the purpose of a food diary is to track calories or how much protein youre getting, for instancebut in this case, keeping a food journal is more about your mental health and taking note of any thoughts or feelings you have around food. Try writing how youre feeling while eating (excited, bored, depressed), and make note of how each food makes you feel.

Side note: People tend to internalize information better when they write things by hand, research has shownso in this case, keeping a handwritten journal may be more beneficial and effective than a mobile app or tracker.

Literally. If youre struggling to slow things down at mealtime, switch up your eating pattern by using your non-dominant hand during your mindful eating sesh, so youll take more time to finish your meal, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. For an alternative exercise, you can also try gently putting your fork down between each bite to give yourself some extra time to enjoy and digest your meal.

If youre struggling with mindful eating or suspect you have an unhealthy relationship with food, it may help to seek therapy and/or work with a registered dietitian. Working with a professional for support for mindful eating can be helpful, Werner says. Remember: Mindful eating is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle and behavioral change, so a therapist, registered dietitian, or other credentialed professional can provide support as you navigate this change.

Maria Serra (she/her) is a freelance sex and relationships writer who covers topics relating to butts, boobs, and everything in between. After secretly getting a degree in human sexuality (sorry, parents), she began covering general and sexual health topics for Her Campus, Spoon University, and Womens Health magazine. In her spare time, shes probably listening to trashy emo music with her chihuahua-pug, Bobbie. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

See the article here:
This Simple Eating Tweak Could Unlock The Key To Less Stress And Fewer Gut Issues - Women's Health

May 27

1000-Lb Sisters: Is Misty Slaton Wentworth Too Thin? (She’s Slimmer Than Every After Weight Loss Surgery) – Screen Rant


Misty Slaton Wentworth of 1000-lb Sisters fame has lost a significant amount of weight since having bariatric surgery in March 2023, but she may be losing too much too quickly. The series, which premiered in 2020, centers around the extraordinary weight-loss journeys of Tammy Slaton and Amy Slaton, but their sister, Misty, has also lost weight. Misty has always been close to Tammy Slaton, Amy Slaton, and her other siblings. Unlike her hot-headed siblings, Misty is a cool and calming voice of reason in the usual chaos of the Slaton family. Misty isn't one to draw attention to herself.

Misty grew up with her siblings in Shawneetown, Illinois. Like her other siblings, Misty struggled with her weight throughout her life. The 1000-lb Sisters season 5 star started putting on even more weight after she got married and had four children. After years of struggling, Misty had bariatric surgery in March 2023, and she looks like a different person these days. She looks dramatically slimmer, and it's worth asking if Misty is losing too much weight too quickly.

Reality TV is more popular than ever. With so many to choose from, here are some of the best reality TV shows to stream or watch right now.

1000-lb Sisters season 5 features a scene where Misty and her other sister, Amanda Halterman, make a big announcement to Tammy, Amy, and their brother, Chris Combs, about wanting to undergo weight-loss surgery. Me and Mistys been going to see Dr. Smith, Amanda told her siblings as Misty stood by. Dr. Eric Smith is the bariatric surgeon who treated both Tammy and their brother Chris. During the discussion, the Slatons discuss their fears about the weight-loss procedure, which can cause complications and even death.

Since Tammy, Amy, and Chris had all undergone the surgery, they understood the procedure could be dangerous, so they were all concerned.

Thankfully, Misty's surgery went well, as did Amanda's, and they both went on to lose a lot of weight; however, it's unknown how much weight Misty lost. The 1000-lb Sisters stars are contractually obligated to reveal information like that on the show, so Misty's total weight loss number won't be revealed until next season. Regardless of the number of pounds Misty has shed since surgery, she looks much thinner in recent social media posts. Though it's great that Misty is losing weight, she should take care to do so in a safe, healthy manner.

Misty's Facebook account is a treasure trove of family photos taken before and during her weight-loss journey. In 2008, Misty posted a family photo with her husband and four sons. In the photo, she's wearing a black shirt, and her size has changed significantly compared to her more recent appearances in 1000-lb Sisters. In 2017, Misty posted a photo where she's standing alongside her husband, David Wentworth. Here, she's wearing a tank top that highlights her dramatically slimmed-down silhouette.

In March 2022, Misty's sister, Amy, posted a family photo to Instagram. In the photo, Misty, Amy, and other family members are gathered around a large table during a public event. Seated in the middle, Misty looks slimmer than she looked in earlier family photos. The image caused quite a stir in the comment section because one of the individuals in the photograph is wearing a Trump hat.

As Amy and Tammy's older sister, Misty has been guiding her sisters over the years.

She has been by their side as they embarked on their weight-loss journeys on 1000-lb Sisters while also pursuing her own weight-loss goals. Before losing weight, Misty was taking multiple diabetes medications to keep her blood sugar in a healthy range. After bariatric surgery, she lost enough weight to no longer need the medication. Being healthy enough to regulate her blood sugar levels without medicine is a huge milestone Misty should be proud of as long as she continues to lose weight safely.

Since receiving weight loss surgery, Misty looks completely different in a December 2023 TikTok post. In the looped image, Misty's face is slimmer than it used to be, and she's almost unrecognizable. In response to the post, her sister, Amanda Halterman, wrote, " Big sis is the littlest sis now. I am so proud of you @Doll1976 always have been. You are my goals[sic]. There are no words to express how thankful I am to call you my big sis. Love you."

Though she has lost a great deal of weight in a short period of time, Misty appears to be healthy and happy.

Watching her sisters, Amy and Tammy, has been a crucial part of Misty's journey to lose weight. Her sister, Amy, has lost 125 pounds since the show premiered, while her other sister, Tammy, has lost over 400 pounds. Not to be left out of all the weight-loss fun, their step-brother, Chris, lost over 150 pounds through a combination of diet, exercise, and weight-loss surgery. His wife, Brittany Combs, has also expressed interest in bariatric surgery. Overall, it's been enjoyable to watch the Slatons lose so much weight over the years, and it's inspiring to see their incredible journeys.

The Slatons have traced the origins of their weight gain back to their difficult childhoods. They attribute it to genetics, emotional eating, and socioeconomic factors. Luckily, Misty and all the other Slaton siblings broke the cycle. 1000-lb Sisters season 6 will likely follow the Slatons as they continue their weight-loss journeys together.

Tammy Slaton

Lost 400+ pounds

Amy Slaton

Lost 125+ pounds

Chris Combs

Lost 150+ pounds

Amanda Halterman

Lost 300+ pounds

Misty Slaton Wentworth


1000-lb Sisters seasons 1-5 can be streamed on Discovery +.

Sources: Misty Slaton Wentworth/Facebook, Misty Slaton Wentworth/Facebook, Amy Slaton/Instagram, Misty Slaton Wentworth/TikTok

Continue reading here:
1000-Lb Sisters: Is Misty Slaton Wentworth Too Thin? (She's Slimmer Than Every After Weight Loss Surgery) - Screen Rant

Apr 26

I couldnt afford a gastric band so I IMAGINED one and lost 7st in 8 months the weight just fell off… – The Sun

A WOMAN who couldn't afford a gastric band instead imagined one - and was stunned to see the pounds falling off her.

Sheila Hannah was desperate to lose weight, but she was shocked at the 12k price tag of a gastric band.




She weighed over 17 stone and knew she needed to shed the pounds - but couldnt afford the surgery.

So instead she hypnotised herself into thinking she had a gastric band - and has managed to lose an amazing seven stone!

Sheila, 64, from Ormskirk, Lancs, said: Ive been on a programme which talks you through the gastric band surgery, step by step, and even all the pre-op tests too, so you really feel like you have gone through each stage.

I was horrified when I found out that gastric band surgery cost so much money.

Ive had gallbladder surgery before, and that was bad enough, so I didnt really want to have an operation.

Having a virtual operation has really suited me a lot better.

Sheila was spurred into action last year, after her husbands health deteriorated and she realised that it had impacted on her too.

Id always be telling him to just put the kettle on or run upstairs and fetch me something down, and when he wasnt able to do that, I realised how much energy it took and how much my weight was getting in the way, said Sheila.

So I knew I had to do something about it. Id tried lots of diets in the past and Id never been able to lose weight and keep it off.

After finding out the cost of gastric band surgery was too much for her to pay, she found the Hampshire Hypnotherapy Centre and asked them to help her with their Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis.

I started it in May last year, and by July Id lost two stone and went on holiday to Greece and none of my holiday clothes fitted me anymore, as they were too big, recalls Sheila.

The programme was brilliant - I would listen to the tapes in the morning and evening, and even in bed Id fall asleep listening to them.

Almost immediately my eating habits just kept getting better and I was naturally pushing my plate away when I felt satisfied, and I was dishing up smaller portions without even thinking about it.

Beforehand, Sheila would have tea and toast for breakfast, then sandwiches, crisps and chocolate for lunch, and shed munch on a packet of biscuits whilst she was cooking dinner.

Now I have weetabix and fruit about 11am, said Sheila.

And then snack on fruit and have a chilli or something else homemade in the evening.

But Ill only eat half a portion, and then put the other half in the freezer for another day.

Losing weight should be a long-term commitment to healthier living, rather than any drastic measures.

The NHS tips - which can be adopted slowly - include:

Read about:

And it really works. Ill have a roast dinner, but Ill only eat one roast potato.

Before Id have eaten lots more potatoes without really tasting them. It was mindless eating as a habit.

The programme is based around a Think Eat Sleep Repeat basis, using powerful hypnotherapy sessions and a weekly live support group session.

The weight just fell off me, said Sheila. By February this year Id lost a total of seven stone, and I feel fantastic.

I work in a hardware store and customers come in who havent seen me for a while and dont even recognise me.

Ive never been a gym bunny, but I love walking now as Ive got so much more energy.

Ive lost the same weight as my granddaughter weighs, so she has even fitted with me in an old dress I used to wear.

Im the lightest weight Ive been in 40 years. I lost weight after my daughter was born and got down to ten stone, and shes 43 now!

And Ive never been as light since, until now!

Ive got so much more confidence now in what I look like. And having a virtual gastric band was so much better than having to have an operation to have one fitted.

It's given me a whole new lease of life.

For more information on the Think Eat Sleep Programme visit




View original post here:
I couldnt afford a gastric band so I IMAGINED one and lost 7st in 8 months the weight just fell off... - The Sun

Feb 29

Peter Kay’s Incredible Weight Loss Journey: How He Shed 50 Pounds in Two Years – Deccan Herald

Peter Kay is a British comedian and actor who has recently shown off his impressive weight loss in rare public appearances. He has reportedly lost over 50 pounds in the past two years by changing his lifestyle and diet. He revealed that he decided to lose weight after being cast as a soldier in a movie. He said that he did not know many soldiers who were his size, so he started doing intermittent fasting, cutting carbs, and exercising more.


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Kay has been away from the spotlight for several years, after canceling his tour in 2017 due to "unforeseen family circumstances". He made a surprise comeback in 2022, performing at the Manchester Arena and the O2 in London. He received a standing ovation from the fans, who noticed his slimmer figure and new look. He also joked about his weight loss, his kidney stone operation, and his life before technology.

Kay has been praised by his fans and colleagues for his weight loss transformation and his return to comedy. He also reunited with his former co-star Susan Boyle, who he collaborated with for a Comic Relief song in 2011. The pair posed for a photo together, which Boyle shared on her Instagram. She wrote: "A reunion 12 years in the making! Susan Boyle & Peter Kay back together again after she went to see his hilariously brilliant show Peter Kay Live in Glasgow."

PhenQ Honest Reviews

PhenQ has been known as one of the best weight loss supplement because of the many positive reviews from the happy customers all over the world.

Click Here to Visit Official Phenq Website The honest reviews about PhenQ are making its reputation and popularity as a reliable weight loss supplement stronger. Many people have shared PhenQ reviews and said that this formula is a wonderful addition to help the weight loss journeys.

In the reviews, many customers appreciate PhenQs ability to control the appetite and stop food cravings while giving them great energy levels throughout the day. Many customers have also seen great changes in their bodys metabolism, which helps for faster fat burning with more weight loss.

PhenQ weight loss supplement has been highly praised for its natural ingredient composition, which makes sure a safe and effective way for weight loss and management.

The customer reviews and the scientific proofs have backed up the effectiveness of ingredients used in making PhenQ supplement. The trustworthy formulation makes it a good choice for your weight loss journey.

This article will show you some amazing PhenQ reviews from the real customers. We will try to tell you everything about PhenQ weight loss supplement so that you can choose wisely.If you want a lasting and trustworthy weight loss solution, you can try out PhenQ weight loss supplement. This formula is specially made to target all the main reasons of gaining weight. The strong PhenQ supplement target your stored body fat with its powerful fat burning ingredients. Click Here to Visit Official Phenq website

PhenQ Review January 2023 PhenQ weight loss supplement has been tested to see the real conditions of losing weight for the customers. A 29-year-old woman named Jessica started the PhenQ usage in January 2023.

She began with the weight of 96 kg, and she felt that her body image was damaged because of her weight. She wanted to lose excess weight in a practical and realistic way to keep that off too. Click Here to See before and After results

Selena, a 30-year-old mother of three, started her PhenQ journey and shared her PhenQ Results March 2023 after using this supplement for the whole one month. Lets see her journey:

Week 1:Selena started using PhenQ supplement, two pills a day, after breakfast and lunch. She stayed away from drinking tea and coffee, as PhenQ has caffeine as a main ingredient. By the first week of using PhenQ, Selena saw improvement in her energy levels, as she was able to do all her household chores without feeling tired. She also felt less hungry even after eating smaller meals. Her big craving for junk food and sweets were completely gone. Besides this, she chose an active lifestyle by adding 30 minutes exercise daily, which makes great improvement in her mood as well. Although, she didnt lose much in week 1, but overall she felt good and healthy.

Week 2: Selena focused on healthy diet and exercising routine and started to see some real results by week 2. Her lower cravings and higher energy pushed her for working out, even after a whole day of managing chores with kids. By the end of week 2, Selena looked thinner and in better shape, as she lost good inches. Also, she was lost few dress sizes and able to fit into her old pair of jeans.

Week 3: PhenQ started to work strongly during week 3 and Selena was enjoying her good results along with the compliments from her friends on her better shape. She was going well on the weight loss track with PhenQ supplement and the praises from family and friends were proof of this.

Week 4: In the last week of her 30 day journey with PhenQ diet supplement, Selena had clearly thinner body, better figure, and high energy levels. She lost 11 pounds during her PhenQ usage in March 2023. Throughout her PhenQ journey for one month, Selena focused on following healthy diet and workout routine while using PhenQ pills. This actually helps her a lot in getting full benefits of PhenQ supplement."

She shared her PhenQ Review January 2023 with us below:

Day 1: Jessica started PhenQ usage after learning its mode of action and right instructions about the usage. As per the maker, she should take two capsules daily to improve her weight loss. The natural ingredients of the PhenQ weight loss supplement start doing all the hard work for putting her body in the state of good weight loss.

Day 15: After using PhenQ weight loss supplement for 14 days, Jessica was very happy with her progress. She didnt have any side effects, but noticed that her appetite had gone down a lot since she started with PhenQ pills. At the same time, Jessica was very excited, as she lost around 7 lbs on scale within these two weeks usage of PhenQ. With this good result, Jessica kept on using PhenQ with balanced diet and active routine.

Day 30: In the next two weeks of PhenQ usage, Jessica successfully lost another 5.51 lbs on scale, which was an amazing weight loss results. Overall, within these 30 days of January 2023, Jessica had lost a great 12.35 lbs of weight. The results were more than her expectations, as she saw big improvement in her body shape and overall well-being."

PhenQ Results March 2023 PhenQ weight loss pills is a new weight loss formula that has given amazing before and after results to many customers within just one month.

PhenQ Before and After July 2024

PhenQ weight loss pills have helped millions of men and women in losing extra weight safely. Many customers have said having great fat burning results with high energy levels. Also, the customers shared about the better metabolic health after using PhenQ supplement. All the praise for these amazing before and after results goes to the unique and natural formula of PhenQ diet pills that work on all the main aspects of weight loss. Click Here to see Phenq results pictures

Alpha-Lacys Reset A special mix of alpha lipoic acid and cysteine L-Carnitine Fumarate Capsimax Powder Chromium Picolinate Nopal

Does PhenQ Work? PhenQ supplement works in many-sided way to give the best weight loss results for overweight people. The way behind PhenQ works together to target different aspects of body weight control. It working way help people in making their natural fat burning processes in the body better to get their wanted goals while making overall health better.

See some aspects in which PhenQs working way focuses on:

Fat Burning: PhenQs main way for best weight loss results is to start the ability of thermogenesis in the body. The increase of bodys inside temperature will make higher metabolism, thus burns more stored fat well for lasting weight loss.

Is PhenQ Safe? PhenQ weight loss supplement is made with natural ingredients and the formula is tested well too.

It is a very safe fat burner that is very effective and safe to make your weight loss results faster. It is made in FDA-approved and GMP certified place with ingredients that science supports for weight loss.

PhenQ Reviews Reddit

PhenQ weight loss supplement is a common choice among customers all over the world, because of their strong ability to help people lose extra weight within short time.

As per the official website , PhenQ has more than 190000 happy customers, who have given this weight loss product with 5 stars. You will get many good PhenQ reviews on Reddit as well, as people have said how happy they are after losing extra body fat by using PhenQ pills.

What are PhenQ pills?

PhenQ is a strong and natural weight loss formula that works on different aspects of weight loss. It works to lower appetite and burn fat at the same time to make sure maximum weight loss results. PhenQ is a new weight loss supplement that is specially made to help people losing weight faster, while stopping more fat storage in their bodies. Click Here to see Phenq Prices

PhenQ pills are made with a strong mix of ingredients that are chosen well because of their special properties. All the ingredients work together to target all the aspects related to weight loss. The main purpose of PhenQ diet supplement is to give a complete and all-in-one solution to people for losing extra weight and body fat.

PhenQ is made with powerful ingredients to burn body fat cells, stop their making, and boost metabolism to start thermogenesis in the body for faster calorie burn. At the same time, PhenQ helps in controlling appetite and increasing energy and mood so that you can show the best productive side of yours. The new way of PhenQ diet pills has made it different among a lot of weight loss products and a common choice for losing extra pounds effectively and safely.

PhenQ pills have shown to be a good weight loss solution for people having troubles with obesity and health issues. With its many-sided approach, PhenQ has been ranked as the top fat burner in the market. Following are some main ingredients in PhenQ that helps in stopping sugar cravings, lowering appetite and burning fat:

PhenQ Side Effects

As per the customer reviews, there are no big bad side effects said with the use of PhenQ supplement till now. Some of the customers have some small side effects like feeling full, sick, or headaches in the first days, but these usually go away as the body gets used to the supplement.

PhenQ diet pills are safe for healthy grown-ups and the maker says not to use it if you are under the age of 18. Also, it is not good for pregnant or feeding women. Though, PhenQ weight loss supplement is totally safe to use and gives no side effects, but it is good to talk about your health problems with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

Where to buy PhenQ? PhenQ weight loss supplement can be got only from its official website .

The makers have made sure that you are getting a real PhenQ product to get the best weight loss benefits. So, its buying is only from its official website.

What is in PhenQ? A Look at PhenQ Ingredients These are the main ingredients in PhenQ.


-LACYS RESET is a scientifically tested and patented ingredient in PhenQ. It mixes alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine, two strong antioxidants that have many health benefits.

Research shows that -LACYS RESET makes your metabolism faster, gives you more energy, and helps you lose weight by lowering body fat and keeping lean muscle.

A clinical study in the Journal of Obesity showed that people who took -LACYS RESET had big drops in body weight, body fat percentage, and waist size compared to the placebo group.

Capsimax Powder

Capsimax Powder is a mix of capsicum, piperine (black pepper extract), caffeine, and niacin (vitamin B3). It is known for making your body warmer, which helps your bodys metabolic rate and burns fat.

A random, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who had Capsimax Powder had a higher energy use and fat burning rate during exercise compared to the placebo group.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate is a mineral that helps control blood sugar levels and lower cravings. Scientific studies have shown that Chromium Picolinate can make insulin work better and help your body manage your weight.

A random, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics found that people who took Chromium Picolinate had big drops in body weight, dietary fat mass, and hunger compared to the placebo group.


Caffeine is a well-known substance that has been shown to give you more energy, make you more focused, and make you better at sports.

Many studies, including a summary of studies in the International Journal of Obesity, have shown that caffeine use is linked to small weight loss and more fat burning.

PhenQ Reviews: How PhenQ Helps You Lose Weight-

What Are The Risks, And What Do People Say About It (2023)PhenQ is a new and advanced weight loss pill that helps you reach your weight loss goals. Do you feel frustrated by the endless weight loss articles and products that dont work for you?

Stop wasting your time.

Here, we reveal to you the best secret to losing weight: PhenQ.

As you keep reading, we will explore the world of PhenQ Reviews, a new and amazing weight loss pill that has impressed many people with its ability to burn fat.

Get ready to be amazed by real stories, scientific facts, and expert views, all aimed at giving you a truthful and helpful review of this amazing product.

Find out how to unlock your weight loss power and start a new journey toward a healthier, happier you.

What is PhenQ?

PhenQ is a new and advanced weight loss pill that helps you reach your weight loss goals.

It is a strong mix of natural ingredients carefully picked for their special qualities, all working together to help different parts of your weight loss efforts.

PhenQ diet pills aim to give you a complete solution by burning the fat cells in your body, stopping the making of new fat cells, speeding up your metabolism, making you less hungry, giving you more energy, and making you feel better at the same time. This special formula makes PhenQ different from other weight loss products in the market, making it a popular choice among those who want a safe and effective way to lose weight.

What is PhenQ? PhenQ is a new and advanced weight loss pill that helps you reach your weight loss goals.

It is made and sold by a reliable company; Wolfson Berg Limited. Wolfson Berg Limited is a respected name in the area of diet pills, known for their care for quality and safety. With a focus on using top ingredients and following strict making standards, Wolfson Berg Limited makes sure that PhenQ meets the best industry marks.

How Does PhenQ Help You Lose Weight? How PhenQ Weight Loss Works! PhenQ uses a many-sided way to help people reach their weight loss goals. The special mix of ingredients in PhenQ works together to help different parts of your weight management, making your body burn fat better and improving your well-being.

Heres how PhenQ formula works.

Fat Burning One of the main ways PhenQ helps you lose weight is by increasing thermogenesis. This process makes your body warmer, leading to a faster metabolism. As a result, your body burns the fat you have more easily, helping you lose fat for good.

Appetite Suppression PhenQ has ingredients that help stop cravings and make you less hungry. By making you feel full, it helps you eat less calories, making it easier to keep a calorie deficit needed for weight loss.

Energy Boost Many weight loss plans often make you tired and low on energy. PhenQ solves this problem by having ingredients that give you a steady energy boost. This helps you stay active, do regular exercise, and live a healthy life.


Nopal CACTUS, from the prickly pear cactus, is rich in fiber and antioxidants. It helps you lose weight by making you feel full and eating less calories.

A study in the journal Nutrition Research found that people who had Nopal CACTUS had lower hunger levels, less sugar cravings and more satisfaction compared to the control group.

L-Carnitine Fumarate

L-Carnitine Fumarate is an amino acid that helps make energy and burn fat.

Research suggests that L-Carnitine Fumarate can make fat burning better and help you lose weight. A review and summary of studies in Obesity Reviews found that L-Carnitine helped lower body weight.

What is INNOSLIM? A Look at INNOSLIM Ingredients These are the main ingredients in INNOSLIM.


INNOSLIM is a special mix of ginseng and astragalus extracts. It has been proven to have anti-fat effects and can help control blood sugar levels.

A study in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that people who had INNOSLIM had drops in body weight, waist size, and fasting blood sugar levels compared to the placebo group.

Vitamin B3, B6, and B12

Vitamin B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) are important B vitamins that help with metabolism and energy making. They help turn food into energy and make the nervous system work well.

While studies linking these vitamins to weight loss are few, their overall importance for energy making and overall health is well-known.

Makes Your Natural Metabolism Faster P

henQ is different from other weight loss supplements because it targets your bodys natural metabolism. Its special formula makes your metabolic rate faster, helping your body burn calories and fat better. This metabolic boost makes PhenQ different, allowing you to lose weight for a long time.

Read the rest here:
Peter Kay's Incredible Weight Loss Journey: How He Shed 50 Pounds in Two Years - Deccan Herald

Feb 21

How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month? – Eat This, Not That

A common desire for many dieters is to lose weight fast. But how fast is too fast when it comes to dropping unwanted pounds? We spoke with The Nutrition Twins, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, who sit on our Medical Expert Board, and learned how much weight you can safely lose in a month. The Nutrition Twins also share some tips on how to reach that goal in one month's time. Keep reading to learn more, and when you're finished, be sure to check out I Drank Green Tea Instead of Coffee for 30 Days & Experienced 4 Life-Changing Benefits.

According to the Nutrition Twins, safe and healthy weight loss means losing one to two pounds each week, which amounts to four to eight pounds a month. "It's possible to safely lose more weight than this in the first month, especially if someone has a lot of weight to lose, or they're a bigger person," they explain. "And although we have had clients who have safely lost 20 pounds in the first month and kept it off, this isn't typical."

The Nutrition Twins point out that most individuals who shed 20 pounds during the first month (or lose weight too fast) are also at risk of losing water or muscle tissue. "If you lose muscle tissue, this can completely backfire since lean muscle tissue keeps your metabolism speedy, and the more you have, the better for weight loss," they tell us.

Another reason why people usually shed weight fast is if they're on a crash diet, which isn't healthy or easy to stick with in the long term. These individuals end up putting the weight back on when they can no longer keep up with such a strict eating regimen. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

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When it comes to being successful at long-term weight loss, it's important to concentrate on stabilizing your blood sugar every time you eat, whether it's a meal or a snack. This will help you avoid energy crashes which could result in unhealthy cravings for refined carbs and sugar.

"Sugar crashes also trigger the release of cortisol, the belly fat hormone," The Nutrition Twins note. "To ensure that blood sugar levels remain stable, the key is to include a source of protein like skinless chicken or turkey breast, fish, seafood, eggs, tofu, or beans, combined with a source of fiber, like the fiber found in vegetables. Protein and fiber both cause a gradual digestion, so blood sugar doesn't come plummeting down, particularly after eating a carbohydrate."

Keep in mind that you can eat carbohydrates. Your muscles and brain are both powered by carbs. It's crucial to pick fibrous, whole-grain, nutrient-rich carbs in tiny portions. The Nutrition Twins recommend 1/2 cup to 1 cup of whole-grain carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, or quinoa. However, this will vary based on your activity level and size. Always pair your carbs with protein, and stay away from refined and processed white carbs.

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It's a smart habit to keep track of what you consume. We've recommended this tip many timesfor good reason. It really works!

According to The Nutrition Twins, "A study by Kaiser Permanente proved that recording what you eat will help you lose twice as much weight. The key here is that it holds you accountable, and additionally, sometimes being made aware of all the times you took a candy from the office candy jar, or you split an order of fries, can be really eye-opening."

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Preparing veggies with a dash of lemon and spices is the way to go. You can eat as many veggies as you'd like when they're not drowned in oil, butter, or sauces. The one exception to the rule is starchy vegetables like peas, corn, and potatoes.

"Starting your meal with vegetables takes the edge off hunger, fills you up, and leaves much less room in your stomach for the heavier items at the meal," The Nutrition Twins tell us. "You'll also begin your meal by stabilizing blood sugar since you're filling up on slow-digesting fiber. Use lemon, herbs, and spices to flavor your vegetablesthey'll add zest and excitement and they're basically calorie-free, and like vegetables, they pack in antioxidants that squelch inflammation. This is big when it comes to weight loss since inflammation makes weight loss harder and makes it easier to gain weight."

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Pick a cardio, any cardio! The key is committing to one form of cardio, four days each week. If you just started exercising, it's not necessary to go all-out with interval training quite yet. Simply choose the exercise you enjoy doing, and get moving.

The Nutrition Twins suggest, "If you're just getting started, for example, and you enjoy walking, try walking outside your house in one direction for 10 minutes, and then double back. We all must start somewhere and doing something you like is the best way to commit to it. If you've been exercising for a long time, but always lose motivation when you do a certain exercise, choose the exercise/ exercises that you like best so you can have fun with it and stick to it."

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Alexa Mellardo

Continued here:
How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month? - Eat This, Not That

Feb 5

Best Weight Loss Programs: Expert-Rated In 2024 Forbes Health – Forbes

WeightWatchers (WW) claims to help users lose weight and keep it off with a customized food plan that encourages nutrient-dense food choices through a Points system, in which foods are assigned a number of points based on their nutritional content. Additionally, WeightWatchers features an app that provides support in the form of articles, trackers (like activity trackers) and member discussion.

The WeightWatchers program continues to follow the latest research and evolve its program to meet the nutritional needs of the individual, explains Toby Amidor, a registered dietitian, nutrition expert, food safety consultant, author and Forbes Health Advisory Board member. In addition to its commitment to staying up to date on the latest science around behavior change and nutrition, Amidor recommends the WeightWatchers program because no food is off limits, and the program is based on individualized consumer plans.

WeightWatchers is centered on behavioral modification, which is why Adrienne Youdim, M.D., a California-based internist who specializes in medical weight loss and clinical nutrition and a Forbes Health Advisory Board member, recommends it. While the program is beneficial on its own, notes Dr. Youdim, it has also been shown to improve weight loss when combined with medical intervention and weight loss drugs, she continues. She notes how helpful the self-monitoring, group support and mindfulness skills WeightWatchers employs can be for habit change.

WeightWatchers Clinic, a new offering from WeightWatchers incorporating physician-led plans that include weight loss medications, is available to WeightWatchers members who qualify.

See original here:
Best Weight Loss Programs: Expert-Rated In 2024 Forbes Health - Forbes

Jan 3

Top 6 Best Weight Loss Pills That Work Naturally (2024 Review) – The Daily World

In todays fast-paced world, society is increasingly grappling with issues of weight gain and obesity. This widespread concern affects countless individuals, who often find themselves in a continuous struggle to manage their body weight.

The journey to lose weight is fraught with challenges, many of which stem from trying to find a sustainable and effective method for weight management. Unfortunately, a significant number of people turn to prescription weight loss medications, hoping for quick results. However, these prescription drugs often lead to unsatisfactory outcomes and, more worryingly, can cause a range of side effects.

The quest for losing weight safely and effectively has led many to seek alternatives to prescription weight loss drugs. This shift in approach has seen a growing interest in natural weight loss pills.

These dietary supplements offer a stark contrast to conventional prescription medications. Unlike their pharmaceutical counterparts, these natural solutions boast the advantage of having no severe side effects and aligning better with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

As the weight loss supplements market expands, the number of options available can be overwhelming. How does one discern which fat-burning pills are truly effective? To aid in this endeavor, we have meticulously reviewed and compiled a list of the top fat-burning pills.

These selections represent the best in natural obesity treatment and weight management solutions. So, if youre looking for a safe, natural way to enhance your weight loss efforts, stay tuned as we reveal the best supplements to help you achieve your goals.

Given the vast array of options, ranking the best weight loss pills was challenging.

We meticulously evaluated numerous factors, including effectiveness, ingredient quality, customer reviews, and safety profiles, to ensure our recommendations are reliable and genuinely beneficial for those seeking natural and effective weight management solutions.

Finally, here are our winners:

FitSpresso stands out in weight loss supplements as a powerful, natural option to promote weight loss and support overall health.

This dietary supplement has garnered significant attention for its ability to facilitate healthy weight loss, providing a natural alternative, unlike anti-obesity medications. Each bottle contains 30 vegetable capsules crafted to assist in your fat management journey.

Users can kickstart their weight loss by taking just one capsule of FitSpresso daily with a glass of water. The supplement begins working immediately, boosting energy levels and helping to reshape the body.

Its designed not only to promote weight loss but also to maintain it in the long term. FitSpresso increases metabolism and helps burn fat, thereby reducing body weight effectively.

FitSpressos efficacy lies in its clinically studied ingredients. It includes Lagerstroemia Speciosa, known for its ability to regulate blood glucose; Capsicum annum, which aids in burning body fat; Silybum marianum for liver health; Panax ginseng, which enhances energy; L-carnitine, crucial for fat metabolism; and Chromium picolinate, essential for blood sugar and cholesterol control.

These ingredients work synergistically to reduce body weight, curb unhealthy food cravings, and offer various health benefits.

FitSpresso comes with a generous 180-day money-back guarantee. This policy reflects the companys confidence in its product and ability to assist in fat management journeys.

Choosing FitSpresso means selecting a supplement committed to promoting healthy weight loss. Its natural ingredients are carefully chosen to support blood pressure and blood sugar levels, while its ability to burn fat and reduce body weight is unparalleled.

FitSpresso is the ideal companion for many weight loss journeys, offering a healthier, more natural approach to losing weight and achieving a transformed figure.

LumaLite is a unique supplement that specializes in weight loss. It is the only product that targets and balances IL-6 levels, a protein linked to fat storage.

This supplement, made from 100% natural ingredients and plant extracts, differs from prescription weight loss drugs. Its free from GMOs, preservatives, gluten, and toxins and is produced in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility.

LumaLite addresses the IL-6 protein, which, when overproduced, leads to weight gain and fat accumulation in problem areas. By managing this proteins levels, LumaLite helps reduce excess weight and preserve lean muscle mass.

This action not only supports weight loss but also contributes to overall health. The supplement aims to provide significant weight loss without habit-forming side effects common in prescription pills.

The power of LumaLite lies in its blend of 22 super nutrients and natural ingredients, including Ginger, Gum acacia, Brown seaweed extract, Vitamin D3, Green tea extract, Turmeric extract, African mango seed extract, Korean Ginseng, Apple cider vinegar, Fenugreek, Vitamin B12, among others.

These ingredients work synergistically to suppress appetite, support metabolic health, boost energy levels, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and offer other health benefits.

LumaLite offers a reassuring 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting its commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in its products effectiveness.

Choosing LumaLite means opting for a supplement beyond just addressing body mass index. Its a comprehensive solution in an FDA-approved facility, ensuring quality and safety.

By balancing IL-6 protein levels, LumaLite not only aids in fat loss but also helps achieve overall health improvements. Its an innovative solution for those looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Puravive emerges as a unique, plant-based weight loss pill, epitomizing the purity and effectiveness of natures offerings. This product stands alone in its category, offering a blend of eight tropical nutrients and compounds, all clinically proven to enhance brown fat levels in the body.

Its 100% natural, non-GMO, and easy to swallow, making it a leader among the best weight loss pills. Made in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, Puravive ensures quality and safety, making it a sought-after solution for chronic weight management.

Puravives mechanism boosts the bodys brown adipose tissue (BAT) levels. According to recent German research, low BAT levels are linked to increased belly fat. This breakthrough understanding positions Puravive as a critical tool in weight reduction.

BAT is known to burn calories 24/7, raising the bodys metabolic rate and thermogenesis. As per Puravives claims, BAT can burn calories 300 times higher than other cells, making this weight loss pill highly effective for those seeking to lose weight without the side effects of prescription medications.

Puravives power lies in its natural ingredients, including Propolis, Holy Basil, Kudzu Root, Luteolin, White Korean Ginseng, Amur Cork Bark, Oleuropein, and Quercetin.

These components synergistically boost BAT levels and improve energy, brain function, cardiovascular health, blood flow, blood sugar levels, healthy cholesterol, and overall well-being.

Puravive comes with an impressive 180-day money-back guarantee, underscoring the companys confidence in its products ability to deliver weight loss and health benefits.

Puravive is an exceptional choice for those seeking results akin to a prescription weight loss drug without the associated side effects. It holistically addresses weight gain and fat management, positively impacting weight-related health conditions.

This effective weight loss pill is ideal for those seeking to manage body weight and improve overall health, backed by a customer-friendly refund policy and affordability.

PhenQ is a unique solution that offers a comprehensive approach to managing weight. Despite being relatively new, it has already aided over 190,000 customers on their weight loss journey.

This natural system targets five areas of metabolic health, making it a unique and practical option for those looking to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) while enjoying their favorite treats occasionally.

PhenQs multi-faceted approach is designed to support a fiery metabolism, helping to burn body fat more efficiently. It acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing calorie intake by naturally decreasing cravings. This process not only aids in burning fat but also helps avoid weight regain.

Additionally, PhenQ works to reduce fat accumulation, balance mood, and boost energy levels, providing the drive and motivation necessary for a successful weight loss journey.

The high-quality formula of PhenQ includes a blend of potent ingredients: -Lacys Reset, Capsimax powder, Chromium picolinate, Caffeine (from green coffee bean extract), L-carnitine fumarate, Nopal cactus, Innoslim, and B vitamins.

Unlike other appetite suppressants, these components work together to offer benefits, supporting muscle mass preservation while promoting fat loss.

PhenQ offers a reassuring 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting its confidence in the products efficacy and its commitment to customer satisfaction.

PhenQ is an ideal choice for those seeking an effective weight management solution. It works like weight loss medication without harsh side effects, providing a natural and balanced approach to managing weight.

Its ability to act as an appetite suppressant, boost metabolism, and support overall health makes it one of the top choices for anyone embarking on a weight loss journey. With its proven results and customer-friendly refund policy, PhenQ is a reliable and effective option for achieving and maintaining weight loss goals.

Alpilean is a unique weight loss supplement that is the only one that leverages an Alpine secret for healthful weight loss. Its a blend of six potent alpine nutrients and plant extracts, each clinically tested and proven to support weight loss and overall health.

This 100% natural, non-GMO formula is distinct from prescription weight loss drugs, offering a non-habit-forming, stimulant-free solution to managing body weight.

The innovative approach of Alpilean lies in targeting low inner body temperature, a newly discovered root cause of slow metabolism and extra belly fat. By optimizing internal body temperature, Alpilean aids in enhancing metabolic rate, helping the body to burn more calories efficiently.

This process supports fat-burning results and helps prevent weight regain problems. Additionally, users report improved mood, better sleep quality, reduced cravings, and increased energy levels, all contributing to successful weight loss.

Alpileans formula includes African Mango Seeds, Golden Algae, Ginger Rhizome, Curcuma Longa, Chromium Picolinate, Drumstick Tree Leaf, and Citrus Bioflavonoids extract.

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in the supplements effectiveness from suppressing appetite and inhibiting the absorption of dietary fats to supporting healthy blood pressure and body fat reduction.

Alpilean comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, underlining the confidence the makers have in their product and its ability to deliver significant weight loss benefits.

Alpilean is among the best for those seeking alternative weight loss options. Its unique approach to addressing the root cause of weight gain, combined with its all-natural ingredient profile, makes it an ideal choice for sustained weight management.

The supplements ability to support healthy blood pressure and promote overall well-being, along with its affordability and customer-friendly refund policy, makes Alpilean a compelling choice for anyone looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Liv Pure is a groundbreaking weight loss supplement that goes beyond traditional methods. It is the only product in the world featuring a proprietary blend designed to optimize liver function.

Liv Pure stands apart from conventional prescription weight loss drugs, focusing on liver purification and fat burning. This unique dual-action formula has already transformed the lives of over 234,000 individuals ranging from 18 to 80 years old.

Liv Pure targets the root cause of low energy, slow metabolism, and unexplained weight gain compromised liver function. Beyond detoxifying, the liver acts as the bodys fat-burning furnace. Liv Pure purifies and optimizes liver function, enhancing the fat-burning process and metabolism.

This approach ensures that food is more likely to be burned as energy rather than stored as body fat, irrespective of its nutritional value. Consequently, it supports weight reduction and helps maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) while avoiding weight regain. However, users must take it with a balanced diet and workout routine for more intense results.

The formula of Liv Pure is composed of 100% plant-based ingredients such as Sylimarin, Berberine, Betaine, Glutathione, Molybdenum, Chlorogenic Acid, Camellia Sinensis, Resveratrol, and more.

These components are soy-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and non-GMO and have undergone rigorous third-party inspections for purity. By focusing on liver health, Liv Pure not only aids in weight loss but can also avoid severe liver injury associated with taking prescription weight loss medications.

Liv Pure offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, demonstrating confidence in its products ability to deliver results.

Liv Pure is ideal for anyone looking to lose weight and improve overall health. Unlike traditional weight loss supplements, it addresses liver health as a critical factor in the bodys fat-burning and metabolic processes.

This unique approach helps users lose weight and sustain long-term health advantages, making Liv Pure an innovative and effective solution for weight management and liver health.

Finding the best products requires a meticulous and multi-faceted approach in the crowded, often confusing world of weight loss pills.

Our ranking process for the top weight loss pills was thorough and considered seven critical factors to ensure our recommendations are reliable, effective, and safe for consumers.

The primary consideration in our assessment was the quality and effectiveness of the ingredients in each weight loss pill. We delved into clinical studies and research papers to verify the claimed benefits of each ingredient. Dietary supplements that contain clinically proven, natural ingredients for effective weight management, such as appetite suppressants or fat burners, ranked higher.

Safety should be the primary concern when choosing the most effective weight loss supplements. We thoroughly examined each product for potential side effects. Pills made from natural, non-GMO ingredients with minimal or no reported side effects scored well. We also considered FDA approval and GMP certification indicators of quality manufacturing practices.

Real user experiences offer invaluable insights into a products effectiveness and usability. We scoured through customer reviews to gauge satisfaction levels and the prevalence of any adverse effects. Dietary supplements with overwhelmingly positive feedback ranked higher.

We assessed the cost-effectiveness of each weight loss pill. Best weight loss supplements that offered good value for money without compromising quality were ranked favorably. We also considered if the brands offered discounts, bundle deals, or money-back guarantees.

Trustworthy brands with a precise, transparent approach to their formulations, sourcing, and manufacturing processes were given preference. We also considered the brands market presence and history of customer satisfaction.

The simplicity and convenience of dosage are crucial for adherence to a weight loss supplement regimen. Products with easy-to-follow dosage instructions and a straightforward regimen were rated higher.

Besides weight loss efficacy, we considered the overall benefits of the dietary supplements. Products that supported holistic health improvements, such as enhanced metabolism, better energy levels, and improved mood, were given higher scores.

Its important to note that the FDA does not approve natural weight loss supplements. However, most of these weight loss pills are formulated using 100% natural ingredients which are clinically examined and proven.

Lets take a look at some of the common ingredients in the best weight-loss pills:

Capsicum annum, commonly known as cayenne or red chili pepper, is widely used in weight loss pills. It contains capsaicin, a compound known for its thermogenic properties, meaning it can increase the bodys heat production to burn fat.

This thermogenesis boosts metabolism, leading to more calories burned and weight loss. Capsicum annum also acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing the desire to eat and controlling calorie intake. Additionally, it may improve digestive health and blood circulation.

However, its potency can vary, and high doses might cause discomfort in sensitive individuals. Nonetheless, Capsicum annum remains favored for its natural and influential contribution to weight management.

Green Tea Extract is a prevalent ingredient in weight loss pills, prized for its rich concentration of catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, which can enhance metabolism and aid in fat-burning.

Additionally, Green Tea Extract contains Caffeine, a well-known stimulant that can increase energy expenditure and improve performance during physical activities. Caffeine and catechins synergize to enhance the bodys ability to burn fat, particularly during exercise.

Regular consumption of Green Tea Extract can also have other benefits, including improved heart health and reduced risk of certain types of cancer. However, its essential to consider caffeine sensitivity when using Green Tea Extract supplements.

L-carnitine fumarate is a form of L-carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid derivative often included in weight loss supplements. Its primary role is facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, the cells powerhouses, where these fats are burned for energy.

This process is crucial for fat metabolism, making L-carnitine fumarate especially beneficial for those seeking to reduce body weight and improve energy levels. Its often touted for supporting enhanced exercise performance and recovery.

L-carnitine fumarate has various benefits, including improved heart health and cognitive function. While generally safe, taking it as directed is essential, as excessive consumption can lead to potential side effects.

Panax Ginseng, also known as Korean Ginseng, is an herb used in traditional medicine and increasingly popular in weight loss pills. Its renowned for boosting energy levels and reducing fatigue, which can be beneficial during weight loss regimes that require high energy for exercise.

Panax Ginseng is also believed to impact insulin sensitivity positively and can help regulate blood glucose levels, a crucial factor in weight management.

Some studies suggest it may mildly affect suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism. Its adaptogenic properties also aid in combating stress, a common factor in weight gain.

African Mango Seeds, derived from the fruit of the Irvingia gabonensis tree, have gained popularity in weight loss supplements due to their potential fat-burning and appetite-suppressing properties. These seeds are fiber-rich, promoting feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake.

This fiber content also helps improve digestive health and regulate sugar levels, crucial in managing cravings and maintaining consistent energy levels. Some studies suggest that African Mango Seeds might positively impact fat metabolism and cholesterol levels, contributing to cardiovascular health.

However, its essential to approach these claims cautiously, as more extensive research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and safety in long-term use for weight loss.

Though there are many, here are some of the most known prescription weight-loss drugs:

This combination of prescription weight loss medication is primarily used to treat overweight and obesity. Bupropion, initially used to treat depression, combined with naltrexone, which is used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction, works by suppressing appetite and reducing food cravings. However, its not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure or a history of seizures.

A weight loss medication initially developed to treat diabetes, Liraglutide aids in chronic weight management. It regulates appetite and food intake, making it easier to maintain a reduced-calorie diet. This drug may increase the risk of thyroid cancer, so monitoring is essential.

Orlistat is a weight loss drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fats, leading to calorie reduction. It is an effective method for losing weight and is commonly used to treat obesity. Users may experience digestive side effects, and its recommended to follow a low-fat diet to minimize these effects.

A combination drug used for weight loss, Phentermine-topiramate suppresses appetite and increases the feeling of fullness. Phentermine-topiramate is particularly effective for individuals with a high body mass index (BMI) but can cause side effects like dry mouth and constipation.

It is typically prescribed when diet and exercise alone are insufficient for weight loss. Users need to be under medical supervision while taking Phentermine-topiramate due to risks like increased heart rate and potential congenital disabilities.

Semaglutide is among the most potent weight loss medications to treat obesity. It mimics a hormone that targets areas in the brain regulating appetite and food intake, used for treating overweight and obesity. Its also used for type 2 diabetes management and may cause gastrointestinal side effects like nausea and abdominal pain.

This prescription weight loss medication is designed specifically for rare genetic disorders causing obesity. It regulates hunger pathways in the brain, aiding in fat management. It is not recommended for general obesity treatment and may cause side effects like skin darkening and severe liver injury.

While effective in aiding weight reduction, weight loss medications can have various side effects. Commonly observed side effects of weight loss drugs include nausea, constipation, headache, and dizziness.

Some weight loss medications, especially stimulant-type drugs like phentermine-topiramate, can lead to increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions need to be cautious when using these medications.

Furthermore, certain weight loss drugs may exacerbate digestive issues. Orlistat, for instance, can cause oily stools and frequent bowel movements. Long-term use of some weight loss medications might also lead to nutrient deficiencies, impacting overall health.

Continue reading here:
Top 6 Best Weight Loss Pills That Work Naturally (2024 Review) - The Daily World

Jan 3

Raven Symone Weight Loss: Raven Symone’s 40-Pound Weight Loss: How She Kicked Sugar and Found Wellness – Deccan Herald

Raven Symone started her career as a child star on "The Cosby Show" and later became popular for her roles on "That's So Raven", "The Cheetah Girls", and "Raven's Home". She is also a successful singer, with four studio albums and several singles to her credit.


*This celebrity does not endorse this product. This product is medically approved. These are some famous products of the market.


Best Weight Loss Alternative In the Market

#1. PhenQ: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#2. Capsiplex: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#3. PhenGold: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#4. Phen24: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#5. PrimeShred: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)


Raven Symon has been open about her struggles with body image and weight throughout her life. She has faced criticism and pressure from the media and the industry to conform to certain standards of beauty. She has also tried various diets and programs to lose weight, but often regained it after a while.

In 2020, Raven Symon decided to make some changes in her lifestyle and eating habits, inspired by her wife Miranda Pearman-Maday and the COVID-19 pandemic. She said that she wanted to be healthier and happier with herself, regardless of what others think.

Raven Symon did not follow any specific diet plan, but she adopted a low-carb and intermittent fasting approach. She said that she cooked her own meals, ate more vegetables and fruits, avoided snacking and junk food, and drank more water. She also did minimal exercise, mostly walking and jogging. She said that she did not deprive herself of anything, but she ate in moderation and listened to her body.

Raven Symon revealed her weight loss transformation on Instagram in May 2021, where she posted a video of herself and her wife celebrating her 28-pound loss. She later announced on "Good Morning America" that she had lost 30 pounds in total, and that she felt more confident, energetic, and happy with her new body and mindset. She also said that she did not have a goal weight in mind, but she wanted to continue her journey and be in the fight.


PhenGold is a top-notch fat burner that can help you shed extra fat safely. It has a huge number of satisfied customers and a good name in the industry, which prove its quality and results over time. Besides helping you lose weight, Phen Gold also tackles other problems like mood swings, low energy, and poor concentration to make your weight loss journey easier.

Lets explore how PhenGold works, how effective it is, the science behind its ingredients, and more.

What is PhenGold

PhenGold is a weight loss supplement that does many things to help your body burn calories fast by activating the processes that get rid of fat. Its strong, complete formula copies the actions and benefits of any medicine for weight loss. Since the supplement is made with 100% natural ingredients, it is a great choice instead of prescription weight loss drugs.

The maker suggests that you take three PhenGold pills at least 20 minutes before breakfast every day. It is better to take them before you exercise as they boost your energy and focus to make you perform better.

PhenGold Benefits

Here are some of the ways that PhenGold helps your body and leads to weight loss:

Faster Fat Burning

The many ingredients work together to make your body able to break down the stored fat in hard areas quicker.

Better Metabolism And Energy

Starts thermogenesis to raise your energy levels. This also lowers tiredness and improves your skills to let you do harder workouts.

Less Hunger

Makes the hormones that burn fat work better while also making you feel less hungry which stops new fat from forming.

Improved Mood And Focus

Makes you more focused and confident which keeps you motivated to reach your weight loss goals.

Is PhenGold effective? How does it work?

PhenGold is made of many ingredients that have scientific evidence of helping to lose fat. It has things like L-tyrosine that make you feel good, vitamins B3, B6, and B12 that give you energy, and green coffee, green tea, and cayenne pepper that boost your metabolism. These help to burn the fat that is hard to get rid of and help you get a thinner body.

If you are not convinced by this, you can read many positive reviews from customers who say how PhenGold has helped them to lose weight.

PhenGold works by having a long-term effect when you eat healthy and exercise regularly. It has ingredients that are chosen carefully and added in the right amounts to make your body burn fat faster by creating heat. This also gives you more energy and makes you more fit for working out. The great thing about PhenGold is that it does all this without stressing your body.

PhenGold has many ingredients that each help to lose fat in their own way. It has green coffee, green tea, and cayenne pepper that make your metabolism faster, L-tyrosine that makes you happier, and vitamins B3, B6, and B12 that give you energy. These work together to burn the fat that is tough to lose and help you get a slimmer body.

If this is not enough to show how effective it is, you can see many stories from satisfied customers who tell how PhenGold has helped them with their weight loss.

PhenGold works by having a lasting effect when you follow a good diet and exercise often. It has ingredients that are picked well and put in the right doses to make your body burn fat quicker by producing heat. This also boosts your energy and makes you more ready for exercising. The best thing about PhenGold is that it does all this without harming your body.

PhenGold Advantages And Disadvantages

PhenGold Advantages

Made for both men and women Helps to lose weight faster Attacks fat cells in different ways Allows the body to use full power Improves mood, attention, and self-esteem Reduces hunger while keeping energy levels No artificial, harmful, or illegal substances

PhenGold Disadvantages

High caffeine amount may not be good for some users Needs to be used with regular exercise and diet restriction to get the best results

PhenGold Ingredients

PhenGold shows all its ingredients clearly and each of them has solid scientific evidence to prove its safety and usefulness for losing fat. The formula has 11 ingredients as shown below:

Green Tea (500 mg)

PhenGold Ingredients Green Tea Green tea is one of the best ingredients for weight loss. The ingredient helps in lowering the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood without affecting the good one (HDL). Drinking green tea regularly helps fat metabolism which leads to lower body weight.

Caffeine (225 mg)

Caffeine is a common ingredient in many fat burners because of its natural and strong stimulant effects. It helps in increasing thermogenesis, enhancing stamina, and also acts as a hunger suppressant. This means- while on one side, it helps you work out longer, on the other side, it keeps your appetite in check so you can focus on your calorie-burning goals.

Rhodiola Rosea (250 mg)

Another active ingredient in PhenGold, Rhodiola Rosea, has been tested in clinics to speed up the fat-burning process. It helps in reducing short- and long-term tiredness which is important for losing weight. There is another study showing its possible benefits in fighting obesity directly but more research is needed for that.

Green Coffee (100 mg)

PhenGold Ingredients Green Coffee Green coffee in PhenGold has a substance called chlorogenic acid which also increases thermogenesis and raises energy levels in the body. This helps burn the extra fat faster.

L-Tyrosine (300 mg)

Weight loss is not an easy journey and sometimes it can cause a lot of stress making your mood low. While L-Tyrosine may not affect fat burning directly, it helps lower the stress levels and improves mood letting you stay focused and motivated at all times.

Vitamins B3, B6, and B12

These essential vitamins play an important role in many body functions which also includes supporting the fat-burning reaction in the body. They help make metabolism faster and are important for boosting energy and mood.

Cayenne Pepper / Bioperine (200 mg)

PhenGold Ingredients Bioperine

A part of black pepper, Bioperine boosts the bodys natural thermogenic abilities which helps break down bad cholesterol. Improving thermogenesis then helps better absorption of the nutrients in PhenGold helping faster weight loss. Bioperine also stops food cravings.

L-Theanine (250 mg)

L-Theanine is an amino acid that is found in green or black tea. It helps reduce stress levels and improves mood, mental clarity, and energy. Besides that, it is another ingredient that supports thermogenesis.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)

DMAE is a good mood enhancer that helps you stay happy keeping you away from emotional trouble.

PhenGold Ingredients

PhenGold tells you all the ingredients it uses, and there is strong scientific proof that they are safe and can help you lose fat. The formula has eleven ingredients, which are these:

500 milligrams of green tea Green tea is one of the best nutrients for losing weight. It helps reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your blood without changing the good cholesterol (HDL). Drinking green tea regularly helps your body burn fat faster, which makes you weigh less.

225 milligrams of caffeine Caffeine is a powerful natural stimulant that is often used in many fat burners. It makes you feel less hungry, boosts thermogenesis, and gives you more energy. This means that it helps you exercise longer and eat less, which helps you reach your weight loss goals.

Rose rhodiola (250 mg) Rhodiola rosea is another ingredient in PhenGold that has been proven to speed up fat burning. It helps you feel less tired, both in the short term and the long term, which is important for losing weight. Another study says that it might also help fight obesity directly, but more research is needed.

100 milligrams of green coffee Green coffee has chlorogenic acid, which is also in PhenGold. It makes thermogenesis faster and gives your body more energy. This helps you get rid of extra fat quicker.

300 mg of L-tyrosine Losing weight is hard and can make you feel stressed and sad. L-tyrosine may not burn fat directly, but it makes you feel calm and happy, which helps you stay focused and alert all the time.

the B12, B6, and B3 vitamins These essential vitamins are needed for many things in your body, including making your body better at burning fat. They play a big role in making you feel happy and energetic and making your metabolism faster. Bioperine/cayenne pepper (200 mg)

Bioperine is a part of black pepper that makes your bodys natural thermogenesis better, which helps lower bad cholesterol. Better thermogenesis also helps your body use the nutrients in PhenGold more effectively, which helps you lose weight faster. Bioperine also stops you from wanting to eat more.

L-theanine (250 mg)

L-theanine is an amino acid that is in green or black tea. It lowers your stress levels and improves your mood, mental clarity, and energy. It also helps thermogenesis.

Is Phengold Safe to Use?

PhenGold does not have any steroids, fillers, or artificial chemicals that can harm your body. All the ingredients in the supplement are safe and tested by science, so no one has reported any bad effects.

However, you should know that PhenGold has a lot of caffeine and it may not suit you if you are allergic to caffeine. But you can still use PhenGold if you drink less coffee and energy drinks.

What Do Customers Say About Phengold?

As we mentioned before, PhenGold has very good reviews and ratings from users. Most customers are thankful for how the fat burner has boosted their energy and helped them control their appetite, so they can exercise for longer. Many others have also said that they saw a change in their weight in less than a month after using PhenGold regularly.

Possible Risks Of Taking Phengold

PhenGold is made of natural ingredients, without any harmful substances that can affect your health. No one has reported any negative effects because the supplement has used safe amounts of each ingredient that are tested by science.

However, you should know that PhenGold has a lot of caffeine which may not be good for those who are allergic to caffeine. But you can still take PhenGold if you reduce your other sources of caffeine like tea, soda, etc.



One bottle with 90 pills costs $59.99 (49.99).

You can buy two bottles for $119.99 (99.99) and get one bottle of PhenGold

free, or you can buy three bottles for $179.99 (149.99) and get two bottles free.

No shipping fee and quick delivery

100-day refund policy

Final Thoughts

I have done a lot of research and analysis on PhenGold, and after looking at user reviews and ratings as well as its strong reputation in the market, I can say that PhenGold is definitely worth considering. Because of its formula that is backed by science, it is not only safe but also an effective fat burner for people who want to lose fat from their bodies without hurting them. However, you should remember that PhenGold works best when you take it regularly, as per the recommended dose, and along with a low-calorie diet and regular exercise.

Common Questions and Answers (Q&A)

How Fast Will I See Changes After Using PhenGold?

You can see changes from living a healthy life in less than a month. In about two to three weeks, many people who have been using PhenGold pills regularly and following a good diet and exercise plan have noticed improvements in their bodies.

To get more results, though, you need to be patient and use it for a longer time, as each persons results are different.

Is PhenGold Good for Vegans?

Yes! PhenGold is a supplement that is good for vegans and vegetarians because it is made only from plant-based ingredients.

Can I Buy PhenGold on Amazon?

PhenGold can only be bought on its own website; it is not sold on Amazon. It might not be from a trusted seller, even if you see this supplement on Amazon or other websites. We suggest you buy it only from the PhenGold website to make sure you have the real thing.

Read the original here:
Raven Symone Weight Loss: Raven Symone's 40-Pound Weight Loss: How She Kicked Sugar and Found Wellness - Deccan Herald

Dec 14

17 Best Exercises for Weight Loss in 2023 – Calorie-Burning Workouts – Prevention Magazine

Losing weight safely involves incorporating the best exercise to lose weight in conjunction with eating a nutritious meal plan that allows for a calorie deficit. While sticking to the best diets for weight loss and cultivating overall healthy habits can go a long way toward looking and feeling your best, the truth is that its often difficult to lose weight without exercise.

For healthy weight loss, youll want to incorporate at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, explains Jim White, R.D.N., A.C.S.M. Ex-P, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. Adding strength training exercises that hit all major muscle groups two to three times per week is also a great place to start, White adds.

Meet the experts: Jim White, R.D.N., A.C.S.M. Ex-P, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios; Natalie Dorset, a running coach in New York; Chris Ryan, one of MIRRORs founding trainers.

As mentioned, its also important to include nutritious eating in your weight loss game plan. Proper nutrition will help fuel your workouts and can aid in burning body fat more efficiently, according to White. All in all, both exercise and nutrition are very important in helping you become the best you possibly can, reaching your goals physically, and helping your mental state of mind, White adds.

But what kind of exercise burns calories most efficiently? These best exercises for weight loss, recommended by experts, will guide you in the right direction.

Whether you love or hate it, running is one of the best and simplest ways to burn caloriesand you dont need a treadmill to do it. Just lace up your shoes and hit the road. Running in intervalsspeeding up and slowing down your pacewill help make the minutes and miles go by quickly. Run in fartleks, which means speed play in Swedish, where you pick up the pace every other street lamp or water hydrant you hit, and then slow down after you pass the next one.

The best way to burn calories while running is to vary your workouts, says Natalie Dorset, a running coach in New York. If youre doing the same workout week after week, your body wont have anything to adapt to. Vary the speed within a workout, do some bursts of faster running, but also mix up the types of runs you do. Whether its slow and steady, comfortable and hard, or intervals, variety is the key to constant adaptation.

Sprinting helps engage the core and offers shorter durations of runs at higher intensities, adds Chris Ryan, one of MIRRORs founding trainers. He also notes that running slow is relatively easy on your body as far as exertion is perceived, but running fast at 80% of your capability is even harder, pushing your body even more to its limits. This conditions your body to get used to this kind of stress. There is definitely something to be said about getting comfortable being uncomfortable on your runs, so skip the road and head to a track or soccer field for some sprints next time, he says.

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TRY a Fartlek sprinting routine: Start out with a 5-minute jog. Then alternate between 10-second sprint intervals and 50-second moderately-paced jogs. Use that jog to catch your breath, then hit the next sprint hard. Perform these intervals for 15 minutes, then end with a 5-minute jog. When you start feeling stronger in your runs, try upping the sprint effort to 20 seconds with 40 seconds of jogging.

If running isnt your thing, consider walking for weight loss. Walking is an excellent exercise for losing weight. This is a weight-bearing exercise that is low impact. It increases energy expenditure and can be varied in speed, duration, and intensity (by adding weight vest, Nordic sticks, wrist or ankle weights, climbing hills), explains White. Walking briskly (moderate speed) 30 minutes per day, most days of the week can contribute to weight loss efforts.

Walking is especially great for those who require low-impact exercises, those beginning their weight loss journey, and those with types of diabetes as walking after meals can help lower blood glucose levels, White adds.

There are so many benefits of walking every day, no matter your fitness goals. Just a few of these benefits, according to White, may include helping to maintain a healthy weight, improved cardiovascular health, increased mood and energy, stress reduction, and improved balance and coordination.

TRY our 3-Week Boost Your Walk Challenge to get started.

Walking and hiking are both beneficial forms of exercise, White explains. However, if youre looking to increase your calories burned walking and increase the weight loss benefits, hiking may be a better option. Hiking will be more beneficial to you in aiding in that calorie deficit that is essential in losing weight compared to walking, White explains. This is because hiking is a bit more challenging than walking on a flat path. As your body works harder trekking over the harsher terrain, hills, and elevations, it will help with strengthening leg and core muscles, as well as increasing balance and stabilityin addition to burning more calories. All in all, hiking is a great way to get outdoors and be surrounded by nature while reaping the benefits of exercise, White explains.

TRY lacing up your hiking shoes at the best hiking trails in every state.

Looking to have a little more fun while exercising? Try grabbing a jump rope. Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories while improving cardiovascular health, all-over-toning, and coordination, and it will help build power while lowering your risk of injury, Dorset says.

Jump rope is right up there with running, cycling, and swimming for calorie burn, Tim Haft, an ACE-certified personal trainer previously explained of jumping rope for weight loss. An adult who weighs 150 pounds and is jumping at what we would consider an average pace would burn roughly 12 calories per minute, which is a pretty nice burn, and comparable to running at a pace of an 8-minute mile.

Plus, there are so many jump rope benefits, including that it:

TRY this Crossrope routine: Start with 60 seconds of freestyle jump roping. You can jump with two feet, one foot, alternate, skip, or twist your hips. You can have some fun with this one. Next, put down your rope and do 30 seconds of mountain climbers. Return for 60 seconds of freestyle jump roping. End with 30 seconds in a plank. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat the cycle. Complete 3 rounds.

Strength training can help you build lean muscle mass and rev up your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the less fat you have since your metabolism runs higher, Ryan says. A higher metabolism leads to more calories burned and more fat lost.

Resistance training also helps prevent osteoporosis. According to Wolffs law, bone grows in response to the forces that are placed upon it. So if you lift heavier, your bones grow stronger as a response. It also works on force production to maintain shoulder, hip, and spine strength, which enables your whole body to lead to a healthier life long into your later years, Ryan says. Deadlifts, anyone?

TRY a basic dumbbell circuit: Pick up one dumbbell and complete 10 squats, 10 dumbbell rows per arm, and 10 of any push-up variation of your choice. Move right into the next exercise as you finish the reps. Do 3 rounds. Rest for 1-2 minutes in between each round. To make it more challenging, increase the weight of the dumbbell or use two.

Kickboxing is a great way to burn calories, sculpt muscles, and get in some serious stress relief! By driving power from your legs, your arms can throw major jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts, making it a full-body exercise. It will also test your coordination and enduranceall essential things that make you a better athlete in and out of the ring.

Kickboxing works your core, legs, and specifically your obliques to newfound glory by pumping up your heart and lungs, Ryan says. But it also helps you work on balance, coordination, and proprioception. It truly is a mind meets muscle exercise if there ever was one.

TRY five kicking combos from the DailyBurn: Take these combos and perform 8 reps of each as long as you can for 30 minutes. Rest as needed. Play your favorite fight music and stay strong!

Spinning, whether its on an actual bike or a stationary bike, is one of the best ways to burn calories and build endurance. Spinning is a great weight-loss activity that is relatively low impact and targets the biggest, strongest muscles in the body, Ryan says of the glutes and hamstrings. When you engage your biggest muscles, you set off hormones to produce more muscles, similar to strength training, which helps to burn fat across your whole body, he adds.

If you dont like running, spinning is a low-impact alternative thatll crank up your heart rate.

But theres more to pushing the pedal than speed. By practicing good form and engaging your core as well as your thighs and glutes, spinning can be a full-body workout. Whether youre doing a heavy climb in first position or sprinting in second, your core is the key to spinning efficiently and quickly. And as you drive your foot down with each stroke, its all about squeezing your inner thighs.

TRY a spinning interval routine: Warm up on the bike for 10 minutes. Go as hard as you can for 30 seconds; pedal easy for 60 seconds. Repeat four times except after the fourth work interval, pedal easy for four minutes. Repeat the whole cycle three more times for a total of 37 minutes of exercise.

HIIT workouts are, by far, some of the most effective ways to burn calories and hike up your metabolism. The best part is, these workouts dont have to last very long. Some HIIT workouts can last for only 10 minutes, but its only effective if you push your body to its limits with all-out energy. Research has shown that HIIT can help burn belly fat.

Throughout, form is key. Even though you are moving through movements at high intensities, you still need to make form paramount to avoid injury, Ryan says. Think less about the load/tension or weight intensity and focus more on completing the reps and sets in a sound manner and building load safely.

TRY a 20-minute HIIT workout to rev up your metabolism.

If you havent used your gyms rowing machine, youre missing out on one of the best pieces of cardio and strength equipment. Working your quads, glutes, hamstrings, core, arms, and back, you get a total-body workout thatll have you pouring sweat. Contrary to what most people think, the power of rowing mostly comes from your legsnot your arms. Engaging your quads and glutes, you drive your legs back to pull the handle toward your chest.

Rowing is a great weight-loss tool because it incorporates the best out of the cardio and strength worlds, with a focus on pulling and opening up the hips and shoulders. At the same time, youre working your heart and lungs, Ryan says. Because many people have desk jobs, our backs tend to be rounded. Rowing helps correct this by opening your spine, hips, and shoulders, Ryan says.

TRY a 15-minute rowing routine: Start with a 5-minute warm-up, rowing at a slow, consistent pace. Then move up to a moderate pace (about 22 strokes per minute) for 5 minutes. End the workout with a 5-minute cooldown.

If you can perform high-intensity exercises (and jump), then burpees are a great movement to add to your routine. Burpees are a great way to burn calories, shed fat, and help in building muscle, White explains. More specifically, burpees are great for burning belly fat, and high-intensity moves such as burpees can also burn up to 50% more fat than conventional strength training. Plus, its an efficient full-body workout that requires no equipment and will help improve cardiovascular health while aiding in weight loss, White adds.

To perform a burpee, begin by standing upright with your hands above your head. Next, jump up with your hands still above you. Then, youll drop down to the ground into a plank position (challenge yourself by adding a push-up).

TRY a work and rest routine. White recommends performing 10-15 repetitions for three to four sets, with a small rest in between sets to catch your breath.

Dont be fooled by the elliptical! It might look like an easy machine, casually spinning your legs while watching TV or reading a magazine. But if you crank up the resistance and work at a hard pace, itll leave you breathless. Riding the elliptical at an easy clip will not do much, but the magic happens when the lungs start working and the blood starts pumping, Ryan says. Be sure to stand up straight to lengthen your abs and engage your upper-body muscles. Making use of the handles and swinging your arms will help you burn more calories.

Dorset adds that machines like the elliptical are a good option to keep the weight loss going while protecting your body from extra stress: The elliptical is great for providing lower impact while maintaining fitness, Dorset says. Its particularly good for helping prevent injury at the onset or for coming back to running when recovering from an injury.

TRY working out like Jennifer Aniston: As reported by Vogue in 2017, the Friends star likes to hit the elliptical for 20 or more minutes. Shell raise the incline, then alternate between walking for 1 minute and running for 2 minutes.

Climbing up a flight of stairs requires work. Thats because steps are designed to be short so that you have to engage additional muscles, like your glutes, quads, and calves, to bring your entire body up.

The StairMaster offers a great way to strengthen the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Working the biggest, strongest muscles in the body keep your metabolic rate high, and your body strong and toned, Ryan says. So, climb a set of stairs or try out a StairMaster machine next time youre at the gym.

TRY a HIIT StairMaster workout: Work your way from a comfortable, moderate pace to an all-out effort.

Battle ropes are an excellent, no-fuss way to get a full-body strength training and cardio workout. Working at a high intensity, battle ropes will increase your heart rate in seconds. There is something extremely fun and satisfying about slamming heavy ropes repeatedly, Ryan says. It not only burns the lungs and muscles in the best way possible, but it also offers a sense of accomplishment by taking out anything that has been bothering you throughout the day.

To use them properly: Hold one end of the rope with each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart. Bend your knees slightly and keep your chest up as you alternate whipping your arms to send waves down to the rope anchor. Experiment with different tempos and movement, whipping faster with one arm while slamming the rope hard with the other.

TRY this 15-minute routine: Start with making alternating waves with each arm. For the next 5 minutes, try to maintain these waves. Dont worry about speed or intensity. Just try to endure. Try this for another 2 rounds. Rest 1 minute in between rounds.

If you dont enjoy the pounding effects of running on your body, swimming is an excellent workout that combines cardio with strength training in one low-impact workout. Water adds an element of resistance, forcing you to recruit more muscles to move efficiently and use oxygen wisely. Need more motivation to hit the pool? Simply being in water around 78 degrees for your workout helps to burn even more calories than on land because your bodys natural temperature is 98.6 degrees. It fights to keep itself warm in water by burning calories and fat, Ryan says.

Youre also using your legs, arms, and core to help you stay afloat, making swimming a great total-body exercise for building strength and endurance.

Yoga is an ideal low-impact exercise for weight loss. High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, and research shows that yoga can help decrease stress. Plus, yoga increases flexibility, strength, and coordination. If youre on a mission to lose weight, a consistent practice can help you slim down when paired with a clean diet. If youre looking for an extra way to burn calories during your yoga practice, take up a power yoga class in a hot studio: Not only will you burn more calories while you sweat, but power moves and faster vinyasas will help you get toned.

Pilates is similar to yoga but focuses more on strength. Its a great form of exercise, according to White, who notes that the challenging moves have lots of benefits including improved flexibility, balanced muscular strength, enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs, and mental benefits. It also promotes increased muscle strength and tone in your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, and buttocks, White explains.

TRY these simple pilates exercises or a hot pilates class to get your sweat on.

If youre doing lots of cardio (i.e. walking or running) without the results youre looking for, experts say interval trainingor alternating between short bursts of intense effort and periods of lower intensity or restmay help. Why? Because muscles are metabolically active, they burn calories even when youre not exercising.

Working out in intervals is one way to reap the benefits of cardio and strength while maximizing your calorie burn in a short amount of time. The intensity resets your metabolism to a higher rate during your workout, so it takes hours for your body to cool down again. This is whats known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). That means you burn calories long after youve finished your workout compared to doing a workout at a continuous moderate pace (a.k.a. LISS), according to a 2017 study from the European Journal of Applied Physiology.

Intervals are a great way to promote weight loss beyond just the EPOC effect. A lot of weight loss comes from the mental side of the spectrum too, says Ryan. Intervals offer a great way to harness individual victories after each rep or round of exerciseand not simply looking at the workout as a whole.

TRY it: If youre working out in intervals, do your chosen exercise for 30 seconds every minute and rest for the remaining 30 seconds. As you progress, you can increase your time to 45 seconds of activity and 15 seconds of rest. Remember, you want to be working at your maximumleaving you out of breath by the end of that interval.

When you begin your weight loss journey, you might be wondering how much weight you can expect to realistically lose in the first few weeks or months. However, the amount of weight one can lose will vary from person to person, and there are lots of factors that contribute to weight loss rate. According to White, some of these factors may include:

Some individuals, especially those with larger bodies, can lose a large amount of weight in the first few weeks after making changes to eating patterns and exercise. Some will see a drop of eight to 12 pounds, others will have an initial loss of three to seven pounds, White explains. In the first few weeks this is mostly water weight loss and the body adjusting. Realistically, after the initial drop, the loss ranges from a half a pound to one and half pounds per week. Over the course of an initial 90-day period a realistic weight loss could range from eight to 27 pounds. (This would include any initial water weight lost in the first week or two).

Weight loss is not linear; what works for someone may not for another. That said, when trying to lose weight, a goal of losing one to two pounds per week (or four to eight pounds per month) is a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss, White explains. When losing weight too quickly through diet fads or highly restrictive diets, it can lead to disordered eating, metabolic dysfunction, higher amounts of muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, gallstones, constipation, low energy, hair loss, loss of bone strength/density, and reduced immunity.

Tiffany Ayuda, a senior editor at Prevention and certified personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise, has specialized in fitness, health, and general wellness topics in her previously editorial roles at Life by Daily Burn, Everyday Health, and South Beach Diet. Tiffanys work has also appeared in the Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, Womens Health, Mind Body Green, PopSugar Beauty, Yahoo! Health, Health, and NBC News Better. When shes not running or breaking a sweat with HIIT, Tiffany is cooking up healthy meals in her Brooklyn kitchen.

Assistant Editor

Shannen Zitz is an Assistant Editor at Prevention, where she covers all things lifestyle, wellness, beauty, and relationships. Previously the Editorial Assistant at Prevention, she graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland with a bachelor's degree in English. If shes not reading or writing, you can probably find her frequenting the skincare and makeup forums on Reddit or hogging the squat rack at the gym.

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Attending Endocrinologist at the Weill Cornell Medical College

Rekha Kumar, M.D. is recognized as an international leader in the field of obesity medicine. She is a practicing endocrinologist in New York City and served as the former medical director of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Dr. Kumar has lectured internationally on the topic of the medical assessment and treatment of obesity. She has published several papers and textbook chapters in her field and serves as an associate editor of the journal Obesity. She is frequently quoted in the media on topics ranging from the diabetes epidemic in the United States to discussing fad diets, exercise trends, and the complications of Covid-19 in patients with obesity. Dr. Kumars areas of expertise include the clinical assessment of patients obesity and metabolic syndrome, the effect of obesity on reproductive health and fertility, as well as thyroid disease, and metabolic bone disease.

Go here to see the original:
17 Best Exercises for Weight Loss in 2023 - Calorie-Burning Workouts - Prevention Magazine

Dec 14

Review 6 Top-Rated Weight Loss Pills That Work Best in 2024 – The Daily World

In todays fast-paced world, society is increasingly grappling with issues of weight gain and obesity. This widespread concern affects countless individuals, who often find themselves in a continuous struggle to manage their body weight.

The journey to lose weight is fraught with challenges, many of which stem from trying to find a sustainable and effective method for weight management. Unfortunately, a significant number of people turn to prescription weight loss medications, hoping for quick results. However, these prescription drugs often lead to unsatisfactory outcomes and, more worryingly, can cause a range of side effects.

The quest for losing weight safely and effectively has led many to seek alternatives to prescription weight loss drugs. This shift in approach has seen a growing interest in natural weight loss pills.

These dietary supplements offer a stark contrast to conventional prescription medications. Unlike their pharmaceutical counterparts, these natural solutions boast the advantage of having no severe side effects and aligning better with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

As the weight loss supplements market expands, the number of options available can be overwhelming. How does one discern which fat-burning pills are truly effective? To aid in this endeavor, we have meticulously reviewed and compiled a list of the top fat-burning pills.

These selections represent the best in natural obesity treatment and weight management solutions. So, if youre looking for a safe, natural way to enhance your weight loss efforts, stay tuned as we reveal the best supplements to help you achieve your goals.

Given the vast array of options, ranking the best weight loss pills was challenging.

We meticulously evaluated numerous factors, including effectiveness, ingredient quality, customer reviews, and safety profiles, to ensure our recommendations are reliable and genuinely beneficial for those seeking natural and effective weight management solutions.

Finally, here are our winners:

FitSpresso stands out in weight loss supplements as a powerful, natural option to promote weight loss and support overall health.

This dietary supplement has garnered significant attention for its ability to facilitate healthy weight loss, providing a natural alternative, unlike anti-obesity medications. Each bottle contains 30 vegetable capsules crafted to assist in your fat management journey.

Users can kickstart their weight loss by taking just one capsule of FitSpresso daily with a glass of water. The supplement begins working immediately, boosting energy levels and helping to reshape the body.

Its designed not only to promote weight loss but also to maintain it in the long term. FitSpresso increases metabolism and helps burn fat, thereby reducing body weight effectively.

FitSpressos efficacy lies in its clinically studied ingredients. It includes Lagerstroemia Speciosa, known for its ability to regulate blood glucose; Capsicum annum, which aids in burning body fat; Silybum marianum for liver health; Panax ginseng, which enhances energy; L-carnitine, crucial for fat metabolism; and Chromium picolinate, essential for blood sugar and cholesterol control.

These ingredients work synergistically to reduce body weight, curb unhealthy food cravings, and offer various health benefits.

FitSpresso comes with a generous 180-day money-back guarantee. This policy reflects the companys confidence in its product and ability to assist in fat management journeys.

Choosing FitSpresso means selecting a supplement committed to promoting healthy weight loss. Its natural ingredients are carefully chosen to support blood pressure and blood sugar levels, while its ability to burn fat and reduce body weight is unparalleled.

FitSpresso is the ideal companion for many weight loss journeys, offering a healthier, more natural approach to losing weight and achieving a transformed figure.

LumaLite is a unique supplement that specializes in weight loss. It is the only product that targets and balances IL-6 levels, a protein linked to fat storage.

This supplement, made from 100% natural ingredients and plant extracts, differs from prescription weight loss drugs. Its free from GMOs, preservatives, gluten, and toxins and is produced in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility.

LumaLite addresses the IL-6 protein, which, when overproduced, leads to weight gain and fat accumulation in problem areas. By managing this proteins levels, LumaLite helps reduce excess weight and preserve lean muscle mass.

This action not only supports weight loss but also contributes to overall health. The supplement aims to provide significant weight loss without habit-forming side effects common in prescription pills.

The power of LumaLite lies in its blend of 22 super nutrients and natural ingredients, including Ginger, Gum acacia, Brown seaweed extract, Vitamin D3, Green tea extract, Turmeric extract, African mango seed extract, Korean Ginseng, Apple cider vinegar, Fenugreek, Vitamin B12, among others.

These ingredients work synergistically to suppress appetite, support metabolic health, boost energy levels, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and offer other health benefits.

LumaLite offers a reassuring 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting its commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in its products effectiveness.

Choosing LumaLite means opting for a supplement beyond just addressing body mass index. Its a comprehensive solution in an FDA-approved facility, ensuring quality and safety.

By balancing IL-6 protein levels, LumaLite not only aids in fat loss but also helps achieve overall health improvements. Its an innovative solution for those looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Puravive emerges as a unique, plant-based weight loss pill, epitomizing the purity and effectiveness of natures offerings. This product stands alone in its category, offering a blend of eight tropical nutrients and compounds, all clinically proven to enhance brown fat levels in the body.

Its 100% natural, non-GMO, and easy to swallow, making it a leader among the best weight loss pills. Made in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, Puravive ensures quality and safety, making it a sought-after solution for chronic weight management.

Puravives mechanism boosts the bodys brown adipose tissue (BAT) levels. According to recent German research, low BAT levels are linked to increased belly fat. This breakthrough understanding positions Puravive as a critical tool in weight reduction.

BAT is known to burn calories 24/7, raising the bodys metabolic rate and thermogenesis. As per Puravives claims, BAT can burn calories 300 times higher than other cells, making this weight loss pill highly effective for those seeking to lose weight without the side effects of prescription medications.

Puravives power lies in its natural ingredients, including Propolis, Holy Basil, Kudzu Root, Luteolin, White Korean Ginseng, Amur Cork Bark, Oleuropein, and Quercetin.

These components synergistically boost BAT levels and improve energy, brain function, cardiovascular health, blood flow, blood sugar levels, healthy cholesterol, and overall well-being.

Puravive comes with an impressive 180-day money-back guarantee, underscoring the companys confidence in its products ability to deliver weight loss and health benefits.

Puravive is an exceptional choice for those seeking results akin to a prescription weight loss drug without the associated side effects. It holistically addresses weight gain and fat management, positively impacting weight-related health conditions.

This effective weight loss pill is ideal for those seeking to manage body weight and improve overall health, backed by a customer-friendly refund policy and affordability.

PhenQ is a unique solution that offers a comprehensive approach to managing weight. Despite being relatively new, it has already aided over 190,000 customers on their weight loss journey.

This natural system targets five areas of metabolic health, making it a unique and practical option for those looking to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) while enjoying their favorite treats occasionally.

PhenQs multi-faceted approach is designed to support a fiery metabolism, helping to burn body fat more efficiently. It acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing calorie intake by naturally decreasing cravings. This process not only aids in burning fat but also helps avoid weight regain.

Additionally, PhenQ works to reduce fat accumulation, balance mood, and boost energy levels, providing the drive and motivation necessary for a successful weight loss journey.

The high-quality formula of PhenQ includes a blend of potent ingredients: -Lacys Reset, Capsimax powder, Chromium picolinate, Caffeine (from green coffee bean extract), L-carnitine fumarate, Nopal cactus, Innoslim, and B vitamins.

Unlike other appetite suppressants, these components work together to offer benefits, supporting muscle mass preservation while promoting fat loss.

PhenQ offers a reassuring 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting its confidence in the products efficacy and its commitment to customer satisfaction.

PhenQ is an ideal choice for those seeking an effective weight management solution. It works like weight loss medication without harsh side effects, providing a natural and balanced approach to managing weight.

Its ability to act as an appetite suppressant, boost metabolism, and support overall health makes it one of the top choices for anyone embarking on a weight loss journey. With its proven results and customer-friendly refund policy, PhenQ is a reliable and effective option for achieving and maintaining weight loss goals.

Alpilean is a unique weight loss supplement that is the only one that leverages an Alpine secret for healthful weight loss. Its a blend of six potent alpine nutrients and plant extracts, each clinically tested and proven to support weight loss and overall health.

This 100% natural, non-GMO formula is distinct from prescription weight loss drugs, offering a non-habit-forming, stimulant-free solution to managing body weight.

The innovative approach of Alpilean lies in targeting low inner body temperature, a newly discovered root cause of slow metabolism and extra belly fat. By optimizing internal body temperature, Alpilean aids in enhancing metabolic rate, helping the body to burn more calories efficiently.

This process supports fat-burning results and helps prevent weight regain problems. Additionally, users report improved mood, better sleep quality, reduced cravings, and increased energy levels, all contributing to successful weight loss.

Alpileans formula includes African Mango Seeds, Golden Algae, Ginger Rhizome, Curcuma Longa, Chromium Picolinate, Drumstick Tree Leaf, and Citrus Bioflavonoids extract.

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in the supplements effectiveness from suppressing appetite and inhibiting the absorption of dietary fats to supporting healthy blood pressure and body fat reduction.

Alpilean comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, underlining the confidence the makers have in their product and its ability to deliver significant weight loss benefits.

Alpilean is among the best for those seeking alternative weight loss options. Its unique approach to addressing the root cause of weight gain, combined with its all-natural ingredient profile, makes it an ideal choice for sustained weight management.

The supplements ability to support healthy blood pressure and promote overall well-being, along with its affordability and customer-friendly refund policy, makes Alpilean a compelling choice for anyone looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Liv Pure is a groundbreaking weight loss supplement that goes beyond traditional methods. It is the only product in the world featuring a proprietary blend designed to optimize liver function.

Liv Pure stands apart from conventional prescription weight loss drugs, focusing on liver purification and fat burning. This unique dual-action formula has already transformed the lives of over 234,000 individuals ranging from 18 to 80 years old.

Liv Pure targets the root cause of low energy, slow metabolism, and unexplained weight gain compromised liver function. Beyond detoxifying, the liver acts as the bodys fat-burning furnace. Liv Pure purifies and optimizes liver function, enhancing the fat-burning process and metabolism.

This approach ensures that food is more likely to be burned as energy rather than stored as body fat, irrespective of its nutritional value. Consequently, it supports weight reduction and helps maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) while avoiding weight regain. However, users must take it with a balanced diet and workout routine for more intense results.

The formula of Liv Pure is composed of 100% plant-based ingredients such as Sylimarin, Berberine, Betaine, Glutathione, Molybdenum, Chlorogenic Acid, Camellia Sinensis, Resveratrol, and more.

These components are soy-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and non-GMO and have undergone rigorous third-party inspections for purity. By focusing on liver health, Liv Pure not only aids in weight loss but can also avoid severe liver injury associated with taking prescription weight loss medications.

Liv Pure offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, demonstrating confidence in its products ability to deliver results.

Liv Pure is ideal for anyone looking to lose weight and improve overall health. Unlike traditional weight loss supplements, it addresses liver health as a critical factor in the bodys fat-burning and metabolic processes.

This unique approach helps users lose weight and sustain long-term health advantages, making Liv Pure an innovative and effective solution for weight management and liver health.

Finding the best products requires a meticulous and multi-faceted approach in the crowded, often confusing world of weight loss pills.

Our ranking process for the top weight loss pills was thorough and considered seven critical factors to ensure our recommendations are reliable, effective, and safe for consumers.

The primary consideration in our assessment was the quality and effectiveness of the ingredients in each weight loss pill. We delved into clinical studies and research papers to verify the claimed benefits of each ingredient. Dietary supplements that contain clinically proven, natural ingredients for effective weight management, such as appetite suppressants or fat burners, ranked higher.

Safety should be the primary concern when choosing the most effective weight loss supplements. We thoroughly examined each product for potential side effects. Pills made from natural, non-GMO ingredients with minimal or no reported side effects scored well. We also considered FDA approval and GMP certification indicators of quality manufacturing practices.

Real user experiences offer invaluable insights into a products effectiveness and usability. We scoured through customer reviews to gauge satisfaction levels and the prevalence of any adverse effects. Dietary supplements with overwhelmingly positive feedback ranked higher.

We assessed the cost-effectiveness of each weight loss pill. Best weight loss supplements that offered good value for money without compromising quality were ranked favorably. We also considered if the brands offered discounts, bundle deals, or money-back guarantees.

Trustworthy brands with a precise, transparent approach to their formulations, sourcing, and manufacturing processes were given preference. We also considered the brands market presence and history of customer satisfaction.

The simplicity and convenience of dosage are crucial for adherence to a weight loss supplement regimen. Products with easy-to-follow dosage instructions and a straightforward regimen were rated higher.

Besides weight loss efficacy, we considered the overall benefits of the dietary supplements. Products that supported holistic health improvements, such as enhanced metabolism, better energy levels, and improved mood, were given higher scores.

Its important to note that the FDA does not approve natural weight loss supplements. However, most of these weight loss pills are formulated using 100% natural ingredients which are clinically examined and proven.

Lets take a look at some of the common ingredients in the best weight-loss pills:

Capsicum annum, commonly known as cayenne or red chili pepper, is widely used in weight loss pills. It contains capsaicin, a compound known for its thermogenic properties, meaning it can increase the bodys heat production to burn fat.

This thermogenesis boosts metabolism, leading to more calories burned and weight loss. Capsicum annum also acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing the desire to eat and controlling calorie intake. Additionally, it may improve digestive health and blood circulation.

However, its potency can vary, and high doses might cause discomfort in sensitive individuals. Nonetheless, Capsicum annum remains favored for its natural and influential contribution to weight management.

Green Tea Extract is a prevalent ingredient in weight loss pills, prized for its rich concentration of catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, which can enhance metabolism and aid in fat-burning.

Additionally, Green Tea Extract contains Caffeine, a well-known stimulant that can increase energy expenditure and improve performance during physical activities. Caffeine and catechins synergize to enhance the bodys ability to burn fat, particularly during exercise.

Regular consumption of Green Tea Extract can also have other benefits, including improved heart health and reduced risk of certain types of cancer. However, its essential to consider caffeine sensitivity when using Green Tea Extract supplements.

L-carnitine fumarate is a form of L-carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid derivative often included in weight loss supplements. Its primary role is facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, the cells powerhouses, where these fats are burned for energy.

This process is crucial for fat metabolism, making L-carnitine fumarate especially beneficial for those seeking to reduce body weight and improve energy levels. Its often touted for supporting enhanced exercise performance and recovery.

L-carnitine fumarate has various benefits, including improved heart health and cognitive function. While generally safe, taking it as directed is essential, as excessive consumption can lead to potential side effects.

Panax Ginseng, also known as Korean Ginseng, is an herb used in traditional medicine and increasingly popular in weight loss pills. Its renowned for boosting energy levels and reducing fatigue, which can be beneficial during weight loss regimes that require high energy for exercise.

Panax Ginseng is also believed to impact insulin sensitivity positively and can help regulate blood glucose levels, a crucial factor in weight management.

Some studies suggest it may mildly affect suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism. Its adaptogenic properties also aid in combating stress, a common factor in weight gain.

African Mango Seeds, derived from the fruit of the Irvingia gabonensis tree, have gained popularity in weight loss supplements due to their potential fat-burning and appetite-suppressing properties. These seeds are fiber-rich, promoting feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake.

This fiber content also helps improve digestive health and regulate sugar levels, crucial in managing cravings and maintaining consistent energy levels. Some studies suggest that African Mango Seeds might positively impact fat metabolism and cholesterol levels, contributing to cardiovascular health.

However, its essential to approach these claims cautiously, as more extensive research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and safety in long-term use for weight loss.

Though there are many, here are some of the most known prescription weight-loss drugs:

This combination of prescription weight loss medication is primarily used to treat overweight and obesity. Bupropion, initially used to treat depression, combined with naltrexone, which is used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction, works by suppressing appetite and reducing food cravings. However, its not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure or a history of seizures.

A weight loss medication initially developed to treat diabetes, Liraglutide aids in chronic weight management. It regulates appetite and food intake, making it easier to maintain a reduced-calorie diet. This drug may increase the risk of thyroid cancer, so monitoring is essential.

Orlistat is a weight loss drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fats, leading to calorie reduction. It is an effective method for losing weight and is commonly used to treat obesity. Users may experience digestive side effects, and its recommended to follow a low-fat diet to minimize these effects.

A combination drug used for weight loss, Phentermine-topiramate suppresses appetite and increases the feeling of fullness. Phentermine-topiramate is particularly effective for individuals with a high body mass index (BMI) but can cause side effects like dry mouth and constipation.

It is typically prescribed when diet and exercise alone are insufficient for weight loss. Users need to be under medical supervision while taking Phentermine-topiramate due to risks like increased heart rate and potential congenital disabilities.

Semaglutide is among the most potent weight loss medications to treat obesity. It mimics a hormone that targets areas in the brain regulating appetite and food intake, used for treating overweight and obesity. Its also used for type 2 diabetes management and may cause gastrointestinal side effects like nausea and abdominal pain.

This prescription weight loss medication is designed specifically for rare genetic disorders causing obesity. It regulates hunger pathways in the brain, aiding in fat management. It is not recommended for general obesity treatment and may cause side effects like skin darkening and severe liver injury.

While effective in aiding weight reduction, weight loss medications can have various side effects. Commonly observed side effects of weight loss drugs include nausea, constipation, headache, and dizziness.

Some weight loss medications, especially stimulant-type drugs like phentermine-topiramate, can lead to increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions need to be cautious when using these medications.

Furthermore, certain weight loss drugs may exacerbate digestive issues. Orlistat, for instance, can cause oily stools and frequent bowel movements. Long-term use of some weight loss medications might also lead to nutrient deficiencies, impacting overall health.

Excerpt from:
Review 6 Top-Rated Weight Loss Pills That Work Best in 2024 - The Daily World

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