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Jul 18

Is there a ‘male menopause’? –

As males reach their 40s and 50s, they may start to experience erectile dysfunction and declines in their sex drive, all while they produce less and less testosterone. These changes may sound akin to those that arise during perimenopause and menopause, the time windows that lead up to and then follow a female's last menstrual period.

Given these similarities, could this mean there's a "male menopause"?

Not really, an expert told Live Science although the changes that aging males experience can still affect their quality of life.

Although middle-aged males describe symptoms similar to those that females experience during menopause, including hot flashes, calling these experiences "male menopause" would not be accurate.

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The hormone-making functions of a male's testes and a female's ovaries decline with age, but in the case of females, this happens abruptly over the course of a couple of years. In males, this age-related decline is more gradual, taking several decades. The key hormone made by the testes is testosterone, the primary male sex hormone that's responsible for supporting sexual development and function.

"Andropause" is a nonmedical term that's often used to describe the declining testosterone levels seen in aging men, Dr. Jesse Mills, director of the Men's Clinic at UCLA Health, told Live Science in an email.

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"But it's not the same as menopause," Mills said, since men can maintain testosterone levels in the "normal" range into their 80s and beyond.

In comparison, females usually enter perimenopause, or the transition toward menopause, around the ages of 45 to 55. During this time, the ovaries make much less estradiol, the main form of estrogen in the body before menopause. At its peak, estradiol can reach levels up to 400 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL) of blood, and these levels can fall to less than 0.3 pg/mL after menopause.

The body continues making another, weaker form of estrogen called estrone but it can't make up for the lost estradiol. This leads to the loss of periods, changes in vulvar tissue, hot flashes and diminished vaginal lubrication associated with menopause.

While males do see declining testosterone levels as they age, according to Mills, their symptoms are not nearly as dramatic as what females go through. Testosterone levels fall at an average of 1.6% a year in males, starting around age 30. The testes would only completely stop making testosterone in the event a person lost testicular function due to disease, an accident or castration, which might be used to treat prostate cancer, for instance.

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The exact reason for age-related declines in testosterone is not fully understood. Some evidence suggests that the cells that make testosterone grow less responsive and decline in number with age. Signals from the brain would normally direct these cells, and that signaling also changes with age.

"Low testosterone is associated with many things that get worse as we age," Mills noted. "Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor sleep and lower activity are common examples." There's a known link between low T and these conditions, but at this point, it's not clear if one leads to the other, or vice versa.

Mills recommends adopting healthy lifestyle practices to help maintain testosterone levels into old age, as there's some evidence that such interventions can help. For instance, he recommends intensive exercising 20 minutes a day, getting at least seven hours of deep sleep each night, staying hydrated and consuming a diet rich in lean proteins and green vegetables.

When asked whether aging men should take testosterone supplements, Mills said that individuals should do so only if they need it.

International guidelines suggest men with testosterone levels lower than 350 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood who are experiencing symptoms may benefit from such supplements, he said. In particular, older men with levels under 200 ng/dL are at higher risk for brittle bones, heart disease and weight gain, as well as sexual symptoms such as erectile dysfunction and low libido, Mills said.

Many direct-to-consumer companies make supplements available to people with normal testosterone levels, Mills noted. The supplements don't necessarily pose a danger, but they may not be very beneficial to those without a testosterone deficiency, he said.

It's important to emphasize that the effects of testosterone on health and life span aren't yet fully understood, so future studies may provide better guidance.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.

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Is there a 'male menopause'? -

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Jul 18

Levels of Sex Hormones and Abdominal Muscle Composition in Men from The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis –

Baseline characteristics of the study population are presented in Table 1. The mean age was 61.6years. The majority of participants where non-Hispanic White (42%), followed by Hispanic/Latino (27%), African American (17%) and Chinese American (14%). On average, men were overweight with a mean BMI of 27.6kg/m2. The participants reported an average of 12h a week of physical activity. Moreover, 42% of participants were hypertensive, 13% stated active cigarette smoking, 15% had diabetes mellitus, and 24% were taking a cholesterol-lowering medication. The mean total testosterone level was 15nmol/L.

Total testosterone was significantly associated with total abdominal muscle area in the first model (B=1.39, 95% CI 0.02.8, p=0.05), which was accentuated with further adjustment (Model 2: 1.81, 0.23.5, p=0.03; Model 3: 1.74, 0.13.3 p=0.01) (Table 2). No significant associations were found between total testosterone and abdominal stabilizing muscle area (Table 3), while the associations were significant in all models for abdominal locomotor muscle area (Table 4).

Levels of estradiol were significantly associated with total abdominal muscle area in all three models: Model 1 (2.14, 0.83.6, p<0.01), Model 2 (1.97, 0.63.4, p<0.01), Model 3 (1.84, 0.43.3, p=0.01) with similar results for abdominal locomotor and abdominal stabilizing muscle area (Tables 3 and 4).

No significant associations were found between levels of free testosterone and total abdominal muscle areas (Table 2), as well as stabilizing. However, significant associations were presented between free testosterone and locomotor area in model 1 & model 2(0.38, 0.00.7, p=0.04, 0.37, 0.00.7, p=0.04) with borderline significance in model 3 (0.34, 0.0, 0.7, p=0.05), respectively (Tables 2, 3, 4). Positive, although non-significant associations were found for SHBG with abdominal muscle areas (Tables 2, 3, 4).

Total testosterone was significantly associated with total abdominal muscle radiodensity in Models 2 and 3, but not in Model 1 (Model 1: 0.04, 0.2 to 0.3, p=0.79; Model 2; 0.32, 0.10.7, p=0.04; Model 3: 0.34, 0.00.6, p=0.04) (Table 2). Similar results were found for radiodensity of stabilizing muscles (Table 3), but not for locomotor muscle (Table 4).

No significant associations were found between free testosterone and abdominal muscle radiodensities in fully adjusted models (Tables 2, 3, 4).

No significant associations were found between levels of estradiol and total abdominal and stabilizing muscle radiodensity (Tables 2, 3), but there was a borderline significant association between estradiol and abdominal locomotor muscle radiodensity ((Model 1: 0.27, 0.0 to 0.6, p=0.09: Model 2: 0.28, 0.0 to 0.6, p=0.07; Model 3: 0.26, 0.0 to 0.6, p=0.09) (Table 4).

Higher SHBG levels were associated with a lower radiodensity of abdominal muscle in all models (Model 1: 0.35, 0.6 to 0.1, p=0.02: Model 2: 0.35, 0.6 to 0.1, p=0.02; Model 3: 0.34, 0.6 to 0.1, p=0.02) (Table 2). The results were similar for abdominal stabilizing and locomotor muscles (Table 3).

A significant association was found in all models for total testosterone and TAMAi (Model 1: B=0.10, 0.00.2, p<0.01, Model 2: 0.11, 0.10.2, p<0.01, Model 3: 0.10, 0.10.2, p<0.01) (Table 2). That is, in fully adjusted models, one SD increase in testosterone levels resulted with an increase of 0.10 cm2/(weight/height2) in abdominal muscle area index. Similar relationships were observed between total testosterone and abdominal locomotor and stabilizing muscle area indices (Tables 3, 4).

Estradiol was found to be significantly associated with total abdominal muscle index (TAMAi) in model 1 (B=0.10, 0.00.1, p=0.03), which was borderline significant in Models 2 and 3 (Model 2: 0.05, 0.0 to 0.1, p=0.06, Model 3: 0.05, 0.0 to 0.1, p=0.06). Significant associations were found for estradiol and abdominal locomotor muscle area index in all three models but not for abdominal stabilizing muscle area index (Tables 3 and 4).

Significant associations were shown for free testosterone with total, stabilizing and abdominal muscle area index in fully adjusted models (0.08, 0.0, 0.1, p=0.008, 0.05, 0.00.1, p=0.03, 0.02, 0.00.04, p=0.02), respectively. Non-significant associations were found between levels of SHBG and abdominal muscle area indexes in both models 2 and 3 (Tables 2, 3, 4).

Significant negative correlations were presented between visceral fat and total testosterone (r=0.22, p<0.001), and total abdominal muscle radiodensity (r=0.40, p<0.001), and SHBG (0.18, p<0.001), while a positive association was found for total abdominal muscle area (r=0.11, p<0.001) and estradiol (0.02, p=0.6). Furthermore, the association between visceral fat and abdominal muscle area and radiodensity, significant associations were found (B=0.03 p=0.011, B=0.03 p<0.001, respectively) even after adjustment for sex hormones.

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Levels of Sex Hormones and Abdominal Muscle Composition in Men from The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis -

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Jul 18

How sleep deprivation in men can lead to erectile dysfunction and infertility – Yahoo Lifestyle UK

Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health. In fact, studies have found links between sleep deprivation and a wide range of disorders such as obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and impaired immune function, among other issues.

Whats more, is that sleep deprivation can have a detrimental effect on mens health, leading to erectile dysfunction, infertility, reduced hair growth, and even decreased muscle mass.

The reason for this? Sleep deprivation can reduce a mans testosterone levels, with one 2011 study finding that men who sleep for less than five hours per night see significantly lower levels of the hormone than those who have a full nights sleep.

Testosterone is critical for building strength, muscle mass and bone density, Dr Alexis Missick, from online pharmaceutical company, UK Meds, says. Skipping sleep can see men reduce their testosterone to levels of men who are 10 to 15 years older.

The results [from the 2011 study] showed that testosterone levels decreased by 10%-15% after the week of sleep loss compared with their rested states. This decrease in testosterone levels was also associated with a loss of vigour among the participants. These men reported their mood and level of vigour during the study. The result was a declining sense of well-being as their testosterone levels dropped, which continued to decline through the end of the study.

If you are worried about how sleep may be impacting your testosterone levels, Dr Missick says some key symptoms to look out for include:

Erectile dysfunction


Breast tissue development (gynecomastia)

Reduced hair growth

Decreased muscle mass

Loss of bone density (osteoporosis)

Reduced beard and body hair growth

If you feel as though you are suffering from the above symptoms and believe the culprit could be low testosterone, consult with your doctor and consider getting your blood tested to determine if your amount of testosterone is deficient, she advises.

If you think sleep deprivation could be behind your low testosterone symptoms, Dr Missick says addressing this is your first port of call.

You must get at least seven hours of sleep per evening. If you find it hard to fall asleep regularly, you may be suffering from insomnia, she says. If you struggle to fall asleep at night, taking melatonin tablets can help relax the body and prepare you for sleep better.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body naturally, it helps to regulate sleep and wake cycles. It signals to the body that it is time to sleep and therefore taking melatonin tablets can be helpful for those who struggle to fall asleep naturally. Unlike sleeping tablets, melatonin is not habit-forming and does not become less effective the more you use them so it is a good long-term option.

Additionally, Dr Missick says some lifestyle changes including lifting weights, eating a healthy diet, weight loss, and minimising stress, can also boost testosterone levels naturally.

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How sleep deprivation in men can lead to erectile dysfunction and infertility - Yahoo Lifestyle UK

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Jul 18

The Secret to Regaining My Athletic Edge: Balancing My Hormones – The Edge

My morning routine looked the same for most of my adult life: As long as the sun was up, I was working out. I picked up triathlon training at 35 years old and it stuck: For the next 15 years, I dedicated most of my free time to training five days a week. On Mondays and Fridays, I swam. On Tuesdays, I biked and ran. On Wednesdays, I biked and on Thursdays, I ran. On top of that, I would do a resistance training program daily. I felt unstoppable and competed in multiple events each year.

But when I turned 50, my years of progress seemed to backpedal. I spent 27 weeks preparing for the Chattanooga Ironman, sticking to the same grueling routine that had always helped me zip past my competitors. But something was different with this training cycle. My energy levels dipped just a few weeks into training. I felt my endurance slipping, and I woke up exhausted every morning.

At first, I chalked it up to jet lag. As an executive at an international firm, I was always taking long-haul flights. But weeks went by and my lethargy didnt improve.

On race day, the familiar rush of adrenaline didnt kick in at the start line. When the race began, I immediately felt out of breath. My muscles screamed for a break. I used to savor every second of my triathlons, but I couldnt wait for this race to be over.

I was shocked by my performance: I finished at the back of my age group. Just one year earlier I had posted one of the best times of my life at the Augusta Ironman. I felt defeated and assumed my lack of energy was the cruel reality of getting older. I decided the Chattanooga Ironman would be my last race.

For the next three years, I tried to push through the fatigue that persisted even after I quit racing. I hit the gym when I felt up to it, but I didnt push myself anymore. Some days I skipped my workout altogether.

With my newfound time, I poured myself into my career. Soon I was asked to guest lecture at my alma mater. While my performance went well, a photo of me at the event quashed my confidence. The man in the picture wasnt the shredded, confident athlete I still pictured myself as. When I got home, I stepped on the scale. Since retiring from triathlons, I had gained 25 pounds.

I confided in one of my close friends, a concierge doctor, to see if he had any suggestions. He told me that guys our age (I was 53 at the time) frequently struggle with low testosterone and that I should get my levels checked. I put it off, opting instead for a testosterone-boosting supplement, but it didnt improve my energy at all.

A few months later, I saw an ad for Hone and decided to order an at-home hormone assessment. I sent in my blood sample and wasnt surprised when my results showed I had low testosterone: My total testosterone was 497 ng/dL.

Editors Note: Normal testosterone falls between 300 and 1,200 ng/dL, depending on symptoms, age, and other health factors. However, some men may experience symptoms of low testosterone within this range.

My Hone doctor prescribed daily testosterone cream. Within 30 days I felt my energy coming back. Most importantly, I started to recognize myself again.

I began to set my alarm earlier to work out again. I challenged myself to move my body daily. After six months of treatment, I dropped the 25 pounds I had put on and regained the muscle I had lost. I wake up full of energy and power through my workouts. I feel and look better than I have in years.

At 54, I even feel the itch to compete again.

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The Secret to Regaining My Athletic Edge: Balancing My Hormones - The Edge

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Jul 18

Wrestlers Told To Lose Weight Or They Would Be Fired – Wrestling Inc.

Keith Lee's "WWE NXT" success story seemed to position the star for a major main roster run, and many fans were filled with excitement for what he could accomplish on "Raw" or "SmackDown." Unfortunately, Lee's main roster run remains one of the worst call-ups in recent history, and it was largely due to his physique.


Speaking on"Talk is Jericho," Lee looked back at his run with WWE, and noted how the promotion forced him to undergo many changes, such as not performing many of the athletic moves he's known for. "I am 100% certain it was some sort of an attempt at a test or such," he said.

Additionally, even when he rebranded himself as "Bearcat" Keith Lee, the company continued to strip away his move set. "Where the double chop I've been known for, they snatched that. They didn't want me looking at the crowd at all."

However, things didn't end there for the former WWE Superstar. According to a report from"Wrestling Observer Newsletter," after Lee contracted COVID-19, his physical ability worsened and he looked visibly bigger compared to when he first got sick. Sadly, this ended up being one of the believed reasons for Lee's WWE release.Furthermore, Lee's health issues are still a cause for concern today, and he's currently not been featured for months on AEW programming due to his continued struggles.


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Wrestlers Told To Lose Weight Or They Would Be Fired - Wrestling Inc.

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Jul 18

How to gain or lose weight in Once Human – Sportskeeda

One of the many immersive mechanics in Once Human is the ability to gain or lose weight organically. Buried beneath a complex web of mechanics, the nourishment system in this game feeds into a weight class mechanic the game does not tell you about. Naturally, much like in real life, you can tuck on a few pounds without knowing about this invisible meter.

Thankfully, losing weight in Once Human is much easier than in real life. In this guide, we will go over how.

The easiest way to lose weight in Once Human is to eat food that will give you the Gastric Discomfort debuff. Simply hunting some deer and eating the uncooked meat will induce this effect, for example. Other methods include directly drinking dirty water without boiling it or eating spoiled food.

As long as you have this debuff, you will gradually lose weight. However, the weight loss is a mere side-effect of the real penalty - which is decreased maximum HP. Thankfully, you can also cure Gastric Discomfort by crafting Antibiotics from the Supplies workbench.

If you're in a PvP server and want a less risk-averse way of losing weight in Once Human, you can resort to food that has the 'Weight Watchers' buff, including Fat-burning Juice.

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To gain weight in Once Human, all you have to do is eat food items tagged with Muscle-building. These are most food items cooked with Corn Oil, such as Fish and Chips. These are pretty advanced recipes that require some Memetic Point investments into cooking perks, though.

An alternative method is getting the Extradimensional Cat Deviant companion. Sleeping with this companion equipped will cause you to gain weight at quite a rapid rate.

Read More: All Deviant companions in Once Human

Why would you want to gain or lose weight? To make better use of the game's player weight mechanic. You are assigned a weight class during the character creation stage of Once Human depending on your 'Fitness' slider.

The gist of the mechanic is that each weight class incentivizes specific gameplay approaches with buffs and debuffs.

Generally, you want to stay in the moderate weight class to get the best buffs. This is why you will eventually have to resort to one of these methods to manipulate your way past the character creation menu.

This concludes our guide to gaining or losing weight in Once Human. Check out our other articles on this game here:

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Edited by Abhipsito Das

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How to gain or lose weight in Once Human - Sportskeeda

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Jul 18

1000-Lb Sisters Star Amy Slaton Is Living Her Best Life After Weight Loss Transformation – Screen Rant


Amy Slaton from 1000-lb Sisters recently shared a fun dance video on TikTok celebrating her life after losing weight. The 36-year-old mother of two was once over 406 pounds, feeling unhappy and stuck in a stagnant lifestyle. Amy struggled to lose weight and change her eating habits, especially because of her close relationship with her best friend and sister, Tammy Slaton, who faced similar challenges. Finally, Amy decided it was time to prioritize her health and opted for weight loss surgery, leading her to shed over 125 pounds.

Amy has become much happier since having two babies and her divorce from her husband, Michael Halterman.

She is living her best life in 2024 and enjoys sharing it on social media. Amy's friend, Ollisha Davis, recently posted a TikTok video titled "the time is now! You work hard, but you gotta live hard." The clip showed the 1000-lb Sisters star dancing with her friend and appearing slimmer than before.

Amy looked cheerful in the video and posed for the camera. She flaunted her defined jawline and walked to a car, indicating she was now fit enough to move quickly.

Reality TV is more popular than ever. With so many to choose from, here are some of the best reality TV shows to stream or watch right now.

Amy has made significant progress since losing 124 pounds over the past three years. The Dixon, Illinois native is now physically fit and mentally stronger. She leads an active lifestyle, balancing parenting her two kids and spending time with friends. Tammy's recent weight loss has also had a positive impact on Amy. Both sisters have become more fit and no longer encourage each other to engage in unhealthy habits. Instead, they inspire each other to continue their fitness journey and stay active. Amy's recent dance video shows her growth, which is why 1000-lb Sisters fans continue to support her.

Amy deserves all the likes and positive comments she receives. She has truly accomplished what many thought was impossible. Amy has lost weight and achieved numerous milestones, including becoming a mother and completely changing her lifestyle.

In 2024, Amy lives a healthy life that inspires her over 648k followers. She prioritizes her health and puts all her effort into caring for her children. Unfortunately, the reality star recently experienced significant marital problems with her estranged husband, Michael. Hopefully, 1000-lb Sisters season 6 will reveal what the future holds for Amy.

Amy isn't the only cast member of 1000-lb Sisters who has turned her life around. Tammy has also followed in her younger sister's footsteps and completely transformed her life in the last two years. She has successfully lost 440 pounds and now loves sporting fashionable outfits. Amy's other siblings have also achieved similar weight loss milestones. Amy's brother, Chris Combs, has lost over 150 pounds. Her half-sister, Amanda Halterman, has also shed significant weight, as seen in her latest pictures. Hopefully, Amy's journey toward weight loss will keep motivating 1000-lb Sisters cast members to keep reaching their fitness goals.

Tammy Slaton

37 years old

Lost 440 pounds

Diet, exercise, weight loss surgery

Amy Slaton

36 years old

Lost 125 pounds

Diet, exercise, weight loss surgery

Chris Combs

41 years old

Lost 150 pounds

Diet, exercise, weight loss surgery

Amanda Halterman

43 years old

Lost 300+ pounds

Had weight loss surgery (twice)

Misty Wentworth

48 years old


Had weight loss surgery

1000-Lb Sisters is available to stream on MAX and Discovery Plus.

Source: Ollisha Davis/TikTok

1000-lb Sisters follows sisters Amy Salton-Halterman and Tammy Slaton in their home in Dixon, Kentucky, covering their daily lives, weight loss attempts, and subsequent weight loss surgery. The show covers such moments as attempts to have children, medical visits, and dramatic emergency room visitations. The family wrestles with supporting their daughters and their weight loss efforts while struggling with their own life troubles.


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1000-Lb Sisters Star Amy Slaton Is Living Her Best Life After Weight Loss Transformation - Screen Rant

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Jul 18

Jon Gosselins daughter Hannah reveals how much weight she lost with semaglutide – Page Six

Jon Gosselin and his daughter Hannah Gosselin shed a combined total of 75 pounds by using a base semaglutide the primary ingredient in popular weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro.

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 stars didnt name the medication they used, but Hannah revealed she lost 25 pounds, and Jon shed more than 50 pounds.

I feel great. Im really happy, Hannah, 20, told Entertainment Tonight in an interview published Tuesday.

The father-daughter duo worked with Dan Holtzs Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center where they each got a prescription for the popular weight-loss drug.

When I put on my pair of shorts that I wore two years ago I danced around my room. I was so happy. It was the best feeling ever. You probably would not have caught me in a swimsuit last summer. I dont even think I went to the beach, Hannah raved.

She added, I have been spending my whole summer at the pool, at the beach, out with my friends. It really is a confidence booster to know that you look in the mirror and youre happy with the way that you look.

In addition to the injections, Jon, 47, also underwent CellSound treatments a non-invasive treatment to stimulate cells and give skin a more youthful appearance and testosterone adjustments.

I think confidence level. I work out at the beach and sometimes I dont wear a shirt because its 100 degrees outside now. Before I would just sweat through it, now [I take it off].I have these things called abs. They just appeared, Jon gushed.

Both Jon and Hannah are now working on weaning ourselves off of the semaglutide and continuing to live an active lifestyle that centers around working out and eating high-protein meals.

Itll be a short-term plan thatll help us get to where we want to be. Once we get to our goal then its really going to be teaching Jon the lifestyle and how to maintain healthier lifestyle choices, Holtz previously told ET.

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Jon spoke to Page Six in April and revealed that he had lost 32 pounds in two months.

You know whats annoying? The regret of not starting it 10 years ago. I feel amazing! Like, why didnt I do this sooner? Maybe it wasnt the right time, he told us at the time.

The former TLC star added that the medication also helped me stop drinking and get his appetite under control.

I was able to really refocus my diet that way. I just focused on consuming what I need to consume in a healthy manner, he shared.

Jon previously admitted that he gained 35 pounds after he began DJing full time from around 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. several nights a week and quit his IT job.

Jon rose to fame with the hit show Jon & Kate Plus 8 with his ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, and their eight kids, including Hannah. However, the two separated in 2009 and had a tumultuous divorce that resulted in him being estranged from six of their children.

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Jon Gosselins daughter Hannah reveals how much weight she lost with semaglutide - Page Six

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Jul 18

People Swear by Mini Steppers for Weight Loss – Eat This, Not That

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If you've been on social media lately, you've likely seen the hype surrounding "mini steppers." This nifty piece of workout equipment is seamless to use and delivers results from the comfort of your own home. In fact, people on TikTok are adding them to their home workout routines to lose weight and get into the best shape.

Not only will a stair stepper help you slim down, but it will also aid in boosting endurance, aerobic fitness, and functional movement. Plus, it's oh-so-easy to store as well if you live in a smaller space or simply don't want it out when you're not using it.

We learned everything there is to know about using a mini stepper in your fitness regimen, including its benefits and how often you should use it.

Whether you'd like to upgrade your at-home workout setup or are concerned about weight loss, mini steppers are what your cardio sessions have been missing. Mini steppers are perfect no matter your fitness level. Some even come equipped with resistance bands or handles so you can turn your cardio days into full-body workouts. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

This Niceday stepper on Amazon, for instance, is a #1 best-seller among Amazon's step fitness machines. It comes with resistance bands and boasts a smooth hydraulic system and silent silicone cushioning pad for seamless, quiet movement.

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"One of the biggest benefits of using a mini stepper is the convenienceit's the perfect piece of equipment for small spaces and can easily be moved. So if you get snowed in and can't go to the gym or want to get a workout in while your kids nap, a mini stepper is the way to go," explains Ronny Garcia, CPT, Blink Fitness.

Heckif you work from home, you can even step away while chatting with the team or listening to a podcast for a little break. In addition, for those on a budget, a mini stepper is a more affordable option than a treadmill or full-size stepper.

"Similar to a full-size stepper or going out for a walk, a mini stepper provides a great cardio workout, which helps improve heart health and endurance," Garcia adds. "The stepping movement targets the lower body muscles, leaving your thighs, calves, and glutes toned."

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People are here for mini steppersand for good reason.

TikTok user @dimezwrld felt inspired to test one out after seeing the social media hype. "I'm [going to] cancel my gym membership, like, right now. Because, girl, I've been paying $30 a month when I could just pay $64 for a mini stepper and be at home," she said in her video. "I've seen all the girlies on TikTok buy stepping machines so I'm like, let me try it on my own after like 30 minutes of this, I got like 800 steps."

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Another TikToker, @christinasciblo, raved in a clip, "I did this mini stepper challenge, which allowed me to walk on my time. I started this challenge at 175my highest weight ever. After 30 days of walking one mile, I'm 169."

Research shows that aerobic training, such as working out on a mini stepper, can significantly decrease body weight and fat mass.

"Exercising on a mini stepper is the same as any other workout. You're moving your body, and that burns calories," says Garcia. "Moving faster or extending your exercise time will increase the calories burned."

Garcia stresses the importance of consistency when it comes to how often you should use the mini stepper for weight loss. He suggests using this piece of workout equipment three to five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. "If you only have 15 minutes, that's fine! Just stay consistent," Garcia adds adds.

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People Swear by Mini Steppers for Weight Loss - Eat This, Not That

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Jul 18

Khlo Kardashian reveals feelings about semaglutide, the famous weight loss injection – HOLA! USA

Khlo Kardashian, 40, opened up about her public weight loss journey, revealing her struggles and the methods she used to reshape her body. With honesty and a touch of humor, the reality star shared her thoughts on the trendy weight loss drug Ozempic and her newfound love for working out.

In a heartfelt confessional during "The Kardashians," Khlo expressed how exercise has become a vital part of her life for both physical and mental benefits. "Working out is something that makes me happy," she said. "To do something that is this authentic to me, something that I genuinely love, makes my heart so happy."

Despite her enthusiasm for fitness, Khlo acknowledged that it took time to discover this passion. She admitted that if the popular semaglutide brand had been available during her earlier struggles, she likely would have tried it. "When I was bigger, if they had Ozempic, I probably would have tried it cause I tried any other thing," she said, referencing the diabetes drug that has gained popularity as a weight loss tool.

Khlo has been candid about her past attempts to lose weight, including the notorious cayenne pepper and lemon juice diet. Reflecting on those times, she shared, "I tried any fad weight loss trend except for the real thing that actually works, and that's a lifestyle change." Her journey has led her to a healthier, more sustainable weight-loss approach. "So I really want to encourage healthiness, and not about the number on a scale. I just think people should be active," she emphasized. "I don't really care what your size is. You should just be healthy and stronger for yourself."

Today, Khlo relies on circuit training with cardio intervals to maintain her fitness. "I'm always spiking my heart rate up and down," she said, describing her routine. This approach not only keeps her in shape but also keeps her workouts exciting and challenging.

Khlo also revealed her strategy for preparing for photoshoots, where she knows she'll be showing a lot of skin. "For a shoot ... where I know I'm going to be showing a lot of skin, I definitely work out much harder," she admitted. However, she balances her hard work with a well-deserved treat. "I always celebrate with a full large pizza. Just cheese I'm a kid's menu type of girl," she said with a smile.

In May, she opened up about her fears regarding weight gain after welcoming her daughter, True Thompson, expressing concerns about returning to a state she once dreaded.

After giving birth, Khlo found herself at 204 pounds, which stirred memories of past insecurities. She confided in the SHE MD podcast, revealing her apprehensions about facing a journey she had navigated before. The prospect of regaining the weight she had worked so hard to shed was daunting, yet Khlo approached it with determination.

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Khlo Kardashian reveals feelings about semaglutide, the famous weight loss injection - HOLA! USA

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