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Jun 21

Quick-fix weight loss videos boom online as insecure Brits slam burning fat quickly clips… – The Sun

QUICK-fix weight loss videos on social media have soared by nearly 300 per cent in the last 12 months and its having a detrimental impact on mental health.

An online analysis found there have been over eight million posts in 2024 alone about "burning fat quickly" on TikTok.


And Google searches for these types of quick fixes have increased by 581 per cent in the last 12 months.

However, a poll of 2,000 adults found 42 per cent admit that quick weight loss content makes them feel insecure and negatively impacts their mental health.

And 59 per cent agree celebrity and weight loss content is the worst thing on social media for their mental health.

The research was commissioned by ASICS as part of its 15 Minute Weight Loss campaign, showing just 15 minutes of exercise is enough to take the weight off our minds.

Professor Brendon Stubbs, a leading researcher in exercise and mental health from Kings College London, said: By becoming too focused on the short-term and often narrow possibility of losing weight, we are neglecting the profound and multifaceted benefits movement can have on our minds.

The fact is that weight loss is hard, and it takes time.

Many people stop exercising before this happens because they become despondent when quick weight loss is not visible, or in some cases not possible.

Instead, if people focus on doing exercise for enjoyment and the mental health benefits, people are not only protecting their minds but are also much more likely to remain engaged in exercise in the long term.

The analysis went on to reveal conversations online about exercise for mental health remain significantly less frequent.

The number of videos focused on exercise + weight loss has increased by 204 per cent this year, 33 per cent more than videos focusing on exercise + mental health.

As a result, 70 per cent agree weight loss content on social media doesnt motivate them to exercise.

And 80 per cent believe the focus on celebrity bodies negatively impacts self-esteem.

While a further 72 per cent believe societys obsession with the perfect body is bad for peoples mental health, figures revealed.

Psychologist Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo added: "Evidence suggests that quick-fix weight loss, through diet and exercise fads, often leads to only short-term gains and negative long-term consequences.

The desire to lose weight quickly, perpetuated by societal norms and pervasive digital weight loss content, can be damaging to self-esteem and self-worth, as people strive for an ideal that society has cultivated.

The result can cause people to obsess overusing exercise only as a way to change appearances.

What often gets overlooked is the power of movement to support better overall health therefore, reframing our relationship with exercise is crucial.

Activities such as running, playing games in a park, or even going up and down the stairs are all movements that can contribute to overall improved wellbeing

Moving our bodies releases dopamine which boosts mood, reduces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline and has long-term benefits for anxiety reduction.

And we dont always need to engage in formal exercise for these benefits activities such as running, playing games in a park, or even going up and down the stairs are all movements that can contribute to overall improved wellbeing.

Gary Raucher from ASICS EMEA concluded: The increasing focus on exercise purely as a tool for weight loss is worrying.

Research shows that societys obsession with exercising for the perfect body is adding pressure and putting people off exercise.

Todays campaign is a crucial reminder for people to move for their minds, and not just for how it changes their bodies.

Weve always believed in the positive impact of movement, not just on the body, but also on the mind.


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Quick-fix weight loss videos boom online as insecure Brits slam burning fat quickly clips... - The Sun

Apr 26

What is the best exercise for weight loss? – Women’s Health UK

8.1k of you Google 'best exercise to lose weight' monthly, so it's safe to say that

The NHS recommends that you to engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, per week, to aid weight loss. A study conducted at the University of Kansas also confirmed that exercise was an important component of weight loss and potentially the best indicator of weight maintenance.

But weight loss is definitely not the only reason to get your blood pumping: exercise has a whole host of benefits, including - according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - improving brain health, reducing the risk of disease, and strengthening your muscles and bones, now and all your years ahead. For general health, the NHS recommends doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity,

One of the best things about fitness is the variety of options available - whether you prefer yoga, hitting the gym, or running outside, so you're bound to find a club, culture, or - dare we say it - cult that's right for you.

Without further ado, we've got eight forms of exercise to lose weight, guided by our fabulous panel of fitness experts and PTs. Whether you're a beginner just easing into working out or you're curious about approaching weight loss safely and sustainably, we've covered all the bases.

And while we've got you: don't forget to check out our Women's Health app, available to download on Google Play and from the App Store, for workout videos you'll love.

A great exercise for weight loss, running improves your cardiovascular health, burns calories and increases stamina. However, it's not that beginner-friendly.

'It helps to burn harmful visceral fat, commonly known as belly fat,' says PT and CEO of Peak Performance Health, Richard Puplampu. But, and this is important, going out and trying to run for 30 or 40 minutes without proper training won't do you much good. Instead, stick to a plan and work your way up.

This four-week running plan designed by personal trainer and run coach Tashi Skervin-Clarke will help to get you to a place where you can run for 30 minutes non-stop.

Or learn how to start running with 30 tips for beginners and dig deeper into running for weight loss. Whatever you choose, do it safely, sustainably with progressive goals in mind. Not mammoth feats that'll push your body to its upper limit.

'There are plenty of benefits of cycling; it is an aerobic workout that's brilliant for increasing your body temperature, improving endurance and helping support the cardiovascular system,' explains says trainer and founder of Glam Fit Jenna Rigby.

It works as weight-loss exercise, too: a study carried out at the University of California found that minimally to moderately, but otherwise healthy women, who worked their way up to indoor cycling for 60 minutes daily over just over 6 months lost 12% of their initial body weight.

'You can burn up to 600 calories per 60 minutes [depending on your body weight and fitness levels] which is a great workout,' Rigby continues. However, she caveats, its not ideal for beginners initially as poor form, lack of mobility and low stamina could cause issues.

Pushing pedals to hit your weight loss goals can be fun, too not least because you can get your kicks on an exercise bike as well as out in the real world on an actual bike.

Basically, yes. Most spin classes (hello, Peloton) fall into the category of HIIT: high-intensity exercise with short breaks, whereas a bike ride is more likely to count as LISS (low-impact steady-state) cardio, which is slower with consistent effort throughout.

As with all exercise, the best one to hit your goals is the one you do regularly.

That being said, smashing a spin class every day will create more stress in your body than a gentle daily 30-minute bike ride as your body is put under more strain. Commit to three to four cardio sessions a week, focusing on mixing up the sessions between high and low intensity.

Get yourself kitted out before you hit the road with the best bike helmet, cycling gloves, and bike lights.

According to Nike and ITV trainer Luke Worthington, a mix of strength training (more on this later) and walking is the best way to lose weight well.

'The most effective way to reduce body fat is to remain in a mild energy (calorie) deficit... and the most effective way of doing this is to increase NEAT [Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis every activity you do that burns calories but isn't exercise, sleep or eating],' he says.

So, everything from household chores to a lunchtime walk increases our NEAT and helps to keep our fat burn ticking over each day. 'By increasing the amount we walk 10,000 daily steps is a great and achievable goal,' he suggests.

If walking for weight loss is your goal then it can be good to work to a structure: enter our four-week plan, designed by PT Sam McGowan to get your steps up and improve stamina.

Focus on good form and tick off the workouts as you go it'll make you feel accomplished AF.

Whether you're following a strength training for beginners guide or are familiar with lifting dumbbells and kettlebells, strength training is a fantastic way to maintain and build lean muscle tissue. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn each day during workouts and at rest.

'An improved metabolic rate [how quickly your body uses fuel and fat for energy] will lead to more calories being burned throughout the day and lower your chances of struggling with big fat loss plateaus,' says PT and online fitness and nutrition coach, Daniel Harrod.

Simply put, by focusing on resistance training over cardio.

'To build and maintain muscle, you need to place greater stress on the muscle tissue you already have with weights. Traditional steady-state cardio can't provide enough of an impact to achieve any appreciable muscle gains,' Harrod says. Instead, look to workouts that put your muscles under stress and stimulate new tissue growth.

The darling of social media, quick HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts are about as en vogue as it gets, ATM. Characterised by challenging bursts of effort followed by rest, it'll get your heart rate up and then some.

'It works by combining short intervals with short rest, manipulating the heart rate into an anaerobic state [working with limited oxygen],' explains Rigby. 'You'll benefit from the fat-burning effects long after you've finished the workout.' Trust us when we say it's hard, sweaty work: think jump squats, burpees and tuck jumps.

However, because of its intensity, HIIT is a form of exercise that beginners should be cautious of when starting out.

Fortunately, because we're nice, we asked PT Gauri Chopra to design a four-week HIIT plan that's totally beginner friendly.

If you're more of a wake-up and see how you feel type of exerciser, try these workouts on for size, instead:

Doing yoga for weight loss can seem counter-intuitive, not least because one of the main benefits is a calmer mental state. However, zen vibes aside, there's a lot to be said for the strengthening and lengthening asanas you'll find yourself in.

Focus on the more vigorous yoga flows Vinyasa and Ashtanga for a higher calorie burn, or slower-paced classes Yin and Restorative to counteract the other forms of exercise you're doing.

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Renowned for its focus on the core muscles and lengthening abilities, doing Pilates every day or weekly can help to burn fat by increasing your heart rate but it won't be at the same intensity as exercise like running and cycling.

'Pilates is an excellent, low-impact way to tone and strengthen the body,' says PT and founder of the Body Beautiful Method, Aimee Victoria Long. Focus on progressing when you're able and engaging the mind-muscle connection for the ultimate burn.

Try the 36 best pilates home workouts on YouTube STAT.

'Swimming is a great way to lose weight,' says Puplampu. 'Swimming for 60-minutes, 3 times per week can significantly reduce body fat, improve flexibility and reduce your risk of heart disease. Due to its low-impact nature, it's easier on your joints too which makes it a great option for people with injuries or joint pain. '

16 swim workouts to help you lose weight and burn fat.

Slow and steady really does win the race and it's no different when starting an exercise regime. Go too fast out the gates and you risk causing yourself an injury and being benched for the months it takes to heal.

'Walking is a great place to start,' says Long. 'Starting straight off the bat with an exercise like running will add more strain to your joints that are already under pressure if you have excess weight to lose. This could cause an injury which would stop you exercising.

'Start by aiming to complete a 30-minute brisk walk every day. Aim to keep increasing how far you're walking over the 30 minutes and gradually you'll start to see a difference, both in your weight and stamina.'

Once you've got the basics down and are more familiar with moving regularly, you can think about progressing your routine. Scroll up to #3 for our four-week walking for weight loss plan.

This will depend on your goal, says Long. 'If you're an obese person, try to work towards a healthy target weight, before worrying about fat loss. That being said, if you're starting with some muscle mass and you don't want to lose it, it can be better to measure fat loss.'

Why so much chatter around which one is best to focus on?

Well, learning how to lose weight is a different beast to learning how to lose body fat. The first prioritises changing your weight without too much consideration of whether you're losing fat or muscle. The second looks at where your weight loss is coming from, trying to tweak your exercise and diet to make sure you're maintaining muscle whilst shedding fat.

'There is a long list of factors that can affect a person's weight,' explains Harrod. 'Water retention, the weight of your limbs and organs such as your stomach or bowel content, how stressed you are, the list goes on.' Instead, he suggests focusing on the ratio of your muscle mass to body fat percentage especially if your goals are aesthetically minded.

Put simply, the higher your muscle mass and lower your body fat, the more 'toned' you'll look something an individual number on the scale won't be able to indicate.

The NHS suggests losing 1lb 2lbs is a safe rate of weight loss in adults, something most trainers agree on.

'For most people I've trained, they've lost around one to two pounds per week,' says Nature's Health Box nutrition and fitness expert, Tom Jenane.

'Some weeks were better than others but we were focused on progressively lowering their body fat percentage. Set a realistic target and work out how much you can lose each week. This will help you know how long it'll take to reach your goal.'

If you're after some hard numbers Rigby, has some guidelines:

'For someone whose BMI is above 30, losing 1-2lbs a week is great progress and can lead to a sustainable lifestyle. Most women in this category lose around 7lbs in their first month and around 5% body fat after 12 weeks of being consistent,' she says. 'If you have less than a stone (14lbs) to lose, I would expect you to have reached your goal around month six of being consistent.'

Got all that? Ready to go out and smash your goals? Thought so. Get after it, people!

Plus: don't forget to check ou out our Women's Health app, available to download on Google Play and from the App Store, for workout videos you'll love.

See the article here:
What is the best exercise for weight loss? - Women's Health UK

Apr 8

Rebel Wilson Weight Loss: How She Lost 80 Lbs. With Diet, Workouts – Women’s Health

Rebel Wilsons highly-anticipated memoir Rebel Rising is finally here. And in the lead-up to the release, the 44-year-old actress has gotten in-depth about several aspects of her life, including her weight loss journey.

Rebel shared in new interviews that shes gained weight due to stress eating and she also revealed for the first time that shes used Ozempic, the diabetes drug thats commonly used off-label for weight loss.

As you might remember, the star lost almost 80 pounds *and* reached her goal weight of 165 pounds a few years ago. More importantly, she seemed really happy with her lifestyle changes.

Earlier this year, Rebel said in a candid Instagram post that regaining some of the weight she lost makes me feel bad about myself, adding, it shouldntbut it does.

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Heres a look back at the star's weight loss journey, including her tactics for getting to her goal weight and where she is now.

Rebel has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which can affect fertility. "Your ovaries might be enlarged and contain follicles that surround the eggs. As a result, the ovaries might fail to function regularly," according to Mayo Clinic.

During a visit to her fertility doctor in 2019, she was told she would do much better if she were healthier and have higher chances of retrieving and freezing her eggs if she lost weight.

I was taken aback. I thought, 'Oh God, this guy's so rude.' He was right. I was carrying around a lot of excess weight, Rebel told People. It's almost like I didn't think of my own needs. I thought of a future child's needs that really inspired me to get healthier."

After going through an egg retrieval, in November of 2022, Rebel and her fiance Ramona Agruma announced that they had welcomed a baby girl, Royce, via surrogate.

Rebel told People in March that she regained 20 pounds of the weight she had lost, and a few factors played a role.

You know when you feel comfortable in your relationship, and you're just like, f it? she said. I haven't been doing personal training. I have been eating whatever. I have been eating some junk food on set, because sets are prevalent with that. I just haven't even thought about it. So I put on 20 pounds in the last six months with that insane schedule.

Rebel also said that shes stress eating ahead of the release of her new memoir. I definitely think why I've been stress eating the last few months is knowing that now all this stuff will come out into the world, she said. I felt like I needed protection, so I had a bit more desserts and put up a bit of a barricade.

Rebel said that shes nervous about how her book will be received, but she also said that shes very proud of her journey in life.

Rebel revealed back in a January 2024 Instagram post that shes gained back 30 pounds that she initially lost.

Working really hard has meant that, coz of all the stress, Ive gained 14kgs (30 pounds)! she wrote in the caption of a video and photo of herself lounging in a hot tub on a boat. It makes me feel bad about myselfit shouldntbut it does.

Rebel said that shes really proud of work shes doing on new movies and her memoir, though. Its just been a LOT and Ive lost focus on my healthy lifestyle, she added.

Her fans absolutely flooded the comments section of her post with messages of support and encouragement. Its hard! Everyone is proud of you, but we already loved you, didnt we? No matter what size, youre still beautiful & hilarious, one person wrote. Your body is allowed to be comfortable, another said. Keep up with your healthy choices and fitness, but allow for the joy and little things that make you happy. At the end of the day, your weight and body don't define you.

Rebel later updated the caption of her post with this add-on: I woke up this morning and read all your comments - they bring a tear to my eye. Thanks everyone!

Rebel had previously commented on her weight gain to PEOPLE in June 2023, sharing it got tougher once she welcomed baby daughter Royce. "I did gain weight once I had my baby, because although I didnt give birth to her and I didnt need to lose any baby weight, I had just gained weight from the lack of sleep and from the change in my lifestyle," she said. "For instance, now I cant go to the gym as often as I used to. Im just not working out as much, so that has slowed me down."

But Rebel told People in March 2024 that she plans to focus on living a healthy lifestyle again soon. I think once this press tour is over for the book, I'll just go back to a bit more of a normal schedule and working out how I can be a mum and also take an hour or two in my day to be healthy, she said.

Rebel revealed to The Sunday Times in March 2024 that she took Ozempic to help her maintain her weight loss. Someone like me could have a bottomless appetite for sweets, so I think those drugs can be good," she said.

But Rebel also said that she doesnt want young people to obsess over their looks and to embrace their appearance. I feel strongly that young women shouldn't try to obsess over looking like Victoria's Secret modelsthey should just look like themselves, she said.

Rebel also said that her relationship with food is complicated.

Rebel shared in an excerpt from her book, Rebel Rising, that shes had issues with self-esteem. I know that at 39 years old, Ive trashed my body with junk food, I guess because deep down I think of myself as trash, she said, per Us Weekly.

Sure, sometimes I feel like Im a success. Some days I feel like Ive made it or Ive done good. But a lot of the time I feel Im not worthy, she continued. Not worthy of a proper relationship. Not worthy of love. Im not worth caring about, not by myself or by others.

Rebel also revealed that her agency didnt want her to lose weight because she was always cast as the fat, funny girl who made jokes about her body.

After her dramatic weight loss, Rebel cleared up rumors she'd been following the Mayr method, a diet based on the Mayr Cure created by Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr, an Austrian physician, nearly 100 years ago. Mayr believed that most people are poisoning their digestive systems with the foods they eat and how they eat them. So the goal was to improve health through digestion.

Rebel visited VivaMayr, the luxury medical resort associated with the method, in 2019, 2020 and most recently in July 2022. She posted a pic of herself on Instagram at the resort posing outdoors, sharing, Oh its soooo gooood to be back at @vivamayraltaussee working the Mayr method to reset my system for the rest of the working year!

But in an Instagram Story, Rebel clarified that This was NEVER my diet." "Also have NEVER endorsed any diet pills or magic weight loss pills," she added. "Do NOT want anyone to get scammed."

In July of 2022, Rebel shared a swimsuit photo on Instagram with a caption stating she had gained 3 kilograms (a little under 7 pounds) on vacation.

"Im at an amazing all-inclusive resortIve lost all self control," she wrote. "But you know what? I can get up tomorrow and go to the gym, and hydrate and eat healthy and love myself. It doesnt help to be hard on yourself but I know what its like to feel guilty and not great after eating too much."

Then came her big message that really seemed to sum up her whole health journey: "But if youre like me just know YOU are more than just your weight, your weight doesnt define you, just try your best to be healthy and dont be so hard on yourself Be the best version of you ."

Rebel's setting a great example of authenticity on Instagramjust call her the Queen of Balance.

Rebel explained that she follows a high-protein diet. In an interview with People, the actress shared that she used to eat 3,000 calories every day.

Before I was probably eating 3,000 calories most days, and because they were normally carbs, I would still be hungry, she said. So, I've really changed to eating a high-protein diet, which is challenging because I didn't used to eat a lot of meat. I eat fish, salmon, and chicken breast.

In Rebel Rising, the star says she started concentrating on eating protein at every meal and hydrating with water in between meals. She started cooking more at home and writes that her favorite meals to make are tacos with ground beef and protein shakes with berries and almond milk.

She credits the coronavirus pandemic with helping her slow down and turn bad habits to healthier ones. It helped her focus more on her overall health and her struggle with emotional eating.

I definitely think with the slow down, it did help, she says. "I think I was emotional eating, and overeating at times, because I wasn't loving myself enough either. And it does come down to that self-worth and self-love."

But Rebel doesn't deprive herself. Since she's just trying to maintain her current weight, she told WH that she enjoys more snacks, and even sometimes yummy treats like ice cream and chocolate. She says this approach feels more "maintainable."

She also is big on incorporating healthy, nutritious ingredients into some of meals she already loves, like adding shredded carrots and avocados to tacos.

"I'm just trying to go for overall balance, overall healthy balance," she said. "I have this state of being, which is not my quote, but I go 'Nothing is forbidden.' Well be like, 'Should we get In-N-Out burger?' And I'm like, 'Nothing is forbidden.' I can go there, I just might eat half of what I used to eat before. You know? And I'll have a burger, and a few fries, and then you feel fine."

Rebel told People in March that she got quite a lot of attention when she lost weight. I thought, Gosh, people are so intrigued by this. Literally, I got more attention for weight loss than any movie I'd ever done, she said.

While Rebel said all the attention was superficial, she also enjoyed it. And I went, Oh, is this what hot people experience all the time? Their life must be so bloody blessed, she said.

Rebel shared that all the positive reinforcement encouraged her to continue to live a healthy lifestyle. It was interesting to know exactly what it's like to be invisible sexually and then to be visible, she said. I've experienced both sides of the coin.

Rebel previously stopped by The Morning Crew With Hughesy, Ed and Erin to discuss some of the changes shes noticed. I think whats been really interesting to me is how other people treat you, Rebel said. Sometimes being bigger, people didnt necessarily look twice at you. And now that Im in a good shape, like, people offer to carry my groceries to the car and hold doors open for you. I was like, Is this what other people experienced all the time?'

One thing that hasnt changed? Her self-confidence. I like to think I looked good at all sizes and stuff and Ive always been quite confident, she said. So, it wasnt like I wasnt confident and then now Im, like, super confident.

Still, since working out with her trainer, shes been, uh, even more confident than usual. You can tell that I post, like, a lot of photos of myself on Instagram. Im like, Oh yeah, loving myself,' she said. I know I should calm down a bit on that.

An Instagram post shows her power posing in a seriously sporty one-piece while on vacation. "Palm Beach-ing ," she captioned the shot. "I think I wanna move to Florida now." She looks right home on the sandy shore, totally ready for a hot girl summer.

Rebel declared 2020 was her Year of Health.

Rebel declared 2020 her year of health," telling fans she'd be prioritizing exercise and aiming to get down to her goal weight of 165 pounds. To achieve that, she's been relying on a combination of exercise and a healthy diet.

Rebel first revealed her plans on her Instagram account back in January 2020. She started by simply walking more and making some smart food swaps. "I put on the athleisure and went out for a walk, deliberately hydrating on the couch right now and trying to avoid the sugar and junk food which is going to be hard after the holidays Ive just had but Im going to do it!" she explained.

Fans cheered her on and Rebel said she was grateful: "Thanks for all the love so far on my 'Year of Health' journeywhen I was reaching for the candies last night after dinner I thought to myself 'hmmmm...better not' and had a bottle of water instead," she wrote in an update at the end of August.

Alongside a photo of herself showing off her progress and a gorgeous view on a hike, Rebel shared that she was three kilograms (or about six pounds) away from her goal weight on Instagram. (Btw, her trainer is a big proponent of snapping progress pics, but more on that in a sec.)

It's really about enjoying exercise and physical activity, so I will just go on a light walk," she told WH. "Im not killing myself at the gym.

What did Rebels workout routine like?

Rebel worked out with trainer Jono Castano up to seven days a week. (She was not kidding about working hard.) In Rebel Rising, the actress lays out a typical day: "exercise for about two hoursone hour with a trainer focused on strength and conditioning, and one hour doing my own cardio (which was usually walking," she writes.

Rebel captioned a video of her flipping fitness sesh: "Starting the week off right! Look out @chrishemsworth & @liamhemsworth Australias latest action hero is turning it up! ."

Her routine also included stair sprints and bouts with battle ropes. It seemed like she was a fan of high-intensity interval training, and her trainer is a big fan of her. He would shout to encourage her IRL and on the 'gram wrote: " You got this @rebelwilson #level1000."

Even when Rebel's busy, she would make time for her workouts. In October of 2020, she got in some early morning hikes and explained on Instagram: "This week was super busy but I got up super early 3 times (6am ) and went on a hike...even did a couple of 100m sprints to get the heart rate even higher (although my sprint is probably someone elses slow jog ) but I felt proud of myself and now only 3kgs away from my goal weight! Rebs x."

Her other secret weapon was a good, old-fashioned walk. "I got all these high-tech tests done on me during my year of health," she said, per People. "They said that walking was actually the best way for me to lose unnecessary body fat."

In an Instagram post, she shared a snap from a stroll outdoors.

"Enjoying a morning walk amongst health treatments at the glorious @vivamayraltaussee ...finishing my Year of Health off STRONG at the place that gave me that first kick-start ," she captioned a recent Instagram post.

During her "Year of Health," Rebel made sure to sleep eight hours a night, she writes in her memoir.

Rebel also journaled for twelve minutes a day in a practice she dubbed, "Purge Emotional Writing." And if she felt like she lost her focus or started to slip back into old patterns, she'd look at an old photo of herself when she was young.

"I'd look at that sweet little girl's face and think, 'If I was her parent, would I feed her a dinner of ice cream and cookies? Nope. There's no way I'd do that to that innocent girl. I'd want to feed her healthy, nutritious meals.' I was trying to re-parent myself so that hopefully I could become an actual parent in real life."

Rebels been honest about the fact that weight loss hasnt been easy.

She wrote in one Instagram caption: "Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it. Try and give a little bit of effort each day...I know some days are frustrating as hell, you feel like giving up, you get annoyed at the lack of progress...but good things are coming your way what are your goals this year?"

But all her hard work is clearly paying off.

Back in July of 2020, she revealed her exact weight loss goals in a now-deleted Instagram post: "Ill be honest with you guyswith my 'Year of Health' mission Im trying to get to 75kgs and career wise am trying to get one of my movies into production before the end of the year! Both of these things are requiring a daily effort and theres constant set backsbut Im working hard x." (FYI: 75 kg is roughly 165 lbs.)

Rebel told People that shes struggled with being a proud fat female while also being ashamed of my eating behaviors.

I think to many people I'm a beacon of body positivity because I see people who are considered medically obese if you look at their weight, but I think they are absolutely beautiful, she said. I really think beauty is at any shape and size so I do really promote that.

Rebel also opened up about emotional eating she would do, calling it shameful.

For example, eating a whole tub of ice cream every night and then feeling bad about myself, making myself get up early in the morning and go to the gym for an hour and a half and running on that treadmill until sometimes my back would hurt, she said.

Rebel said that it took time and therapy for her to understand why she was an emotional eater. I would be hard on myself, she said. I'm like, How can I be a person who excels in so many things, and gets two university degrees, and can make millions of dollars, and can start from nothing and then create this huge career, but I couldn't lose weight? I would always beat myself up about that and go, What's wrong with me?

In November 2020, she opened up to Drew Barrymore on her talk show The Drew Barrymore Show and talked about what the process has been like for her.

Rebel went on to say that she had tried "fads and diets" before, but wanted to take a "holistic approach this time." And that meant focusing on her mental health, too.

"I think what I really suffered from was emotional eating and dealing with the stress of becoming famous internationally. There is a lot of stress that comes with it, and I guess my way of dealing with it was just eating donuts," she said. "So, I was working on the mental side of things of 'Why was I not doing that? Why was I not valuing myself and having better self-worth?'"

And, while Rebel did say to Drew that she wants to lose a few more" pounds, her goal isnt to get super skinny. "I love my curves and stuff. I don't think I'll ever go too skinny, but I feel so much healthier," she shared.

The physical and mental changes have also translated into her career, where shes "really coming into my own."

"I feel more in control," she continued. "I get to produce movies nowwhich is amazingand have more control over the content. Everything seems to be coming together. Maybe I was a late bloomer or something, but I'm slowly getting it together."

According to Castano, Rebel has the right idea with her year of health, because often, people dont realize how long it takes to transform the body and make lasting lifestyle changes.

"The first thing is, we need to really understand where they're at. So, what I mean by that, is we need to find out their weight, body fat, muscle mass," he told Yahoo! Lifestyle. "Because what tends to happen as well is that a lot of people weigh themselves and they don't understand why they're not losing weight, because they're putting on muscle, and then they're looking better." Hes a fan of taking photos every week during the transformation to track progress.

"I think with any type of transformation, you shouldn't always look at the easiest option, you know, two months is not enough time to be able to change your body," he said when asked about fad diets and eight-week programs.

"Don't forget, two months, you're putting a lot of stress on yourself. When your goal is like that and you don't achieve it, it can cause a lot of mental problems. So, my advice is to keep your goals realistic, short and then achieve them and progress from there."

Not to mention, its easier to make lasting changes to your lifestyle with the mindset that those changes will be long-term.

"A transformation is never-ending, the journey always continues, so you can never give yourself 10, 12 weeks, Castano said. Because it just continues, once you reach your goal then what? Then you're going to stop? You can't stop it becomes a lifestyle, you continue and you become the best version of yourself as clich as it sounds.

Rebels sense of humor has been fully intact throughout her health journey.

The Pitch Perfect star showed off her bod in a swimsuit and cover-up while jet skiing in Monaco, where she continued her Year of Health journey while social distancing on a yacht. (She also attended the Monte-Carlo Gala for Planetary Health and hung out with Prince Albert. Casual.)

Aboard the yacht, Rebel also shared a jokey glimpse into her workout routine while traveling.

Hey guys, Id just like to share my new workout routine, she says in the video. I call this the Monaco routine. She goes on to do a set of biceps curls with 4.5 liters of Grey Goose vodka. Im really trying to tone the upper arms. Then she lifts it overhead. You really want to feel that burn.

Next, she hoists it over her shoulder and suggests running up and down stairs. Im not going to run up and down the stairs right now, but you guys get the picture. Even though the video is clearly for laughs, Rebels form while lifting is pretty on-point.

She even cracked a joke about the "hot girl summer" trend last year.

"Hot girl summer was so successful that I'm off the market," Wilson joked with Yahoo! Life News. "So I won't be doing hot girl summer this year. Hopefully I'll be in a happy, successful relationship."

She hasn't restricted herself so much that treats are off the menu completely. Rebel shared on Instagram in october 2020: "Remember though girls, you still gotta treat yourself (I just do it with food now only once or twice a week...and substitute bubble baths on alternate nights)"

Kudos to Rebel, or her new nickname "Fit Amy," and her inspiring "year of health."

Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Mens Health, Womens Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a masters degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.

Sabrina is an editorial assistant for Womens Health. When shes not writing, you can find her running, training in mixed martial arts, or reading.

Addison Aloian (she/her) is the assistant love & life editor at Womens Health. Outside of topics related to lifestyle, relationships, and dating, she also loves covering fitness and style. In her free time, she enjoys lifting weights at the gym, reading mystery and romance novels, watching (and critiquing!) the latest movies that have garnered Oscars buzz, and wandering around the West Village in New York City. In addition to Women's Health, her work has also appeared in Allure, StyleCaster, L'Officiel USA, V Magazine, VMAN, and more.

See the original post:
Rebel Wilson Weight Loss: How She Lost 80 Lbs. With Diet, Workouts - Women's Health

Apr 8

Walking For Weight Loss: How To Burn Calories And Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Looking for a simple, yet effective workout to help you achieve your weight loss goals? Take a walk (seriously).

Walking is a great exercise because almost anyone can do it, at any time, without any equipment, says Grayson Wickham, DPT, CSCS, founder of Movement Vault. It's also low-intensity and easy on your joints, Wickham says, which is helpful if you want to take it easy and avoid injury during your workout.

Whether you prefer going for a stroll in nature or cueing up a podcast and doing laps at the gym, there are many ways to reap the benefits of walking. Heres what you need to know about walking for weight loss and helpful tips for getting your steps in, according to experts.

Meet the experts: Grayson Wickham, PT, DPT, CSCS, is the founder of Movement Vault. Susane Pata, CPT, is a certified group fitness instructor and content strategist for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Alissa Palladino, RDN, CPT, is a registered dietitian and personal trainer based in Atlanta, Georgia.

The short answer? It depends. An individual can typically burn up to 5,600 calories a month from walking alone, which is roughly 1.6 pounds, according to Susane Pata, CPT, a certified group fitness instructor and content strategist for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). However, the exact number is dependent on a persons individual calculations that take weight, level of conditioning, and training capacity into consideration.

It also depends on whether or not you're in a calorie deficit, in which you burn more calories than you consume, Wickham says. Any type of movement you engage in throughout the day can help you increase your overall calorie expenditure, he saysbut since walking doesn't burn quite as many calories as, say, running or sprinting, you'll probably see more weight loss progress if you combine your walking routine with other high-intensity workouts.

"For example, if you only have 30 minutes to exercise and your goal is to burn the most calories during your 30 minutes, walking isnt the best choice to accomplish this goal," Wickham says. "You will burn far more calories if you increased the intensity of your exercise with things like jogging, lifting weights, sprinting, a HIIT workout, or some combination of these."

Although you may have heard that 10,000 steps a day is the "gold standard" for walking, that number is somewhat arbitrary and may not be appropriate for everyone, says Alissa Palladino, RDN, CPT, an Atlanta-based dietitian and certified personal trainer. Walking goals need to be tailored to an individuals current fitness level, health status, and lifestyle, she says. You may want to set a lower or a higher goal for yourself depending on a variety of factors.

Although it's hard to calculate the exact number of steps you need to lose weight, generally speaking, walking for 30 minutes per day should add up to roughly 100 to 200 calories burned, says Pata. "Doing 30 minutes worth of walking for seven days can create a weekly caloric expenditure of 700 to 1,400 calories. These numbers can add up in the long run and result in weight loss for someone who is overweight and was previously sedentary," she says.

To figure out how much walking you need to do to lose weight, it can help to identify your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which helps you calculate how many calories you need to burn for a calorie deficit. You can speak with a certified trainer or use an online calculator like this one from NASM.

"Stretching and activating specific muscles before your walk will help you decrease your chance of pain and injury during and after your walk," says Wickham. "If you have pain during your walk, this is your body telling you that you really need to start dedicating time to your joint mobility. Everyone should be able to perform a basic life task such as walking without pain."

Doing lunges before a walk can also help, he says. "Performing a set of 10 walking lunges every so often can help you build stronger legs, and gain muscle mass," says Wickham. "Gaining lean muscle mass will increase your resting metabolic expenditure, which means you will be burning more calories at rest. This all leads to increased weight loss."

If you're looking for more intensity, a weighted vest or backpack will increase the demand on your body during your walks, says Wickham. "Typically, anything that makes an exercise more challenging will lead to an increase in calories burned," he adds.

Driven by numbers? Try tracking your steps with a mobile app or smartwatch. This can help you view your progress and stay focused on your movement goals. "Data tracking can help motivate individuals [toward] goals, accomplishments, and help make up for any deficits throughout the week," says Pata.

You don't necessarily have to run to lose weight, but to amp up your walking workouts, try jogging or running slowly for as little as 10 seconds and then walk for two minutes (and repeat). "Adding in short jogs or runs during your walk will help you increase the intensity of your workout, which can help you accelerate your weight loss," Wickham says.

To get creative (and work your leg muscles), you can also practice walking backward, says Wickham. "Walking backward works your quadricep muscles more than walking forward, which can help you maintain healthy and strong knees." Just make sure you're in a safe environment for this (and be aware of other pedestrians).

Sometimes, all it takes is the right song to pump you up. Playing uplifting tunes while you're out and about can make your walking experience more enjoyable. To fully immerse yourself, Pata suggests creating a workout playlist of your favorite songs that lasts the length of the walk. It'll fly by before you know it!

Drinking water is an important part of weight loss, so don't forget to bring your favorite bottle along. "Staying properly hydrated is key for optimal health," says Wickham. "The healthier and more hydrated you are, the better your weight loss journey will be." Not to mention, the H2O will keep your energy up and help you log more miles.

If you're already taking stock of what you eat with a food diary app, it may be helpful to jot down how many calories you're burning by walking. This helps keep you aware of your actions and how it measures up against your weight loss goals, says Pata. That said, counting calories isn't the healthiest option for everyone, so be mindful of choosing a method that works best for you.

To reap the full benefits of walking for weight loss, you have to commit to walking at a regular schedule, whether that's once a day or a week. "Health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix," says Wickham. "Find ways that you can add in your walks that will help stay consistent. The more often you walk, the more weight loss you will have." Pro tip: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the bus or train a few stops early and walk home, or invest in an at-home treadmill to get your steps in.

Next, treat yourself to some nice sneakers that you only use for walking, Pata says. "This creates a 'get-in-the-zone' attitude when you put them on and [encourages] an enjoyable walking experience." From walking shoes for flat feet to podiatrist-recommended options, there are plenty of pairs to choose from.

Penciling in your workouts will make it that much more likely that you'll follow through with your goals. "You know what they say...schedule it or you wont do it. Choosing one time every day to perform your walks will help you stay consistent," says Wickham. "Prioritize your walks and plan around them to ensure you get them in every day."

"You can use Google Maps to plan out your walking route so that you know exactly where you will be walking and the distance you will be walking," Wickham adds. Just be aware of your surroundings, practice safety, and share your location with someone you trust just in caseespecially if you're walking solo.

As a general tip, have the right apparel on hand for rain, cold, or hot weather, says Pata. This will help you stay prepared and less likely to miss a walk session due to less-than-ideal conditions.

To make sure you still exercise on bad weather days, have a rainy-day back-up plan, like keeping a bag packed for the gym or going to the nearest mall to do some laps, Pata recommends. Youll be less likely to forget working out altogether if you have a plan B in place.

Asking someone to keep you company while you get some steps in is a great way to maintain relationshipsand it will help keep you consistent with your walks, says Wickham. You can even suggest coffee and a walk, Pata says, which is a great way to be social and get movement in at the same time.

If you can't be in-person, schedule a catch-up call with someone while you walk. Besides rekindling or maintaining relationships, [a phone call] will make time go by more quickly and the walks may begin to become enjoyable over time, says Pata.

Emily Shiffer has worked as a writer for over 10 years, covering everything from health and wellness to entertainment and celebrities. She previously was on staff at SUCCESS, Men's Health, and Prevention magazines. Her freelance writing has been featured in Women's Health, Runner's World, PEOPLE, and more. Emily is a graduate of Northwestern University, where she majored in magazine journalism at the Medill School of Journalism and minored in musicology. Currently residing in Charleston, South Carolina, Emily enjoys instructing barre, surfing, and long walks on the beach with her miniature Dachshund, Gertrude.

Lauryn Higgins is a freelance journalist whose work focuses primarily on public health. Her work tracking the coronavirus for The New York Times was part of a team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. When she's not working she loves spending time in her kitchen and garden, taking barre classes and cuddling with the love of her life, her 90-pound bernedoodle, Gus. Her work has also appeared in NPR, Salon, Teen Vogue and Well + Good.

Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. With a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness, Ashley enjoys writing about topics to help people live happier and healthier lives. With a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, Ashley covers it all including sexual health and travel topics. Ashley is also a NASM-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

Continued here:
Walking For Weight Loss: How To Burn Calories And Lose Weight - Women's Health

Apr 8

25 Low-Calorie, Filling Foods To Help You Lose Weight Sustainably – Women’s Health

Squash is full of fiber, water, and antioxidants, making it a great low-calorie food option, says Minchen. Dietary fiber intake is a main predictor of weight loss and dietary adherence in adults consuming low calorie diets because it supports satiety and speeds up bowel movements, per a recent study. Squash is also a good source of complex carbs, which are higher in fiber and digest more slowly than simple carbs, Cording says. "There's a lot to love there," she adds.

Squash is grouped into two categories: summer squash and winter squash, depending on when it's harvested. Try summer squash spiraled into "zoodles" as a yummy alternative to traditional noodles, or a roasted winter squash for natural sweetness.

Summer Squash per serving (1 cup): 21.8 calories, 1.16 g protein, 0.31 g fat, 4.46 g carbs, 3.31 g sugars, 2.3 mg sodium, 1.15 g fiber Winter Squash per serving (1 cup): 63 calories, 1.4 g protein, 0.14 g fat, 16.4 g carbs, 2.8 g fiber, 3.08 g sugar, 5.6 mg sodium

Originally posted here:
25 Low-Calorie, Filling Foods To Help You Lose Weight Sustainably - Women's Health

Apr 8

Oatzempic is going viral for promising quick weight loss. Is it safe and should you try it? – AOL

Oatzempic is the latest nutrition trend to hit TikTok. The clever name pays ode to the popular weight loss drug Ozempic, since many say consuming the oat-based drink leads to dramatic weight loss. Some even claim that oatzempic, which has no affiliation with the weight loss medication, can help you lose up to 40 pounds in 2 months.

Although the name is clever, its important to remember not to believe everything you see on social media. Heres what you need to know about the oatzempic trend and whether or not you should try it.

Oatzempic is a simple blended drink with cup of rolled oats, 1 cup of water, a dash of cinnamon and a squeeze of lime juice. The name combines oats and Ozempic, a diabetes medication that regulates blood sugar and curbs appetite, resulting in weight loss.

Props to whoever came up with the catchy name, but oatzempic doesnt include any weight loss medication. Its merely an oat-based smoothie.

People on TikTok are drinking #oatzempic to lose weight for their wedding or achieve their summer bod. Some who drink it daily claim that it keeps them full, which isnt surprising given the fiber content of oats. Research suggests that the beta-glucan fiber in oats positively impacts hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. The review also suggests a link between eating oats and long-term weight management and lower incidences of obesity.

Oatzempic has about 140 calories, less than most people consume in a single snack. As a result, drinking oatzempic as a meal replacement results in a calorie deficit and may cause weight loss. Yet, drastically cutting calories often causes extreme hunger and overeating, which may hinder weight loss efforts.

Losing 40 pounds in two months sounds appealing, but its extreme and not recommended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that people who lose weight graduallyabout 1 to 2 pounds per week are more likely to maintain weight loss. Although weight loss differs for everyone, losing about 5 pounds per month is a healthy goal.

As appealing as quick weight loss sounds, no miracle drink or food can help you magically shed pounds. Losing weight comes down to small diet and exercise changes over time.

A study of over 4,000 people who lost weight as part of a structured weight loss program shared how they kept the weight off for more than three years. They cited tactics such as eating nutrient-dense foods, monitoring food intake, engaging in physical activity, goal setting and celebrating small achievements.

As a dietitian, I recommend oats (and even named them my favorite whole grain). They are a healthy and affordable breakfast staple that provides fiber and protein. And eating oats has been linked to lower levels of cholesterol. But, theres no proof that oatzempic leads to dramatic weight loss. Rather than blending oats with water and lime juice, make a hearty bowl of oatmeal and enjoy chewing your food instead.

This article was originally published on

See the original post:
Oatzempic is going viral for promising quick weight loss. Is it safe and should you try it? - AOL

Apr 8

‘Lose weight quick’ online schemes don’t work. Dr. Mike offers these 5 tips instead – Yahoo News UK

Season 9 of the CNN podcastChasing Life With Dr. Sanjay Guptaexplores the intersection between body weight and health. We delve into a wide range of topics, including the evolutionary reasons behind why losing weight is so hard and how to talk to kids about weight. You can listen here.

(CNN) The internet and social media are rifewith marketing ploys: Its hard to surf the Web or scroll through platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or TikTok without having a slew of ads pop up left, right and center about exactly what you were just viewing. The cookies and algorithms (and other tricks of the trade) follow online users everywhere.

The bombardment seems particularly merciless if you are searching for lose weight or eat healthy or watching any adjacent reel, story or video. Advertisers and influencers are eager to get your eyeballs on a product, protocol or procedure. Sometimes whats promised seems like it could, maybe, work but how can you really tell if its legit? Whose advice should you follow?

Enter Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, who has made it his mission to debunk medical misinformation and educate people. Better known as Dr. Mike, he is a practicing family medicine physician in Chatham, New Jersey, who shares his expertise with millions of YouTube and social media followers. These so-called snake oil sellers and their dubious miracle cures are not new, he said; he calls them I Know All experts, a term he coined in a 2017 TED Talk.

I think its not a new phenomenon. Ponce de Lenwas searching for the fountain of youth many years ago, and yet were still doing that to this day, Dr. Mike recently told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the podcast Chasing Life. I just think that the strategies have changed because we have this new added tool of social media that traditionally doctors, who are evidence-based, have shied away from.

Dr. Mike said the I Know All experts and their too-good-to-be-true products flourish in the gray zone where science does not yet have clear answers and social media and the internet amplify their voices.

Story continues

It allowed a prime opportunity for these IKA experts to come in and claim that they have all the answers. And thats really just a form of trust hacking through mass confidence, as if they know whats going on with you, he said.

(Thats) in dark contrast to what a physician is trained to do: We come in and we dont claim to know the exact diagnosis. We create one diagnosis along with a differential of other options. It could be, when we recommend the treatment, we hedge and say it works X percentage of the time. But these IKA experts trust-hack and say, I know whats wrong with you. I know this is going to work for you. Take my miracle potion. And that sells very, very well.

To listen to more of Dr. Mikes conversation and learn why certain seemingly cant hurt, might help approaches to weight loss such as tummy teas, fad diets and colon cleanses could actually be dangerous, click on the player below.

With so much misinformation floating around the internet and social media especially around the topic of weight loss what can you do to make sure youre not going down an ill-advised rabbit hole? Dr. Mike has these five tips.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Dont trust 99% of things you see on social media; be a healthy skeptic. Thats how l like to say it, said Dr. Mike, noting that there are many sources of information both governmental, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, and academic, such as the site run by Harvard Medical School that are trustworthy. (Those websites usually end in .gov, .edu and .org.)

There was a funny commercial I forgot what it was for; I believe insurance and there was a woman going on a date with a gentleman, and he completely lied on his profile. And he was, like, Always trust what you see on the internet. And thats a lot (of) how I feel about supplements online and people talking about supplements online: That if it feels too good to be true, allow that inner skeptic in you to further test it, either by doing some more in-depth research on your own if youre comfortable, or bringing it up at your next visit with your primary care doctor.

Speaking of primary care physicians, prioritize building a relationship with a good medical professional.

Thats the biggest tip I would give: to create a long-lasting relationship with a primary care doctor, said Dr. Mike, adding that he sees people in their 20s and 30s using urgent care as their primary care source.

Thats not what urgent care is meant to be, he said. Its not going to give you good outcomes. Youre not going to form a good relationship. Youre not going to get the benefits of having a longitudinal relationship with a single provider. So, those are important.

Dr. Mike said such a relationship is especially important when it comes to weight loss, because how in the world can you help someone sustain weight loss if theres no continuity of care? Its, by definition, mandatory for it.

When it comes to weight and weight loss, there are many important factors involved, so dont fall into the trap of obsessing over one, whether that be the one right diet, the one perfect food or the one must-take supplement.

Zoom out of just thinking about, What I can take or what I can eat? and understand that theres a lot of other things that impact your weight, Dr. Mike said.

So, getting seven to nine hours of sleep as an adult, during the same hours of the night, consistently is going to be important for good weight control. Getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity is going to be important.

Dr. Mike also suggests making small adjustments to your daily habits: Skip the elevator and use the stairs instead, and for short distances, leave the car in the garage and do errands on foot. These things are going to add up and actually lead you to have better control of your weight, he said.

When it comes to weight, dont underestimate the role of your mental health.

(Make) sure that you get help when it comes to mental health issues and concerns, Dr. Mike said. Because if youre not in a good mental health place, its very easy to have food become almost a self-treatment for either unhappiness or anxiety. And those conditions both depression and generalized anxiety disorder are treatable conditions, by either getting therapy, perhaps some medication if thats warranted in your condition.

And you might not even connect weight and mental health but it plays an incredibly potent role in helping you not just get to a healthy weight but stay and maintain a healthy weight.

Understand some basic principles about the food you consume, so you dont, for example, vilify or lionize a single food or ingredient.

For example, Dr. Mike said he recently had a guest on his podcast who tried to equate a chocolate kiss to a grape.

We have to put that in perspective. While you may compare them based on their sugar content, thats one way to categorize them, Dr. Mike said. But then if you compare them to how many nutrients that are valuable to us like vitamins, fiber, etc. in grapes versus chocolate, the grapes are clearly healthier.

So avoid trying to oversimplify nutrition with these hard-and-fast rules, and instead just try and give yourself a general understanding of how foods work. Because when youre not as strict and youre not as hard-and-fast in your thinking about food, you actually create a healthier, long-lasting relationship with food that will give you better outcomes in maintaining a healthy weight.

We hope these five tips help you think more clearly about food, weight and what you see or hear about them on the internet. Listen to the full episodehere. And join us next week on theChasing Life podcast when we explore how different diets (keto vs. low fat vs. vegan) and the timing of when we eat can affect our weight and health.

CNN Audios Jennifer Lai contributed to this report.

For more CNN news and newsletters create an account at

See original here:
'Lose weight quick' online schemes don't work. Dr. Mike offers these 5 tips instead - Yahoo News UK

Mar 31

‘Lose weight quick’ online schemes don’t work. Dr. Mike offers these 5 tips instead – AOL

Season 9 of the CNN podcastChasing Life With Dr. Sanjay Guptaexplores the intersection between body weight and health. We delve into a wide range of topics, including the evolutionary reasons behind why losing weight is so hard and how to talk to kids about weight. You can listen here.

(CNN) The internet and social media are rifewith marketing ploys: Its hard to surf the Web or scroll through platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or TikTok without having a slew of ads pop up left, right and center about exactly what you were just viewing. The cookies and algorithms (and other tricks of the trade) follow online users everywhere.

The bombardment seems particularly merciless if you are searching for lose weight or eat healthy or watching any adjacent reel, story or video. Advertisers and influencers are eager to get your eyeballs on a product, protocol or procedure. Sometimes whats promised seems like it could, maybe, work but how can you really tell if its legit? Whose advice should you follow?

Enter Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, who has made it his mission to debunk medical misinformation and educate people. Better known as Dr. Mike, he is a practicing family medicine physician in Chatham, New Jersey, who shares his expertise with millions of YouTube and social media followers. These so-called snake oil sellers and their dubious miracle cures are not new, he said; he calls them I Know All experts, a term he coined in a 2017 TED Talk.

I think its not a new phenomenon. Ponce de Lenwas searching for the fountain of youth many years ago, and yet were still doing that to this day, Dr. Mike recently told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the podcast Chasing Life. I just think that the strategies have changed because we have this new added tool of social media that traditionally doctors, who are evidence-based, have shied away from.

Dr. Mike said the I Know All experts and their too-good-to-be-true products flourish in the gray zone where science does not yet have clear answers and social media and the internet amplify their voices.

It allowed a prime opportunity for these IKA experts to come in and claim that they have all the answers. And thats really just a form of trust hacking through mass confidence, as if they know whats going on with you, he said.

(Thats) in dark contrast to what a physician is trained to do: We come in and we dont claim to know the exact diagnosis. We create one diagnosis along with a differential of other options. It could be, when we recommend the treatment, we hedge and say it works X percentage of the time. But these IKA experts trust-hack and say, I know whats wrong with you. I know this is going to work for you. Take my miracle potion. And that sells very, very well.

To listen to more of Dr. Mikes conversation and learn why certain seemingly cant hurt, might help approaches to weight loss such as tummy teas, fad diets and colon cleanses could actually be dangerous, click on the player below.

With so much misinformation floating around the internet and social media especially around the topic of weight loss what can you do to make sure youre not going down an ill-advised rabbit hole? Dr. Mike has these five tips.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Dont trust 99% of things you see on social media; be a healthy skeptic. Thats how l like to say it, said Dr. Mike, noting that there are many sources of information both governmental, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, and academic, such as the site run by Harvard Medical School that are trustworthy. (Those websites usually end in .gov, .edu and .org.)

There was a funny commercial I forgot what it was for; I believe insurance and there was a woman going on a date with a gentleman, and he completely lied on his profile. And he was, like, Always trust what you see on the internet. And thats a lot (of) how I feel about supplements online and people talking about supplements online: That if it feels too good to be true, allow that inner skeptic in you to further test it, either by doing some more in-depth research on your own if youre comfortable, or bringing it up at your next visit with your primary care doctor.

Speaking of primary care physicians, prioritize building a relationship with a good medical professional.

Thats the biggest tip I would give: to create a long-lasting relationship with a primary care doctor, said Dr. Mike, adding that he sees people in their 20s and 30s using urgent care as their primary care source.

Thats not what urgent care is meant to be, he said. Its not going to give you good outcomes. Youre not going to form a good relationship. Youre not going to get the benefits of having a longitudinal relationship with a single provider. So, those are important.

Dr. Mike said such a relationship is especially important when it comes to weight loss, because how in the world can you help someone sustain weight loss if theres no continuity of care? Its, by definition, mandatory for it.

When it comes to weight and weight loss, there are many important factors involved, so dont fall into the trap of obsessing over one, whether that be the one right diet, the one perfect food or the one must-take supplement.

Zoom out of just thinking about, What I can take or what I can eat? and understand that theres a lot of other things that impact your weight, Dr. Mike said.

So, getting seven to nine hours of sleep as an adult, during the same hours of the night, consistently is going to be important for good weight control. Getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity is going to be important.

Dr. Mike also suggests making small adjustments to your daily habits: Skip the elevator and use the stairs instead, and for short distances, leave the car in the garage and do errands on foot. These things are going to add up and actually lead you to have better control of your weight, he said.

When it comes to weight, dont underestimate the role of your mental health.

(Make) sure that you get help when it comes to mental health issues and concerns, Dr. Mike said. Because if youre not in a good mental health place, its very easy to have food become almost a self-treatment for either unhappiness or anxiety. And those conditions both depression and generalized anxiety disorder are treatable conditions, by either getting therapy, perhaps some medication if thats warranted in your condition.

And you might not even connect weight and mental health but it plays an incredibly potent role in helping you not just get to a healthy weight but stay and maintain a healthy weight.

Understand some basic principles about the food you consume, so you dont, for example, vilify or lionize a single food or ingredient.

For example, Dr. Mike said he recently had a guest on his podcast who tried to equate a chocolate kiss to a grape.

We have to put that in perspective. While you may compare them based on their sugar content, thats one way to categorize them, Dr. Mike said. But then if you compare them to how many nutrients that are valuable to us like vitamins, fiber, etc. in grapes versus chocolate, the grapes are clearly healthier.

So avoid trying to oversimplify nutrition with these hard-and-fast rules, and instead just try and give yourself a general understanding of how foods work. Because when youre not as strict and youre not as hard-and-fast in your thinking about food, you actually create a healthier, long-lasting relationship with food that will give you better outcomes in maintaining a healthy weight.

We hope these five tips help you think more clearly about food, weight and what you see or hear about them on the internet. Listen to the full episodehere. And join us next week on theChasing Life podcast when we explore how different diets (keto vs. low fat vs. vegan) and the timing of when we eat can affect our weight and health.

CNN Audios Jennifer Lai contributed to this report.

For more CNN news and newsletters create an account at

'Lose weight quick' online schemes don't work. Dr. Mike offers these 5 tips instead - AOL

Mar 13

Kevin James Discusses 60-Pound Weight Loss, 41-Day Fast: "It Cleansed Everything Out Of Me" – Generation Iron Fitness Network

Kevin Jameshas been open about his weight-loss journey over the course of his career, both on TV and on the big screen. Recently, he joined Joe Rogan to discuss how he was able to drop 60 pounds in just 41 days.

There are many fad diets that are being used to help people lose weight quickly. Often, there is not a toll of research being done as gym goers look for a quick fix to drop pounds. In recent years, Kali Muscle has taken on different methods in order to lose weight and improve his health.

Kali is no stranger to changes in his diet plan. He has cut down to one meal per day in the past and has also been on a kick of eating just fruit. Now, he spent a week cutting out food all together. Kali decided to speak on his decisions and weighed himself on day six to see where he was. He ended up losing just over nine pounds in one week.

James has tried many diets over the years and shared that going keto was one that was effective.

The ketogenic thing, that for me, has worked. Dolce will hate me for saying it. Hes like, blueberries or carbs, carbs are fine for you. The right carbsIve done everything. It all works for awhile but why am I this size now?

Kevin James joinedThe Joe Rogan Experienceand was able to discuss his incredible fast.

Kevin James shared that he could lose weight quickly by just fasting. This is something he has done. Rogan brought up his 41-day fast without food.

Water and a little sale, like a little electrolytes. When I lock on, I can do something. Well, that was fasting. It was mental.

I didnt say Im going to do 40 days. I just said Im going to do whatever I can, Im going to start fasting right now.

James was asked how long it would take him to lose 50 pounds and his answer was really quick.

During his water fast, Kevin James did not even take vitamins. He kept it simple with just water and electrolytes.

It cleaned everything out of me. Im not saying its the way to go.

I can lose it really quick. I could fast and lose it. Seriously, I could lose it quick, I could do it in a month.

Kevin James has gone through weight-loss journeys before and knows what works for him at this point. He does not advocate for others to fast this long but it was able to help him drop 60 pounds.

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Read more:
Kevin James Discusses 60-Pound Weight Loss, 41-Day Fast: "It Cleansed Everything Out Of Me" - Generation Iron Fitness Network

Mar 13

How did Jesse Plemons lose weight so quickly? The actor reveals his strategy to shed pounds – Sportskeeda

Jesse Plemons, the acclaimed actor known for his versatility and powerful performances, recently opened up about his notable weight loss journey and the motivation behind it. Fans of Plemons were taken aback by his slim appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, just before the season finale of Love & Death on HBO Max, where he stars alongside Elizabeth Olsen.

In interviews with GQ and Interview magazines, Plemons shared insights into his weight fluctuations throughout his career, the public's reaction to his physical changes, and his renewed commitment to health.

The actor's transformation is especially visible as he steps into the spotlight for his role in Killers of the Flower Moon, screened at the Cannes Film Festival, showcasing his trim physique.

Jesse Plemons, who has experienced changes in weight for various roles over the years, expressed surprise at the public's fascination with his body.

Reflecting on his weight gain for the 2015 film Black Mass, Plemons told GQ:

He added:

The actor humorously credited his weight loss to stopping the consumption of "terrible food," highlighting a simple yet effective approach to dietary change.

Looking ahead, Plemons is determined to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In a 2022 Interview magazine conversation, he detailed his decision to shed the "extra weight" for good.

His motivation was further spurred by a role requiring him to portray a soldier, leading him to adopt intermittent fasting and reduce carb intake. Jesse Plemons remarked on the simplicity of the process, emphasizing:

Beyond aesthetic or professional reasons, Jesse Plemons cited health benefits such as lowered blood pressure and improved ability to keep up with his young children as key factors in his decision.

Married to actress Kirsten Dunst, the couple share two sons, Ennis, 5, and James, 2. Plemons expressed the joy and beauty of watching their children grow, sharing with British GQ in 2021 the wonders of fatherhood and the family's adaptation to welcoming their second son.

As Jesse Plemons continues to capture audiences with his roles, his journey towards a healthier lifestyle not only showcases his dedication to his craft but also his commitment to wellbeing. It sets a positive example for fans and colleagues alike.

Go here to read the rest:
How did Jesse Plemons lose weight so quickly? The actor reveals his strategy to shed pounds - Sportskeeda

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