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Oct 16

How To Lose One PoundAdding Up to Gradual Weight Loss That … – Eat This, Not That

One pound may not seem like much, but it can be the difference between fitting into an outfit for a special occasion you've been planning on, getting you to the same weight you were decades ago, or it can simply be a crucial step in your weight loss journey. Maybe it took you forever to reach your goal, and you've gained a pound and want to stay in check.

Whatever the reason may be, we're here to help you navigate the process. Losing a pound can be done; at times, it can be like watching a pot of water boil it never seems to happen when you are micromanaging the situation. Just be patient and consistent with your efforts, and you'll see results. One pound also leads to two, and before you know it, you're achieving weight loss that actually lasts. Baby steps really can work!

Whether you're just starting yourweight loss journey or are at a standstill, there's a good possibility you're at a loss for what to do next. Losing one pound can seem like 10 if the scale is just not budging. Many of us have been there, and we feel your frustration. If you're wondering how to lose one pound, we're here to share some tips from the experts. Read on to hear what they have to say, and when you're finished, be sure to check out the 10 Best Costco Frozen Foods for Weight Loss.

Plain and simple, you need to establish a calorie deficit of approximately 500 calories each day to lose one pound in a week, according to Shapiro. (Note that this can also depend on the individual.)

One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories of energy, Shapiro tells us. "The weekly weight loss with a 500-calorie deficit may range from one-half to one pound. While you lose weight, you're losing water, fat, and lean muscle mass. These changes in body composition will also affect the rate of weight loss."

In order to lose weight in a safe and sustainable manner, be mindful of what works and what doesn't work for your body. It's always best to check in with your healthcare professional or a registered dietitian, and make sure you are never overdoing it when it comes to dieting or losing weight. According to Shapiro, "Around one to two pounds per week is a safe and steady rate of weight loss, than those who lose weight quickly."

Whenever you're looking to lose weight, it's imperative to look at your portions, and maybe not go in for that second helping of sweet potato casserole around the holidays!

"Portion size is an important determinant of your total calorie intake," says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDNthe founder and director of Real Nutrition, a New York City-based private practice dedicated to healthfully and successfully guiding clients to their optimal nutrition, weight, and overall wellness. "Eating anything in an excessive amount can turn into fat. Controlling portions will help you create the calorie deficit essential for weight loss."

RELATED: 10 Low-Calorie Fast-Food Breakfasts for Weight Loss

If you haven't tried a food journal before, now's a great time to record what you're eating and just how much. It will help hold you accountable for your choices and also let you know where you can make some improvements. "Additionally, it can keep track of how you feel after eating certain foods, helping you understand what foods work best for you and what don't," Shapiro adds.

RELATED: 5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Women That Actually Work

Give meal prepping a try. By preparing your meals ahead of time, you're able to really focus on what you're putting into themand put that "portion control" tip to good use! Switch it up, and try different vegetables and lean proteins so you don't get bored and it's easier to stick with.

"Preparing meals and ingredients in advance is an effective method for weight loss," says Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, the author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, a nutritionist in private practice, and a member of our Medical Expert Board. "Having ready-to-go options helps you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Easy access to nutritious choices can prevent reaching for processed snacks like chips or crackers."

RELATED: 8 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Weight Loss

Now more than ever, it's important to give yourself a kickstart so you can go that extra mile to lose a pound. Exercise is something both Shapiro and Young agree on; it's a necessity whenever you're looking to lose weight and lead an all-around healthy lifestyle.

If you're not already doing at least 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise per week (along with two days of muscle-strengthening physical activity), push yourself to make that happen. "Integrating physical activity into your daily routine benefits both your physical and mental health," Young explains. "Aim for about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. Consistent exercise promotes gradual fat loss, contributing to weight loss."

Take a hard look at your weekly meal rotation, and see if you can make any necessary adjustments. Nutrients are essential to keeping you energized and able to perform normal bodily functions, Shapiro tells us. A solid balance of lean protein, healthy fat, and complex carbs will help you feel full and avoid unhealthy snacking between mealswhich is a complete no-no when trying to lose one pound. "Avoid following diet trends such as a low-fat or low-carb diet, which can be unsustainable over time," Shapiro suggests. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

Adding a good variety of foods into your meals offers essential nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. "A good rule of thumb is to fill half your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, have a quarter to protein, and the remaining quarter to whole grains like brown rice," Young explains. "This ensures you receive all necessary macronutrients while consuming a wide variety of foods."

RELATED: 6 'Bad' Carbs That Are Actually Good For Weight Loss

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How To Lose One PoundAdding Up to Gradual Weight Loss That ... - Eat This, Not That

May 3

Lose Weight Fast with Dr. Vince Hassel | Paid Content – Local 5 –

Paid Content | This program works for everyone. Everyone just needs to commit to the program to see results and to make a change. The ChiroThin Weight Loss Program helps patients lose 20-35 lbs in just 42 days without shakes, pre-packaged meals, or even exercise.

Kevin Gordon joins us with Dr. Hassel today via Zoom. Gordon is on day 38 and so far and has lost 41 lbs. Kevin joined this program because it became more difficult to interact with his kids like he used to, he was looking for a healthier lifestyle. A coworker introduced him to the program and the best advertisement is the from someone you know. He was looking for a healthier lifestyle. The lifestyle is motivating so you continue what youre doing.

At first, he had his doubts but once he started the program all his fears melted away quickly. Seeing all the weight come off became encouraging. He talks about how fantastic his weight loss is. His goal is to get back to the weight he was at when he was younger.

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Lose Weight Fast with Dr. Vince Hassel | Paid Content - Local 5 -

May 3

Lose 10 Pounds in a Month With This Workout Trainers Love – Eat This, Not That

While I generally recommend a slow and steady method to lose weight, we all understand that sometimes, you'd like the scale to move down quicker. (This, of course, is without sacrificing losing weight in a healthy manner, which trumps any fitness goal you may have.) Whether you're prepping for a high school reunion that crept up on you or a summer beach getaway you want to get toned for, you're on a bit of a time crunch to lose weight. The following routine is a hardcore HIIT workout to help you lose 10 pounds or less in 30 days, so lace up those sneakers, and gear up.

If you stick to the program and couple it with a healthy diet for fat loss, solid lifestyle habits, and make sure you don't take a single cheat day, you can drop weight quickly and be set for whatever big plans you have in store. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds at maximal intensity, followed by 30 seconds of slow walking/pacing. Then, move on to the next exercise and repeat. Complete this workout three times per week. On non-workout days, perform 30 to 60 minutes of slower cardio to keep your caloric burn as high as possible while recovering from the workouts. Repeat for four to five weeks, and watch the weight melt right off!

As with any new exercise routine, it's always important to check in with a healthcare professional or certified fitness expert to ensure it's the right route for you.

Keep reading for a fitness routine that will help you lose 10 pounds or less in 30 days. And next, be sure to check out 7 Simple Dumbbell Exercises To Lose Weight in 30 Days.

The goblet squat is a functional lower-body exercise that hits your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core for a serious calorie burn.

To perform a dumbbell goblet squat, stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width distance apart, holding a dumbbell vertically with both hands at chest level. Brace your core and squat down, pushing your hips back and keeping your chest up. Push through your feet to return to the starting position, squeezing your glutes at the top. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Sprints are a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise that helps burn calories quickly by seriously revving your metabolic furnace. Focus on maximizing your stride rate by driving your knee explosively upward with each repetition, then slamming your foot straight toward the ground as you take each step at maximal intensity.

To perform sprints, find a flat, open area with enough space to run. Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides. Begin running, gradually increasing your speed until you reach your maximum effort. Maintain your top speed for the target distance or time. Slow down gradually, and return to a standing or walking position. Aim to be at a maximal sprint for 30 seconds.

RELATED: 13 Tips To Lose 10 Pounds Quickly

Pushups are a compound upper-body exercise that helps to build strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps while demanding full-body stabilization. They also burn serious calories when performed as part of a HIIT circuit. Plus, pushups don't require any equipment setup.

To perform a pushup, begin in a pushup plank position with hands under your shoulders. Engage your core, and keep your spine in a braced neutral position. Lower toward the ground by bending at the elbows and shoulders. When your chest is just above the ground, push evenly through both hands to return to the starting position. Do not allow your hips to sag throughout the movement Repeat for 30 seconds.

RELATED: 10 Habits That Destroy Your Weight Loss Progress After 50

The burpee is a full-body, explosive high-intensity exercise that seriously kicks up your metabolism and helps the fat melt right off.

To perform a burpee, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Squat down, and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your legs back into a plank position. (Optional: Do a pushup.) Jump your feet back to your hands, returning to the squat position. Jump straight up, reaching your hands overhead. Absorb your landing with a squat, and drop immediately into the next repetition. Repeat for 30 seconds.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

RELATED: Drop 10 Pounds With This Fat-Melting Floor Workout

The last exercise in this workout to lose 10 pounds in a month is the bicycle crunch. Bicycle crunches are an effective abdominal exercise that targets the rectus abdominis and obliques, giving you a two-for-one ab exercise that maximizes your time and calorie burn compared to other core exercises.

To perform bicycle crunches, lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. Engage your core, and lift your head, shoulders, and feet off the ground. Bring your right elbow toward your left knee as you extend your right leg as if pedaling a bicycle. Continue alternating sides in a controlled, fluid motion, maintaining tension in your core throughout the exercise. Repeat for 30 seconds.

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Lose 10 Pounds in a Month With This Workout Trainers Love - Eat This, Not That

May 3

Fine, Ill Say It: I Hate It When Plus-Size Celebrities Lose Weight – Allure

Welcome back to theLearning Curve, a monthly column where we unpack the complicated experience of accepting your own body in a world that doesn't seem to want you to. This month, Nicola ponders the unease she feels when a plus-size celebrity suddenly becomes thinner despite their body being none of her business.

I cant look at Mindy Kaling anymore. Or Rebel Wilson. Or Adele.

Yes, its only because theyre significantly thinner. A wave of unease crashes over me every time I lay eyes upon a formerly plus-size famous person despite the fact that neither they nor their body have anything to do with me. Seeing a woman above a size 8 on a red carpet was nearly unheard of until the early 2010s, when Melissa McCarthy got promoted from dowdy sidekick to leading lady andOrange Is the New Black became the most talked-about show in the country. Still, comparatively few plus-size women have been allowed past the exclusive gates of fame, but when they thrive in that traditionally thin space anyway, it makes my own successes feel possible and my own body feel worthy.

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But every now and then, Ive woken up and one of the people I once felt proudly represented by onscreen suddenly felt like a stranger with more chiseled cheekbones, a flatter stomach, and a thigh gap.Theres something wrong here, my subconscious nags every time it happens,not with them with you.

Celebrities and weight loss itself arent my enemies here. People lose (and gain) weight for a wide variety of reasons and its not always under a persons control whether or not they do. Sometimes its healthy, sometimes its not, and sometimes its neither. Regardless, those reasons or the fact that it happens are none of my business usually.

They become my business when headlines and social media posts refuse to let me gloss over Wilsons year of health, during which she reportedly lost more than 80 pounds by eating high-protein meals, or how Kaling managed to become unrecognizable by losing weight allegedlywithout any dietary restrictions. Adele apparentlylost 100 pounds just by lifting weights and doing circuit training, according to what my phone tells me. Sure.

These are conversations, by the way, that the celebrities actively participated in by posting about weight loss on social media and/or allowing journalists to interview them about the topic. But whether or not the celebrity participates in it, the mainstream narrative surrounding any bigger, famous person who has lost a significant amount of weight is that they lookso much better now, dont they? And theyrehealthy now!

If influencers or different people are sending a message that we can modify our bodies simply through exercise and diet, the science simply doesnt support that.

This is where the problem starts, especially when the stories are presented with pictures of celebrities before and after their transformations, as many of them are. I think [before-and-after imagery] offers people an opportunity to think that achieving weight loss is something thats worthwhile, saysPhillippa Diedrichs, PhD, a research psychologist who specializes in media and body image. The issue really lies in the fact that it is often suggested the after image is the better of the two. It sends the message that a larger body type is not ideal and could and should be changed.

If youve ever tried to lose weight the old-fashioned way (diet and exercise), you know how impossible it can feel simply because you dont have time to hit the gym every day before or after the commute to your nine-to-five job. You might not have the budget to buy food that hasnt been processed. You dont even know where to begin with working outor eating because theres an endless sea of information about weight loss on the internet and little of it is realistic or trustworthy. You have these struggles because youre a normal person, one who probably has not sold hundreds of millions of records or written half a dozen hit television shows.

Thats reality. Celebrities dont live in reality. Imagine how much easier losing weight would be if you had a full gym at home or access to a private fitness center where the machines are clean, functioning, and always free to use, where men dont openly leer at you, and where you have your very own instructor telling you exactly what to do not to mention a work schedule that allows you to indulge in all of these things several times a day (or perhaps even a job that literally pays you to do so). At home, your personal nutritionist prepares post-workout smoothies and perfectly proportioned meals. You might even have an appointment with a doctor to discreetly discussliposuction or going onOzempic.

My imaginary scenario isnt stone-cold fact (though I will presentthis interview with Rob McElhenney as evidence), but theseare very rich people were talking about and rich people can afford a lifestyle that just makes things easier and that includes weight loss by any means necessary. But when the celebrity or the media outlets covering said celebrity depict drastic weight loss as something that can be achieved simply and quickly, you feel like a failure when you cant lose weight after you ate nothing but chicken breast for a week and bought a treadmill desk.

Just because young people know most media images are retouched doesnt change the fact that they feel impacted by their presence.

Those feelings of failure can cause a cycle that impacts ones overall well-being in the long run, according to Dr. Diedrichs. People can have unrealistic expectations about what they can achieve with weight loss, particularly if it is being marketed as a result of managing diet as well as exercise. That presents a very simplistic view of how a persons weight is determined. And she notes, a persons weight often comes down to a variety of factors such as genetics, biology, and socioeconomics, things that are perpetually glossed over in marketing and other online conversations about weight. If influencers or different people are sending a message that we can modify our bodies simply through exercise and diet, Dr. Deidrichs adds, the science simply doesnt support that.

The science proves that most dieting practices do not result in sustainable weight loss (if any weight is lost at all), so those of us who see a celebrity lose weight and try their reported regimens for ourselves are immediately buckled into a roller coaster of self-hatred we cant get off of. The basic diet response can be restricting what youre eating, setting up unrealistic rules that are impossible to follow, that dont lead to the result that you want, Dr. Diedrichs elaborates. That leads you to feeling lazy and undisciplined, or feeling like these standards are impossible to maintain and that your body is not good enough. From that point, she adds, dieters are more likely to overeat out of frustration, which leads to more feelings of self-loathing, which leads back to square one with food restriction. In the most extreme cases, that can mimic or be a symptom of having an eating disorder.

And seeing someone who once looked like you suddenly adhere to thin beauty standardsdoes subconsciously encourage you to try to lose weight, whether or not that was ever of interest to you. Just by having images [featuring unattainable beauty standards] there, even if we dont think that its achievable, still sends a message that thats something to aspire to. And if we fall short of that, we dont measure up, Dr. Diedrichs explains, citing image retouching as a common instance in which an understanding of reality isn't enough to combat the effects of an unattainable beauty standard. Just because young people know most media images are retouched, she explains, doesnt change the fact that they can feel impacted by their presence.

Ive spent much of my life training myself to notice the way these things negatively impactmy own body image, and yet they still do hence, why I had to leave the room when I recently caught my roommate watching reruns ofThe Office. Just involuntarily picturing Kalings before and after in my head felt like a message that I need to lose weight. I could do it just as easily as she did and therefore Im supposed to, right?

In a fucked-up way, it kind of feels like Im losing teammates with the loss of certain plus-size celebrities. Those of us who do not meet that thinner-than-average beauty standard already struggle with a lack of fair representation in the media we consume. When some of our main pillars of representation fall, that, too, can negatively impact the way we see ourselves. By having a lack of representation, youre sending a message that those people arent welcome or theyre not aspirational or theyre not attractive, Dr. Diedrichs explains. The more likely we are to internalize those ideas, the worse our body image is.

And I do, indeed, internalize that, even though I don't want to. So, yeah. I hate it when celebrities lose weight, especially those who are or once were plus-size. It has nothing to do with who they are or why and how they did it but has everything to do with the ways our society and subconsciouses trick us into believing the fairy tale that everyone can and should be gorgeous and skinny. And it's certainly not that people in the spotlight should feel morally obligated to remain plus-size. It's that media as a whole should continue to highlight people of all sizes without commenting on their weight or asking for their dieting secrets.

If, somehow, there are any celebrities (or their publicists) reading this, I'm not asking you to abandon dieting or exercising or posting photos of yourself at any size. I'm asking you to consider refraining from sharing how you lost the weight the next time a magazine asks (or, as McElhenney did in that aforementioned interview, be brutally honest about how unattainable your results may be for the average person). Because, as Dr. Deidrichs explained, our brains are impacted by the false narrative that anyone can lose weight quickly and easily, regardless of whether or not we understand that its false.

While I believe the responsibility to stop this narrative lies mostly with the media, one also has to consider how the people seeking out and reading weight-loss content at home play into the equation. Media outlets (includingAllure, mind you) determine much of their content based on what their audience is naturally drawn to and what people en masse are typing into their search engines. If celebrity weight-loss content is what brings traffic to a publication, theyll keep making it. If this is a narrative you, too, would like to stop, then simply ignoring this type of content is a good place to start. Even hate-clicking a story about weight loss signifies your interest in it to a media company, and media companies are corporations that rely on that interest to make profits. It all feeds into one viscous cycle of clicks and content creation that wont break until one or both parties make a choice to quit cold turkey.

Being triggered into body shame is not something we can avoid, nor is it something can we expect celebrities or the media to manage for us.

Regardless of how media outlets change or dont change, Dr. Diedrichs says increased media literacy is the solution for people struggling with these unrealistic standards on a personal level. We know from research that if we increase peoples knowledge and understanding of what goes into creating a media image, that can sometimes disrupt the process of comparing ourselves to other people because youve dismissed that as a relevant target thats actually achievable, she says. In other words, keep in mind all that stuff I said earlier about the private gyms and personal chefs and Ozempic.

Many of these conversations about celebrity weight loss are simply another means by which women are objectified en masse, their value reduced to the appearance of their body. (Celebrity weight loss in men ignites similar harmful narratives, but lets be honest in acknowledging that their perceived worthiness is not as closely tied to their weight.) Just by writing this story, I risk objectifying these women even further, but when we collectively fail to address the reality at hand, I think it warrants a conversation. Dr. Diedrichs agrees, so long as that conversation challenges beauty standards in a way that does not reinforce the importance of appearance, to begin with.

So the next time youre confronted with the image of someone who meets a beauty standard you dont, and when that shaky, barely audible voice within you starts nagging at you to be skinnier, please pause for a second and ask yourself a few things: Why is weight the first thing that set me off about this image? Am I dissatisfied with my body or am I trying to control my body as a means of trying to control other problems in my life? What are those other problems? Is forcing my body to change a realistic or healthy way to get rid of them?

I cant answer those questions for you, but I can tell you this: Being triggered into body shame is not something we can avoid, nor is it something can we expect celebrities or the media to manage for us. But it is something we can learn to discuss and dissect to a greater degree than she/he/they look better/worse. Maybe if we do that more often, well feel less pressured to follow in the footsteps of the rich, famous, and increasingly thin.

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Fine, Ill Say It: I Hate It When Plus-Size Celebrities Lose Weight - Allure

May 3

3 Foods To Remove From Your Diet To Drop Pounds So Fast – SheFinds

1. White bread

Many people prefer white bread for their sandwiches, toast, and more. It may even be a staple in your own pantry and diet. Unfortunately, thought, Richards warns that this is one of the worst foods for your overall health and could seriously stall your weight loss efforts. For this reason, cutting it out of your diet is one great step to take on your weight loss journey.

White bread and other refined carbs, Richards says,"have many negative side effects for our health and belly fat is just one of them." Essentially, these processed foods "have undergone a refining process where the fiber and beneficial nutrients are removed and possibly replaced with synthetic versions." That means eating white bread can lead to "quick sugar spikes and inflammation, both of which stall weight loss and damage health."

Luckily, there are plenty of healthier breads to choose from. Switching to whole grain or even sprouted bread could make a major difference in your weight loss progress. Discover one of the best breads for weight loss here.

Here's another type of refined carb that health experts urge you to kick to the curb if weight loss is your goal (or even if you just want to be healthier overall). Richards cites sugary pastries like donuts and danishes as some of the worst foods for inflammation and weight gain.

"They are a combination of refined carbs and fat from oil," she warns. "These two together provide you with a high calorie, inflammatory, and weight promoting snack."

Like white bread, she goes on to explain that pastries are highly inflammatory and likely to lead to a quick rise in glucose due to all that sugar. "When the body is inflamed for a prolonged period of time it becomes more difficult to lose weight," Richards says, emphasizing that "the body will begin to hold on to weight more easily."

For a healthier breakfast that can still hit that sweet spot, you may want to go with some yogurt, granola, and fruit. Here are some of the best weight loss-friendly breakfasts to choose from.

When it comes to the worst commonly used ingredients that are likely to slow your weight loss progress, vegetable oils are definitely somewhere at the top of the list. Mauro warns that these cooking oils, which are processed with chemicals and packed with omega-6 fatty acids, "are a key contributor to inflammation" and "can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases and an increased risk of obesity."

Additionally, vegetable oils offer virtually no nutritional value. As Cowin notes, they "contain only trace amounts of nutrients, meaning cooking with this oil doesn't provide much benefit to your body or diet compared to other oils that are higher in unsaturated fats like olive oil." Learn more about the health benefits of olive oil here.

Of course, there's also the simple fact that this ingredient is extremely calorie-dense, with a single tablespoon coming in around 120 calories. Overall, your best bet is to trade vegetable oils for olive oil.

Of course, losing weight should be a comprehensive effort; it will take more than just cutting a few inflammatory foods out if you want to reach your goal weight as quickly as possible. However, if you frequently indulge in foods like white bread and pastries and tend to cook with vegetable oils, eliminating these foods from your diet will certainly take you one step closer.

See the article here:
3 Foods To Remove From Your Diet To Drop Pounds So Fast - SheFinds

May 3

Sustainable weight loss: How to lose the extra kilos and not gain them back – The Indian Express

Losing weight can be hard, but maintaining that weight loss can be harder. So, it is not surprising that people try out different diet regimes and fitness routines to keep their weight in check sometimes even without consulting an expert. According to data and studies, while some diet plans may help lose weight successfully in a short period of time, their results may not be long-lasting or healthy in the long term making all the efforts go in vain. So, is there a way to lose weight sustainably and not gain it back?

What is sustainable weight loss?

According to Neha Pathania, Chief Dietician, Paras Health, Gurugram, sustainable weight loss refers to a long-term approach to losing weight in a healthy and maintainable way. It involves making gradual lifestyle changes that can be sustained over time, resulting in a healthy and stable weight, she added.

Elucidating, the expert said that sustainable weight loss focuses on creating a caloric deficit by balancing healthy eating habits and physical activity. The goal is losing weight gradually and safely; typically, one to two pounds per week. It also includes making permanent lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, staying active, and managing stress. Its not just about losing weight quickly, but about creating habits that can be maintained over time, she told

How to achieve it

According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, Combatting overweight or obesity can lead to large fluctuations in an individuals body weight, often referred to as weight cycling or yo-yo dieting. Current evidence regarding the potentially damaging effects of these changes is conflicting.

Here are some tips that can help, as per Pathania:

*Focus on whole foods: Eat a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.

*Reduce processed and sugary foods: Avoid foods that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates, such as junk food, fast food, sugary drinks and processed snacks.

*Watch portion sizes: Practice portion control to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your food, and be mindful of your hunger and fullness cues.

*Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and to help you feel full. Avoid sugary drinks, which can contribute to weight gain.

*Exercise regularly: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.

*Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.

*Manage stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises. Stress can lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

How to lose weight and not gain it back?

Talking about the same, Rujuta Diwekar, a celebrity nutritionist, took to Instagram to explain that our weight returns because we resume normal eating after a diet. We often make the mistake of cutting out certain food groups from our diet, and once we resume them, the weight immediately comes back, she said, adding that a lot of people lose weight, but not even 20 per cent of that population is able to keep off that weight. This can take anywhere between 3 weeks to 2 months, she stated.

The nutritionist further shared that slow and steady weight loss is the perfect way to make it last in the longer run. Ideally, we should aim for a weight loss of 5 to 10% over a period of one year. So, if you weight is 70 kgs, you should try to lose only 3.5 kgs to 7 kgs in the period of one year. This way, your weight loss will be healthy, and it will not return very easily even after you give up your diet.

Concluding, Pathania said, Remember that sustainable weight loss takes time and patience. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, which is a safe and healthy rate of weight loss. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or medical conditions that may affect your weight loss journey.

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First published on: 26-04-2023 at 15:00 IST

Sustainable weight loss: How to lose the extra kilos and not gain them back - The Indian Express

May 3

1000-LB. Sisters Tammy Slaton needs 11-hour surgery costing $85k to fix excess skin & its not just her ne… – The US Sun

1000-LB. Sisters star Tammy Slaton's drooping skin needs cutting and stitching back up when her weight loss plateaus, a plastic surgeon has said.

But he warns that if the TLC star gains weight after any lengthy and pricy surgical skin removal treatments, it'll all be a waste of time.

Since making her debut 1000-Lb. Sisters in January 2020, Tammy Slaton lost a massive 300 pounds in weight.

The 36-year-old once tipped the scales at 717 pounds, and through the first three seasons, she was filmed managing her food addiction.

During season four, TLC began charting Tammys second stint at an Ohio food rehab clinic and her ongoing weight loss battle.

Kentucky-based Tammy followed up with gastric bypass surgery in June.

Now weighing around 400 pounds, Tammy posted a couple of post-surgery selfies on her Instagram feed recently.

These showed a close-up of her slimmed-down face - but the full effects of her weight loss meant Tammy's skin drooped under her neck.

One follower commented: "What's wrong with her neck? Is it something medical or excess loose skin due to weight loss?"

Another said: "Its been amazing seeing your consistency within your health journey. Soon enough youll be approved for skin removal and just know we are all rooting for you! Proud of you!"

Loose skin is usually caused by losing lots of weight quickly and is said to happen more to weight-loss surgery patients.

One way to get rid of the excess skin is via plastic surgery.

In an exclusive interview, plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Westreich told The U.S. Sun: If you lose around 100 pounds or more like Tammy has, then you wind up with extra skin.

After the initial extreme weight loss, skin presents underneath the chin as seen in Tammys Instagram photos.

After bariatric surgery and extreme weight loss, its usual to have extra skin, since it cant shrink enough.

The fat loss and the extra skin are no different than wearing old clothes.

Obviously your clothes from when you were heavier will hang off your body, and skin is no different.

Skin can shrink, but only by a variable degree.

If you put your clothes in the dryer and shrink them, theyll only shrink so much and can be still too big.

Most patients like Tammy would probably get a lot of issues with the arms and the lower abdomen.

"She would have issues with the legs - with the skin above the knees.

Usual skin tightening procedures wouldnt work in these instances.

For Tammys face, she would get a facelift or a direct neck lift where you cut out skin from the center of the neck before closing it up.

A neck lift would take between four to five hours and cost around $35,000.

For Tammys lower abdomen, this procedure would be abdominoplasty, which takes two to three hours and costs around $20,000.

For the knees, she would need a leg lift, which could take two hours and cost around $15,000.

The skin on Tammys arms would be taken care of by a Brachioplasty.

"This can take two hours and cost around $15,000 to remove the extra skin."

This totals $85,000 - and the doctor warns it could be wasted money.

He says: If she gains weight again after any skin surgeries, the skin will stretch again and shell be back to where she started.

During her years of food addiction, Tammy endured two rehab stays before undergoing gastric bypass surgery - or bariatric surgery - in June.

This is an operation on the digestive system which helps people lose weight quickly in extreme situations.

It works by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach, meaning it takes less food to make you feel full and you'll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.

In previous scenes during season 4, Tammy reached her goal weight of 550 pounds to allow her to get the surgery.

But after weighing in at 534 pounds, within months the reality star was spotted heading back to her home after a trip to McDonald's.

Tammy has also been seen out on her scooter, vaping, and shopping for Twinkies and other treats at Walmart with her sister Amy.

Dr, Westreich said: Most patients that undergo bariatric procedures get a lot of counseling for the skin area as well.

Tammy would have expected this type of sagging skin."

However, Tammy cannot get a skin tightening operation until her weight has "equalized."

Dr. Westreich said: This means waiting until youre evened down and not losing a significant amount of weight anymore.

That time frame is different for everybody.

The entire process is hard for patients because youre also treating obesity.

If you've lost several hundred pounds, its really worth it having to manage all this.

The surgeon would usually do a reasonable amount of the skin surgeries together.

"They may not do all of them but, usually, they would do the abdominoplasty, leg lift, and maybe the arms.

"The face usually gets done separately.

"The main scarring would be on the arms as that's the hardest one to hide.

"The chin or face scar will be obviously visible, but that's usually pretty well hidden.

"I don't think any of these skin surgeries are particularly difficult.

"I think that the arm lift would leave the worst scar that's very visible for Tammy.

From a recovery standpoint, the abdominoplasty and the leg lifts would probably be two to three weeks of recovery.

With regards to infections of the skin in the meantime, there wouldnt be any more risk.

Tammy wouldnt be getting any more skin infections with the rolls of skin she has than when she was heavier.

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1000-LB. Sisters Tammy Slaton needs 11-hour surgery costing $85k to fix excess skin & its not just her ne... - The US Sun

Mar 20

Top 6 Most Effective Weight Loss Strategies for Significant Results … – The Bellingham Business Journal

Weight loss for maintaining a healthy weight helps in promoting health benefits. So, numerous weight-loss programs, fad diets, and outright scams promise to make you lose weight quickly and easily. But you have to remember that the base of successful weight loss is improved physical activity along with a calorie-controlled, healthy diet. Most people tend to regain weight after a few years. That is why you need to change your lifestyle, eating habits, and health habits for long-term, successful weight loss.

This article will discuss six practical strategies for success in the weight-loss journey. The six strategies are briefly discussed below:

Long-term weight loss requires time and effort, and a strong commitment in the long term. As you do not want to regain weight, you should be ready to ensure that you will make permanent changes in your eating habits and physical activity. The below questions can be asked to determine preparedness:

If you can deal with the above mentioned situations, you can lose weight successfully. However, if you need help, you must consult a doctor to address your problems or emotions that seem like obstacles in your weight-loss journey. If you are ready from your heart, then stay committed and change habits to keep healthy.

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One must change the exercise and diet plan to get a successful result in achieving the goal. No one can make you lose weight unless you change your habits. But what can be done to be strong enough to stick to your plan of weight loss?

Setting realistic goals for weight loss is very important. But do we know what it means? Let us know in brief here: Setting a target to lose 0.5 kilograms to 1 kilogram (1 to 2 pounds) per week, you must burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you intake daily. It can be done by taking a low-calorie diet and daily physical activity. An initial realistic goal is 5% of your current weight, depending on your weight. Even losing weight at this level can help to reduce the risk of chronic health issues like type 2 diabetes and heart problems. So, it would help if you remembered to think about process and outcome goals while setting them.

Adopting a new eating habit that helps lower calorie intake must be included in promoting weight loss. Reducing calorie intake does not mean sacrificing satisfaction, taste, or ease of meal preparation. Eating more plant-based foods, like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can reduce calorie intake. Try to have a variety of low-calorie food that can help you to attain your goals without giving up nutrition or taste. Following are some tips for having low-calorie food:

Exercise can help you burn the excess calories that cannot be cut through diet. It offers various health benefits, including strengthening the cardiovascular system, boosting mood, reducing blood pressure, etc. Physical activity also helps maintain weight loss in the long term. The calorie you burn depends on certain factors such as the duration of your actions, intensity of the activities, frequency, etc. So, you should increase your physical activity throughout the day if you need more time to exercise regularly. Extra movements can help in burning calories. In this way, you can lose weight gradually.

Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly for weeks or months is insufficient for long-term weight management. There must be a positive outlook on your daily routine and eating patterns so the habits transform into a way of life.

It is always wise to take advice from a professional before starting a new weight-loss program. We can get a clear idea of the essential strategies mentioned above for reducing and maintaining weight in the long term. But remember to pay attention to the bodys signals and other health issues during the weight-loss journey.

Continued here:
Top 6 Most Effective Weight Loss Strategies for Significant Results ... - The Bellingham Business Journal

Mar 20

Working out but not losing weight? This could be why – Sportskeeda

If you're eating healthy and working out but not losing weight, there could be a reason behind it. Weight loss efforts are met with resistance from the body, so adjusting your approach may be necessary.

It's possible to lose a significant amount of weight quickly and easily when you first start dieting. However, the rate at which weight is lost may decrease or even stop after a certain period. At this point, you will need to tweak your approach to keep losing weight.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why working out but not losing weight can happen.

Check out the following reasons for working out but not losing weight:

Weight loss requires a great deal of self-awareness. Many are completely oblivious to the quantity of food they consume daily.

Keeping a food diary or taking pictures of meals can aid in weight loss. However, there's a potential drawback to tracking food intake, especially when doing so with the aim of weight loss. Calorie counting and food tracking have been linked to a worsening of negative symptoms in people with eating disorders.

It's important, though, to strike a balance. Consuming the wrong kinds of foods may be the reason you're working out but not losing weight.

Consuming 2530% of your calories as protein can increase metabolism by 80100 calories daily and cause you to consume hundreds of fewer calories without even trying.

As a bonus, it can make you much less hungry and less interested in eating between meals. Protein's effects on hunger hormones like ghrelin and others play a mediating role in this phenomenon.

Take advantage of breakfast by having a lot of protein-rich foods. Those who consume a high-protein breakfast report fewer hunger pangs and cravings throughout the day.

High protein intake is also helpful in warding off metabolic slowdown, which can occur during weight loss. Furthermore, it aids in the avoidance of gaining weight again. Not eating enough protein can be one of the reasons you're working out but not losing weight.

Not counting your calories can contribute to a situation of working out but not losing weight.

Many who struggle to slim down do so, as their caloric intake is too high. You might not think that it's relevant for you, but research shows that most people significantly underestimate how many calories they consume daily.

Keeping track of your food intake and weight loss progress through weighing and measuring can help. If you have a specific nutrient goal in mind, like obtaining 30% of your calories from protein, tracking is essential. Failure to keep accurate records can make this goal impossible to reach.

It's not realistic to spend your entire life weighing and measuring everything you eat. Do the opposite, and give the aforementioned methods a try for a few days every few months to get a handle on your eating habits.

It's not just about how much food you eat, but how good it is. Having a diet rich in whole foods has been shown to boost health and aid in appetite control. These foods are typically more filling than their highly processed counterparts.

It's important to remember that many packaged foods marketed as 'health foods' are quite unhealthy. Take note of their carbohydrate content in the label. Not including whole foods in your diet can contribute to working out but not losing weight.

Any physical activity that causes a rise in heart rate is considered a cardiovascular exercise. Fitness activities can range from jogging and cycling to swimming and water aerobics.

It's a great way to boost health and well-being. It's also great for getting rid of the disease-causing visceral fat that accumulates in the abdominal cavity and around the organs. Not doing cardio exercises can contribute to working out but not losing weight.

Weight lifting or other forms of resistance training are great for burning calories and helping you feel full longer. Not doing strength exercises can contribute to working out but not losing weight.

Muscle is often lost along with fat if you don't engage in any physical activity, so strength workouts can help you keep your hard-earned muscles. Weight training has additional benefits, including reduced risk of metabolic slowdown and maintenance of muscle tone and mass.

One of the most important things you can do for your mental and physical health, as well as weight, is to get a good night's sleep every night.

Lack of sleep has been identified as a major contributor to the development of obesity. Insufficient sleep increases risk of becoming overweight by 55% in adults and 89% in children.

Exercising but not losing weight can be due to many reasons. Losing weight isn't always simple, and there're a lot of things that can stop you in your tracks. It's pretty simple math: if you take in the same number of calories that you burn off, you won't lose weight.

Mindful eating, keeping a food diary, increasing protein intake and doing strength training are good options to lose weight. Eventually, you need patience, dedication, perseverance and resilience to lose weight and have lasting lifestyle changes.

Working out but not losing weight? This could be why - Sportskeeda

Mar 20

My 600-Lb Life: Marla McCants’ Weight Loss Transformation In Photos – Screen Rant

My 600-lb Life has shared some of the most inspirational weight loss journeys, including the story of Marla McCants, who has completely transformed herself. Originally weighing in at nearly 800 pounds, Marla sought the help of the Houston-based Dr. Younan Nowzaradan (typically known as Dr. Now), in order to prepare herself for weight loss surgery. She managed to drop enough weight to be approved for surgery, and then had a successful operation and recovery, with the help of her daughter, Sierra.

Prior to weight loss surgery, Marla had been bedridden, and was unable to perform basic tasks. Therefore, learning how to function as an able-bodied person again was tough for the mother of three. After years of emotional eating, and hard experiences that left her with very little motivation to succeed, My 600-lb Life's Marla McCants made a drastic change. She kept making progress, and thanks to maintaining her healthy lifestyle, she looks very different today, almost a decade after her episode first aired.

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When Marla's story began, she traveled to Houston to meet with Dr. Now. Back then, she weighed nearly 800 pounds. After years of emotional eating, Marla had become bedridden, and needed her childrens' help with everyday tasks. Her daughter Sierra had even moved in with her, and traveled with her to Houston, in order to help her mom. Although she'd tried to lose weight on her own in the past, Marla found herself unsuccessful, after giving all of her energy to her family. Her life was on the line, and the My 600-lb Life star decided to seek Dr. Now's help. She wanted to finally conquer her most difficult problem.

After her bariatric surgery, Marla lost a significant amount of weight. At first, she was still bedridden and struggling to move, relying on Sierra to help her with everything. Sierra became frustrated with her mother, believing that she was more capable than she thought. With the help of Sierra and medical professionals, Marla was able to stand up for the first time, post-surgery. From there, she began to progress quickly. Marla shed weight fast, by following her diet and exercising. Though her episode of My 600-lb Life finished filming, Marla continued to make progress on her own. She documented it all for the future.

After sharing her inspiring story on My 600-lb Life, and continuing to drop weight in a healthy, manageable way, Marla began to post photos of her progress on Instagram. She lost nearly 560 pounds, getting down to about 225 pounds. The significant weight loss changed her life, as well as her body. Today, Marla travels around America, working as a motivational speaker. She discusses grief, and her weight loss journey. After My 600-lb Life, Marla continues to share her story, inspiring others, and ensuring that they always know there is someone there who can relate to them.

More: Why Coliesa McMillian's My 600-Lb Life Story Is The Most Heartbreaking

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My 600-Lb Life: Marla McCants' Weight Loss Transformation In Photos - Screen Rant

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