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Feb 24

Weight Loss Diet: Why are you not losing weight despite doing everything right? These could be the reasons – Times Now

Updated Feb 18, 2023 | 03:59 PM IST

pEspan class=TextRun SCXW7256138 BCX0span class=NormalTextRun SCXW7256138 BCX0ating fewer calories if no weight loss means you are not eating the right type and variety of foodspanspanp

At the most basic level, not reaching your weight loss goal can happen when calorie intake is equal to or higher than calorie use. It is not just discouraging but even frustrating.

According to health experts, a weight loss journey is about more than just diet and exercise, even though they both help. They recommend setting reasonable goals for yourself is key to your success.

The best way to estimate how much weight you can lose with diet and exercise is to calculate 10 percent of your total body weight.

However, if nothing is changing no matter what you do, read the following reasons that may explain why your weight loss journey is stalling:

Eating less but unhealthy

According to experts, despite eating fewer calories if no weight loss means you are not eating the right type and variety of food.

Foods like sugar digest quickly leaving you hungry, and so you gorge on unhealthy, junk foods. However, foods loaded with fibre are slow-digesting and hence keep you less hungry and help in quicker weight loss.

Not eating enough protein

When aiming for weight loss, proteins are your friends. It is important to fill up your diet with ample amounts of protein which help you build muscle, skin, and healthy bones.

Experts say that specifically for weight loss, plant protein is better as it helps in digestion and metabolism. Animal protein on the other hand comes along with fat, too much of which can lead to weight gain and other issues like diabetes.

Not eating whole foods

Just junk the packaged diet foods and move on to eating fresh and seasonal produce like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Diets should be focused more on fresh produce as it is full of nutrients that nourish your body, balance your vitals and help in quicker weight loss.

Not doing enough cardio

Not sleeping well

Interrupted and lack of sleep can put you at risk of developing a lot of ailments and derail all weight loss goals.

Hence, it is important to figure out a way to achieve 6-8 hours of sleep every day, a pattern that helps you sleep and wake up at good times so that you feel refreshed, eat properly, exercise, and less stressed.

You eat a lot

For a desired weight loss, you need to take care of what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat. If you are not following portion control, you might never be able to lose an ounce of weight.

Make sure to follow these sizes:

Water is the reason behind the fine and proper working of the organs. And dehydration can lead to a lot of troubles. Hence, it is important to guzzle 6-8 litres of water every day so that you can lose weight faster.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

Go here to read the rest:
Weight Loss Diet: Why are you not losing weight despite doing everything right? These could be the reasons - Times Now

Feb 24

1000-lb Sisters stars Amy and Tammy Slatons major show plans revealed after fights over TV salar… – The US Sun

1000-LB SISTERS stars Amy and Tammy Slaton have big plans during filming for the second half of season 4.

A source close to Tammy, 36, exclusively told The U.S. Sun that producers are in talks to send the entire cast on an all-expenses-paid vacation to Greece.

The show wants to treat Tammy and her new husband Caleb Willingham on a honeymoon trip and bring the entire family along with them.

Tammy has never been able to travel frequently because of her weight, and now that she is shedding the pounds, she's eager to see the world.

Greece has always been a bucket-list destination for the Slatons, as Tammy's sister Amy Halterman, 35, previously had a Greek-inspired pregnancy photoshoot ahead of her youngest son's birth last year.

The cameras have not started rolling for part B of season 4 quite yet, as Tammy's friend said the luxury vacation may not be enough to convince the family to stay with the network.

The source claimed Tammy and her family are in talks with another production company to start filming a spin-off show.

Tensions have been high between the Slaton family and producers, as they've been at odds over salaries and the narrative of the show, according to the source.

Tammy's insider said the family might rather have the opportunity to start with a new show with improved contracts, than have the adventure of a lifetime in Greece.

The U.S. Sun has reached out to TLC for comment.

Previously, The U.S. Sun revealed the cast of1,000-Lb Sisters- includingTammy, her sister Amy Halterman, their half-brother Chris Combs, and their half-sister Amanda - feel they could be making more money if they left their current production network's contract.

Tammy takes up most of the screen time in recent seasons, and a source close to the Slaton family has shared she only makes around $2-3K per episode.

The insider also claimed Tammy spent all of her earnings from the show paying for her 14 months of weight rehab without financial support from the producers.

Meanwhile, Tammy's half-sister Amanda - who joined the cast during season three - allegedly only takes in about $700 a month for her appearances on the show, according to the source.

The 1000-Lb Sisters insider said Amy makes the most on the show because both of her sonsGage, two, andGlenn, seven months, have contracts.

Although according to the source, the kids' cash isn't going into Amy's pocket: she has the funds set up in trusts to go toward her boys' college tuition.

On top of the small salaries, the family also feels producers aren't telling their story truthfully.

The insider close to theTLCstars claims every time a cast member attempts to have a "serious conversation" on the show, the producers edit it out.

Everyone in season four Part A - including Tammy's husbandCaleb- has signed contracts to film Part B and can't accept any other commercial opportunities in the meantime.

Greece may or may not be in Tammy's future, although she definitely wants to focus on traveling now she isout of her 14-month stay in rehab.

Tammy is able to fit in the front seat of a normal car and no longer needs to ride with extra room adjusted for her in the back.

She can also stand for short periods of time to give her friends and family hugs, although she's still working up to walking longer distances and driving.

Tammy is back inKentuckyand adjusting to her new healthy lifestyle now that she's been abstaining from drinking alcohol, smoking, and vaping for nine months.

Previously on 1000-Lb Sisters, Tammy admitted shedowned eight bottles of boozea week, leaving doctors fearing for her life.

She also openlyate pizza, vaped, and asked friends for shotsof liquor in clips from the show.

In the season three finale, she evenstopped breathingfor a time after a party bender.

The U.S. Sun revealedTammy nowweighs just over 400 poundsat the end of her rehab stay - and is nearly half her size.

After once tipping the scales at 700 pounds, Tammy lost a shocking 300 pounds in her battle against obesity.

As show fans know, Tammyadmitted herself to rehabearly last year for a second time to get her life back on track.

"When Tammy was first in rehab, she needed to reach her goal weight of 550 pounds from around 700 pounds in order to beapproved for her bariatric surgery," a friend told The U.S. Sun exclusively.

Bariatric surgery is an operation on the digestive system to help a patient loseweight quickly in extreme situations.

On the recent season four episode of1000-Lb Sisters, shereached her goal weight.

As The U.S. Sun first reported, Tammysuccessfully underwent the life-changing procedure in the summer of 2022- and the friend claimed she has since dropped another 150 pounds.

See the original post:
1000-lb Sisters stars Amy and Tammy Slatons major show plans revealed after fights over TV salar... - The US Sun

Jan 13

Keto Shark Tank Gummies Beware Scam Alert Shark Tank Weight Loss Gummies | Is It Worth Buying? – Outlook India

Keto Shark Tank Gummies Beware Scam Alert Shark Tank Weight Loss Gummies | Is It Worth Buying?  Outlook India

Here is the original post:
Keto Shark Tank Gummies Beware Scam Alert Shark Tank Weight Loss Gummies | Is It Worth Buying? - Outlook India

Jan 13

Best Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss (2023) Top Brand Products on the Market – Outlook India

Best Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss (2023) Top Brand Products on the Market  Outlook India

Here is the original post:
Best Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss (2023) Top Brand Products on the Market - Outlook India

Nov 25

Can Juicing Help You Lose Weight? – Healthline

Juicing is an easy way to consume lots of nutrients without having to eat whole fruits and vegetables. Many people claim its a helpful weight loss tool.

The juicing diet trend has increased in popularity over the years, but its effectiveness is controversial.

This article will explore whether juicing can really help you lose weight.

Juicing is the process of extracting the liquid from fruits and vegetables while removing the solids. This can be done by hand or with a motor-driven juicer.

The juice from fruits and vegetables doesnt contain any skin, seeds, or pulp. It does contain some nutrients and antioxidants, but without the beneficial fiber of whole fruits and vegetables (1, 2, 3).

Some people use juicing as a detox method. However, there are no scientific studies showing that replacing solid food with juice will detoxify the body.

People also use juices as nutrition supplements and to lose weight. However, while juices can be rich in some nutrients, drinking juice exclusively is not a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight.

In general, juice recipes contain the juice of fruit and vegetables. Common recipes are made with carrots, celery, spinach, apples, oranges, wheatgrass, or combinations of these. Many also contain spices such as turmeric and ginger.

Juicing involves extracting the liquid from fruits and vegetables. People drink this juice to detox, to add nutrients to their diets, and/or to lose weight.

There are several types of juice diets available. The most common type is a juice fast, in which people replace their meals with juiced fruits and vegetables.

The point is to lose weight by abstaining from solid food while still ingesting a significant amount of nutrients from the juice.

Generally, these diets are very low in calories.

Some people do juice fasts for just a few days, while others go on them for weeks at a time.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of juice diets is not well studied, but many people claim they produce quick weight loss.

To lose weight, you must maintain a calorie deficit, which means you consume fewer calories than you burn (4).

Many juice diets lack solid food and are extremely low in calories. This results in a large calorie deficit for many people, so juice diets do often lead to weight loss, at least in the short term (5).

However, once your calorie intake goes back to normal after the juice diet, youll likely regain some of the weight, if not all.

Since juice-only diets lack solid foods, you might find yourself feeling hungrier than usual when following this type of regimen.

This is because liquid meals, especially those that are high in carbs, are less filling than solid foods (6, 7).

Solid foods are more filling because they contain fiber and protein, which are both important nutrients that have appetite-reducing properties (8).

Fiber can reduce appetite because it may slow down the emptying of the stomach and increase digestion time (9).

Meanwhile, protein increases the levels of hormones that signal fullness, which are essential for appetite regulation (10).

The severe calorie deficit that many juice diets cause can have a destructive effect on your metabolism.

These diets are characterized by rapid weight loss and limited protein intake, which may lead to reduced muscle mass (11).

Muscles are metabolically active, so individuals with a lower muscle mass have a lower resting energy expenditure. This means they burn fewer calories at rest than those with more muscle (12).

Additionally, your body senses starvation when you dramatically reduce your calorie intake, so your body acts to preserve calories by burning fewer of them (13).

Controlled studies have confirmed this effect in individuals who follow calorie-restricted diets (14).

In one study, women with overweight or obesity who underwent a calorie restriction treatment for 3 months experienced a significant reduction in resting energy expenditure during that period (14).

While a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss, it appears that low calorie diets, including juice fasts, may be counterproductive due to their negative effects on metabolism.

Juice diets are typically severely calorie-restricted and may not be filling. They may also affect your metabolism.

Juicing is generally safe if you do it for only a few days at a time. Additionally, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a fine addition to a healthy diet as long as you truly enjoy them and you dont drink excessive amounts of juices that have added sugar.

However, juice fasts do carry some risks when they are prolonged.

Whole fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber, but most of the fiber is removed in the juicing process.

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. Eating enough of it is important for optimal digestion because it keeps the beneficial bacteria in your gut healthy and may reduce constipation for some people (15).

Additionally, it may lower your chances of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity (15).

When participating in juice fasts, you significantly reduce your fiber intake, which may result in health problems.

There are a few reasons why doing juice fasts for long periods may lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Since these diets lack animal products, they are low in a few essential nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, iron, vitamin B12, and zinc (16).

All these nutrients have important functions in the body. Inadequate consumption may lead to health conditions such as osteoporosis and anemia (17, 18).

Juice fasts are also low in omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that fight inflammation and contribute to brain and heart health (16).

In addition to being low in specific nutrients, these diets may actually interfere with the absorption of the nutrients.

One reason for this is that juice diets tend to be low in fat, which is required for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K (19).

Plus, some raw vegetables often used in juicing contain an antinutrient called oxalate, which can bind to minerals in your body and prevent them from being absorbed. In rare cases, high levels of oxalates may cause kidney damage (20, 21).

Oxalate-rich vegetables commonly used in juicing include spinach and other greens, such as beet greens, kale, beets, Swiss chard, and turnip greens (22).

Due to the minimal protein and inadequate amounts of some important nutrients in a juice diet, following one for a long time can impact your immune system and increase your risk of infection.

Depletion of immune-enhancing nutrients, such as iron, vitamin D, and zinc, may impact immune system health (23).

When your immune system is compromised, you may catch illnesses such as colds and the flu more easily. It may also take longer for your body to heal wounds.

Fatigue and weakness are common side effects of following a juice fast.

These symptoms are likely to occur because of the low number of calories these diets contain. If youre depriving your body of calories, youre essentially depriving it of energy, which can lead to these undesirable effects.

The minimal amount of protein in most juice fasts may lead to a reduction in lean muscle mass, which can have a negative effect on health (11).

As your lean muscle mass decreases, your metabolism decreases as well, meaning you will burn fewer calories and may have a more difficult time maintaining weight loss (11).

Juicing is generally safe, but following a juice-only diet for a long time may have a negative effect on your health and well-being.

There is no formal research to support the idea that juicing helps with weight loss.

Based on anecdotal evidence, its clear that juice diets may lead to rapid weight loss in the short term, especially when they are very low in calories.

However, you could experience some negative health effects from such severe calorie restriction, especially if you follow the diet for more than a few days at a time.

Additionally, its difficult to sustain such a restrictive diet. Most people do not stick with very low calorie diets for long and end up gaining back the weight theyve lost (5).

Juicing may be an easy way to lose weight quickly, but its potential health consequences seem to outweigh its benefits.

Youre better off following a more sustainable diet that includes whole foods and enough calories to keep your body functioning properly.

While juicing may result in short-term weight loss, its not sustainable and may lead to health complications if followed long term.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are tasty and nutrient-rich, but theyre not filling because theyre low in fiber and protein.

Juice fasts, although a popular choice for dieting, are not sustainable and may lead to health complications if followed for a long time.

Read this article:
Can Juicing Help You Lose Weight? - Healthline

Nov 25

The ultimate diet to lose weight fast – Longevity.Technology

  1. The ultimate diet to lose weight fast  Longevity.Technology
  2. Nine Ways To Naturally Lose Weight Fast, According To Science  Boldsky
  3. Effective Weight Loss Tips That Work  The India Saga
  4. Weight Loss Diet: Want to lose weight quickly.. Try this diet once.. | Low Carb, High Protein Diet for weight loss full data files here Pipa News  PiPa News
  5. View Full Coverage on Google News

The ultimate diet to lose weight fast - Longevity.Technology

Nov 17

Kim Kardashian Keto Gummies (Slim Candy) Is Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Gummies Scam Or Not? – The Tribune India

Kim Kardashian Keto Gummies (Slim Candy) Is Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Gummies Scam Or Not?  The Tribune India

Read more here:
Kim Kardashian Keto Gummies (Slim Candy) Is Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Gummies Scam Or Not? - The Tribune India

Oct 20

The Link Between Brain Health and Weight Loss – First For Women

Weve all spent days (or decades!) overthinking our food intake reminding ourselves to eat this way or that way. But despite our effort, we still end up falling off the weight-loss wagon. Yet for our naturally slim friends, maintaining a slim waistline and staying on track when tempted by treats seems to be a no-brainer. What are we missing?

Neuroscientist Cassandra Lowe, PhD, led research in Canada focusing on the link between weight and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the area of the brain known to govern decision making (impulse control) and now suspected to play a role in judging food portion sizes. Her finding: People who have less prefrontal cortex activity are predisposed to overeating. Why thats a problem: A sluggish PFC can cause us to misestimate portions and put on pounds, but weight gain also dulls activity in this region, leading to even more pounds stacking up.

It can be very hard for people with an inactive prefrontal cortex to adhere to a weight-loss plan, says renowned neuropsychiatrist Daniel Amen, MD. Most weight problems occur between the ears, which may explain why most diets dont work and why, after a decade of gastric banding, the success rate is a disappointing 31 percent.

As we age, the brains ability to control slimming falters. Dr. Lowe says, Cognitive processes linked to the PFC decline starting at 30. Whats more: We know that brain activity diminishes as BMI goes up, says Dr. Amen. Considering 72 percent of the population is overweight, theres a lot of us struggling unknowingly with PFC deficiencies.

Adding to our weight frustration: portion distortion. Studies show that portion sizes in chain restaurants have ballooned by as much as 60 percent in recent years, training us to think our meals should be larger than necessary. Most of us now underestimate portions by about 20 percent, and overweight people are 40 percent less accurate at estimating the calories of big meals, according to research by Stanford-trained food scientist Brian Wansink, PhD. This restaurant trend contributes to portion inflation when we serve ourselves at home, causing extra pounds to pile on. Dr. Amen notes, Culturally, our society is not helping our weight.

The good news: You can reboot your brain! Indeed, strengthening the PFC through nutrition, movement, and mindfulness works like gastric bypass on the brain, says Dr. Amen. And since the PFC functions like a natural portion controller, this type of subconscious weight management happens w ith zero deprivation.

One of the easiest ways to activate your brains slimming region is to eat protein-rich mini meals throughout the day, says Dr. Amen. Not only do small, steady doses of protein deliver feel-good dopamine, boosting the brains ability to make good decisions, they also melt fat fast! In a 2013 study at New Yorks Skidmore College, middle-aged folks who ate six protein-rich mini meals a day dropped 47 percent more body fat and 107 percent more belly fat than those eating three meals a day.

The benefits go beyond weight loss. Strengthening the PFC, the brains impulse brake, makes everything better! It can lead to better financial decisions, relationships and job success, says Dr. Amen. It worked for Mary Jo Liccar, who got off cholesterol meds and dropped 109 pounds enjoying protein-packed, brain-healthy mini meals. Ready to start losing? Read on to rewire your brain for slim!

When you strengthen the brains prefrontal cortex (PFC) the region responsible for impulse control and overeating losing weight becomes much easier, says neuropsychiatrist Daniel Amen, MD, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Buy from Amazon, $12.69). On the flip side, when this region is sluggish, it can fuel overeating and weight gain, especially in our supersize food portion culture. Indeed, neuroscientists confirm that PFC activity is a noted difference in the brains of those struggling with unwanted pounds, compared to naturally thin folks. But Dr. Amen promises, Its never too late to train your brain to think like a healthy person.

The key is getting all three macronutrients together, ensuring not to skimp on protein. Dr. Amen also advises limiting high-glycemic and low-fiber foods and choosing organic ingredients whenever possible, since added chemicals and toxins can damage the brain, hampering weight loss. In addition to these simple diet changes, youll incorporate a few easy strategies to strengthen the PFC to support weight loss and transform your health. Following this advice, even for a short time, can trigger positive permanent changes including reversed diabetes and improved mental cognition, promises Dr. Amen. One of the most important lessons weve learned through studies is that brain function can be improved when you put it in a healing environment. To get rolling, try these strategies:

To start undoing the mental damage caused by inflated portions, reach a PFC (protein, fat, carbs) plate, which has printed sections outlining the ideal portions: 33 percent protein, 33 percent healthy fat, and 33 percent healthy carbs. The plate was created by health coach Renita Brannan, who led people in North Dakota to lose over 100,000 pounds. Brannan says, Our first stage of learning is visual, so the repetition of eating on this plate lays down new neuropathways for success.

Success indeed: I have seen thousands of cases of diabetes reversed. says Brannan. Our study results were overwhelming disease reversal and incredible, permanent weight loss!

Using this visual aid for four weeks helps retrain the brain to lock in on slimming, satisfying portions. (Buy one at or simply draw the Y-shaped portion sections on a paper plate to create your own guide.) This tool gets a thumbs up from Dr. Amen. Im a fan of anything that helps people eat consciously!

When your PFC is sluggish, its easy to get distracted and grab food without thinking. Strengthening this brain region can be the difference between effortlessly reaching for a banana instead of a banana split, says Dr. Amen. An easy way to do so is with a study-proven 12-minute meditation called Kirtan Kriya. To do: Chant saa, taa, naa, maa, while touching your thumb to your second, then third, fourth and fifth fingers.

For a full sequence, do this for two minutes aloud, two minutes whispering, four minutes silently, two minutes whispering, and two minutes aloud. Try it daily for a month or two first thing in the morning. (If you prefer prayer, it activates the same brain area.) It is so simple, yet so powerful, says Dr. Amen. We saw brain benefits on scans very quickly the very next day that grew stronger over eight weeks.

One of the best ways to improve brain activity is through physical exercise, says neuroscientist Cassandra Lowe, PhD, who has published three studies on the neuroprotective effects of movement and its ability to promote mental resilience in relation to food intake. Research shows it doesnt seem to matter what kind of exercise you do as little as 20 minutes of brisk walking is enough to help boost the PFC!

To outsmart impulse eating, Dr. Amen recommends supplementing with L-theanine, an amino acid in green tea that calms impulse anxiety without dimming mental focus. It also blocks the release of the stress-hormone cortisol, which triggers belly-fat storage. The ideal dose, according to a study conducted out of Japan: 200 milligrams. daily.

Getting seven hours of sleep a night is proven to boost PFC activity, says Dr. Amen. So make sleep a priority. Dim the lights two hours before bed to spur the release of melatonin, which dims with age.

This article originally appeared in our print magazine, First For Women.

See the rest here:
The Link Between Brain Health and Weight Loss - First For Women

Oct 20

What Is Phentermine? Top 5 Best Phentermine Alternatives – Outlook India

Right now, everyone is concerned about weight loss without any pain or exercise. At this point, we are coming across so many weight loss drugs. So before using the drugs, you need to know about the dosage, right usage, and its associated side effects.

If you want to burn fat and reduce weight, you might think about using a weight loss drug like Phentermine. An appetite suppressant, phentermine, also marketed under the brand name Adipex, is a prescription weight-loss medication. However, phentermine can be obtained only with a prescription and may also cause certain unpleasant side effects.

Top 5 Phentermine Alternative on the Market#1. PhenGold: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#2. PhenQ: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#3. TrimTone: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#4. PrimeShred: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

#5. Leanbean: Click Here To Buy (Official Website)

The good news is that many over-the-counter phentermine substitutes are available that give some of Adipex's weight loss advantages without the same hazards.

What Is Phentermine?It is a prescription medication called phentermine. It is available as an oral capsule, an oral tablet, and a tablet that dissolves in the mouth.

The branded medication Adipex-P contains the phentermine oral pill. It is also a generic medication. They might not always be offered in every strength or form that the brand-name medication is.

The drug phentermine is under strict monitoring. Your doctor will closely monitor how you use this medication.The finest phentermine alternatives are made entirely of natural substances that can help you burn fat, reduce your appetite, enhance your metabolism, and increase your energy levels.

The greatest phentermine substitutes available will be discussed in this guide, over-the-counter diet pills. Each of the weight loss supplements listed below has been analyzed based on a number of criteria, such as the effectiveness of the components, consumer feedback, safety, cost, and guarantee.The following are the top phentermine substitutes if you want to lose weight quickly without using prescription diet pills.Well, you need to have a look at the phentermine products along with the advantages they offer you.

Top 5 Phentermine Alternatives in 2022Well, let's have a look at phentermine products with their respective pros and cons.

Leanbean: The best supplement for women's metabolism is leanbean. PhenQ: The top over-the-counter phentermine substitute. PhenGold: For appetite suppression, PhenGold is the best phentermine substitute. PrimeShred: Men's fat burner of choice is PrimeShred Trimtone: Highly regarded weight-loss supplement Trimtone

#1 PhenGoldTo assist you have the best experience with diet and exercise, PhenGold enhances your metabolic rate and temperament. The best method to lose weight is to eat well and exercise regularly, but this is easier said than done. In order to lose weight effectively and prevent exhaustion, this dietary supplement seeks to enhance your energy levels and speed up your body's natural fat reduction.

PhenGold is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility using the finest quality ingredients available. A recipe that maintains your metabolism continuously, burns fat, and increases energy levels is created by carefully balancing each ingredient's amount.

PhenGold contains vital, mood-enhancing vitamins, such as B3, B6, and B12, to enhance your capacity to remain optimistic during your exercise and dietary program. L-tyrosine and L-theanine, are two beneficial amino acids that increase muscle building & sharpen focus.

Men and women who wish to avoid taking prescription weight-loss drugs but still want similar effects are the greatest candidates for PhenGold. This pill is among the greatest phentermine alternatives because it naturally suppresses hunger and has the added benefit of assisting you in losing body fat swiftly.This phentermine substitute pill is simple to include in your routine because you only need to take one tablet each day.

Pros: Among the most effective phentermine substitutes for appetite suppression. It reduces your body weight very quickly. It suits best for men and women. Components that have been scientifically proven. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It Burns your fat very easily. Enhances the metabolic rate. Reduces your starvings. Increases your energy level and improves your focus.Cons: Caffeine-sensitive people should avoid it.

#2 PhenQThis appetite suppressant also promotes fat burning with natural components that have been scientifically proven to boost metabolic function.

Of all the weight loss products that make the claim to be generic alternatives to phentermine, PhenQ offers the most comprehensive set of advantages. Its recipe takes a holistic approach to obesity management, preventing abdominal fat, boosting metabolism, and maintaining the feeling of satiety after meals.

It is a mixture of alpha-lipoic acid, cysteine base, and magnesium, which is the main component of PhenQ. Research has demonstrated that inducing core body temperature, naturally increases fat-burning and reduces appetite.

It contains Capsimax powder, a natural phentermine substitute. Your body's natural ability to burn fat is driven into overdrive by this ingredient's powerful capsaicinoids, which work as a stimulator for the thermogenic process.

Anybody looking for a way to lose weight without the adverse side effects of prescribed drugs like phentermine will find PhenQ to be the ideal solution because it is a well-balanced diet pill made entirely of natural ingredients. People who have taken these diet pills have seen great outcomes, with many evaluations stating that taking the pills helped them reach their body weight objectives.

Anyone looking to increase the efficiency of their diet and exercise regimen will benefit from taking this well-known weight reduction product. PhenQ accelerates and eases weight loss without requiring the same amount of effort because it supports your body's metabolism.

Pros: PhenQ is the best product in phentermine suiting both men and women. Manufactured with a full strategy for weight loss. It is vegan-free. Quickly burn your body and abdominal fat. Gluten-free products. Stops food carvings. Enhances energy levels. Improves mood and mental clarity.

Cons: Not available over the counter at stores that sell goods Due to great demand, there are frequent shortages.

#3 TrimtoneWomen who use Trimtone as a natural workout supplement report feeling less hungry and burning fat. The process by which your body turns stored fat into energy is called thermogenesis, which is stimulated by the formula. By raising your metabolic rate and focusing on difficult fat layers, it improves the effects of your efforts.Anybody who has followed a diet and fitness regimen understands that the effects can be erratic. With natural components that rev up your metabolism, Trimtone accelerates the process and aids in burning off the final fat.

People with busy daily schedules should use Trimtone. One capsule with breakfast is all that is necessary; after that, you can get on with your day as your body absorbs the healthy nutrients.

Without any extraneous fillers or additions, Trimtone contains just natural nutrients for weight loss. It is a straightforward formula that works well. Caffeine, which aids in calorie burning and fat burning, is one of the key constituents, similar to other diet pills. Additionally, it provides you with the motivation and energy you need to complete your activity.

Trimtone also contains green coffee as a caffeine source. These unroasted coffee beans still contain the beneficial ingredient chlorogenic acid, which is present in the raw beans. The acid lowers insulin levels and increases metabolism by reducing the creation of fat. Additionally, green tea is used in diet pills to boost hormones that burn fat. A distinguishing component of Trimtone is a herb called grains of paradise, which boosts thermogenesis and controls blood sugar levels to help you stay energized throughout the day.

For those who already follow a diet and exercise plan or are beginning one and need a pick-me-up, this over-the-counter substitute for phentermine works well. While its other components help you stay on track by stifling your hunger, Trimtone's outstanding thermogenic properties aid in your body's ability to burn fat.

Pros: Minimizes glucomannan intake to prevent bloating not made up of any filler materials Just requires you to consume one capsule every day Trimtone facilitates weight loss. It increases your metabolism significantly It stops your mind from desiring snacks Uses thermogenic chemicals to burn resistant body fat

Cons: This product is not suited for vegans.

#4 PrimeShredIn order to get rid of their resistant fat deposits and build lean muscle mass, men are the target audience for the "hardcore" fat burner PrimeShred. If you regularly go to the gym, you're undoubtedly well aware of the weight-loss plateau. Even after all your success, a few pounds still cling to your body. The answer to that issue is PrimeShred, which will provide your body the motivation it needs to lose weight.

To help you get the most out of your workout, PrimeShred's green coffee seed extract activates your body's metabolic processes, which quickly burn fat and eliminate fatigue. When it comes to making you feel alert and energized, green coffee is more effective than roasted coffee beans.Cayenne pepper is also included in PrimeShred, which ignites a frenzy of fat-burning enzymes. You can burn off the bulk naturally by combining cayenne pepper, green tea, and green coffee.

With the help of this weight loss vitamin, you may maintain focus and alertness during your workout and produce outstanding results without tiring. L-tyrosine and L-theanine are amino acids that lower stress, boost focus, and stimulate hormones that make you joyful.The ingredients in PrimeShred's recipe are all-natural, safe, and free of any mystery. These nutritional supplements are most effective for guys who want to support their weight loss plan and keep their focus. Your metabolism is stimulated with PrimeShred, which makes it simpler to burn off stubborn fat.

Pros: Wonderful for losing weight after gaining reduces obstinate fat Vegan-friendly and non-GMO It is less expensive than other natural over-the-counter phentermine substitutes.

Cons: Doesn't contain substances that decrease the appetite If you're sensitive to stimulants, this product isn't for you.

#5 Leanbean: Great Phentermine Alternative For WomenOne of the best female phentermine substitutes is leanbean. This product will give you the boost you need to keep up a healthy routine if you're having trouble finding the motivation to lose weight. The main component of Leanbean is glucomannan, an appetite suppressant with scientific backing that prevents you from munching on fatty meals. The need to load up on sugar and carbohydrates in between meals is one of the biggest diet killers, leading you to gain weight rather than lose it. Leanbean is the most effective appetite suppressant on this list of all-natural phentermine substitutes.

To maximize fat burning and provide energy to support your active lifestyle, Leanbean is made with carefully selected components. The formula contains a sizable amount of glucomannan to aid in weight loss more effectively. This scientifically proven fiber helps you consume fewer calories by providing you with a sustained feeling of fullness. The metabolism-stimulating ingredients in Leanbean are choline, zinc, and chromium picolinate. If your metabolism slows down, extra calories are converted to fat rather than energy. These substances expedite the process while maintaining a high level of energy for you to make the most of your workout.You won't become hungry or overeat because chromium picolinate keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Leanbean has the potential to turn your metabolism into a fat-burning machine by including supplementary herbs and nutrients including piperine, chloride, Garcinia Cambogia, and acai berries.

DosageTake two capsules with each meal, for a total of six capsules per day, to get the full daily dose of Leanbean. A total of 180 capsules, or a month's supply, are included in each container.

Pros: Amazing product developed with women in mind. Minimal stimulant use. A large amount of glucomannan (appetite suppressant). It is completely organic and suitable for vegans. Decreases eating desire and help reinforce appetite. Enhances fat metabolism to accelerate metabolism. Provides a boost to renewable energy. It is available at a minimal price.

Cons: It doesnt work for men. It is not preferred for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

How We Chose The Top OTC Phentermine Alternatives?You have a wide range of options when shopping for weight-loss pills because there are so many effective over-the-counter phentermine substitutes available. Dietary supplements are not approved by the FDA, so they may include unwanted or potentially hazardous chemicals.We researched brands with an emphasis on the following factors to assist you in choosing the best phentermine alternatives:1. Quality2. Right Dosage3. Reviews4. Safety Usage5. Cost of the Phentermine6. Guarantee

Ingredients information about phentermine1. Green tea - boosts metabolism and reduces lipid levels.2. Green coffee - In addition to providing an energy boost, green coffee also includes chlorogenic acid, which inhibits the formation of fat.3. Caffeine - helps with fatigue reduction and accelerates thermogenesis to burn fat.4. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): decreases the synthesis of fat, curbs hunger, and speeds up metabolism.5. Glucomannan: expands in your stomach to give you the feeling of being full.6. Cayenne pepper accelerates the rate at which your body breaks down fat and helps you burn more calories and fat by increasing thermogenesis.7. L-theanine lowers the body's absorption of fat and carbohydrates while raising serotonin and dopamine levels to improve mood.8. Chromium reduces sugar and carb cravings and aids in building lean muscle mass.9. Garcinia Cambogia: increases feelings of satiety and fullness

Frequently Asked QuestionsHow effectively does the pill work?For a natural phentermine substitute product to show results in your body, it may take two to four weeks. Although caffeine should provide you an immediate energy boost, it may take some time for your metabolism to increase. You'll probably begin to notice improvements in your original body composition and muscular strength within a few months.

To achieve the maximum advantages from most phentermine over-the-counter weight loss products, a consistent diet and exercise program are necessary. The pills provide you with energy, get rid of cravings, and improve your body's capacity to burn fat, which helps you maintain your good habits.

How much should I afford to get a phentermine pill?A month's worth of phentermine typically costs around $36. The majority of health insurance plans do not cover the medication, although drugstore coupons can assist in reducing the cost.

For a one-month dose, phentermine substitutes are often more expensive, costing on average about $60.You won't have to worry about losing money if the supplements we suggest don't work for you because they all come with money-back guarantees. For a limited time, you can return unopened bottles for a full refund.

Conclusion About PhentermineThere isn't likely to be an over-the-counter substitute for phentermine's effectiveness because it is a potent weight loss medication. But many people look for alternatives online due to the risks and prescription requirements. Even if natural weight loss supplements are less effective, they can still promote weight loss by supporting you in sticking to your diet.

Your energy, metabolism, and mood will all be stimulated by the top five over-the-counter supplements that we have previously identified. The majority of them work similarly to phentermine by reducing snack cravings to support your calorie deficit.

These phentermine over-the-counter substitutes will make it simpler to establish and maintain healthy behaviors without the hazards associated with phentermine. The two greatest ways to lose weight are through healthy eating and exercise.

If you are contemplating utilizing natural or dietary supplements for any ailment, speak with your doctor about potential interactions, allergies, and other factors. Results will differ depending on the individual.

Disclaimer : The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook editorial.

See the rest here:
What Is Phentermine? Top 5 Best Phentermine Alternatives - Outlook India

Oct 20

The allure of fad diets, and why they fail | Penn Today – Penn Today

Janet Chrzans work falls at the intersection of nutrition and anthropology. Im interested in how our social worlds channel food choices that contribute to health outcomes, says Chrzan, an adjunct assistant professor in Penns School of Nursing and in the Department of Anthropology in the School of Arts & Sciences.

In the past, shes studied and written about subjects including organic farming and alcohol consumption. Recently, she published a book about fad diets with colleague and psychology professor Kima Cargill from the University of Washington, Tacoma. These diets arent really about the food, Chrzan says. Theyre about identity, status, control, and transformation. They have power because we believe they will fulfill our desires for self-improvement.

Following is an excerpt from that book, Anxious Eaters: Why We Fall for Fad Diets, published in August 2022 by Columbia University Press.

Youve heard of them and may have one or more friends on them; maybe youre on one yourself. With these diets, you sharply limit certain foods because you want to lose weight, avoid illness, reset your body, eat a biologically ideal diet for our species, or live your best life. They come and go, gaining and losing popularity in a somewhat predictable social cycle and changing namesif not practicesas new advocates rediscover and capitalize on their re-creation of the new-old craze. One decade might abjure fats, the next lives in fear of carbohydrates.

Cookbooks pop up in quick and easy abundance to offer simple, family-friendly recipes that supposedly eliminate the forbidden food category (these same cookbooks will populate the shelves of charity thrift stores in a few years). Celebrities and health gurus endorse the diet, and it becomes the only way to demonstrate how much you value health and well-being to your friends, family, and Instagram followers.

These are the diets that define fad diets: they promise easy solutions and rapid fat loss only if you remove an entire category of food from your diet. Why is this particular type of fad diet so appealing?

Food removal diets are often branded and ask the dieter to spend money on special foods, membership in an organization, or the services of a professional nutritionist, personal trainer, or coach. Paradoxically, these food removal diets often wind up adding foods, albeit special ones intended to replace the foods that are supposed to be removed.

These diets appeal to a uniquely American practice of shopping to solve problems, following a widely held belief that consumption solves, rather than creates, problems. It is the commodification of inadequacythe ways in which brands and the consumer marketplace remind you of all the ways you could be better. We suspect that buying things to solve problems creates a sense of agency among dieters: Purchasing special foods makes them feel more efficacious than if they just ate a little bit less all the time.

Shopping, spending, and eating are all part of a faith in consumption that influences our culture, but our attempts to solve the problem of being overweight through more consumption mistakes the disease for its cure, perpetuating a confusing pursuit of good health in a world of consumer goods. Even one of the oldest and most successful diets, Weight Watchers, relied on membership subscriptions well before its branded foods and online services developed.

In the 1960s a woman named Jean Nidetch, after losing significant weight herself, had the idea to create a support group with attendance fees for people who wanted to lose weight (what became Weight Watchers). Scoffers said, Oh please. No ones going to pay money to lose weight. Weight Watchers proved them wrong.

Chrzan has enjoyed hundreds of conversations with people on fad diets, and most of those diets eliminate one or more foods rather than decrease the amount of food eaten. People say they adopt the diets to decrease caloric intake, reset metabolism, restore health, or simply lose weight quickly. These diets are so popular that eliminating a food type may be the archetypal diet in the minds of Americans, rather than, for instance, eating less or less frequently or replacing high-calorie foods like fatty snacks with low-calorie options like fresh fruit.

It is even possible that the concept of food reduction has come to mean reduction of a food group (or macronutrient) rather than reduction of the overall amount of food. Two examples stand out as typical and interesting because the people involved were self-aware and conflicted about the dietsAtkins and Whole30and their efficacy. The former diet eliminates most carbohydrates, and the latter eliminates most carbs and many fats, gluten, all sugars, and alcohol, promising a fast health reset. Both tout their capacity to cause rapid weight loss.

Once when Chrzan was at a pet store, the clerk recommended an all-protein, no-carbohydrate food as the best option for cats: This food has no carbs, which is good. We shouldnt be eating any carbs, and neither should our cats. They are very bad for us. Janet responded that while cats were obligate carnivores and didnt require large amounts of carbohydrates, humans were omnivores and absolutely needed to eat a balanced diet with differing forms of carbohydrates. The clerk asked why everyone knows that carbs are bad if they arent, and then asked what Chrzan meant by different kinds of carbs.

A few minutes later, after discussing simple and complex carbohydrate biochemistry, the clerk said his girlfriend was often on a diet and that most required cutting out carbs. She did Atkins for a while, and now shes on and off Whole30. He admitted that it made dinner much less enjoyable: You know, I do like my pasta and the occasional pizza, and if she cant share with me, its not a real meal. And then he said that she never seemed to lose weight on the diets, that shed take it off, and then as soon as she stopped the dietor went to a new onethe weight would all come back, plus more. Shed look for the next diet, one that was even more restrictive, something that was sure to work because it made sure she couldnt eat all the bad foods.

Chrzan then talked about how the body physically compensates with weight gain after experiencing a starvation episode and why and how avoiding carbs causes rapid weight lossand rapid weight gain after. The clerk eventually agreed that what works for a carnivore probably doesnt work for a species that evolved from fruit-eating primates.

The second example is from a conversation with friends who were anticipating doing the Whole30 as part of a sober January, to clean the body and lose the holiday weight. They explained that they always went on Whole30 in January, to get rid of the toxins from the holiday excess. But, they said, Its really hard, because we get together with friends every week for dinner and so its difficult to have a shared meal. Sometimes were all on Whole30 and so we can agree on the food, but we really enjoy having a glass of wine; we dont get drunk or anything, just its nice to have a relaxing evening. And the food, well, that gets boring too, doesnt it? I mean, there are lots of recipes out there for Whole30 meals, but its just missing something after a while, isnt it?

Chrzan asked why they adopted Whole30 if it wasnt pleasant, and the response was Well, its the best way to lose it, isnt it? You just avoid all the bad foods, and it gets rid of the inflammation and the toxins from the body. But the food is really hard to keep doing; you really start to miss having a pasta dinner or some good sourdough bread. But the diets really good for you, so we do it for a month to get rid of the Christmas weight.

She asked if they lost weight on the diet, and they told her they werent sure they did, but thats not all its about; its about resetting the body, getting a good clean start to the year, getting rid of all the toxinsoh, but then in February we sometimes eat and drink enough to make up for January! Planning a month of sobriety and conscientious eating is a good ideamany cultures embrace fasting to encourage health, reflection, and renewalbut this example demonstrates that embracing a diet that makes socializing difficult could be counterproductive.

Several themes stand out from these conversations.

One is that the diets might not work and may also cause compensatory behavioral overindulgence leading to weight gain. Two, they are difficult because people miss certain foods. Three, they are difficult because they disrupt valued personal and social habits. Four, they make socializing difficult or more complicated because people cant share food easily. And five, they are perceived to be difficult by their users and are unpleasant as an everyday food regime.

They disrupt commensality and food habits enough that maintaining the diet becomes complicated and difficult. Furthermore, people justify their use with a variety of reasons that might not be accurate, because removal of toxins or a perceived decrease in inflammation isnt necessarily something the diets accomplish.

We are left with the question of why people do them if they are difficult and unpleasant, and after many conversations, Chrzan suspects that people justify their adoption because they are unpleasant and difficult. Indeed, she has come to suspect that the difficulty is linked to a mental perception of efficacy and that sacrifices might equate with a magical thinking that such great unpleasantness will produce correspondingly profound wished-for outcomes. Like Benjamin Rushs adoption of heroic medicine, because the cure is so extreme, shocking, and painful, it has to result in a similarly robust positive outcome.

These diets arent really about the food. Theyre about identity, status, control, and transformation.Penn nutritional anthropologist Janet Chrzan

Kima once worked with a couple who fell on and off the diet and exercise wagon with regularity. When they were on, the regimen teetered on masochism. They drank no alcohol and ate only poached chicken breasts, steamed broccoli, and other bland foods that they perceived as healthy. They paid hundreds of dollars per month to a boutique gym with a personal trainer and took boot camp classes whose routines sounded byzantine. They described running through tires, climbing a rope to ring a bell, coming down a zip line, and then doing a lot of jumping jacks and crunches. Because they werent used to eating or exercising this way, the diet resulted in boredom and noncompliance within a couple of weeks, and the exercise program resulted in injuries, soreness, and exhaustion within a month.

Once they fell off the wagon, they ate most of their food from fast food chains, drank both cocktails and wine nightly, and stopped exercising completely. Of course, the weight came back quickly, along with a crushing sense of defeat. What was striking was the difficulty they had achieving something in between these two polarities. Kima could never convince them to go on a daily walk in their neighborhood or enjoy a simple, tasty dinner of chili and one or two beers. They dismissed this middle ground because it wouldnt be efficacious enough, and instead repeatedly opted for episodes of an extreme but unsustainable lifestyle that mirrored what they saw on blogs and social media feeds.

We have heard, again and again, that people simply cant continue on fad diets, that they fail because they are abandoned. Something just doesnt seem right with their meals, and theyre hard to maintain for a long time. That might be why so many of the carb-reduction diets tout a 14- or 30-day plan and then allow users to gradually increase carbohydrates.

But we also suspect that they fail because they interfere with the concept of the meal and with commensality, two deeply embedded cultural practices that define eating for many people. After all, people eat meals (not single foods) even though they often write and think about food as some type of nutrient package, or with some other individualized classification system that separates food from the everyday lived practice of eating. Leaving out a macronutrient may become difficult over time because our brains, cultures, and dining expectations tell us that our meal must include carbohydrates or fat to be conceptually complete.

Our cultures train us to eat a certain way, and if we do not, we feel that something is vaguely wrong. Similarly, most of us also value eating together, and our preferred mental image of how to eat involves food sharing. After all, we valorize the family meal, and people treasure eating out with friends. Many of our cultural rituals require celebrating together over a table groaning with special foods.

The idea of eating together is baked into our understanding of how to feed ourselves, and so adopting a diet that makes it difficult to enjoy a meal with the people we care about makes that diet much less attractive over time. We suspect that these two cultural constructsthe structure of the meal and eating togethermake the practice of these diets difficult and likely to be abandoned.

Janet Chrzan is an adjunct assistant professor in Penns School of Nursing and in the Department of Anthropology in the School of Arts & Sciences. Kima Cargill is a professor in the Social, Behavioral, and Human Sciences division of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington, Tacoma. The text above was excerpted from their book Anxious Eaters: Why We Fall for Fad Diets 2022 Columbia University Press. Used by arrangement with the publisher. All rights reserved.

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The allure of fad diets, and why they fail | Penn Today - Penn Today

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