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Dec 12

Best Workout Tips To Burn Calories Fast – TheHealthSite

Burning 100 calories is easier and more fun than you think. I mean, you can achieve that and also overall fitness with fun daily activities such as dancing, walking, and even sex. You dont have to go to the gym to burn calories or even sweat to the point of needing a shower afterward! Most 100-calorie burning exercises make weight loss happen with fun and will take just minutes to complete. They will actually fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Also Read - Is your workout killing you? What really happens to your body when you exercise too much

There are many factors that determine how many calories you burn per exercise session to lose weight. The duration of the physical activity, the pace intensity that you use, and the nature of the exercise will all determine the success rate of your workout. Your weight and height are also important factors to consider because the more physically built you are, the more calories any form of physical activity will help you burn. Also Read - Weight loss: This 2-minute Japanese technique might help you get rid of extra kilos

That being said, if your goal is to burn more calories during your workout, here are 7 workout tips for you: Also Read - Lose weight in your sleep with these bedtime drinks

Consider biking to the office if you dont live too far from the workplace. You can split up the route if you live too far, say take public transport to a point reasonably near your workplace, and then bike for the remaining part. You can always get yourself a motorized bicycle kit if you dont want to sweat too much by the time you get to the office. A motorized bike also boosts your pedaling power so you can get to your destination faster than when using ordinary bikes.

According to a study by Harvard University, biking for 30 minutes at a speed of 12-14 miles per hour may help you burn up to 300 calories if you weigh 150-200 pounds. If you bike at 16 miles per hour for 30 minutes, you can burn up to 372 calories.

Take the stairs up to or down from your apartment, office, hotel room, or any other place with stairs. A 10-minutes stairs climb can burn 100 calories, not forgetting that climbing strengthens leg muscles and other muscles in your lower body.

This is a fun yet vigorous cardio workout. On top of strengthening your lower body, high-knee running raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories in a short amount of time.

Warming up vigorously before a main workout (say bodyweight exercises) will help you burn more calories than youd have had you not warmed up. Simple dynamic stretches such as Arm Circles for 5 minutes or 10-minute inchworms will get you fired up and ready to shed off those calories. If you are exercising outdoors, 2-3 60-meter sprints will do.

Jumping rope for 10 continuous minutes is all you need to blow off 100-150 calories. This is the simplest weight loss activity anyone can do in the house. On top of getting rid of those extra pounds, jumping rope improves hands and legs coordination and at the same time strengthens your lower body muscles. Dont worry if your legs are hurting when you jump for a solid 10 minutes or if you run out of breath midway. You can always work your way up to it. You will build stamina in no time and burn a few extra calories while at it.

Swimming aids efficient blood flow, lung and heart capacity, and boosts upper body muscle strength. It is also a great way of burning calories. In fact, swimming has the same calorie-burning ability as jogging, yet it is less stressful on the body. If you cannot jog because of chronic knee pain or limited mobility, try swimming laps or water aerobics.

You will burn 100 calories in just 15 minutes of hiking in the woods. Hiking is primarily a more intense form of walking, so it obviously burns more calories. It also builds your leg and core muscles.

Although the seven tips works perfectly well, running remains to be the most effective way to burn calories. You will burn almost twice the calories you burn when you work out in the gym just by running for the same time you spend in the gym. However, if running isnt your thing for whichever reason, the 7 calorie-burning exercises we have discussed will get you going.

(This article is written by Gabriella Jones, a fitness and wellness coach with 6 years of experience.)

Published : December 8, 2020 10:19 am

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Best Workout Tips To Burn Calories Fast - TheHealthSite

Dec 12

George Clooney was hospitalised after losing weight too fast for The Midnight Sky –

The 59-year-old actor and director of the new Netflix movie admitted he wasnt taking care of himself when he was losing weight.

Hollywood actor George Clooney has confirmed that he was hospitalised with pancreatitis four days before he was due on set to shoot his Netflix sci-fi drama The Midnight Sky.

The two-time Academy Award winner told The Mirror: I think I was trying too hard to lose the weight quickly and probably wasnt taking care of myself.

It took a few weeks to get better and as a director, its not so easy because you need energy," he added. "We were out on this glacier in Finland, which made it a lot harder work. But it certainly helped with the character.

Clooney both stars in and directs the movie, which centres around his character - Augustine - as a lone scientist in the Arctic who races to stop astronauts from returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.

Felicity Jones, David Oyelowo and Kyle Chandler also act alongside the Oceans 11 star.

Clooney's film is based on Lily Brooks-Dalton's widely acclaimed 2016 novel Good Morning, Midnight.

The Midnight Sky will be released in selected cinemas and on Netflix from December 23.

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George Clooney was hospitalised after losing weight too fast for The Midnight Sky -

Dec 12

What exercise burns the most calories? – CNET

Riding a bike is one way to get moving and burn calories.

There are countless ways to get moving and exercise (yes, even while many gyms remain closed). If the idea ofburning a ton of calories during a workout motivates you, then I hate to break it to you, but you may be way overestimating your calorie burn. Especially if you judge the number of calories you burned on factors like how much you sweat or how hard it felt.

While sweat and effort are two ways to tell if you're challenging yourself, the only true way to gauge calorie burn is with an accurate heart rate monitor that takes into account your personal factors, like age, sex, weight and height.

Whether you use a fancy heart rate monitor or other fitness tracker to tell you your calorie burn, it's still good to have an idea of how many calories the most common exercises burn when heading into your workouts. Keep reading to find out how many calories common exercises burn and how to figure out your own personal calorie burn during workouts.

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Professional fitness trainer Brooke Taylor explainsthat the main factors that differentiate how many calories you burn in exercise include:

Heart rate training zone: You'll want to figure out your target heart rate and your maximum heart rate zones to better understand what to aim for when you exercise.

Resting heart rate: A normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

Weight: In general, the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn during exercise.

Types of exercise: Cardio-based workouts burn more calories than other types of workouts like lifting weights or yoga.

Even though everyone is different, there are general estimates for how many calories you can burn when you exercise. The estimates below are calculated based on someone who weighs 130 pounds, based on theAmerican Council on Exercise (ACE) calculator. You can use that calculator to get a close estimate of how many calories you would burn during many common activities.

Running for 30 minutes burns about 206 calories.

206 calories per 30 minutes

Running at even a slow pace burns a lot of calories for 30 minutes. On average, running burns between 10.8 to 16 calories per minute and putting it at the top of the list of workouts that burn the most calories. To up the calorie burn, increase the intensity or add in sprint intervals.

176 calories per 30 minutes

Hiking is one of the best ways to escape to the outdoors, turn off technology and get in some movement. And since you're not walking on a level path like walking down the street, navigating different terrains or hills challenges more muscles, so you burn more calories.

117 calories per 30 minutes

If you're an avid biker, you may go faster than 5.5 mph, but if you tend to bike at a leisurely pace, you can still burn 117 calories per 30 minutes. Note that this is different than if you do interval training or classes on spin bikes.

115 calories per 10 minutes

Let out your inner kid and take upjump ropefor a surprisingly fast way to burn a ton of calories. Just 10 minutes of jumping rope burns 115 calories.

Walking is a simple exercise that can help you burn calories.

97 calories per 30 minutes

Walking is the most simple and accessible form of exercise. And if you're anything like me, you rely on walks for much needed breaks from the house while in quarantine. Even if you don't walk for 30 minutes or longer on every walk, all of the short walks you take add up throughout the day.

88 calories per 30 minutes

Although not the quickest way to burn calories, lifting weights increases strength, muscle tone and enhances your metabolism. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest.

73 calories per 30 minutes

While stretching or restorative yoga may not burn a ton of calories, it still warrants a well-deserved spot in your weekly workout lineup for enhanced mobility, flexibility, recovery and tension relief.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

More here:
What exercise burns the most calories? - CNET

Dec 7

4 weight loss tips that can help promote healthier living – Lincolnshire Today

Thanks to the overwhelming prevalence of diabetes globally, with the Health Survey for England estimating that over 28% of adults are obese, the internet is alive with articles about how to lose weight fast and get into shape. Unfortunately, many of the diets and solutions that are touted online do not offer long-term solutions to the problem of excessive weight, especially the fad diets that involve restrictive diets that are often broken before they can make a positive impact.

The good news is that there are ways that dieters can shed their excess weight without the need for restrictive diets that require them to spend hours preparing meals that they ultimately dont want to eat. This article outlines four weight loss tips designed to help people live a healthier life overall and not just lose some weight temporarily.

The first tip involves a change in the way people look at dieting. While the primary goal of dieting for many people may be to lose weight, people must understand that this is not enough to keep a person motivated in the long run. This is because every diet will eventually lead to a plateau, which can discourage people from carrying on with any good habits they may have established during the dieting process. For this reason, people looking to lose weight should focus on building and maintaining healthy eating habits rather than the numbers on a scale.

Unfortunately for many people, finding the time to make and eat three nutritionally balanced meals a day is difficult. For this reason, meal replacement diet plans have become extremely popular in recent times. These types of diet plans have dieters replace at least one (more often two) of their everyday meals with a premade meal like a shake, soup, or bar that can offer the same nutritional value as a full meal but in less overall calories.

Diet plans from reputable sources such as Shake That Weight are affordable and flexible and offer dieters a variety of meal replacements in various types and flavours to ensure that their diet doesnt feel boring or repetitive, which is often the reason why dieters drop out of shake-based diets. Shake That Weight diet plans can be custom-fit to suit most peoples needs and their wide range of products are specially formulated to provide customers with 100% of their daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

While logic may dictate that eating less unhealthy foods should result in weight loss, in the long run, the kind of diets that focus on restricting calories are often unsuccessful thanks in part to the physiological impact that restrictions can cause. According to the dieting and nutrition experts, strict diet plans that make no room for a person to enjoy some of their favourite foods create feelings of being deprived and often result in emotional eating. The subsequent feelings of failure created by cheating on a diet often lead to people ditching the diet altogether, even if it was working initially.

To combat this effect, dieters should find a diet plan that allows for some flexibility in their meals so that they can incorporate some of their favourite foods into their meal plan. Meal replacement plans such as the ones offered by Shake That Weight give dieters the ability to choose what they want to eat for at least one meal a day. The meal replacements for the other meals are then specifically chosen to provide the dieter with the remaining number of calories, vitamins, and minerals they will need for their day that will promote weight loss. This type of diet ensures that dieters do not feel the weight of their restrictions as heavily as they would with traditional diets, resulting in fewer broken diets.

The evening meal is often a dealbreaker when it comes to dieting, and for good reason. After a person has finished a long day at work, the temptation to grab something quick and easy to eat rather than try to plan out and prepare a full, balanced meal is often overwhelming, which results in people breaking their diet. By planning out all the weeks meals, or even just a few meals in advance, dieters can avoid the temptation of fast food more easily, especially if they have already prepared the meal and it just needs to go into the oven.

While the number of calories that a person consumes plays a key role in weight loss, other aspects involved in the process of eating have also been shown to affect weight loss. Mindful eating, in particular, has been shown to have a positive impact on weight loss. By focusing on the food that they are eating, and eating it slowly in a distraction-free environment, dieters will have a better idea of how much food they need to feel full, which decreases the likelihood of them overeating.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy; however, with the right mindset and a focus on eating healthy rather than counting calories, dieters can achieve their weight loss goals and start living their best life.

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4 weight loss tips that can help promote healthier living - Lincolnshire Today

Dec 7

I Lost More Than 40 Pounds and Got Fit Without Giving Up Any of My Favorite Foods –

Kari Kadak, 38, shares the changes he made to his lifestyle which helped him lose weight and get fit, and how working out and eating healthy with his partner helped him to stay motivated during the pandemic.

10 years ago, I rode dirt bikes and I went to the gym a few times a week. Then I had a serious accident that damaged one of the nerves in my spine. Doctors told me that I might not be able to walk any more, and I had to do something fast as my left leg muscles were getting weaker every day. I decided not to have surgery; instead I started doing some weight training mixed with home stretching exercises that helped me to cure my back. However, I then began to gain weight.

I have always loved to eat well, but always chose healthy, organic ingredients. I would say that my problem was that I could not control my appetite, portion sizes, and could not find nutritional balance. I always had a little bit too much sourdough bread, or a few scoops too of ice cream too many, or I should have stopped with one Negroni cocktail but I always had maybe one or two more.

A couple of years and two kids later, I started traveling a lot with my family. Our work requires it. I couldn't find the rhythm of how to eat, how to move, or work out correctly. I hated the idea of wasting time doing something and not understanding the impact of it. I was constantly experimenting with different approaches, such as classical weight training and CrossFit combined with the Paleo and keto diets. I lost weight, but also all my muscle mass but at the same time, while my fat percentage stayed the same. To top everything, I ended up with knee surgery that led again to weight gain. No no matter what I did, my weight climbed slowly up, until I was 110 kg (242 pounds).

It all changed in 2019 November, when I joined the Ultimate Performance LiveUp program. I had tried many approaches before, so for me it was important to do something simple and easy to apply, based on real results and studies. The LiveUp program is all about that. At this point, I kept my expectations low and made a promise to myself to do the program and see where it took me.

I started counting my steps and measuring exactly how much water I was drinking; I now aim for 12,500 steps and 6 liters a day. The workouts were simple bodybuilding exercises that could be found on the internet, but the order of the exercises, tempo, and the right time to change them during the transformation were crucial. I continued eating my favorite meals, I was just more aware of when to eat. I eat more carbs when I have worked out and less when I haven't. My favorite workout is a simple and hard deadlift. It is fun to keep track of weight and add some next time, and it feels great when the numbers get bigger.

I was highly motivated for the first three months, and seeing results coming slowly each week was motivating; I was losing around 1 kg (2.2 pounds) per week. Then, when the pandemic and lockdown hit, I was unmotivated to continue as the gyms were closed and everything seemed hopeless. Body composition was the last thing on my mind, so I took a month off from the program.

During this time, LiveUp introduced live home workouts and video check-in systems. I was not very motivated and it seemed silly to be training with people from behind a screen. Then my wife joined the women's version of the program, as we decided that there is nothing else to do anyway and better to keep us healthy this crazy time. So food prep and working out seemed more fun as they were things we could do together. I couldn't buy any equipment as everything was shut down or sold out. I found one second-hand vintage kettlebell that nobody wanted as it was too heavy, and I got a resistance band. I also did some bodyweight exercises, like slow tempo chinups. The only problem was the steps; I had to walk in the garden and behind my house, and took my Kindle so I could read while I was getting my steps in.

I lost a total of 25 kgs (44 pounds), and now weigh 85 kgs (187 pounds). I feel confident again, focused, and strong. I sleep better and have more energy. The structure has also helped me to be less stressed in my everyday life, and my wife and I have made friends through the program. If you're just getting started, I would say: be persistent. There's never going to be the right day, season, or year, you have to just get started. Don't make excuses, and keep the end goal in mind.

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I Lost More Than 40 Pounds and Got Fit Without Giving Up Any of My Favorite Foods -

Dec 1

7 Tips to Get Your Healthy Diet Back on Track from a Nutritionist – The Beet

This is the season of overeating. After a Thanksgiving where there were fewer people at the table and more leftovers to pick at for the past three days, we all need a break from cold stuffing and forkfuls of pie, eaten right out of the tin. Enter Nicole Osinga, RD and creator of the VegStart Diet, the healthy and natural way to lose weight without doing anything other than piling your plate full of whole, plant-based foods that are high in fiber and nutrients, low in calories and sugar. Eat up, lose weight, and feel energized on her easy 14-day meal plan.

Here are Nicole Osinga's top tips for getting, and staying, on track from now till it's time to enjoy the next holiday, which is coming faster than you may think!

You may think it's a good idea to deprive yourself of food in the morning after a day of overdoing it. Or you choose to skip breakfast and lunch before a dinner where you know it will be a special meal (of all your favorite foods)Actually, the opposite is true, says Nicole. Starving yourself just sets you up for overeating at your next opportunity, and that defeats the point. "The first thing you will do is reach for all the wrong foods, like bread and carbs," Nicole says. Her advice: Eat a modest and healthy breakfast like overnight oats and berries, or a small but fiber-filled lunch like a big salad full of greens and legumes. That way when you walk into the room full of food your body will be nicely fueled and you will be able to make a rational decision of what (and how much) to eat.

The most important thing about snacking is to not overdo it. A snack should give you just enough calories and fuel to tide you over till the next meal. It does not need to feel like a meal in itself. That means about 200 to 250 calories, but not 400 calories, which is easy to get to if you are eating nuts or other calorie-dense, heavy foods. Instead, combine protein and carbs in the form of heavy and light foods. So that means dip celery stalks, which are light, into almond butter, which is heavy (not your finger or a spoon out of the jar). Plus the fiber in the celery will make you feel fuller longer and help your body slow-burn the fuel, leaving you sated until dinner, and not overly-hungry when it is time to sit down to eat. For other great snack ideas to keep blood sugar low, see the VegStart Diet. (Popcorn lovers you will be happy.)

This is a no-brainer and yet so many of us don't do it. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Keep a water bottle handy or a tall glass of water (you can infuse it with lemon if that makes it more palatable). Too often we mistake thirst with hunger, Nicole says. That means you recognize an urge but you go to the fridge instead of the sink. Try this instead: Drink a full tall glass of 8 to 12 ounces of water and wait ten minutes. Chances are the urge goes away. If you are indeed hungry, choose foods that are hydrating, like a piece of fruit that has both high water content and high fiber content. An apple or an orange is nature's snack packs.

This advice is as old as we are. How many of us were told as kids to "slow down" and still we inhale our food. Practice this: Put your fork down as you chew. Let it sit on the side of the plate for a few seconds and then pick it up to take the next bite. You want to eat mindfully and so many of us are distracted, or busy, and eat like it's a race. Your body requires 20 to 30 minutes to send satiety cues from your stomach to your head, which is why we usually eat 30 percent more calories than we need at every meal, and those calories get stored as fat, sorry to tell you. Instead, eat slower, and chances are you will feel full and satisfied, without joining the clean plate club. If you find that doing this allows you to eat 2/3 of your plate, great! Save the leftovers for later since that 1/3 of your meal makes a perfect snack!

This is called front loading. What it means is if you front-load the system with beneficial vegetables, high fiber foods that fill up your stomach, and protein-rich foods like beans or legumes, you will be much less likely to over-do it on the calorie-dense foods like mashed potatoes or dessert. The salad you eat isn't just filling you up, it's sending a signal to your body that quality food is coming, and your energy level will be higher, your immune system will be working on high, and your cellular messaging to the brain will make you feel sharper. Food should not make you want to take a nap. Salads and vegetables filling up most of your plate ensure that the other smaller portions of carbs or fatty foods don't overwhelm the nutritious foods. Eat a mostly plant-based diet full of whole foods such as vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes and you will feel better, less fatigued, right after you eat.

Portion size is one of the biggest problems for most people trying to lose weight. You can enjoy small portions of your favorite foods, but the trouble is that most of us can't calibrate hat that means, or we don't know how to stop at just a few bites. For a snack, think of a handful of nuts or seeds, which is enough fuel to get you through the next 2 to 3 hours. A meal will be enough food to sustain you for the next 4 to 5 hours. Make snack packs ready in the fridge if you have trouble doling out the right amount of food for yourself at the time when you want it.

When you think about your body, you want it to be a race car, so fuel it with the highest-quality food you can find, which are whole plant-based foods like vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, grains and legumes. Then only as much as your next "trip" requires. going for a hike takes more out of you than sitting at your desk. Each portion should come with a "task" attached. This food will take me through 4 hours of walking or hiking. Otherwise, you become the fridge. You want to be the car.

This is key: When it comes time to celebrate, as you did over the holiday and as you will over the next upcoming event, that's fine. Consistency is key and when you are healthy most of the time, you can afford to have a treat, a dessert or a calorie bomb on those occasions. Don't think of it as: I blew it, so now I'm just throwing caution to the wind. Quite the opposite, you are human and these special occasions call for celebration and enjoyment. Let yourself indulge and then get back on track the next day. Your body is resilient, and it will pop back into shape when you treat it right, with healthy nutritious food. Live life and choose to be healthy most of the time. You will be surprised at how that rewards you now and for years to come.

See the original post:
7 Tips to Get Your Healthy Diet Back on Track from a Nutritionist - The Beet

Nov 26

US : The 6 best food sources of protein that help you lose weight faster – Explica

In recent months everyone has been talking about the role of high-quality protein consumption in the weightloss. The reality is that the body needs protein to meet numerous functions, that is why they are considered one of the most important macronutrients in the diet. They are one of the basic components of organs, muscles, skin and hormones, the body needs hormones to maintain and repair tissues.

Additionally it has various scientific references that support the benefits of protein consumption for to lose weight, keep it long term and burn belly fat, the best of all is that also increase the mass Y muscular strength. A high protein diet can also help lower blood pressure, fight diabetes, prevents the onset of metabolic syndrome and others degenerative diseases.

The truth is that ensuring a optimal protein intake is very important for lose weight with health, in principle proteins are extremely satiating and make us feel satisfied for longer. On the other hand they have the peculiarity of activate signals of the body that reduce appetite, overeat and the cravings for Forbidden food, which are related to the decrease in the hunger hormone: ghrelin and an increase in the production of hormones of fullness.

The daily protein intake (RDI) is estimated to be 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. However, many health and fitness experts consider that more is needed to function optimally and lose weight more effectively. That is why they recommend increase protein intake in the diet, creating an optimal combination of the best sources of plant and animal origin. Know the 6 foods richer in protein, are accessible and symbolize nutrition of the highest quality.

Today we have the certainty about the unmatched benefits that implies integrating in the diet, the consumption of whole eggs. Not for nothing are they considered one of the healthier and more nutritious food on the planet, when it comes to protein, they are one of the highest quality sources. Eggs are an extraordinary source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats (Omega-3 fatty acids) and antioxidants that protect diverse organs and systems, at the same time provide very important nutrients in the brain function. It is essential to choose the consumption of whole eggs to get all your nutritional benefits, specifically the egg whites they are an almost pure protein source. Protein content in a large egg: 6 grams of protein and 78 calories.

Boiled egg / Photo: Shutterstock

Not all sources of protein from high biological value and quality, are from the food of animal origin and today with so many healthy food within our grasp, it is the perfect time to break that belief. Almonds are one of the best sources of vegetable protein, are one of the most popular nuts and shine for their unparalleled supply of essential nutrients: fiber, protein, vitamins B and E, healthy fats, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium. There are numerous studies backed by science in which its qualities to improve health and promote weight loss are confirmed. Such is the case of A study published in the magazine European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in which it was found that participants who ate a handful of almonds every day they experienced a reduced feeling of hunger and a decrease in body weight. They also attract attention for being a complete food and recommended for all people, being of low glycemic index even indicated for people with diabetes. Protein content: 6 grams and 164 calories per ounce (28 grams).

Almonds / Photo: Pexels

Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein sources, healthy, accessible and delicious, not in vain is one of the most recommended foods in most of the weight loss plans. It is the most versatile and easy to cook, lends itself to creating all kinds of dishes full of colors and nutrients. The chicken breast is low in calories and fat, is related to great benefits for protect the heart and the health of the cardiovascular system. Call in a special way your high in vitamins from complex B, minerals like the iron, which helps transport oxygen to all cells and is also essential for the good brain function and physical performance. Besides, his high phosphorus content, it is important to maintain strong bones and teeth, and zinc, essential for growth and defense processes of the organism. Protein content: a roasted skinless chicken breast contains 53 grams of protein and only 284 calories.

Grilled chicken breast./Photo: Pixabay

We are not going to tire of talking about the wonders of oatmeal consumption for general health. It is considered the queen of cereals and is one of the best sources of vegetable protein and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, at the same time provides essential nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, thiamine (vitamin B1) and above all fiber of the highest quality. Its high fiber content is related to great benefits for promote weight loss, since it gives it a great satiating powerIt also regulates intestinal transit and accelerates metabolism. Best of all, oatmeal is immensely accessible and versatile, You can integrate it in juices, smoothies, such as cereal with fruit and yogurt, in salads and bakery. Protein content: orOne cup of oatmeal has 11 grams of protein and 307 calories.

Avena./Photo: Shutterstock

There are many questions around consumption of dairy as sources of protein, the truth is that everything will depend on the type of product. In the case of the cheeses there are some variants that they provide a lot of calories and fatHowever, all is not lost. The cottage cheese is the best alternative, since it is a type of qLow fat and low calorie cheese. Additionally it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients. It is versatile, light and very enjoyable, it goes well with a long list of foods and dishes. Protein content: one cup (226 grams) of low-fat cottage cheese with 1% fat contains 28 grams of protein and 163 calories.

Curd. / Photo: Pixabay

Another product derived from dairy, which cannot be missing in all healthy diet focused on losing weight. The greek yogurt is the healthier variant that exists, is characterized by its thick consistency and its great nutrient content. Not only is it a great source of protein of high biological value, it provides numerous vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin B12, potassium, iodine and especially a immense probiotic potential. Consuming probiotic foods is one of the best health allies, they benefit absolutely the whole organism. Especially lto digestive, intestinal health, the functioning of the immune system and they are key in weight loss. Greek yogurt pairs perfectly with sweet and savory dishes. it is very important that you choose the pure versions without any added sugar, flavoring or sweetener. Protein content: one 6-ounce (170-gram) container It has 17 grams of protein and only 100 calories.

Greek yogurt. / Photo: Pixabay

View post:
US : The 6 best food sources of protein that help you lose weight faster - Explica

Nov 26

US : The best 4 smoothie combinations to lose weight faster – Explica

Over the years the shakes have been evolving, although many of us remember them as a something nasty drink that our mothers forced us to consume in the morning; Today the perception has changed and they are considered a nutritional treasure and one powerful health tool.

The truth is the popularity of smoothies has increased significantly in recent years, to the extent that they are an important part of various nutrition trends. Based on this, many have wondered about the best combinations for create a nice smoothie, that offers us all those wonderful properties with which they relate. The good news is that creating a nutritious and beneficial shake, is easier than we think and is based on getting the right combination of simple, high-quality ingredients.

It is well known that when we try to lose weight, the most important nutrient are proteins, not in vain are they considered lately the central axis of numerous diets and guidelines created to lose weight. The reality is that proteins have been shown to have an immense capacity to promote weight lossor, which is related to your satiating power, its benefits to regulate high levels of glucose in the blood and its positive effects for increase lean muscle development, which is related to a more efficient metabolism.

Various nutrition specialists have established the elements that cannot be missing in a slimming shake and among the main ones, the following stand out:

Proteins cannot be missing: The use of plant-based proteins (pea, chia or brown rice), animal protein powder (whey, casein or collagen), also if you dont love protein powders, there are delicious natural alternatives (peanut butter, almond butter, plain Greek yogurt, some cottage cheese or chia seeds).The importance of fiber: To integrate high fiber foods in smoothies, its a great way to increase daily intake of this important nutrient. It is not only essential in weight loss, is related to benefits to improve digestive process, intestinal health and keeps us satisfied for longer. Of course the best way to obtain it is through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

It is also highly recommended to add foods such as medicinal spices, that shine for their properties antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. There are great options that fill flavor and personality smoothies, such as cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom and anise. At the same time, it is very important to avoid the use of products rich in added sugars and empty carbohydrates.

Based on the above we present you four rich and simple combinations, to take your shakes to another nutritional level and thus fill you with their therapeutic benefits, strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases and reach a healthy weight.

This smoothie combination is a true nutritional treasure and also a delight, it is distinguished by its pleasant flavor and unbeatable texture. It is well known that the Cranberries are considered one of the healthier superfoods of the planet, are distinguished by their great antioxidant power which is of great help to fight free radicals, prevent premature aging, attack inflammations and above all they are a great complement to promote weight loss. They attract attention for their low caloric value, 100 grams provide 46 calories and lots vitamins, minerals and fiber, elements necessary to lose weight. At the same time it has A study of the University of Michigan, in which its qualities are checked for increase fat burning, eliminate abdominal fat and they help eliminate everything that the body does not need. For his part the nuts They are a very important nutritional element in shakes, among their great qualities they stand out for their high in healthy fats, specifically Omega 3 fatty acids and that are associated with their great anti-inflammatory power. They are a great ally for protect cardiovascular health and reduce high cholesterol levels. At the same time they are perfect for losing weight thanks to their satiating power, its high fiber content and high quality energy levels, which improve physical performance.

Plantain or banana Its one of the most popular ingredients in smoothies, it is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is associated with large properties to health. One of the great slimming qualities of banana is related to its content in simple sugars that become immediate energy, it is also fat-free and stands out for its immense mineral wealth, Specially in trace elements like potassium and magnesium. Banana is a fruit very rich in fiber, which helps to lose weight and regulate intestinal transit. It is perfect to improve the mood, fight fatigue, perfect against anemia and of great help for fight constipation. For his part cocoa is considered one of the super-foods currently valued, it is not only exquisite, it is a food of great medicinal properties. Is a great natural stimulant, which fills us with quality energy and improves physical and mental performance. At the same time it is one of the best sources of antioxidants, specifically flavonoids that are of great help for fight free radicals and the chronic diseases as the obesity. Benefits the digestive process, promotes waste removal and it is a great ally of the cardiovascular system. The best of all is that benefits the mood.

In recent months it has become very fashionable add a piece of avocado in smoothies, its a habit that not only improves your consistency and flavor, provides a great nutritional power. Avocado is a very satiating fruit, ideal for weight loss thanks to its content in fiber, healthy fats and essential nutrients, which are related to fat burning properties that accelerate metabolism. It is related to a high content of vitamin K, which provides benefits for strengthen bones and muscles, and thanks to its content in vitamins and minerals protects the immune system. The green leafy vegetables They are a primordial element in all shakes, they belong to the list of healthier food of the planet. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, K, folic acid, fiber and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium and zinc, all elements of great importance in theto health and weight loss. At the same time they are very low calorie, satiating, diuretic and of great digestive power.

Is smoothie combo is wonderful, is distinguished by the use of three powerful foods. Such is the case of the handle which is a most attractive and delicious tropical fruit, it is characterized by being very high in fiber, besides being a great source of vitamins A and C and contain folic acid, B6, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin E. Thanks to that benefits digestion, intestinal health and is a great ally for reduce inflammation. For his part the matcha green tea is the star ingredient, since it is the healthiest and most beneficial drink that exists, which is related to its antioxidant properties, great benefits for estimulate metabolism and burn body fat. Polyphenols are the substance responsible for giving matcha tea its slimming properties.

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US : The best 4 smoothie combinations to lose weight faster - Explica

Nov 26 Highlights the Importance of Weight Management Over the Holiday Season – The News Front is a leading authority when it comes to nutrition, health, and wellness. The site is dedicated to delivering smart advice on weight loss, wellness, and personal health. It regularly publishes great content such as helpful guides and tips, plus honest reviews that readers can rely on (for example, you can read their review of the Bistro MD diet at

Now, with the holiday season fast approaching, the specialist SavvyWP team want to emphasize the importance of managing your weight during the festivities, and talk about weight loss goals for the New Year.

Advice for a happier, healthier lifestyle

SavvyWP knows how hard it can be to lose or even maintain weight during the holiday season. The darker, colder winter months have crept around to mark the end of a peculiar, challenging and stressful year for everyone, and hearty, calorific comfort food is everywhere on TV adverts, on social media posts, in magazines, in almost every aisle inside grocery stores. People are also ready to feast for Thanksgiving and Christmas and many other occasions. It can be overwhelming, and you may find your weight loss goals slipping away from you. Luckily, SavvyWP has some top tips for weight loss and maintenance around the holidays, and into the New Year:

You can find more practical tips for weight loss and weight management, plus a wide range of other content to help you lead a happier, healthier life (including reviews on weight loss programs, and smart advice about nutrition and wellness) on the website at

The obesity pandemic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figure that nearly 40 percent of American adults now qualify as obese, with many more being significantly overweight. While regular exercise is important, experts are virtually unanimous in emphasizing the significance of diet when it comes to weight loss and ongoing management. Unfortunately, many of even the most popular diets at any given time prove to be less than effective at reducing obesity in the long run.

SavvyWP is hoping to help bring about positive results in the fight against obesity through the sites useful content aimed at weight loss and weight management. They have already helped a large number of readers with their weight, and it is their aim to help many more before the year ends especially during and just after the holidays when readers might be struggling to stay motivated and will rely on their tips more than ever.

More information started out in 2013 as founder Jenna Simpsons personal blog before blossoming into the popular and well-respected site it is today. It publishes content on a range of topics, from diets and nutrition tips to health and wellness strategies. For more information, you can visit the website at If you have an inquiry, you can call the team on 5106591050 or email them at [emailprotected]


Read the original: Highlights the Importance of Weight Management Over the Holiday Season - The News Front

Nov 26

5 Ways CBD affects your weight – The Leaf Online

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has been known for many health benefits, but did you know there are ways CBD affects your weight as well? The cannabinoid has been the topic of debate for years. Some say its pros outweigh the possible cons. Others argue that there is not enough scientific evidence to prove or dispute these health claims, so the point was moot.

Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels

Nevertheless, it hasnt stopped health enthusiasts from giving this compound a chance. Originating from cannabis plants, hemp plants, to be specific, CBD oil is most commonly and effectively used as a supplement. It could ease anything from minor pains to moderate and chronic symptoms.

However, most people know very little about CBD oil for weight loss. Understandable, given that the cannabinoid is usually used for things like body pains, anxiety, and sleep disorders. If youre planning on starting your CBD journey soon, heres your chance to discover the many wonders of this hemp oil extract, including how it can affect your body weight.

The science behind how CBD works is still under work. Some researches and studies have found great potential for the compounds healing and medicinal properties. However, none have found concrete evidence, hence, the heated debates over its legality in recent years.

Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels

There is even less substantiated scientific evidence of the former influencing the latter regarding CBD and weight loss. However, experts have found that while CBD may not cause weight loss or gain, it could affect factors that would lead to a significant difference in the bodyweight of users. Lets take a look at some of the ways CBD affects your weight.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body is designed with millions of neurotransmitters regulating various parts and systems teamwork. It acts as a traffic guide for the different tissues, nerves, and muscles in the body to work accordingly.

Recent studies found that the body reacts to cannabinoids precisely because it produces its own. When CBD interacts with the ECS receptors, it helps regulate pretty much everything, including the metabolic system. As a result, when your metabolism is at its optimal condition, bodyweight is less likely to fluctuate. Losing or gaining weight could be made more accessible.

One leading cause of eating disorders is an individuals appetite. Whether your dilemma is having a voracious affinity for food or being extremely sensitive and picky about your meals, CBD products like Broad-spectrum CBD gummies for weight gain or loss could help with that. While psychoactive compounds like THC are considered a stimulant, CBD is somewhat the opposite.

It still goes back to the ECS, as CBD improves the bodys sensitivity to its needs. The cannabinoid helps us achieve homeostasis or balance, thus, curbing or increasing hunger levels according to what the body needs.

If youre planning to use CBD for weight loss, studies indicate that the compound can turn white, bad fats into brown, good fats. The former is a form of fat that can cause many chronic conditions related to overly excessive weight. Brown fats are a more active form of fats as they burn off calories by generating heat.

The more brown fats you have, the more calories you burn. With CBDs aid converting the bad fats into better ones, cannabis users are more likely to lose weight faster and with fewer complications as the process is as natural as weight loss methods go.

As mentioned before, CBD works with the body by helping its receptors regulate everything to obtain and maintain an overall balance of well-being. The compound influences the bodys CB1 and CB2 receptors responsible for regulating several vital systems, including the nervous central, digestive, respiratory, and immune systems.

People who have hormone disorders such as high cholesterol, diabetes, ovarian conditions, and many others suffer from an irregular production of much-needed compounds in the body. While CBD may not produce it directly, the hemp oil extract could help the neurotransmitters be more receptive so that it allows the body to produce adequate amounts of the hormones it needs.

One of CBDs most popular uses is to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. These include nerves, restlessness, jitters, palpitations, nausea, and a dozen others. For some, stress and anxiety are also the source of their weight loss or gain. It affects appetite and body functions like metabolism and digestion.

Once taken, the effects of CBD for anxiety can help these neurotransmitters be more sensitive to hormones naturally produced by the body. These include adenosine and serotonin, otherwise known as happy hormones, as they give you a good boost in mood and energy. CBDs relaxing effects soothe its users enough to have you on your feet and continue with your daily routine.

As a word of caution, be sure to consult with a physician first before making drastic changes to your diet and adding foreign substances like CBD to the mix. Also, note that while the cannabinoid has plenty of supposed health benefits, it is by no means a replacement for any prescription medications.

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5 Ways CBD affects your weight - The Leaf Online

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