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Jun 23

Lose weight by changing habits | Community | – Cumberland Times-News

DR. WALLACE: Im a 16-year-old girl who needs to lose 25 to 30 pounds by the middle of this summer. I know how I packed on the extra pounds: I was depressed this year, and I tried to eat my way back to happiness. It didnt work. All I did was gain a lot of useless weight.

Now that Im mentally healthier after going to therapy regularly, I want to try losing weight. Im told by a few of my girlfriends that diet pills really work for losing weight, but I also understand these pills can become addictive for some people. Im not sure if Im one of those people, but I really, really want to drop some weight fast. Seeking to Slim Down, via email

SEEKING TO SLIM DOWN: You should not get involved with diet pills. They are, indeed, highly addictive, and most who use these types of pills gain the lost weight back quickly after they quit taking the pills. This can start a dangerous binge-purge cycle that is very unhealthy.

The safest way to lose weight and to keep those extra pounds off is to change your eating patterns. Learn what to eat, how much to eat and, most importantly, what not to eat. Couple this with an active and regular exercise program, and you will maintain a healthy weight.

If you start eating properly and exercising regularly, some of your excess weight will be history come September. By the new year, you should happily see the new you.

You should plan to lose pounds gradually, just a few pounds each month, versus seeking an immediate steep loss of weight, which could be dangerous to your overall health.

Dr. Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers. swer as many as possible in this column. Email him at

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Lose weight by changing habits | Community | - Cumberland Times-News

Jun 23

How to lose weight in legs quickly and effectively: TOP 5 tips – The Times Hub

Learn how to lose weight fast in my legs at home

Anna Kovpak

the editor of the Psychology/Wellness

How to lose weight in legs and thighs? And even on the priest and a little on my stomach? This question confronts many women literally shortly after a heated and lengthy feasts, celebrating Christmas and new year holidays, Hiking on the property, eating candy and Goodies. And now to this list we could add the quarantine-isolation, during which many have tried to gain weight but have managed not all.

And to replace the important question, what to cook, comes no less vital problem how to quickly lose weight in the legs? Read our article with helpful tips, do the exercises, follow the diet and lose weight on health!

How to lose weight in legs

Before you start to lose weight in the legs, you must understand a simple truth: fail to lose weight purely locally, in a single place legs, or hips. Will have to drop the weight and regain a slender entire body.

For starters, lets introduce the rules that will help in General to lose weight and not gain weight even more than you already are. About them told the fitness coach Anita Lutsenko in his Instagram.

Now lets talk about tricks that will help you to lose weight in legs and thighs.

If you are aiming to lose weight in the legs, it is important to focus on the combustion of subcutaneous fat and combating cellulite, which attacks the legs, thighs and ass.

To do this, select either a high protein diet, for example, the Dukan diet, the Kremlin or the paleo diet. This way of eating well nourishes the body, helps fight sweet tooth and also compensates for the consumption of muscle protein during exercise and promotes the formation of new muscles.

A healthy diet is important to comply with all

But dont overdo it, eating a diet solely low carb diet, because it carries serious health risks associated with violation of metabolism, as well as deficit of nutritional resources for the brain and nervous system.

Your diet should be balanced. Thus, refrain from sweet, flour, baking based on refined products oil, sugar, and cereals, fast food, popcorn, chips and other sources of hydrogenated fats and high-calorie convenience foods.

Trick how to lose weight in legs and butt. Make it a rule, as soon as your hand reached for a harmful product, for example, bread or biscuits, do 20 sit-UPS. So you can work off the excess calories and become attuned to the discipline and sport.

So we are off the diet gradually moved to the physical education lessons. For the entire body in General and legs in particular very useful to walk. This is the most simple and feasible load, which will help to keep your muscles toned thighs and legs.

Very useful and effective for weight loss is swimming in the pool this activity is well stimulates the muscles of the legs.

Swimming and walking is an aerobic exercise, during which the body gets energy from oxygen: glucose is oxidised, fat is burned faster, the mood is markedly improved, the effect of regular training repeatedly grows.

How to lose weight in legs

In just a week, the second active walking in the fresh air will allow you to feel a noticeable effect and slimming the legs and thighs.

Also useful for losing weight in legs daily fitness workout in 15-30 minutes: squats, leg swings, jumping rope, running in place, Cycling etc. However, doing sports, do not overdo it with the load, because then your legs will pump up the muscle, but to look lean will not be.

The extra weight that has accumulated in the thighs and legs in women, is manifested in the form of cellulite. Tissue dehydration can cause orange peel effect becomes more noticeable. Therefore, it is important to adjust your drinking regime.

How to lose weight in the legs above the knees and to get rid of cellulite? Daily drink about 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water, optimally in small portions at 20 to 30 ml several times per hour.

How to lose weight in legs

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, and most of the time you spend in a sedentary position behind a Desk in the office, the muscles in your legs gradually weaken, lose their shape and appeal.

The conclusion is simple: try to spend more time not sitting and standing, make history, change your posture and engage in at least short term exercises- squats, leg swings. Also a good tool for diversity in the work Desk with adjustable height.

A good tool to temporarily create the appearance of skinny legs can act as shapewear and slimming clothing. Such clothes not only shapes a feminine silhouette, creating a more slender hips, but also has antivarikozny effect, rescuing from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Although the problem of thick legs, it is not clear.

Will the abandonment of sugar to lose weight watch the video:

Meanwhile we figured out how to run in the heat.

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How to lose weight in legs quickly and effectively: TOP 5 tips - The Times Hub

Jun 23

Best Weight Loss Tips While On The Keto Diet – Medical Daily

Obesity and metabolism-related diseases have become "the world's biggest health problems," taking the lives of at least 2.8 million each year, according to Healthline. To combat both, many diets have emerged, only a few of which are backed by research.

One of these science-backed diets is the ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat diet. Because consumption of carb sources such as bread, fruits, pasta and pastries is reduced or eliminated, the diet causes your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis, in which the fats stored are converted into ketones, molecules that supply your brain with energy. It is because of these reasons that weight loss fanatics often praise it for extreme weight loss without having to miss out on delicious food.

To maximize your weight loss results, here are the following tips to help you lose pounds while on a keto diet:

Eat A Hearty Breakfast

Studies show that those who eat a hearty breakfast lose weight more compared to those who don't.

The question now is, what breakfast should keto followers like you enjoy at the start of the day? Well, you can start with just a simple plate of bacon and eggs. Another great breakfast option is scrambled eggs.

Eat At Different Set Times

Eating at different times of the day can help you not only burn fat, but also lose weight.

For many people, intermittent fasting has become a popular way to lose unwanted fat. There are many ways to practice it. One of these is the 16/8 intermittent fast. This method involves eating during an eight-hour period and fasting for a 16-hour period, typically eating from midday to early evening.

Do Not Fear Snacks

Snacking is something people usually avoid when dieting. However, there are lots of keto snacks for keto dieters to enjoy when following the diet. These snacks include chia pudding, which contains 20 percent protein. If you want more savory options, you can opt for a homemade trail mix full of nuts and seeds.

Make Every Drink Count

According to medical nutritionist Dr. Naomi Newman-Beinart, your choice of caffeinated drinks can have a significant effect on whether you can lose belly fat.

"If you're trying to slim down and lose stubborn belly fat, green tea could be your new favorite beverage," Dr. Naomi said. "Research has found that green tea in particular may be helpful for supporting metabolism and weight management. For example, in a study carried out with 35 obese men and women, it was found that those who drank four cups of green tea daily for two months lost significantly more weight than those who consumed a placebo."

Eat The Right Fats

Keto diets are certainly high in fats, but they are not found in cakes or crackers. The key is by eating the right fats and there is one in particular that you should avoid: trans fat.

"Trans fats, which contain hydrogenated fats and hydrogenated oils, are waging war on our waist, because of the way our body metabolizes this type of fat," Jane Michell, nutritionist and founder of diet program Jane Plan, told the Daily Express.

Foods in a keto diet Twitter

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Best Weight Loss Tips While On The Keto Diet - Medical Daily

Jun 23

Juice diet plan: The best juices to help burn belly fat in 2 weeks and keep it off – Express

Juice cleanses have become well liked amongst Brits in recent years as they can help not only cleanse the body but help in the weight loss journey. Making homemade juices is the best way to know what you are consuming but there are certain ones you can make that have many more benefits than others, like helping burn belly fat.

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat is one of the easiest places to gain weight but one of the hardest places to lose it.

This is because belly fat has a higher amount of fat cells that dont respond as easily to the fat-breakdown process called lipolysis.

Putting your diet into a calorie deficit (burning more calories than you are consuming), will inevitably help you lose weight but some foods respond better to lipolysis, helping you burn the unwanted extra belly fat. These juices must be homemade in order for your body to reap the benefits as shop bought juices may contain added preservatives and added sugar.

Here is a list of some of the best juices you can make to help assist you on that weight loss journey.

READ MORE:Juice detox diet: How to lose 12 pounds in just 2 weeks safely - expert shares top tips

Cucumber juice

For those wishing to lose weight fast, consuming calorie negative foods is one of the best options. Cucumber is one of the best foods that has a high water content and many nutrients while being low in calories.

Due to its high water and fibre content, cucumber juice fills you up and will keep you full for a long time, making it a great option to make a juice out of. You can also squeeze some lime juice and add a few mint leaves to make it a refreshing summer drink.

Carrot juice

Similar to cucumber, carrots are low in calories and packed with nutrients and fibre. A tall glass of carrot juice will keep you full right until lunchtime, meaning you wont have to worry about the temptation of snacks.

This will help keep your diet in a calorie deficit and consuming carrots in their raw state is the healthiest. Carrot juice has been said to help burn fat even without exercise and so its a wonderful drink to make when wanting to lose that little bit of extra weight.

DON'T MISS:Keto diet: Best weight loss tips to follow while losing fat on the planKeto diet plan: Maximise belly fat loss with these easy stepsWeight loss: Meal replacement shakes - Are they good for you? Expert issues warning

You could even add an apple, half an orange as well as some ginger to make it an even more tasty detox drink that will help flush out all the toxins in your body.

Pomegranate juice

While pomegranate juice can help aid weight loss, it is also great for your skin.

Pomegranates are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, both of which can help you burn fat and boost your metabolism.

Consuming just a small class of pomegranate juice can be great in helping to suppress your appetite, helping you feel less hungry throughout the day. This is great when needing to put your diet into a calorie deficit to make sure your body is burning more energy than you are consuming.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon contains lots of water and is one fruit that has almost no calories in it at all. 100 grams of this juicy fruit contains just 30 calories which will help keep you hydrated.

It is also rich in amino acids which can help burn fat when consumed daily. You can also top this with mint and add some ice in the drink to make it extra tasty and refreshing.

Orange juice

Orange juice is incredibly low in calories and has zero fat, which makes it an excellent option if you are looking to shred an extra kilo or so.

Incorporating this juice into your diet can give you the sweet craving that your body desires but also help fuel the weight loss journey.

Orange juice also contains a high level of vitamin C, this helps metabolise fat faster which makes them helpful for weight loss.

Individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C in their body will burn more fat during moderate exercise than individuals with a low level of vitamin C.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice has been said to be a great remedy to help burn belly fat. It contains an important enzyme called bromelain which is found in the juice of pineapple and it helps burn away excess stomach fat.

Also, this enzyme which is found in pineapple can help suppress your appetite and it is a well known calorie negative food.

This means that your body spends more calorieseating and burning the fruit than the amount of calories in the fruit.

The rest is here:
Juice diet plan: The best juices to help burn belly fat in 2 weeks and keep it off - Express

Jun 23

Is Intermittent Fasting a Safe Way to Lose Weight For Women? All Your Queries about This Diet Causing – LatestLY

Intermittent fasting can be a complicated process to follow! It requires you to fast for long hours, but the intended benefits include weight loss, increased energy, and improved mental clarity. While many people had all great things to say about intermittent fasting, there are conflicting opinions when it comes to whether intermittent fasting is safe for women. Many experts argue that fasting can lead to hormonal disruptions and lead to mood swings and also infertility. Here's what you need to know.

Intermittent fasting can put stress on your body, but if you are managing your stress levels well, it can prompt a positive, healthy change in your body. However, your body may not be able to handle any additional stressors if you are over-stressed. That said, there there is not enough scientific evidence to make definitive conclusions yet. What we know for sure is that pregnant or breastfeeding women, underweight women, those with a history of an eating disorder, women dealing with chronic stress and those with medical issues should not fast.

Studies have shown that fasting decreases the production of kisspeptin, which, in turn, disrupts the release of estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal disruption can result in mood swings and missed or irregular periods. In extreme cases, it may also disrupt fertility. However, more research needs to be done to understand how fasting may affect hormones in humans fully.Intermittent Fasting Suitable For All? Dos & Don'ts For This Popular Weight Loss Diet.

Fasting can trigger starving, which in turn can inhibit ovulation. Studies have also linked intermittent fasting polycystic ovary syndrome, which leads to infertility. While the studies are conflicting, more research needs to be done.Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: From Hair Loss to Irregular Periods, 7 Side Effects of IF No One Talks About!

Should you fast during your period? You should never fast the week leading up to your period as it is the time when you are most sensitive to extra stress. Any additional stressors like intermittent fasting, can have adverse effects on your body. So, it can be a great idea to scale back during your premenstrual time.Study Reveals Intermittent Fasting Increases Lifespan of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterisation.

If you decide to give IF a try, here's how to do it safely.

Bottomline: If you are someone who is under extreme stress, you could be more sensitive to potential negative hormonal changes when fasting. So avoid IF if you think you fall in this category.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 23, 2020 12:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Here is the original post:
Is Intermittent Fasting a Safe Way to Lose Weight For Women? All Your Queries about This Diet Causing - LatestLY

Jun 23

Put on weight after months of no exercise? Here’s how to get back into shape safely – CNA

Theres no sugar-coating it: If youre back at the gym after months of minimal, improv workouts at home, youre going to be panting and sweating buckets to get back into shape.

When it comes to fitness, its a matter of use it or lose it. If your last serious session was before the circuit breaker started in April, you may well have to start all over again.

"You're only as good as your last training session," said Sydney-based sports scientist Professor Tony Boutagy. "In other words, you only get health benefits from a session for up to about 48 hours afterwards."


It depends on your fitness level prior to that COVID-19-induced hibernation. The higher your fitness level, the greater the effects of de-training, said Adjunct Associate Professor Benedict Tan, whos also the chief of Changi General Hospitals Sport & Exercise Medicine Department.

For instance, a professional bodybuilder with a lot of lean muscle mass will notice significant loss of muscle mass. He may not notice any loss of cardiovascular endurance as it was not high in the first place, he said.

Likewise, a fast marathon runner will report that endurance, rather than strength, is the first measure to be impacted.

But other than your stamina and muscle strength, there are other aspects of your health that can be affected, too. Heres the breakdown:

You'd think that not doing much all day long for more than a week on a stretch is just the break you need, right? Thebrain fog and sense of irritability after days of inactivity are signs that you are overdoing the R&R.

Those experiencescould be caused by a reduced blood flow to your hippocampus, the part of the brain thats associated with memory and emotion, according to a small study published in the journal Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience.

That was what researchers found when they subjected 12 master endurance runners above the age of 50 to a 10-day hiatus from running.

While the runners didnt show cognitive changes, 29 per cent of them displayed signs of impaired glucose tolerance or insulin resistance a factor that leads to Type 2 diabetes. In fact, the signs of insulin resistance include lethargy and difficulty in concentrating.

The higher your fitness level, the greater the effects of de-training.

Climbing a flight of stairs can already feel harder after two weeks (or even just days) of stopping training, said Justin Wee, the principal physiotherapist at Tan Tock Seng Hospitals Department of Physiotherapy.

Thats because your VO2 max an index that measures how efficiently your body uses oxygen during aerobic activity drops, said Dr Farah Hameed, a sports medicine physician with ColumbiaDoctors, on

The lower your VO2 max, the harder youll pant when doing cardiovascular work. Conversely, the higher your VO2 max, the more energy youll be able to produce to run after the bus or achieve a new personal best for your 2.4-kilometre run.

And it gets worse the more days you devote to couch potato-ing: After four weeks, it can drop by 15 per cent; after three months, it plummets by about 20 per cent, said Dr Hameed.

Strength-wise, be mentally prepared to lose up to 30 per cent of it, saidWee. If you were able to bench press 100kg, you may only be able to lift just 70kg after a fortnight of non-exercise.

Your blood glucose level is affected, too. A study in the Journal Of Applied Physiology found that people who improved their blood glucose levels over eight months of resistance and aerobic exercise lost almost half of the benefits after 14 days of inactivity. Turns out, you snooze, you lose.

Your cardiovascular and circulatory systems take a beating at this point. For one, your stroke volume is reduced by about 10 per cent,said Wee. Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped by your heart per beat, and a lower stroke volume means less blood is circulated with each heart beat.

Your plasma volume also drops by about 10 per cent, said Wee, if you stop exercising for a month. Plasma is a yellowish liquid that makes up 55 per cent of the bodys total blood volume. While red blood cells transport oxygen, plasma lets your heart pump more blood volume. So if there is less blood volume to carry the oxygen to your muscles, theyll tire out faster.

When it comes to strength, it apparently diminishes slower than endurance. In a 2011 study in theJournal Of Strength And Conditioning,when a group of men stopped doing resistance training, they still hadsomeof their strength gains up to 24 weeks later.

At about six weeks, youd probably already be seeing a change either in the mirror or the number on the scale, said Dr Hameed.

Even elite athletes arent immune. A 2012 study in theJournal Of Strength And Conditioning Researchfound that competitive swimmers, who took a five-week break from their training, experienced a 12 per cent increase in body fat, and a boost in their body weight and waist circumference.

Elite taekwondo athletes, who took an eight-week hiatus from exercisealso gotfat. In a 2016 study, they experienced an increase in body fatand a decrease in muscle mass.


Dr Tan recommended the following tests for gauging your current post-CB fitness in terms of stamina, strength, flexibility and balance.






The key is to put aside your ego, and start slow and easy. Dont assume that you are still as fit as your pre-COVID-19 self.

Listen to your body. If you don't feel comfortable performing any exercises, slow down, reduce the resistance or do fewerrepetitions, said Wee. It is also helpful to warm up prior to your workout, especially after a long period of inactivity.

As a rule of the thumb, said Dr Tan, resume your activities at half the intensity, frequency, and duration relative to what you used to do. Over the weeks, progressively step up the intensity by 10 per cent each week.

To find out if your starting point is excessive, Dr Tan recommended taking note of your post-exercise aches and soreness.

If you do not experience any soreness or muscle aches, it is likely that you were too conservative. If you experience excessive soreness and have difficulty going about your daily activities, it is likely that you were too ambitious with your fitness routine. If the soreness is bearable and you can comfortably go about your daily activities, you have struck the right balance.

But ultimately, dont worry. The loss of fitness is reversible. When you start exercising regularly again, it will return, said Wee.

Original post:
Put on weight after months of no exercise? Here's how to get back into shape safely - CNA

Jun 17

Weight loss: How to lose your lockdown belly fat in 2 weeks – Express

Increase activity

Exercise is a key part to a weight loss journey as it can help you burn more calories as well as helping your body to relax.

Exercising doesnt have to be intense and even a 30 minute brisk walk can help reduce unwanted fat around the belly.

It can also have a positive effect on your metabolism as well as being beneficial for fat burning around the whole of the body.

Since the gyms have been closed for many months, walking or cycling in your local area can help shed the extra kilos.

Green tea

Green tea is said to be one of the healthiest drinks for the body.

Its high antioxidant content can help reduce visceral fat and all you need to drink is one to two cups a day.

It can also help you increase your fat burning during exercise. This is because the antioxidant compounds can help continue to burn calories, even at rest, helping you burn more calories than you usually would during exercise.

Many experts suggest drinking it before exercise, while others recommend drinking it first thing in the morning to kickstart your metabolism.

Compounds in the healthy drink increases levels of hormones that tell fat cells to break down fat. This releases fat into your bloodstream and makes it available as energy.

Therefore not only will you be burning more fat, you will also have more energy to use throughout the day.

Avoid sugary foods

Too much sugary food and drink can lead to excess fat storage.

This is because insulin levels in the body work hard to keep excess glucose out of the bloodstream.

Recent studies have indicated that there is a correlation between high sugar intake and excess belly fat.

Foods high in sugar include beverages like fizzy drinks. High sugar foods include those which are processed, fast foods, fried foods and sweets.

Quitting these foods can be challenging as Healthline suggests sugar can be addictive. This is because eating sugar releases opioids and dopamine into the body, which play several important roles in the brain and body.

Read the original post:
Weight loss: How to lose your lockdown belly fat in 2 weeks - Express

Jun 17

The GOLO Diet: What it is and can it help with weight loss? – TODAY

If you take a look at the GOLO diets website, its easy to see the appeal of this plan. The program suggests that its diet along with its dietary supplement can help you lose weight, keep it off, increase your metabolic efficiency and prevent or reverse health conditions. The core concept behind the GOLO diet is the theory that weight problems are caused by insulin resistance. The diet aims to help people maintain healthy insulin levels so their cells can process glucose from their blood efficiently. When insulin levels are within a healthy range, it may be easier to lose weight

GOLO claims that its proprietary supplement, Release, which is promoted as a feature of the diet, can help control insulin, thereby nudging the body to lose weight without dieting. The company also claims that by pairing its balanced meal plan, The GOLO Metabolic Plan, with the Release supplement, your metabolism gets faster and is able to convert food into energy quickly.

The bottom line? No. The Release supplement includes a little magnesium, plus zinc, chromium and some other plant compounds. Though the company cites data suggesting their Release supplement can enhance weight loss, the quality of the research is low. All of it is sponsored by the company, it involves very small populations being observed over a short period of time and most of it isnt published in peer-reviewed journals. The peer review process means that scientific findings are subject to the scrutiny of others with expertise in the field and without this, the findings arent nearly as meaningful.

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Heres what we know: There are no magic bullets for weight loss. Supplements have never been demonstrated to produce long-term weight loss benefits. Also, even if a supplement is plant-based and natural, it might cause side effects. Supplements can also interfere with the medications youre taking. For example, ingredients in Release may interfere with diabetes medication, which might cause your blood sugar to dip too low.

The GOLO diet itself has some merit. It is a calorie-reducing diet and its eating plan the GOLO Metabolic Plan supplies between 1,300 and 1,800 calories per day, through whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs and grains, according to its website. These foods are permitted in portioned amounts so while you can have some brown rice or a dinner roll, it might be a much smaller portion (say, 1/2 cup of rice) than the amount youre used to eating. Processed foods and treats arent recommended, but you can use the plans fit points (earned by exercising) to eat these foods or heartier portions if you wish.

Emphasizing whole foods over heavily processed ones is a good strategy for managing your weight. In one study that compared the same set of participants who were fed a whole foods diet or a calorie-, carb-, fat- and protein-matched processed foods diet, participants ate faster and more on the processed foods diet, gaining about two pounds over a two week period. The same people lost about two pounds over the same period when eating whole foods. Whole foods take longer to eat, have more fiber and are more filling than processed foods, so embracing these types of foods may promote weight loss. Learning how to manage portion sizes and balance meals is also useful. In this case, you might find that your typical eating pattern is low on veggies but high on grains, whereas a more balanced approach is to reverse the ratio. In this case, a pasta dinner might involve 1/2 cup of pasta and 2 cups of veggies instead of 2 cups of pasta and 1/2 cup of veggies.

However, the GOLO diet may not be a healthy choice for everybody, especially if youre pregnant or nursing, or if you have a medical condition that requires you to take medication that could be impacted by the Release supplement.

If youre used to eating larger portions of foods and your diet includes a lot of heavily processed foods, making the changes suggested on the GOLO diet could produce weight loss. But these changes may also feel restrictive and overwhelming. Many weight-loss programs are unsustainable because they dont match your lifestyle (such as how often you like to cook or order takeout) and food preferences and because they promote portions that arent filling enough for you. Its hard to put up with hunger.

To lose weight and keep it off, you need a set of skills that involves more than what you eat or popping a poorly studied supplement that will also prove to be a big expense over time. Instead, eating well, tuning in to your bodys appetite signals, staying active, getting sufficient sleep and managing stress healthfully are better long-term strategies for weight loss and insulin management.

Anyone can lose weight on a low-calorie menu, but whether thats healthy or sustainable for you is the real question. And whether the supplement can enhance your weight loss is certainly questionable. If you want to give the GOLO diet a try, consider these things first:

See the original post here:
The GOLO Diet: What it is and can it help with weight loss? - TODAY

Jun 17

Leptitox Review The Best Weight Loss Supplement in the Market Today? – Jollofnews

A lot of people are able to lose weight quickly with the least effort. But, there are others who exercise daily and follow a strict diet, but still are unable to meet their weight loss goals. You might have lost a few pounds at first, but then the weight plateaus. It can be quite frustrating. If you are feeling unmotivated and want to shed those extra pounds quickly, you should start taking weight loss supplements. But, before that, you need to know the reason why you might not be losing weight as one of the reasons might be that you are leptin resistance.

Losing weight and staying healthy is hard, but it is possible. One of the ways to successfully do it is by taking weight loss supplements. But, if you look around you, there are a number of such supplements for you to choose from. A lot of them are made of synthetic ingredients that do more harm to your body than good. Thus, it is vital that you pick a supplement that contains natural ingredients so that you can lose weight without worrying about your overall health. One such product in the market is Leptitox. It claims to help you lose weight fast without the use of any synthetic ingredients. But does it really work?

Leptitox is a natural weight loss supplement that can help you lose weight. The product is the result of the hard work and dedication of Sonya Rhodes and Morgan Hurst. Many people try out different diets and weight loss problems, but in the end, they struggle to lose weight. But, Leptitox is a supplement made of all-natural ingredients that can help get rid of the extra fat in the body. These ingredients boost the fat burning process in the body without any adverse side effects. It also controls your appetite so that you do not end up overeating. All the 22 natural ingredients in the supplement flush out toxins, chemicals, and other substances that make your body resistant to weight loss. One of the reasons why a lot of people fail to lose weight with exercise and diets is because they might be leptin-resistance. Leptitox helps you healthily lose weight so that you can achieve your fitness goal that might have seemed impossible so far. All you have to do is take two pills per day, and you will start noticing fat burning away from your body.

What is Leptin?

Leptitox helps regulate the Leptin hormone in the body. It is the hormone that is vital in the production of fat in the body. So, it is important to understand how this hormone works, before you can know how Leptitox works in helping you lose weight. Leptin is produced in the small intestine by the enterocytes and adipose cells. It helps regulate several bodily functions that include the energy levels, production of fat, preventing you from overeating or starving, and others. People with a low amount of leptin in the body are at a higher risk of obesity. Any imbalance in the leptin level can cause the body to accumulate more amount of fat that slowly leads to obesity. The brain does not receive the signal of the excess fat in the body and believes that your body is currently starving. It leads to hunger pangs, and you end up eating more.

There are a number of reasons for leptin imbalance in the body and why the body becomes resistant to leptin. One of them is the introduction of certain chemicals introduced in the bloodstream. Some of them include TBT, BPA, or PFOA. These chemicals are often found in fast foods, pesticides used for plants, paints, Teflon cookware, and others. These impair the ability of the brain to detect leptin. Thus, youll start to feel hungrier, and you will slowly gain weight.

Leptitox contains natural ingredients that help maintain the functions of the body that are regulated by leptin. These ingredients enhance the production of adenylate cyclase enzymes in the body. These enzymes help increase the bodys temperature and also the metabolic rate, which, in turn, burns the store body fat to produce energy. It allows the body to get rid of the excess fat in the body and enhances your energy levels too. It also allows you to work out for a much longer time.

Leptitox is the perfect supplement for those who are looking to lose their extra weight or those who want to increase their energy and stamina levels. Even though you do not need to change your diet to help you lose weight with this supplement, it is crucial that you have a balanced and proper diet with your workouts. Apart from enhancing the bodys metabolism, it also improves the functions of the organs like your heart and brain so that it can detect the leptin signals properly. The supplement also curbs the craving for foods helping you reduce your chances of becoming obese. Lastly, Leptitox also detoxifies your body and enables you to get rid of the toxins and the synthetic substances that fast foods often contain. It enhances your bodys natural immune system too.

Leptitox contains only natural ingredients that are completely safe to consume. Here are some of the key ingredients that you will find in this supplement

Leptitox is manufactured in the US using the most sterile and safe ingredients and procedures. It is also FDA=approved and certified by GMP.

What is the Recommended Dosage of Leptitox?

Leptitox should be taken twice a day. One pill before breakfast and one pill before dinner. Remember to include a proper and balanced diet along with 30 minutes of workout on a daily basis to see results fast.

How Much Weight Can One Lose with Leptitox?

One of the most common questions that people ask about Leptitox is how much weight one can lose with it. The results will vary from person to person, but most of the people who are using Leptitox see a major difference within a short period of time. One thing that people often forget is Leptitox is a supplement that can boost the weight loss mechanism of your body naturally. To see faster results, you need to follow a healthy diet and even exercise daily. Thus, if you are serious about losing weight, it is important that you choose a healthy lifestyle, and Leptitox will help you shed that weight faster than ever. If you are not losing weight with Leptitox, it is best to consult with a doctor as there might be some underlying problems that are preventing you from losing weight.

Leptitox is currently available on its official website. These are currently not sold at pharmacies, grocery stores, or supermarkets. You can opt for any of the following packages

Apart from the above discounts, you can also enjoy special discounts when you order from their official page. There are no shipping charges on any of the packages.

Manufacturers offer a 60-day money-back guarantee on Leptitox. It means you can use the product for the said time period and see if the product is working for you or not. If you are unhappy with the result, you can return the product and get a refund.

Is Leptitox Safe?

Leptitox is made of natural ingredients making it extremely safe for consumption. The supplement is FDA approved, and GMP certified as well. There are currently no harmful side effects reported to date. It is because the formula has undergone several research and screenings before they are packed and dispatched to the consumers. However, if you develop any allergy after taking Leptitox, it is important that you stop its use and see a doctor immediately. In addition, if you experience any health impact because of the supplement, you should avoid taking it any further. If you are on medication for serious diseases such as cancer or heart conditions, you should speak to your doctor before starting Leptitox.



I had been working out for a couple of months but did not lose a single pound. I was worried when my gym instructor recommended Leptitox. I started taking it, and I feel great now. I have not only started losing weight, but it has also helped me regulate my bowel movements. I feel less bloated and gassy. Leptitox is an excellent product! Tia S.

I started taking Leptitox a few weeks back to help me lose weight. I have not experienced any side effects till now and feel more energetic than before. I have not changed my diet or doing any exercise. I have a busy professional life, but can still feel that I am losing weight. I highly recommend Leptitox to everyone. Elli l.

If you have been following a strict diet and are still unable to lose weight, you might be suffering from leptin resistance. Leptitox is the supplement that can help you overcome this problem so that you can get rid of the stubborn fat. It works naturally and is quite effective. Since all the ingredients used in the product are natural and safe, you will not have to worry about any unwanted side effects that are common with synthetic weight loss supplements. It is also a great weight loss supplement for those who have a busy life and have to rely on fast foods every day. Leptitox allows you to improve your physique, boost your energy levels, and prevent you from unnecessary cravings. The best part about Leptitox is that it comes with 60 days money-back guarantee. So, if you use the product and are not happy with the result, you can get a full refund. So, try it once, and you are surely not going to regret it.

Go here to see the original:
Leptitox Review The Best Weight Loss Supplement in the Market Today? - Jollofnews

Jun 17

Weight loss: Meal replacement shakes – Are they good for you? Expert issues warning – Express

Weight loss meal replacement shakes have been promoted heavily by brands over recent years. They claim to be an effective way to reduce your calorie intake and lose weight while still being nutritious for you and providing your body with essential vitamins. But how healthy are they? A Nutritional Therapist has revealed her thoughts on weight loss meal replacement shakes.

Louise Mercieca, a Nutritional Therapist & Founder of Health Kick has weight loss meal replacement are not the best option for weight and a more healthier option should be considered.

She said: As a Nutritional Therapist I get asked about weight loss a lot! The issue I often find is that people today are looking for a quick fix, how can something be done with minimal effort in as short a space of time as possible?

With this in mind its unsurprising that the weight loss meal replacement shakes are a popular option! Quick, easy and often marketed to guarantee fast weight loss.

But how healthy are they? This does vary from brand to brand. Often these meals are quite artificial in their make-up understandably they would be pretty tasteless so in goes; artificial sweeteners, thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilisers. To be able to identify themselves as healthy they do have to ensure that they are fortified with vitamins and minerals but these would be readily available from eating actual healthy food so should not be a reason to choose a meal replacement!

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Louise explains that the issue with artificial ingredients is that they dont fuel the body in the same way food does and when this relates to weight loss, there is simply no quick fix.

She continues: To effectively lose weight you first need to get your head in the right place as all food decisions start with your head simply saying to yourself right from now on, no sugar, fat, bread, pasta, alcohol, potatoes etc simply means youre denying yourself and creating an internal battle, you may manage it for a while and during that time you may experience weight loss but as soon as you go back to eating them the weight goes on plus a little extra for the metabolic damage you created restricting yourself!

Once your head is in the right place then it comes down to biology. The key to effective weight loss is your metabolism. Why has obesity risen globally at the same time the diet industry has grown in size and profits? Because dieting slows down your metabolism making it harder for you to effectively use energy, encourages your body to store fat and slows your body down to conserve energy. Thus having the counter-productive overall long-term impact on your weight loss.

The expert explains how meal replacement shakes are not an effective way to lose weight and they alter your perception of food.

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She says: Food is not numerical it is nourishment, rather than focus on restrictions and calories, learn about the foods that boost fat loss and metabolism. Eat real foods that aid a healthy gut microbiome and this in turn will help you to effectively metabolise fat. Ensure you sleep well, sleep is a huge factor in weight loss and relax. The stress hormone increases abdominal fat, dieting is stressful, see how this can be counter-productive?

Why do they make weight-loss claims? Because, people will lose weight, this weight loss is temporary in about 95% of people and if you were to measure the composition of a person rather than focus on the scales you would see that the weight loss was actually largely water and lean tissue not body fat.

Body fat is of biological importance to us humans, whether we have too much of it or not our body will still store it if it feels it needs to, in times of calorie deficit this can lead to fat storage and lean loss.

Louise explains that to have a healthy relationship with food and a healthy weight loss process you need to work on getting to know your own body and mind.

She continues: Weight loss can be easy but often the way it is marketed is to deliberately mislead you into making it more difficult, this leads to feelings of guilt and blame which are then linked to further weight gain and low self-esteem!"

Healthline suggests that meal replacement shakes may help you resist the temptation to indulge in unhealthy processed foods.

Meal replacement shakes can also help you feel full while consuming fewer calories, the key to losing weight.

Some weight loss shakes are packed with protein, a nutrient which is proven to boost the weight loss journey and high protein drinks will help you keep satisfied for longer.

However, many contain unhealthy ingredients and they may not be a long-term solution and stopping them once started could result in a bounce back and end up with you putting back on the weight you have lost.

Many studies have shown how different meal replacement shakes have led to weight loss but anyone consuming less calories whether that be by food or shake will lose weight eventually.

The best meal replacement shakes contain protein, fibre and essential vitamins and minerals but these essential nutrients may be artificial and you could otherwise receive these from healthy nutritious foods.

Before embarking on any dramatic diet or weight loss journey you should consult a doctor because every body needs a different amount of calories and nutrients depending on different variables like gender and height.

Read the original:
Weight loss: Meal replacement shakes - Are they good for you? Expert issues warning - Express

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