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Jun 17

CHARLES ROMANS: Before calories and inches | Opinion – The Independent

When most people talk about their desire to get in shape, their approach consists of major, if somewhat subconscious, visual elements. The first thought in the mind of most goes to weight loss because the visual effects of getting out of shape are what we see.

And what we see is either more inches around our waists than we used to see or desire for others to see. This fosters the idea that if we lose weight then, by default, we will somehow magically become healthy. And although weight loss is often a component of the journey to better health, it isnt always the case. This is the reason most fad diets fail; we suffer and deprive ourselves, and we might look better from a certain aesthetic point of view, but ultimately, we dont feel better.

What people, including a lot of health influencers, wont tell you is that, in spite of their connection, weight loss and health are two different things. And because they are two different things, we need to think of them in two entirely different ways.

Losing weight can be accomplished by simply reducing the calories we consume, but if we just stop eating then we dont get the nutrients we need to survive. This is sort of like determining to drive 100 miles in your vehicle but refusing to buy fuel. You may have fuel in your tank, but it probably isn't enough to get you where you want to go.

Conversely, getting a proper amount of exercise will improve your health, but if your diet isnt changed then the appearance of your health gains might not show at all. The trick then, if there is one, is to expect each of the two diet and exercise to do its own part.

But a lot of this is getting the horse before the cart. Concerning ourselves with types of exercise such as Pilates or planking, or worrying about macronutrients and the whole carb, protein and fat equation, are a lot like planning our first road trip before we learn to drive or get a car. They are important things we need to learn, but we cant focus on the finish line before the race begins. A long-term fitness goal is extremely useful, but by focusing on short-term goals in the beginning we can learn how to make a more practical and achievable ultimate goal.

So, lets start simple, and put Step 1 first; we need to stop thinking in visual terms. Way back when I was a young man, the fitness craze was upon us. People would rush out and buy workout gear and videos, use them for less than a month, then get disappointed that their Buns of Steel was not the talk of the town. And this brings us to Step 2; stop worrying about what other people think. Seriously, your back doesnt hurt when I bend over to pick something up off the floor but mine definitely does. Never plan fitness goals around other people unless it is to be able to become more active a part of the lives of loved ones. And then of course, there is Step 3 ... take a few steps.

Long before we envision ourselves running marathons, showing off abs or even the notorious swimsuit season, we need to test drive our own bodies to see what they can do. So, try something most of us do to one degree or another, which is simply walk.

Take a few steps, then take a few more. It doesnt matter whether those steps are fast or slow either or even how many you can take consecutively. Because if you keep going; fast, slow, or with multiple pauses in between; there will be changes to the way you feel. If it has been a while (like in my case) the first thing you are going to notice is a whole lot of soreness. But unless it is actual pain, try to ignore that soreness because the other changes are a little more subtle at first.

Remember the old song that went the foot bones connected to the ... ? Well, everything in your body is connected to everything else. Taking even a few steps will affect those abs and back muscles because while you are walking, they are holding you upright. When we move even a little our heart rate increases to provide more blood flow, and our lungs expand larger to provide more air. So, taking even a few steps is working toward improving muscle tone, breathing and heart function. A few more steps are even more improvement; and a lot of steps, well, you get the idea.

Dont even think about the ultimate goal at first, just focus on how your body is feeling. Walking is an excellent form of exercise that we can control, and we can regulate the amount of impact it has on joints, tendons and other parts of our bodies. And the beauty of it is, we dont need equipment, supplements, or even flashy gym clothes (unless we want them) to make use of a good walk.

We can wear normal clothes and even walk around our yards if we want to. And by the time we become comfortable with walking, when our lungs have improved and our hearts are a little stronger, then we can decide what other things would be useful while we stroll toward better health. Or we can just keep walking.

Reach CHARLES ROMANS at or (606)326-2655.

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CHARLES ROMANS: Before calories and inches | Opinion - The Independent

Jun 17

Nutritionists have called products that help lose weight and curb appetite – The Times Hub

Foreign nutritionists from Health Line listed products that help lose weight and curb appetite. An example is the addition in the diet of the optimal number of eggs.

After a long stay in quarantine many men and women from all over the world are looking for ways to effectively and in a short period of time to lose weight. Primarily to changes in the parameters of the figure cited inactivity and eating at night. At the same time to correct the situation, as noted by the nutritionists, will help certain foods that is better to give preference during Breakfast or dinner. In particular, apples have a great amount of vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, allowing you to adjust the disturbed metabolism pretty quickly. And due to the high amount of dietary fiber and pectin hunger retreats. Eggs are not worse cope with the task, the secret to quick weight loss is enclosed in the yolk contains Biotin.

To products that help to curb appetite and lose weight include sweet potatoes, nuts, especially almonds, the dish of oats, fatty fish, for example salmon. Also nutritionists advise in moderation to please yourself dark chocolate, which additionally improves mood and increasing motivation. As for drinks, then to achieve the desired will help natural coffee.

Previously, foreign doctors have recommended to replace Viagra on bananas for the best potency.

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Nutritionists have called products that help lose weight and curb appetite - The Times Hub

Jun 17

5 Science-Backed Facts About the Keto Diet – ZME Science

The Keto (ketogenic) diet is still making waves in the media and with health experts. It has its believers and its skeptics, but it has shown to be a viable solution for various health conditions, which include treatments for epilepsy, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

A keto diet works by depleting the body of its sugar reserves resulting in the breakdown of fat for energy. There are numerous types of keto diets, such as the Standard Ketogenic Diet and the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet.

The keto diet is focused on consuming high-fat and low-carb foods, the principle behind being that it makes the body burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

The process of ketosis is when your body runs out of carbohydrates to convert to energy and therefore relies on fat for fuel. Contrary to popular belief, youre not supposed to eat only protein on the keto diet, you are supposed to eat a moderate amount of protein and not go overboard, as too much protein can affect your body negatively. The idea of it is that eating only small amounts of carbohydrates mimics starvation and shifts the metabolism into a state of ketosis, where fat burning is optimized and you lose weight.

There are claims that the keto diet will help with weight loss and boost energy levels, however, further research is still required to develop further understanding of these mechanisms. In fact, there is quite a bit of scientific debate on low-carb diets and how they impact the body overall, and the keto diet is still fairly controversial. Nevertheless, the energy benefits of ketone bodies are well-documented, sports coach and nutrition expert Paul Jenkins MSc explains:

Ketones allow for more efficient energy production relative to glucose, and can therefore be advantageous during a caloric deficit. Furthermore, ketone bodies may also have an energy additional benefit for endurance athletes such as long distance cyclists and marathon runners who struggle to consume foodstuffs while competing.

Although the keto diet is considered a relatively new fad, it was, in fact, first started in the early 1920s by Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic. The diet was created to help in the treatment of epilepsy. Dr. Wilders research proposed that a low carbohydrate diet could cause health benefits of fasting, without needing to fast.

The keto diet is a plan to focus on eating foods that provide healthful fats, proper amounts of protein, and limited carbs. The goal is to get more calories from fat than from carbs.

For the diet to work, it needs to deplete the bodys sugar reserves, which results in breaking down fat for energy. This causes the production of molecules called ketones, which the body uses for fuel. This result can also result in weight loss because your body is burning fat.

So, as promised, here are five science-based facts about the keto diet.

1. A Keto Diet Requires Thorough Planning

Following the keto diet successfully requires consideration and calculation of the amounts of carbs against fat verse protein.

Clinical nutritionists have stated that 5% of your daily calorie intake should come from carbs, and 15% from protein. The rest of the calories should come from fats which means that the vast majority of your caloric intake will be fats.

In order to achieve sustained nutritional ketosis, it is crucial to stick to the proper nutritional ratios. This doesnt necessarily mean that all you can eat is meat and avocado, you can (and should) substitute root vegetables for low-carbohydrate vegetables that grow overground.

2. You May Feel Lousy in the Beginning

At the start of your keto diet journey, you may feel lousy. In fact, it is not uncommon to experience fatigue-like symptoms after the first few days of cutting back on carbs, and these symptoms can go on for a while.

These initial side-effects are commonly reported as the keto flu, which include such things as headaches, low energy levels, sweet cravings, lethargy, and brain-fog. These can be normal because when you stop eating carbs, the body is subjugated to an energy crisis, and is thus forced to begin to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose.

Within a week or so of being on a ketogenic diet, these symptoms subside as the body adapts and regulates its energy metabolism to ketosis, but if the problems persist, you should be very careful and consider talking to a doctor.

3. You Will Lose Water Weight First

When first starting the keto diet, you may see a quick drop in your weight, but dont get excited just yet that isnt due to fat loss.

Experts have said in the beginning the weight loss is largely water weight but can include some fat and muscle loss too. It takes a couple of weeks before your body starts to burn fat effectively.

It is essential to maintain the proper macronutrient ratios of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and to eat enough calories daily to avoid the unwanted loss of skeletal muscle tissue to ensure that you have a healthy overall diet.

4. It is Not an Excuse to Eat Whatever You Want

Although you can eat a substantial amount of food on the keto diet, it isnt a free pass to consume endless amounts of foods such as butter and bacon. You still need to properly manage consumption of good fats and quality proteins.

Furthermore, you should avoid eating large amounts of protein on the keto diet. Assistant professor and radiation oncologist, Colin Champ, MD, from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, stated that:

Overeating protein in the diet could stall the act of ketosis. A successful keto diet needs to support healthy fat sources to support metabolism.

5. Ketogenic Diets May Help With Type 2 Diabetes

Research has shown that the keto diet is helping to improve blood glucose, which can be a significant benefit to people with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Saurabh Sethi, who specializes in gastroenterology, hepatology, and advanced interventional endoscopy in San Francisco, has stated that the ketogenic diet has improved blood sugar control for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Other doctors, such as Jason Fung, MD, has been treating patients with type 2 diabetes with a keto diet and fasting. However, long-term research and data are missing.

What Can You Eat on the Keto Diet?

Unlike other fad diets, you can still eat a lot of what you enjoyed before but should focus on good fats such as coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, grass-fed butter, and fatty cuts of meats from organic livestock. On the keto diet, you need to avoid sugar and carb-heavy food, like bread, cakes, cookies, candy, cereal, rice, pasta, ice cream, potatoes, store-bought sauces, and some fruits.

Fruits that can be enjoyed on a keto diet are avocados, raspberries, and lemons when they are eaten in moderation. Fruit can be higher in carbs, and sugar, so you need to be careful to watch what you eat.

The Conclusion

The very low carbohydrate keto diet is very restrictive and can be unpleasant, and most people fail to make it through the initial adaptation period. Like any diet, you need to have patience and persevere with it for a couple of weeks you may see meaningful results.

As well as weight loss, the keto diet can help with treating various health conditions and can help you lose weight. However, there is a lack of research regarding the long-term effects of the keto diet and there has been some controversy regarding its potential long-term negative effects.

Before starting any lifestyle-changing diet, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure it is right for you.

5 Science-Backed Facts About the Keto Diet - ZME Science

Jun 17

5 tips to shedding the ‘quarantine 15’: ‘It’s not just about looking in the mirror and trying to look fantastic’ – Yahoo News

Remember to consult your doctor before making major changes to your diet and exercise plan.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced Americans to stay home and juggle quarantine life, which includes: working from home, schooling kids, cooking, cleaning and worrying about our health. The anxiety can be overwhelming, and for many, snacking on our favorite foods has offered a feeling of comfort.

If youve noticed youve put on the quarantine 15, its OK and expected, says Dr. Taz Bhatia, an immune support and wellness physician, who shares with Yahoo Life five things we can do to lose (if we choose) the lockdown pounds.

Losing weight, it's not just about looking in the mirror and trying to look fantastic, she explains. It's really more about your overall health.

Avoid buying cookies, potato chips and foods high in sugar and salt. Seems obvious, right? But the way comfort foods work is they show up when we need immediate relief. As a result, were left craving more and overeating. When we're stressed and upset, those are the things we naturally run back to, Bhatia says.

Youve eliminated the comfort foods, now its time to add healthy foods to your fridge. I would start by organizing it by category, she says. That's the easiest way to think about food. Bhatia suggests a shelf dedicated to lean proteins, one to vegetables rich in fiber, and another shelf devoted to healthy fats.

Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand when youre trying to shed those extra pounds. The real secret to weight loss is that we need to move throughout the day, Bhatia explains. Instead of putting in a full hour of a hardcore workout, try exercising three times a day for 30 minutes.

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity because of its results. Fasting creates clear boundaries, Bhatia says. It structures your schedule, telling you when you can and cannot eat. When you fast, you put the gut in a resting state, allowing it to digest the food from the previous day.

Story continues

One of the ways you can balance your digestion and then lose weight is by adding in gut-friendly foods, says Bhatia. These foods include: bone broth, yogurt, kefir and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut. They offer good bacteria, which in turn helps balance the gut and improve metabolic rate.

For the latest coronavirus news and updates, follow along at According to experts, people over 60 and those who are immunocompromised continue to be the most at risk. If you have questions, please reference the CDCs and WHOs resource guides.

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5 tips to shedding the 'quarantine 15': 'It's not just about looking in the mirror and trying to look fantastic' - Yahoo News

Jun 14

Weight loss: Expert shares effective ways to burn belly fat fast – Express

Weight loss can often be associated with intense diets that not only restrict what you can eat but also restrict key nutrients and vitamins from entering the body. Belly fat is one of the hardest places on the body to lose fat but an expert in the field has revealed his top tips on how to lose belly fat following simple easy steps. With the UK still in lockdown, here are some easy steps you can follow from the comfort of your own home in order to lose weight.

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat is often one of the places that people find hard to lose weight because that area contains a large number of fat cells.

Fat around the stomach occurs when the body is consuming more energy than the body is using and therefore it gets stored as fat.

The high amount of fat cells around the belly area dont respond as easily as other cells do to a process known as lipolysis, the fat breakdown process.

David Weiner, Training Specialist at Freeletics told the two most effective ways to get rid of this type of fat are diet and exercise.

READ MORE:Weight loss diet plan: 5:2 intermittent fasting diet helps you lose weight fast

While this may not be new information, he has revealed what you should be eating to help this area burn fat.

He said: The basic principle of losing visceral fat is to consume fewer calories than your body needs and eating a diet rich in healthy and wholesome foods, like fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, wholegrain and lean protein, and eliminate processed, high sugar and high fat foods from your diet.

If you consume high fat unhealthy foods then you will most likely be eating more calories than you are burning, resulting in you losing no weight at all.

David continued: Use low-fat cooking methods, such as broiling, boiling, or baking, instead of frying.

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When using oils, reach for the healthier options such as olive oil, instead of butter or peanut oil.

Olive oil is considered to be one of the healthiest fats in the world. It is rich in a substance called oleic acid, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and health benefits go further than just weight loss.

The healthy oil has been linked to weight loss as well as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease. It may be high in calories but a small splash should go a long way.

The expert said: Reducing your intake of carbohydrates could also help as research indicates that excess carbohydrate consumption can cause high levels of visceral fat.

Consuming carbohydrates causes blood sugars to rise, which then will cause insulin levels to rise. This then results in glucose to go into fat cells, which will ultimately turn into fat.

Slimmers who wish to reduce their carbohydrate intake may opt for following a Keto or Atkins diet.

A reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. When the body does not have enough glucose for energy, it burns stored fats instead.

The ketosis state also makes your body very efficient when it comes to burning belly fat.

However dieting isnt for everyone and there are other methods you can do in order lose belly fat and one of them is undertaking exercise as part of your regular routine.

It is a well known fact that anyone wanting to lose weight must be in a calorie deficit in order to do so. This means burning off more calories than your body is consuming. Therefore exercise is a fundamental aspect of any weight loss journey.

David continued: Physical activity and exercise are also an effective way to reduce levels of visceral fat. Aerobic activity which stimulates the heart and breathing rate, causing it to increase is one of the best ways to burn belly fat.

Exercises including swimming, walking, running or cycling are the best form of exercise to help burn belly fat.

The expert said: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can also increase your bodys ability to burn fat and elevate your bodys fat burning potential throughout the day. HIIT exercise refers to workouts which include short bursts of intensive activity followed by periods of lower intensity exercise which really push your body and maximise its calorie and fat burning potential.

Experts recommend around one hour of exercise per day and this must be a mixture of cardio as well as strength training.

Weight loss: Expert shares effective ways to burn belly fat fast - Express

Jun 14

Weight loss tricks: Lose weight without starvation, without risking your health and in just one week – Explica

There are no miracle diets but there are adequate, healthy and even fast ways to lose weight. You have to forget phrases like miracle diet and discard that an ingredient or food is going to do all the work for you. One of the issues that you have to take into account is that you should start thinking about cooking at home, with natural products, and avoid processed foods, fast food and all those things that, in addition to gaining weight, are bad for your health. Of course, there is no reason for you to discard any type of food, you just have to know when and in what quantity you should eat them. Here we summarize what you have to keep in mind to start losing weight quickly:

1. No food is prohibited

Choose a varied diet that allows you to eat many different things. Varied diets have been shown to be more effective than others. There is also something psychological in this: if they forbid you, the more you will want to eat it and the greater your anxiety. Otherwise, frustration will not exist. For this reason, choose a menu (for this diet you will have to select one and be enough in it) in which there are all kinds of products.

2. Starving is not necessary

The diet, in addition to being varied, must be sufficient. The portions should be moderate, but you should not skip any of the dishes, including the dessert, which should be based on fruit or dairy. A very drastic diet may have an immediate effect, but it will not last over time, which invites you to put it aside.

3. Forget that you are on a diet

The word diet is a problem. If you think youre doing it, its all about that. What it is about is to change habits, eat what is necessary and add products that you may not have considered.

4. Moderation in rations

Which means that you can eat any product, but less quantity. This recommendation will help you lose what you have left and it will also help your digestive system to work better, avoiding burning, heartburn, flatulence or bloating. In addition to losing weight, you will feel much better.

5. A realistic goal

Most diets start very well because 1 or 2 kilos of weight are lost in a day or two due to the fluid you lose, but that is not realistic. A good goal may be to lose 2 or 3 kilos per week at the beginning and in the following ones, when your body stabilizes, one more every seven days.

6. A menu proposal

Here we propose a menu for a week that can serve you:


First course: Watermelon and fresh cheese saladMain course: Pumpkin stuffed with couscousDessert: A rice pudding ice cream


First course: Mashed carrots with fruitMain course: White rice with vegetablesDessert: A yogurt


First course: Grilled mixed vegetablesMain course: sauted mushroomsDessert: A few French toast prepared without frying in oil and without so much sugar (look for the recipe, there are a lot of methods to do it)


First course: Legs in almond sauceSecond course: swordfish with prawnsDessert: Strawberry and oatmeal smoothie


First course: Beans with tomatoMain course: Pickled fishDessert: Chocolate cake (try a raw, healthier style)


First course: Tuscan salad (with apple, mustard, cheese and mustard)Main course: Try making a steamed burgerDessert: chestnut flan


First course: Chicken and mushroom pieMain course: roasted tomatoesDessert: Catalan cream

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Weight loss tricks: Lose weight without starvation, without risking your health and in just one week - Explica

Jun 14

Rebounding the perfect in, and out of lock down exercise – Lowvelder

The benefits have been scientifically proven and NASA employs it to acclimatize their astronauts to weightlessness.Before I introduce you to rebounding, it is important that you understand how the body works in particular, the lymphatic system. The latters primary function is to rid the body of toxins such as blood protein.

The lymph is to be found in a myriad of vessels just beneath the skin with the nodes which act as filters and the ducts, situated in the chest near the base of ones throat. This is where the blood protein, once filtered, gets released back into the bloodstream.

The lymphatic system, unlike with blood circulation which is driven by the heart, does not have a pump. It is activated through exercise, light fast stroking of the skin or in an affected area that suffers from discomfort or by deep breathing. Every cell, of which there are about 70 trillion in the body, generates energy (electricity). These cells are in a constant process of self-regeneration.

The learned Dr Guyton suggests in a medical textbook that all chronic pain and suffering and dis-ease are the result of a lack of oxygen at cellular level. The dry state is when there is just enough fluid to fill the crevasse between the cells. An active lymphatic system removes access protein and other matter from these crevasses. Should this not happen, the space between cells becomes a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Toxins are produced when we do not eat healthy and stress a lot.

And this next statement will probably surprise you. It is suggested that every thought that we think, produces a physical response in the body. When actions related to these thoughts are not concluded, it produces toxins (trapped blood protein and lactic acid) in the body and this, if not properly removed via the lymphatic system, will develop a wet state in the body and thus, the cells will not be able to produce energy (electricity) and one will experience dis-ease!

One of the best ways to reduce your risks and boost your lymph circulation, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system is the rebound exercise. No other activity offers an as effective lymph drainage and with such ease no strain on the ankles, knees or lower back and it is pure enjoyment.

I have been rebounding for a number of years and van attest to the health benefits.

Rebounding the methodology

When you bounce on a quality mini trampoline even with both feet on the mat the bounce generate G-force against the earths magnetic field. The higher the bounce 15 to 20 cm the higher the G-force.

Three types of G-forces are generated: acceleration, deceleration and, at the top of the bounce weightlessness! At the bottom of the bounce your weight doubles. The effect of this is that every single cell in your body is getting squeezed from imagine being a round shape to oval and back again! A simple bounce is all that is required to restore your health and lose weight.

When one begins doing aerobic exercise whilst bouncing at say the ideal would be, 120 bounces per minute but you will start slower the effect on your body can triplicate! Two minutes of rebounding is equivalent to six minutes of running, 10 minutes of swimming and 20 minutes of walking. Thus a 20 minute bounce will be equal to more than an hours health and fitness work out in a gym.

Best of all, you can do all of this in the privacy of your home or better even, on the veranda especially now under lockdown and after.

Where does one start?

You start with a quality Rebounder one that offers a gentle bounce at the bottom end and one that will offer you a support bar. The latter is especially helpful for the well matured senior. You start slowly and with a gentle bounce. Two to three minutes twice a day is all that is required. Breathe slow (rhythmic) and deep whilst bouncing. This will increase the effectiveness of your bounce even at this initial stage of your rebounding program. You will build these two to three minutes up over time to become 40 minutes the ideal!

The G-force that rebounding generates, boost Lymphatic movement with as much as 30 times and this increase in lymph movement triples the white blood cell count.


The benefits are multiple. To mention but a few: it retards ageing builds up the immune system eliminates cellulite stimulates cognitive and brain function boost energy levels and minimize recurrence of colds and so forth and it oxygenates all tissues and it stabilize the nervous system. Side effects are detoxification, aching calves and mild dizziness in the beginning quite harmless really!

If you are concerned about your health, do your own research and consult with your doctor but do investigate this exercise option. Rebounding is endorsed by the Cancer Association of South Africa.

Photos: Justine Mc Farlane

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Rebounding the perfect in, and out of lock down exercise - Lowvelder

Jun 7

How to avoid the rebound or yo-yo effect when losing weight – Explica

Losing weight in a healthy and gradual way and integrating good eating habits is the key to avoiding the famous yo-yo effect, which is related to imbalances in weight and deterioration in health

Have a healthy weight It is one of the most important aspects that we can control to be in good health and prevent all kinds of diseasesThe reality is that body weight is related to many conditions and monitoring it is key. Lose weight its also a subject of great relevance aesthetically speaking and that is why it has become the central axis of a long list of productsdiets detox programs and of all kinds of physical activities.

Its about a complex issue involving numerous factors, usually when we lose weight very quickly the risk of suffering the famous Yo-yo effect or rebound, said terms refer to those cases in which lost weight is easily regained. This concept is said to have been born as a consequence of miracle diets which broadly refer to eating plans considered harmful to health; This is mainly because they are considered little nutritious, very low in calories and highly restrictive. The truth is that subjecting the body to a period of sacrificeHowever, eventually these types of limitations will eventually lead to food anxiety and The rebound effect.

The body is truly spectacular and has the wisdom to know how to maintain body weight in parameters that they can vary between 2 and 5 kg when there is no diet. This means that we will not get fat because of a binge when we eat a lot at a banquet or event, what will happen is that the organism it will remain for several hours carrying out the digestion and it is likely feel very satisfied and without hunger for several hours.

What happens to make unbalanced diets and that they stand out for their low calorie content, is that the body is constantly lacking nutrients and energy that is why it lose weight fastbut only temporarily.

The brain often reacts to eating too little and eventually will make us eat morelooking for a kind of recovery mechanismn And this is where you tend to gain the lost weight. Various nutrition specialists point out that the diets that are related to a null rebound effect are those that promote the consumption of all food groups, maintain muscle mass and teach us good eating habits. At the same time it is proven that people who manage to maintain a stable weight for long periods of time are those in which your glucose levels remain as stable as possible throughout the day, largely thanks to the insulin secretion.

Specialists declare that the yo-yo effect occurs with higher incidence after consuming foods rich in carbohydrates, since on the one hand the body will store them in the form of glycogen at liver and musclesin such a way that it is used as energy by the body. However when I eat it in these nutrients is excessive lipogenesis is activated, which is a set of chemical reactions in which the body turns this leftover carbohydrate into fat and is stored in adipocytes, this is when the famous yo-yo effect occurs.

Another of the circumstances that occur normally is that metabolism is at risk of slowing down, this is because the organism in a certain way adapts to scarcity and spend less and less energy, you could say it is a kind of defense mechanism so as not to run out of reserves. Thanks to this the body takes advantage of all the nutrients that enter, with special emphasis on fats and it is also another factor that causes rebound effect.

Subject the body to these drastic changes in diet and to a reduced calorie intake makes the body resistant to these changes, which is why The ability to lose weight is being lost and it will become increasingly difficult to lose weight. It is advisable lose weight gradually and with nutrition its important prevent muscle mass from dropping and follow a diet with a good caloric intake and due planning. Experts recommend 1,500 calorie a day plans, ensuring balance in the diet integrating proteins, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids.

View original post here:
How to avoid the rebound or yo-yo effect when losing weight - Explica

Jun 6

What you need to know about intuitive eating, according to a dietitian – AsiaOne

Limiting your food choices and intake, or switching from one diet to another can tire your mind and body out real fast. Doing so might help you lose weight quickly, but it is hard to keep the weight off when you return to your normal eating habits.

For sustainable healthy eating habits that you can maintain for life, try out intuitive eating, which means listening to what food your body needs.

We spoke to dietitian Kathleen Meehan, who's also a certified intuitive eating counsellor, to find out more.

Wouldn't it be great if you could eat whatever you craved? However, that's not what intuitive eating is about.

In an interview with Shape, Kathleen explained that intuitive eating is a mind-body approach in which the individual gets to decide how to care for their bodies.

It serves as a framework for self-care with 10 principles that work to encourage self-compassion and improved well-being through increased awareness of physical, mental and emotional cues from the body.

Listening to your body means finding out what foods fuel you best, allow you to work out harder, and let you get through the day energetically.

In intuitive eating, there is no such thing as "good" food and "bad" food, as everything can be eaten in moderation. As you get a better understanding of foods that make you feel upbeat and those that make you lethargic, you will naturally be more inclined to eat healthier, fresher, and more wholesome foods.

This is the type of thought process that intuitive eating provides, to help you overcome the fear of food and calories.

Kathleen believes that all of us are born intuitive eaters. Although we often become disconnected from our internal signals and cues, it's possible to unlearn the barriers that make intuitive eating challenging. It takes time, exploration, experience and patience, so while it's not necessarily an easy process, it is possible for everyone.

There are 10 principles of intuitive eating that will help you to understand it better. This may sound complicated, but they are really just ideas that will help you approach intuitive eating with knowledge.

The 10 points can be grouped into three different aspects:

The first principle of "rejecting the dieting mentality" reflects the science that shows that crash dieting doesn't work.

Intuitive eating will encourage a person to reflect upon their own experiences with dieting, and recognise that it's important to acknowledge the external forces that might make a person want to lose weight.

In practising intuitive eating, some people notice their weight stays the same, others gain, and others find weight loss as a side effect - however, it's important to note that weight change is not the intended outcome.

Once you get the hang of intuitive eating, your relationship with food will improve tremendously. There won't be any yo-yo dieting, obsession with numbers, or sudden weight fluctuations.

When you know what your body needs for energy, your meals will be an easy grab and go. There will be less contemplating what to eat for lunch, or what to buy at the supermarket, because you feel and know what you need.

Most people think that intuitive eating is just a simpler and healthier way to see food, but Kathleen pointed out that intuitive eating is also associated with many health benefits.

These include better self-esteem, improved lipid profile, good glycaemic control, increased interoceptive awareness, improved body image, less weight cycling, increased variety of food intake, and protection against the development of eating disorders.


A review of adult women who tried intuitive eating found that this style of eating made the ladies more body-positive, have better emotional functions, and eat more regularly.

Another study published in the British Medical Journal of Eating Behaviours also found that intuitive eating presented less disordered eating and insecurities.

To find out more about the benefits of intuitive eating, Kathleen recommends looking up some studies - there are over 90 compelling ones that show how intuitive eating improves your overall health and well-being.

When you're eating well, you will be able to focus on working out and leading a healthier lifestyle, making your goals much more easily achievable as well.

Intuitive eating is recommended for everyone, but some people may require a bit of guidance through the principles and the nuance.

A healthcare provider who specialises in intuitive eating will be able to help anyone explore the 10 principles and navigate how to incorporate them, all while considering that person's individual needs and requirements.

"It's a common myth that certain conditions like diabetes or food allergies prevent a person from being able to practise intuitive eating, but this isn't true. Intuitive eating allows for nuance and individualization - concerns around food allergies or blood sugars or past disordered eating will be addressed," Kathleen said.

As intuitive eating is growing in popularity, it's helpful to work with someone who has received adequate training and has expertise in helping people address their individual concerns.

If you think you are already eating intuitively to fuel your body well, there's probably no need to overthink it - just keep it up!

This article was first published in Shape.

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What you need to know about intuitive eating, according to a dietitian - AsiaOne

May 30

Herbalife for Weight Loss: Should You Try It? – LIVESTRONG.COM

If you've ever tried or thought about losing weight with meal-replacement shakes and nutritional supplements, you might have heard of the Herbalife weight-loss programs.

The Herbalife weight-loss programs encourage replacing two meals a day with shakes.

Image Credit: Starcevic/iStock/GettyImages

The good news is, if you're set on trying Herbalife, it may help you lose weight but there are some things you should know before you get started. We'll break it all down here.

Herbalife is a direct-sales company founded in 1980. It sells dietary supplements in the form of meal replacements, protein powders, snacks and teas. You can only buy Herbalife products through the company's independent distributors.

Herbalife positions itself as a nutrition company rather than a weight-loss company, but some of its products promote weight loss. Other products promote general wellness, sports nutrition, specialized nutrition and skin health.

If you're purchasing Herbalife for weight loss, you'll replace two meals a day with Herbalife Formula 1 shakes. Basically, you lose weight by drastically cutting calories and only eating one full meal each day.

There are three weight-loss program options:

Your third meal of the day should ideally be healthy and balanced, but it's up to you to shop for and prepare that.

The shakes will give you around 34 grams of protein total for the day (9 grams per serving of meal-replacement powder and 8 grams per cup of milk). That means you need to play catchup on your third meal to ensure you get all of your macronutrients.

Your third meal should contain a lean protein (think: skinless chicken breast, fish, eggs, tofu), at least two servings of vegetables, a fruit and a serving of whole grains (such as quinoa, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta).

The shakes are only 170 calories each (including milk) so you are likely going to get hungry and should plan for snacks.

Good options for snacks include:

Speak with your doctor before beginning any weight-loss program to make sure you're on the same page with your health goals.

Simple math will tell you that if you're accustomed to eating, say, 500 calories for breakfast and lunch and you take that down to 170 calories per meal, you're going to drop some weight but not without some hunger pangs, and that could spell disaster for weight loss if it drives you to overeat at your third meal or at other times during the day.

Herbalife may help you lose weight. Different programs work for different people, so if you've tried everything under the sun and you feel like taking a leap of faith, it might work for you.

Keep in mind, though, that the rate of safe and healthy weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week, according to the Mayo Clinic. That means cutting between 500 and 1,000 calories per day from your diet. Slashing more calories than that can lead to too-fast weight loss, which means your body may shed muscle instead of fat. This can backfire in the long run, leading to weight gain later on, since having more muscle supports a healthy metabolism (aka helps your body burn more calories, even at rest).

Also keep in mind that the minimum number of calories you should be getting per day is 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men. Dipping below that puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies.

Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!

Weight-loss programs are bound to come with a list of pros and cons, and Herbalife is no different. This is where you figure out if the pros outweigh the cons for you, or vice versa.

Healthy eating and fitness are prioritized: The company emphasizes the importance of an overall healthy diet and how it fits into a lifestyle change that includes physical activity. You have access to healthy meal recipes and meal plans to help you on your weight-loss journey. There's a registered dietitian on staff, which shows the company is committed to credibility when it comes to nutrition.

1. The cocktail of dietary supplements: Each Herbalife weight-loss program comes with an assortment of supplements. The problem is, dietary supplements are not tightly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and the supplement "cocktail" you are taking does not have any research backing up its safety or effectiveness.

A review on the safety of Herbalife's supplements by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that as many as 50 cases of liver injury were linked to Herbalife supplements. It is difficult to know exactly which supplement might cause the issue, but green tea extracts and aloe vera extracts have been known to cause liver problems.

2. Cost: Let's say you want the Ultimate Program that's going to run you around $238 for a 15-day supply of meal-replacement shake powder and 60- to 90-day supply of supplements. Don't forget, you're also going to have to buy groceries for your meals and snacks.

If you are a healthy adult with no other medical conditions that keep you from eating a whole food diet, you probably don't need to spend the money on this program. The only reason to supplement your diet with dietary shakes and vitamins is if you are unable to get the same nutrients from real food.

Here's how whole foods compare with Herbalife:

On the other hand, if you have had a conversation with your doctor and you both agree that this program is safe for you, then there is no harm in trying something new.

You also have the option of personalizing your program as well one that does not include all the fancy supplements, but buying only what you need and what you think would help you get closer to losing weight.

Always remember that eating whole foods is best. They give you nutrients that cannot be manufactured in a lab, so it's important to keep those foods in your diet.

Herbalife for Weight Loss: Should You Try It? - LIVESTRONG.COM

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