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Jan 29

Jason Wanlass: Five fitness tips to keep your motivation all year long

The best time to evaluate your fitness goals
and motivation is right now.

Why? Because the overwhelming majority of us will quit before
spring even gets here! According to Dr. Donald E. Wetmore, 90
percent of those who join health and fitness clubs will stop
going within the first 90 days.

This comes as no surprise. I’ve been in the fitness industry
for nearly 17 years, and I see it happen every year. Most of us
have the best intentions when it comes to changing our health
habits. It’s not necessarily a lack of desire, but rather
having a strong foundation in place to keep us on the path to
permanent change.

Rather than just saying, “I want to lose weight,” do a little
soul searching, dig in and evaluate your plan.

Here are five powerful steps to take right now to help get you
started and build even more positive momentum for the rest of
the year.

1. WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS: Want to lose 20 pounds? Bench press
your weight? Compete in a triathlon? Write it down! The power
of goal setting is remarkable. A study was conducted on
students in the 1979 Harvard MBAYA program regarding
goal-setting. In that year, the students were asked, “How many
of you have set clear, written goals for your future and made
plans to accomplish them?” Only 3 percent of the graduates had
written goals and plans.

Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed
again. Of the three percent who had clear written goals, they
were earning on average 10 times as much as the other 97
percent, combined!

This same process works when it comes to fitness or weight
loss. By writing down your goals and reading them daily, it
will put your subconscious mind to work and keep you on track
to achieving what is important to you. So be specific, write it
down, and visualize it. You’ll be amazed at the results.

2. NARROW YOUR FOCUS: When people make New Year’s resolutions,
many make the mistake of trying to change too many things at

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have more than one goal,
but it’s important to narrow your focus down to one habit at a
time. Numerous studies show that people are typically quite
successful when they limit their change to one behavior at a
time before introducing a new one.

But introduce even two new behaviors at once, and the failure
rate is nearly 100 percent. The reality is people overestimate
how difficult change will be and underestimate how long it will
take to make it. So pick one, put all of your focus and efforts
into it for the next three or four weeks until it becomes
second nature and then introduce your next one. There will be
plenty of time for all of your goals. Narrow your focus and you
get there one step at a time.

3. SELF-BELIEF: Henry Ford said it best: “Whether you believe
you can, or you can’t, you are right.”

Having goals is one thing, but they need to be backed with a
positive misdiet and strong self-belief. Belief has a huge
bearing on behavior. It was once thought that breaking the
four-minute mile was impossible until Roger Bannister
accomplished the impossible on May 6, 1954. Many others have
broken the four-minute barrier since then.

If you believe a particular task will not be successful or
worthwhile, you’re less likely to do the task. Alternatively,
the likelihood of consistency and success will soar when you
know you can and the task will become even easier. The bottom
line is everyone has the potential for greatness, start
expecting it and believe.

4. HAVE A LIKE-MINDED TEAM: Who you have in your social circle
can have a magnetic pull on who you are.

Some people in your circle may inadvertently try to pull you
back to your old ways. It’s not because they are trying to be
malicious, it’s usually just a case of human nature. You don’t
need to dump any friends and family who are suspect, but seek
out like-minded people who support you in your fitness quest.
Try connecting with a fitness group, working out with a friend,
or joining a sport league. Combine this with the love and
support of your family and you more likely will become the
person you want to be.

5. HAVE FUN AND GET FIT: Don’t limit yourself to just working
out at the gym. Get out and enjoy some recreational activities,
too. There is so much to choose from and many activities will
compliment your training.

Make this your year. Get out for a spring hike or fun run, join
an indoor soccer team. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself.
In other words, find activities that you truly enjoy, get fit,
and have fun!

Jason Wanlass, the owner of Champion Fitness Training in
Meridian, has more than 15 years experience in the fitness
industry. Contact him at or

Here is the original post:
Jason Wanlass: Five fitness tips to keep your motivation all year long

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Jan 29

Moderate levels of exercise may help soothe a savage boss

Washington, Jan 29 (ANI): Moderate exercise minimizes
supervisors' abusive behaviour towards their
subordinates, a new study has

The work, by James Burton from Northern Illinois
University in the US and his team, shows that stressed
supervisors, struggling with time pressures, vent their
frustrations on their employees less when they get regular,

Research shows that when a supervisor experiences workplace stress, his
or her subordinates feel they bear the brunt of that

Burton and his team's study is the first to examine how
exercise can buffer the relationship between supervisor stress
and employee perceptions of abusive supervision or hostile
behaviour towards them.

A total of 98 MBA students from two universities in the
Midwestern United States and their 98 supervisors completed
questionnaires. Students rated their perceptions of how abusive
their current supervisor.

Supervisors answered questions about how often they exercised
and about their workplace stress, for example "working my
current job leaves me little time for other activities" or "I
have too much work and too little time to do it in".

The researchers found that, as expected, when supervisors were
stressed, their subordinates felt more victimized. However,
analyses also showed that when supervisors experienced stress,
but engaged in exercise, their subordinates reported lower
levels of abusive supervision.

Interestingly, only moderate levels of exercise were necessary
to minimize abusive supervision, such as one to two days of
exercise per week, and the type of exercise seemed to make
little difference.

"It appears that the simple act of exercising minimizes the
negative effects of supervisor workplace stress on
subordinates. Wellness programs, often inclusive of exercise
components, have been advocated to control workplace stress for
years. This study adds support to their specific relevancy in
smoothing supervisor-subordinate relationships," the
researchers said.

The study has been published in Springer's Journal of Business
and Psychology. (ANI)

See more here:
Moderate levels of exercise may help soothe a savage boss

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Jan 29

Clearing Confusion: how to lose weight fast – Video

17-11-2011 03:33 A lot of people have been commenting my "how to lose weight fast" video saying it's fake and its not really me. Since you can't see my tattoos in every picture, and I'm tan and the end... and since the end is live footage and not pictures like the beginning. Like I mentioned I had just got my computer and just started my channel I didn't think anyone would actually gravitate towards my video thats why I was so short and non specific. I was just playing around with the voice over, and adding pictures and video together. Had I taken those pictures in mind that people would see I would probably have taken full body before and after with my face included. Or I would have started my "slim down Series" then and shown my progress along the way. But by the time my channel was created I had already had my results and thankful that I have pictures to prove it. Thank you so much to the people who give such wonderful inspiring comments and share their experiences with weight loss and those who tell me I motivate them to start getting fit and healthy it really means a lot. and I wish you all nothing but the best. Even those who are still unsure.. theres not much I can do but this video here with more pictures different locations, outfits, hair styles, some with glasses some without. Thank you all for subbing and being apart of my channel. 🙂 vajac

See the article here:
Clearing Confusion: how to lose weight fast - Video

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Jan 29

How to Lose Weight Fast – Dave Did and Saved His Life From Diabetes at Vision Personal Training – Video

05-01-2012 21:58 Heart wrenching story of Dave who would have died without the help of Vision Personal Training Lane Cove. He needed to lose weight fast to save his life,and reduce his diabetes and he did it with the help of his personal trainer. Be absolutely inspired with his story and start your own weight loss journey.

Originally posted here:
How to Lose Weight Fast - Dave Did and Saved His Life From Diabetes at Vision Personal Training - Video

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Jan 29

How to cut through weight loss confusion

The weight loss arena is confusing to people because of
outright lies and/or information overload. You are responsible
for the health of your body. Do the research to see if the
claims on the weight loss product label are true.

If it sounds too good to be true ...

A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report, “Weight-Loss
Advertising: An Analysis of Current Trends,” gives us the
following information found in 300 weight loss advertisements:

Consumer testimonials – “These testimonials and photos
rarely portrayed realistic weight loss. The average for the
largest amount of weight loss reported in each of the 195
advertisements was 71 pounds.”

Rapid Weight Loss – “Rapid weight-loss claims were made
in 57% of the
advertisements in the sample. In some cases, the falsity of
such claims is obvious, as in the ad that claimed that users
could lose up to 8 to 10 pounds per week while using the
advertised product.”

Diet and Exercise – “Despite the well-accepted
prescription of diet and
exercise for successful weight management, 42% of all of the
ads reviewed promote an array of quick-fix pills, patches,
potions, and programs for effortless weight loss and 64% of
those ads also promised fast results. The ads claim that
results can be achieved without reducing caloric intake or
increasing physical activity.”

The FTC concludes: “The use of false or misleading claims in
weight-loss advertising is rampant. Nearly 40% of the ads in
our sample made at least one representation that almost
certainly is false and 55% of the ads made at least one
representation that is very likely to be false or, at the very
least, lacks adequate substantiation.”

As I always say, companies keep getting richer and the
population continues to gain weight. Stop buying the products
and the companies will go broke!

People don’t know what to believe when it comes to fat loss and
weight loss. And, too many people look for quick solutions to
weight problems that developed over months and even years.

Permanent fat loss and weight loss takes time. In fact, you
never stop sculpting your body.

Here is how to put the fat loss and weight loss puzzle

1. Don’t gauge your weight loss success solely by the weigh
scale. After three weeks on a strength and cardio exercise
program, you could weigh the same (or even a little more) and
have significantly less body fat.

You can build muscle mass and shrink your body (be leaner) as
your body fat decreases. Muscle is metabolically active tissue
and fat tissue is not. So, fat tissue contributes nothing to
help you burn calories.

"Muscle is our largest metabolically active organ, and that's
the backdrop that people usually forget," said Kent Adams,
director of the exercise physiology lab at Cal State Monterey
Bay. Strengthening the muscles "has a ripple effect throughout
the body on things like metabolic syndrome and obesity."

Exercise regularly with strength training and short interval
cardio sessions. Too many long, slow cardio sessions will eat
away at your muscles.

It is safe to lose about 2 pounds per week (on average). At the
beginning of a new exercise program, you will probably lose 6-8
pounds the first week (especially if you are obese). The weight
loss will even out over time.

Don't become frustrated when one week you lose 5 pounds and the
next week you lose no pounds. Growing your muscles increases
lean body weight.

More lean body weight increases your metabolism which helps you
burn fat! It's important to check your body fat every week to
see if your body is shrinking.

You must continue to build and maintain your muscles or they
will atrophy (use it or lose it). Muscle does not ever change
into fat. Fat cells will shrink but they will fill up again
when you are inactive for a long period of time.


More from EmpowHER:

Winter Health: Stretching for Mind and Body

Find the Best Fitness Routine for You

Baby Boomers Set Sights On Fitness


2. You will gain weight and fat if you maintain a daily caloric
surplus. A caloric surplus happens when you eat more calories
than you burn. It doesn’t matter how hard you work out.

So, eat enough to build muscle and burn fat. That usually means
maintaining a moderate daily caloric deficit of about 300 to
600 calories.

If you have one cheat day a week and have a small caloric
surplus, that should not derail your fat loss efforts. Just
continue to do your regular workouts and get back on track the
next day.

3. Start a healthy meal plan that you can maintain. Severe
calorie restriction diets cannot be maintained.

When you have rapid weight loss through severe calorie
restriction, much of that weight loss will be water weight, and
some muscle mass. Too much calorie restriction will damage your

You will regain this weight quickly when you begin to eat the
carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your body needs. Why?
Because you will also replenish water stores in your body's

Eat small meals of whole, natural foods every three to four
hours. This helps maintain your energy and metabolism
throughout the day.

Also, eat protein with every meal. Protein will help you feel
full for a longer period and help repair and rebuild your

If you have a meal plan, you are more likely to follow it or at
least eat similar foods. And, record what you eat in a food
journal until you know what, when and how much to eat.

The weight loss lies will continue but you don’t have to
believe and follow the advice.

See more here:
How to cut through weight loss confusion

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Jan 29

Feel a chill? Brown fat's slimming you down

Fat people have less than thin people. Older people have less
than younger people. Men have less than younger women.

It is brown fat, actually brown in color, and its great appeal
is that it burns calories like a furnace. A new study finds
that one form of it, which is turned on when people get cold,
sucks fat out of the rest of the body to fuel itself. Another
new study finds that a second form of brown fat can be created
from ordinary white fat by exercise.

Of course, researchers say, they are not blind to the
implications of their work. If they could turn on brown fat in
people without putting them in cold rooms or making them
exercise night and day, they might have a terrific weight loss
treatment. And companies are getting to work.

But Dr. Andre Carpentier, an endocrinologist at the University
of Sherbrooke in Quebec and lead author of one of the new
papers, notes that much work lies ahead. It is entirely
possible, for example, that people would be hungrier and eat
more to make up for the calories their brown fat burns.

"We have proof that this tissue burns calories - yes, indeed it
does," Carpentier said. "But what happens over the long term is

Until about three years ago, researchers thought brown fat was
something found in rodents, which cannot shiver and use
heat-generating brown fat as an alternative way to keep warm.
Human infants also have it, for the same reason. But
researchers expected that adults, who shiver, had no need for

and did not have it.

Then three groups, independently, reported that they had found
brown fat in adults. They could see it in scans when subjects
were kept in cold rooms, wearing light clothes like hospital
gowns. The scans detected the fat by showing that it absorbed

There was not much brown fat, just a few ounces in the upper
back, on the side of the neck, in the dip between the
collarbone and the shoulder, and along the spine. Although mice
and human babies have a lot more, and in different places, it
seemed to be the same thing. So, generalizing from what they
knew about mice, many researchers assumed the fat was burning

But, notes Barbara Cannon, a researcher at Stockholm
University, just because the brown fat in adults takes up
glucose does not necessarily mean it burns calories.

"We did not know what the glucose actually did," she said.
"Glucose can be stored in our cells, but that does not mean
that it can be combusted."

A new paper in The Journal of Clinical Investigation by
Carpentier and his colleagues answers that question and more.
By doing a different type of scan, which shows the metabolism
of fat itself, the group reports that brown fat can burn
ordinary fat and that glucose is not a major source of fuel for
these cells. In the study, the subjects - all men - were kept
chilled, but not to the point of shivering, which itself burns
calories. Their metabolic rates increased by 80 percent, all
from the actions of a few ounces of cells. The brown fat also
kept its subjects warm. The more brown fat a man had, the
colder he could get before he started to shiver.

On average, Carpentier said, the brown fat burned about 250
calories over three hours.

But there is another type of brown fat. It has been harder to
study because it often is interspersed in the white fat and
does not occur in large masses. Investigators discovered it in
mice years ago. Now, in a recent article, Bruce Spiegelman,
professor of cell biology and medicine at the Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute, and his colleagues report that, in mice at
least, exercise can make it appear, by turning ordinary white
fat brown.

When mice exercise, their muscle cells release a newly
discovered hormone that the researchers named irisin. Irisin,
in turn, converts white fat cells into brown ones. Those brown
fat cells burn extra calories.

"What I would guess is that this is likely to be the
explanation for some of the effects of exercise," Spiegelman
says. The calories burned during exercise exceed the number
actually used to do the work of exercising. That may be an
effect of some white fat cells turning brown.

Almost everyone of normal weight or below shows this brown fat
if they are chilled, although individuals vary greatly in how
much they have. But this brown fat almost never shows up in
obese people. Is that one reason they are obese, or is their
extra body fat keeping them so warm that there is no reason to
turn on their brown fat?

As for deliberately making yourself cold if you want to lose
weight, Carpentier said, "there is still a lot of research to
do before this strategy can be exploited clinically and

View post:
Feel a chill? Brown fat's slimming you down

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Jan 28

Eve Torres – Fitness on Vacation – Video

11-01-2012 03:16 Instead of using our vacation time as an excuse to avoid exercise, this Wellness Wednesday video is about how I like to stay fit on vacation, and (of course!) have fun while doing it. Surfing, knee boarding, rock climbing... how do you like to keep fitness a part of your vacations? Follow Eve on Twitter @EveMarieTorres For more workouts, fitness tips, or information on Eve, visit BeliEVE! Music by Ralek Gracie Http

See the original post:
Eve Torres - Fitness on Vacation - Video

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Jan 28

Official Zumba® Fitness RUSH Trailer – Video

24-01-2012 13:37 Take your workout to the next level with the most interactive Zumba® Fitness video game yet! Coming February 2012.

Excerpt from:
Official Zumba® Fitness RUSH Trailer - Video

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Jan 28

Reebok CrossFit: The Sport of Fitness has Arrived at the Empire State Building – Video

25-01-2012 22:24 We want to show people that fitness is something that can be done anywhere, at any time. This is why we took the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth, Rich Froning and Annie Thorisdottir, along with 10 elite CrossFit athletes, 1050 feet above the streets of New York City for a once in a lifetime WOD. In the Empire State Building WOD, the athletes had to complete as many reps as possible of a series of movements: thrusters, kettlebell swings, handstand pushups, double unders and walking lunges.

Follow this link:
Reebok CrossFit: The Sport of Fitness has Arrived at the Empire State Building - Video

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Jan 28

My Fitness

25-01-2012 23:12 My Mom's Channel: My Twitter: My Tumblr: My Facebook: This is my favorite workout: FTC LAW: These are all my own thoughts

Go here to see the original:
My Fitness

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