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Sep 29

List of 18 healthy foods to lose weight fast and effectively

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What are healthy foods to lose weight fast? Here is the list of top 18 foods you should try consuming for your weight loss goal.

Do you want to know how to lose weight naturally without exercises? If you answer is Yes, this writing will show you which foods you should eat to get the best shape of your life quickly and safely at home. Keep reading to discover more!

The List Of 18 Healthy Foods To Lose Weight Fast And Effectively

1. Whole Eggs

Many people think that eggs are high in cholesterol and they are not good for health; however, eggs are a kind of good food for your blood and they do not affect to your heart. Whole egg is also one of the best foods that you can eat to lose your weight naturally without using any support. The eggs are great in healthy fats and protein that can save the health as well as cut down of the fat effectively. The egg makes your stomach fuller longer so you can eat an egg in breakfast and it will limit the foods you intake during the morning. Also, eggs are incredible foods that can supply nutrients for health and the target of the weight loss. Almost of the nutrients will be found in egg yolks. Let try this food more often if you want to reduce weight fast.

Leafy greens are healthy foods to lose weight and they include Swiss chards, collards, spinach, kale, etc. The are perfect foods for weight loss because they are low in carbohydrates and calories, so eating leafy green is a helpful way to increase foods for the meals without adding a lot of calories. Leafy greens are great in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that can keep your body stay healthy. The top of leafy greens you can eat are collards, turnip greens, Swiss chard, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce.

In general, fish is very healthy for you and salmon is necessary fish if you want to lose weight with foods. Salmon is a perfect kind of fish as it is high in protein, nutrients, and healthy fats. Salmon is also called oily fish and it is loaded with the full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help you reduce inflammation as well as reduce weight very well. For someone who specifically wants to lose belly fat by foods, this is also the perfect one to choose. Other kinds of fish you can eat for weight loss are herring, sardines, trout, mackerel, tuna, etc.

Following the United States Department of Agriculture, lean meat means you will get less than 10 grams of fat, 95 milligrams of cholesterol, and 4.5 grams of saturated fat in 3 ounces. While processed meat is really unhealthy, the unprocessed red meat or lean meat does not increase the risk of diabetes, or heart disease. The truth is that meat is good in protein so it is a friendly food for health. You can increase protein intake as it reduces a number of calories consuming. The lean meats you can use are skinless poultry, beef cuts, lamb, and pork.

Potato is an excellent food for weight loss and the great healthy as it contains credible nutrients that you need to have for health. This food is also high in potassium, which can control blood pressure and limit the foods you intake during the day. The best way to reduce weight with potatoes is to boil them and intake them every day. By eating boiled potatoes, you will eat fewer foods and your weight will be decreased dramatically. Other excellent foods for fat loss are turnips, root vegetables, and sweet potatoes.

The same as other types of vegetables, cruciferous vegetables are great in fiber and protein that can help reduce weight effectually. The combination of low energy density, fiber, and protein, cruciferous vegetables are worth adding to the list of healthy foods to lose weight. The cruciferous vegetables contain Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and so on. You can boil, make the salad dishes, or mix with other foods to have healthy dishes.

Legumes and beans are beneficial healthy foods to lost weight fast because they are great in fiber, protein, nutrients and you can eat kidney beans, black beans, lentils, etc. They are great foods for health and for weight loss so you can eat them more often during the day. To reduce weight successfully, along with the proper plan for exercise, you should focus on the important nutrients and the important things that can support your fat loss naturally. Eating beans and legumes is such an excellent thing you should do every day.

Eating low energy density will be a great idea for losing weight. If you eat foods that are low calories, you will have a great chance to decrease fat naturally. Almost foods with low energy density will include a lot of water and fruits, vegetables are examples. Supplying more water will help you lose weight permanently and one of the best ways to add water is to make soups. There are a lot of ways to make a delicious soup and let consume a bowl before a meal.

Apple cider vinegar is used more commonly now in almost of the countries and it you can take advantage of it to get rid of fat naturally. Vinegar not only helps you reduce weight, but it also helps you reduce the blood sugar and other health problems. You can add some teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with some water and drink in the morning. You also can add apple cider vinegar in making recipes. You can use white vinegar if you do not have apple cider vinegar.

Nuts are high in healthy fat and they are perfect snacks for getting fiber and protein. The foods can improve the metabolism that supports significantly in weight loss program. You can eat nuts as the healthy snacks to reduce other food intakes during your main meals. The best nuts for your weight loss plan are Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanut, cashew, etc. Eating those nuts not only helps you lose weight effectively, but it also helps you keep the fitness very well.

Whole grains include non-gluten, fibers, and beta-glucans. This food includes a significant amount of the starch that helps improve your bodys metabolism. If you are finding healthy foods to lose weight with the low-carb diet, you can eat whole grains, but not refined grains because they are listed in the processed or junk food. The great sources of whole grains are wild rice, brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, sorghum, millet, buckwheat, and so on.

Eating chili pepper will be helpful in your weight loss plan as it contains capsaicin, which reduce the appetite and increase the fat burning effectively. Chili pepper is a great spicy food you can add into the daily meals if you want to lose pounds quickly. Additionally, chili pepper is good in antioxidants, minerals like magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium that can control the blood pressure and heart rate. So you should eat more chili pepper by adding it into the delicious meals.

Avocado is one of the great fruits for weight loss that you should add into your list of healthy foods to lose weight. This fruit makes you feel satiated and gets fewer calories; it is good in carbs but loaded with healthy fats. They are also great in oleic acid that can be found in olive oil and you can get more water in this food. You can drink the avocado smoothie and can make the tasty salad dishes. Moreover, avocado includes potassium and fiber that can improve the health very well.

Almost experts agree that fruits are very healthy foods to lose weight. Eating fruits every day will keep your health stable and they are very friendly for your fitness. If you want to have a smaller waist, you should eat more fruits, which have a lot of water and low-carb. The fact is that fruits contain a lot of sugar, but they are high in water and you can consume it without getting fat. Eating fruits also makes your stomach fuller fast and you will reduce the appetite.

Chia seeds are nutritious foods in the world that you can take to lose weight fast. Each ounce of chia seed contains 12 grams of carbohydrate and they are also high in fiber. This food is low in carb and it is really helpful food for health and weight loss diet. You can take a handful of chia seeds and eat before a meal, your stomach will be full, and you will not feel hungry much during the meal.

Another good dairy food for fat loss is yoghurt. Do you usually eat yoghurt every day? The good news is that eating yoghurt more often will improve the gut function as it contains probiotic bacteria. This food also can reduce inflammation, reduce obesity and it will reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. So let begin to eat yoghurt every day immediately. Full-fat yoghurt will be the top choice in the list of healthy foods to lose weight for you.

Coconut oil is great in fatty acids and it can help increase the burning calories in your body. Although coconut oil includes calories, it is a healthy oil to cook delicious foods. Actually, you can add coconut oil into the salads or use it to cook tasty recipes. Instead of using animal fats, you can take the effectiveness of the healthy fats in coconut oil. Let try it before you attending to use the other kinds of oils.

Cottage cheese is a kind of dairy product that is great in protein, low fat, and little carbohydrate. Consuming more protein will help your body burn calories naturally and this perfect food is an excellent choice. Cottage cheese is also good in calcium and now you can eat it without getting fat. Also, you can get more protein, vitamin B12, and phosphorus to prevent the risk of breast cancer, strengthen your bone health, control blood sugar level, prevent strokes, anxiety, etc.

After reading top 18 healthy foods to lose weight mentioned above, I hope that this writing is useful for your weight loss plan. Leave your comments if you have any question!

The rest is here:
List of 18 healthy foods to lose weight fast and effectively

May 15

How to Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks: Effective Plan to Lose …

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, then its essential that you have an effective and healthy plan for rapid weight loss. Losing weight quickly can help you to kick-start a long-term diet plan if you need to quickly shed weight and then keep off extra pounds. As with any effective diet plan to lose extra fat from your body safely, you need to take into consideration your own health. That is why the best ways to lose weight fast should combine lifestyle changes, exercising, and being physically active.

Having the goal to lose 20lbs in a couple of weeks is certainly a good goal to have if you are overweight and have weight-related health issues. However, it is not always a good idea to try and lose a large amount of weight in just two weeks, so you may need more time for that. Rapid weight loss can take a toll on your health and cause other unwanted health complications. Therefore, if you plan to use a fast weight loss program, you should speak to a qualified medical professional.

In this article, you will find out how to lose a lot of weight in the shortest time possible. You will find out healthy ways to help shed extra pounds in no time at all and you may already start to look slimmer within a few weeks.

Extreme dieting measures could help you lose weight rapidly but you need to follow an effective plan to make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.

You need to realize that you didnt gain 20 pounds in 2 weeks so losing this weight in a short period of time can be a great challenge. It is certainly possible to lose 10 pounds of weight in one week but it will not be pure body fat and some of it will be water weight.

Losing 20 pounds in just 2 weeks will require a very low calorie diet which is not the best approach if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, very low calorie diets lead to a fast weight loss. However re-feeding after such extreme dieting leads to fast and excessive weight regain.28 The most sensible approach is to develop effective habits that will help you lose weight gradually and keep it off.

In this detailed article I am going to give you the best possible information on how to lose weight fast and keep it off. Youll learn about the most effective ways, based on science, to lose weight and develop eating habits to keep it off.

Here are the steps you need to take to lose as much as 20 pounds in 2 weeks.

One of the best ways to lose weight quickly in 2 or 3 weeks is to lower your daily calorie intake.

Lowering your calorie intake helps to speed up weight loss as you will burn more energy than you consume. To lower your calorie intake in order to lose 20 pounds fast, you can swap foods for healthier options, limit your intake of saturated fats, and eat smaller portions.

Consuming fewer calories every day will help you lose 20 or even 30 pounds at a steady, healthy pace and boost your general health at the same time. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, you should reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories per day to lose significant weight in a couple of weeks.1

Doctors from the National Health Service recommend some healthy food swaps to help lower calorie intake and lose weight faster.29 Here are some examples to help you lose as much as 30 pounds in a month:

For more information on how to tweak your diet to speed up the effectiveness of your weight loss plan, please read my article on the best hacks for speedy weight loss.

If you want to make sure and lose as much as 20 or 30 pounds in a month you should change your eating habits.

Changing your eating habits helps with rapid weight loss because it helps you develop positive habits that contribute to weight loss at a regular pace.

For example, one way to help speed up weight loss and lose unnecessary pounds is to drink a glass of water before each meal. Dr. Arefa Cassobhoy on WebMD reported on a study into the effects of drinking water and obesity. The study found that drinking 16-oz. of water 30 minutes before a meal helped severely overweight people shed extra pounds easier and faster.2

Another habit that can help to lose a lot of pounds in a couple of weeks is to start the day with protein. Starting your day with eggs for breakfast or consuming lean meat, milk, or nuts are all great sources of protein that will keep you feeling fuller for longer and give you plenty of energy. This reduces the temptation to snack during the day and helps boost weight loss in a 2 or 3-week diet program.

You can also lose weight much quicker in 2 or 3 weeks if you are careful about when and why you eat. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that emotional eating is associated with body weight gain. It was found that eating due to emotional responses caused people to become overweight and obese.3

There are many effective ways to beat emotional eating. These include reducing stress and anxiety, getting plenty of sleep, and eating proper amounts of dietary fiber and protein.

Eating small frequent meals will help you lose 20 or even 30 pounds faster.

Rather than skipping meals during the day, you might find that eating small frequent meals throughout the day helps you lose weight at a proper pace. However, there is some controversy whether people wanting to beat the battle of the bulge quickly should eat 3 or 6 small meals during the day.

For example, in 2015 the journal Nutritional Reviews reported that eating frequent meals seems to help people lose excess fat and reduce overall body weight.4 But, the journal Obesity found that in their study, eating 3 meals a day or 6 meals a day had no overall impact on weight loss. The report found that total calorie intake in a day was the most important factor when it comes to fast weight loss.5

So, if you are looking to lose several pounds of body weight as fast as possible using an effective diet plan, you could try to see which of these methods work best for you.

Reducing portion size should help you start losing pounds of body fat in 2 weeks.

Eating smaller portions at lunchtime and in the evening can help to reduce energy intake and help you lose weight and keep the weight off.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when individuals ate smaller portions for lunch, their daily energy intake was reduced by 30%. The researchers concluded that eating smaller portions can help to treat and prevent obesity. The study highlighted the fact that portion sizes in restaurants are getting larger and most people finish their large entrees.25

Another study showed that one way to control portion sizes and lose weight quickly is to eat more foods that are low-density energy sources and limit high-density energy foods. For example, having more vegetables and lean protein and less fatty foods can help reduce energy intake from meals and thus help you lose weight much quicker.26

You could also try using a portion control plate for your meals at home to help you greatly reduce portion size to eat healthier meals and lose weight. You might not lose 20 pounds of body weight in 2 weeks with this method, but it is a safe and healthy way to control body weight.

To shed more pounds of body fat in 2 weeks, you should also limit your intake of unhealthy carbohydrates.

Unhealthy carbs that can make losing body weight difficult include simple carbohydrate sources such as white bread and pasta, cakes, pastries, and sugar. Low carb diets have many proven health benefits that include more than just losing weight fast.

When lowering your carb intake, you should remember not to cut out healthy carbs that are classed as complex carbohydrates. These include wholegrain bread, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, beans, vegetables, and fruits. Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD says that fiber in food helps to control weight and can lower your risk of heart disease and colon cancer.6

Dr. Zelman recommends switching to whole grains as much as possible and avoiding foods that have added or refined sugars. You should also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables every day and include beans and legumes in your diet.

You should avoid junk food and limit sugar consumption to lose weight quickly.

Junk food and foods with added sugar not only have very low nutritional value but they can make it very difficult to slim down very fast in a short period of time.

The University of Michigan reported on a study showing a correlation between fast food and increased body mass index, weight gain and obesity. The study also found that people get heavier as the number of fast food outlets increase.7

Cutting out sugary foods and sodas can also help you lose a lot of weight in two weeks. Dr. Laura Martin on WebMD says that limiting foods containing refined sugars will help a person lose weight and reduce levels of obesity.8

You can also lose several pounds quicker by increasing your daily water intake.

Drinking more water doesnt just help lose weight from around your waist but it prevents the symptoms of dehydration. Water is also one of the best ways to flush toxins out of your system and boost the health of your kidneys.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine reported that drinking 1.5 liters of water every day helps to reduce body weight, body fat, and body mass index. The researchers concluded that drinking water can be a useful and cheap way for obese persons to lose weight quicker.9

You dont just have to stick to plain water to lose a lot of weight in a few weeks. You can easily make your own calorie-free flavored water that will help boost your weight loss plan in 2 weeks.

To reach your goal of losing a lot of excess body weight in 2 weeks, you should also make some lifestyle changes along with sticking to an effective plan to lose weight fast. Lifestyle changes to help lose weight are just as important as reducing calorie intake when it comes to getting rid of body weight in a matter of a few weeks.

Here are 4 lifestyle changes that doctors recommend to boost the effectiveness of your weight loss plan.

While it is important to exercise regularly every week, staying active throughout the day will help to accelerate how quickly you lose weight.

A study in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that non-exercised activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can help to significantly increase calorie expenditure. It was found that NEAT movements can also protect a person from cardiovascular disease and reduce obesity in people who have difficulty exercising.10

Here are some easy ways to increase NEAT movements throughout the day and help burn fat quicker in a couple of weeks.

If you are serious about losing a lot of weight in a short space of time, then getting plenty of sleep is essential.

Although a hectic work schedule and stress can make getting to sleep difficult, there are many positive health benefits of getting proper rest during the night.

Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD says that lack of sleep is linked to weight gain and obesity. For example, feeling well-rested reduces food cravings and gorging on high-carb snacks. Also, getting the right amount of sleep helps to balance your hormones naturally and reduce fat by increasing your metabolism.11

To help improve your sleep patterns to stop fat accumulating in your body, here are some helpful tips to lose as much as 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

If you really want to shift those extra pounds of body weight in two or three weeks, you should find ways of reducing stress in your daily activities.

According to Dr. William Blahd on WebMD, stress increases cortisol levels in the body which can increase the desire for sugary, fatty foods. This can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, or diabetes.12

Dr. Blahd recommends some easy ways to deal with stress at home and increase the effectiveness of your weight-loss program:

To make sure and lose as many pounds as possible in a two-week period, it is very important to keep yourself motivated.

Having strong motivation will help you stick to your weight-loss plan even when it seems that results arent what you expected.

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that long-term weight loss is only achieved through making permanent changes to your eating habits and lifestyle. To keep yourself motivated to lose weight quickly and keep it off, this is what they suggest:30

When looking to lose a lot of weight in the short-term, its necessary to boost your weight-loss plan with healthy exercise. Getting regular exercise is not only good for your heart but it will help to burn even more calories.

Here are some of the best way to burn off extra body fat that has accumulated around your face, waistline, or other parts of your body.

Increasing the amount of walking you do every day will help to shed pounds from your body in no time at all.

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders reported that brisk walking for 30 minutes on most days of the week was an effective part of a weight-loss plan.13

How can you include walking as part of your plan to lose weight fast and start seeing results within two weeks? In my article on how walking can help lose weight, you will find out how many calories you can burn if you add 10,000 steps to your day.

Ways to increase your steps daily include:

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an excellent way to quickly lose weight and see results within a short space of time.

HIIT training involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by short recovery periods. For example, it could be 30-40 seconds of hard sprinting followed by 30-40 seconds of light jogging.

According to the Journal of Obesity, high-intensity intermittent exercise or training has been shown to significantly increase aerobic and anaerobic fitness. It also helps the body get rid of excess fat quicker. HIIT exercises can also help to boost cardiac health and reduce the symptoms of type-1 and type-2 diabetes.14

For more information on how you can use interval training to speed up weight loss, please read my article on using interval training to lose fat quicker.

Lifting weights is another proven way to see quick results when wanting to lose extra pounds in a two-week period.

Lifting weights as well as kettlebell workouts help to not only burn calories very quickly but they also build muscle mass which helps to burn even more calories.

A study from Europe reported that heavy-resistance exercise during intense workouts boosts muscle metabolism.15 An increase in your resting metabolic rate also helps to burn calories even when you are resting.

Before starting a program of intense, heavy-resistance exercising, you should speak to a qualified medical professional to get advice.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are some other ways that can help you lose body weight quickly when used in conjunction with an effective weight-loss plan. Some of these include:31

So far, this article has concentrated on the 3 main principles on how to achieve a goal of losing 20 pounds in two weeks. However, there are some specific weight-loss diets that help to lose a lot of weight in just a few weeks.

The ketogenic diet is a low carb high fat diet that restricts the intake of carbs to help boost the bodys fat-burning potential. Usually, people who start a carb-restrictive diet see rapid weight loss in the first few weeks of dieting. The journal Experimental & Clinical Cardiology reported that a keto diet can help to reduce body mass and body mass index in obese individuals.15

There is one thing that you need to be aware of when dropping carbs from your diet: many of the foods that contain carbs also contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins.

For example, if you eliminate whole grains and brown rice you are going to miss out on nutrients such as b vitamins and magnesium. These are important nutrients for the energy production in your body so you will get tired easily.

The 3-hour diet can help you lose weight quickly without having to cut out many of your favorite foods. According to Dr. Michael Dansinger on WebMD, the 3-hour diet involves eating small portions of food every 3 hours and limiting calories intake to just over 1,400 calories a day. Dr. Dansinger says that visible results are often seen within the first 2 weeks.16

Intermittent fasting, or the 5:2 diet, will help you see quick results to help reach your weight-loss goals quicker. Intermittent fasting involves eating normally for 5 days in the week and restricting calorie intake to 600 calories on 2 non-consecutive days. According to the International Journal of Obesity, far from being a fad diet, intermittent fasting can help achieve weight loss that stays off as long a person sticks to the diet.17

You can find more information about this diet in my article Intermittent Fasting 5:2 Principles, Science and How To.

When searching the internet for ways to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, you will come across many unsafe methods to lose weight quickly.

In your diet plan to lose extra weight in under a month, you should avoid skipping meals as a regular habit. For example, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that although skipping breakfast can help reduce daily calorie intake, it can increase inflammation in the body.27

Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD reports that breakfast helps improve blood sugar levels and gives the body a needed boost for the day. You also get important vitamins and nutrients from breakfast and reduce the tendency to snack. People who eat breakfast every day are able to lose weight and keep it off.18

Leaving out one or more meals during the day shouldnt be confused with intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting doesnt involve skipping meals but reducing calorie content on 2 days of the week. However, most 5:2 diets include 3 low-calorie meals during the fasting days that contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals.

If you are trying to lose a lot of pounds in a short space of time, you should stay clear of fad diets. Fad diets may give quick results, but the extra pounds usually pile on very quickly after the diet is finished.

According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, fad diets usually promise quick dieting results with little or no effort. They usually restrict important food groups and can be difficult to maintain. Fad diets can also cause various health complications like kidney stones, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular issues.19

Diet pills will not help you lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Because diet pills and supplements are generally expensive, they could help you lose hundreds of dollars in a month rather than pounds of body fat. According to Dr. Gary Vogin on WebMD, there is only scant evidence that weight-loss pills have a minimal effect when it comes to dieting. Some natural products may help to boost metabolism or stimulate fat burning, but they wont in themselves help you lose weight quickly.20

Starvation diets and extreme fasting are unsafe ways to get rid of a lot of weight in a week or two. According to Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD, even though starvation diets result in rapid weight loss, they can also cause loss of muscle tissue and may even cause your body to burn calories slower. You may find that at the end of the diet, you put on more weight than you lost.21

Doctors from WebMD also say that creams and other so-called weight-loss devices are just as effective and scientifically proven as voodoo spells.22

So, when it comes to losing 20 lbs in 2 weeks, what is the bottom line? Although it is feasible that a person could lose many pounds of body fat in a couple of weeks, these generally involve risky methods of dieting.

To achieve your perfect body weight and maintain good health, you should reduce calorie intake over a period of many weeks, make positive lifestyle changes, and exercise regularly. After all, extra weight was gained over a long period of time.

By making some simple calculations, doctors from the Mayo Clinic advise on the dangers of trying to lose too much weight in a very short space of time.

For example, the Mayo Clinic says that every pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories.23 So, to lose 20 lbs of fat in 14 days, you would have to lose about 1.5 lbs. of fat a day. This means burning on average 5,000 calories more than you consume per day. You also need to be aware that initially you will lose water weight and not just fat.

How many hours per day will you have to work out to lose 20 lbs. in 2 weeks? The Mayo Clinic says that high impact aerobic exercising burns about 650 calories an hour.24 Therefore, you would have to work out for about 7 hours of intense exercise every day for 2 weeks to lose 20 lbs.

The bottom line when it comes to losing a lot of weight rapidly is this: stick to safe and healthy methods of losing weight that will boost your health and help you reach your perfect body weight.

After you have reached your ideal body weight, it is important to maintain that weight. Researchers from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute say that there are 3 ways to maintain a healthy weight. These are:

If you need to lose a lot of weight quickly in the space of a few weeks, you should speak with your doctor first. Your doctor will carry out a medical checkup to check your general health and recommend a diet and exercise regime that will help you achieve your weight-loss goals.

Your doctor will also check for any underlying health conditions that could affect the type of weight-loss plan that will be most effective for you. This includes checking your blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and any signs of joint pain and stiffness.

Also, if you start feeling fatigued, dizzy, lightheaded, or have an increase in watery bowel movements, or generally unwell while on your weight-loss program, you should speak to your doctor.

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Article Sources

Excerpt from:
How to Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks: Effective Plan to Lose ...

May 15

13 Best Drinks To Lose Weight Fast – VKOOL

The secret to lose weight is not only focusing on what to eat but also about caring what to drink. Maybe popular energy drinks, fruit juices, and soft drinks are loaded with carbohydrates and added sugars that can destroy your weight loss plan.

If you want to lose some extra pounds, then maybe you already know that the best way to do is combining exercising with a healthy, nutritious, and balanced diet plan. Nevertheless, there are some drinks that can speed up the fat burning process and help to lose weight faster than you could in normal, and here you will find 13 out of the best drinks to lose weight that you should integrate into your daily diet if you want to get fit fast without using any supplements, drugs, or pills which can lead to dangerous side effects.

The first out of drinks to lose weight I want to show you is coconut water a tasty drink that many people love, especially in summer.

Coconut watercontains more electrolytes than most energy drinks and fruit juices without artificial flavorings plus and extra sugar.

This juice can help tospeed up your metabolism naturallyand give you more energy. Thus, you can stay strong and energetic throughout the day while still can lose weight faster.

This drink is recommended not only because the thickness of the smoothiekills your appetitebut also because yogurt is loaded with calcium.

Many researchers discovered that you can lose 81% more belly fat and 61% fat if you add yogurt to your daily diet because the calcium yogurt contains can help you burn fatand also limit the amount of fat that your body produces.

Try to add Greek Yogurtto your smoothies, as well as some whey protein and fruits to make your smoothies more powerful for weight loss!

Whey protein can help your body release appetite suppressing hormones that restrain your cravings.

In a recent research, people who drank either casein or whey, 90 minutes later, were allowed to eat freely at a buffet table. The fact is that they ate significantly less calories than those who did not drank casein or whey.

Milk is a very rich source of calcium, which can boost the fat loss process by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. This does not mean that you should drink too much milk every day. What you should do is adding milk to your daily diet in moderation to speed up your weight loss process.

Plain old water is also one of the best drinks to lose weight that gives you amazing result that you never dare thought before! Actually, your body needs a lot of water to facilitate the fat breakdown inside your body. Drinking water helps to flush out toxins and energize your body throughout the day so that your body will be able to perform at its best. You should remember that drinking gallons of water is not the only answer for losing weight. You still need to facilitate an appropriate exercise regime and go on a proper diet. Drinking water will help to keep your body lean, clean, and help all of the organs inside your body work properly instead of working overtime.

Read more here:
13 Best Drinks To Lose Weight Fast - VKOOL

May 11

How to Lose Weight Fast! Step-by-Step Guide CheetaTHIN

Ok, so you realized that you don't feel comfortable with the way you are for whatever reason. Maybe you want to stay healthier for your kids or maybe there is a wedding around the corner, bottom line is you decided to take action and learn how to lose weight fast.

Before we begin, congratulate yourself for taking action by reading this article, it takes a lot of courage to begin a weight loss journey, so give yourself a pat on the back!

Lets get to it.

Once you have decided you want to lose weight fast, your first question will most likely be;

"Where in the hell do I even start?"

There are literally millions of articles online on how to lose weight. It's mind boggling, read all you want but without direction you'll simply feel lost and frustrated and you will give up.

What they don't do online is organize all that information in a logical order to effortlessly produce the most effective weight loss results possible. This is where we come in.

Here's the deal.

The Information I'm about to share with you comes from decades of experience in the weight loss Industry and is extremely valuable, so please treat it that way.

This is how you can Lose Weight Fast, STEP-BY-STEP!

Did you know that losing weight is 80% Diet and 20% Exercise?!Since Diet makes up 70% of your weight loss efforts, this is the most obvious place to start.

We have found that Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diets are the most effective in terms of being the easiest to follow, and producing the best results.

While being on a LCHF Diet, people have reported losing around 2kgs in their very first week.

Recommended LCHF Diet Plans:

When starting a diet you'll realize carb cravings make it almost impossible to stick to the diet after a few days.

Dieting during the day is easy peasy! But as soon as the sun sets it's like our inner cave woman comes out. We literally want to eat everything in sight.

Am I right?!

This is where appetite suppressants come in.

We won't beat around the bush with this,CheetaThin is the most effective appetite suppressant, and since it's made from 100% natural ingredients it has very few side effects.

Plus,CheetaThin has some amazing weight loss properties.

With an appetite suppressant on board, dieting will be as easy as eating cake!

You got through steps 1&2 and you have lost a ton of weight (believe me if you do it properly you will, our past customers have reportedlosing around2-3kgs in their first week,) but now you want to speed things up a bit further.

This is where step 03 comes in.

The biggest point I want to make clear about training is that you only need 15min a day, and you don't need to go to gym.

Consistency is the key here!

Recommended Training Program:

You've managed to lose weight fast and you're feeling on top of the world. You feel like anything is possible, you finally feel like you are in full control of your weight.

Until... morning you wake up and your clothes feel a bit tighter, your confidence takes a plunge! What now?

Seems a life change is in order!

This is the most important simply because you are at a cross road with 2 paths. You can either fall back into your old ways and end up back at step 01 in a few years, or you can change your life, and live it feeling comfortable and in control of your weight forever.

The Best information we have on how to keep the weight off:

There you have it, the 4 steps you need to follow with tons of free information to get you started. We will updating this post weekly with links to new content we publish, so make sure you come back regularly.

If you liked this article please share it by clicking on one of the social icons on your screen, it's literally the only way these articles get out.

*Please note results may vary from person to person.

Read more:
How to Lose Weight Fast! Step-by-Step Guide CheetaTHIN

Apr 10

How to Lose Weight Fast (the Smart & Healthy Way)

Summer is filled with weddings, graduations, vacations, and lots of other reasons to feel fierce in a swimsuit. But if youve got an event coming up, and kind of wish you had already lost 5 pounds, its never too late. Everyone wants to lose weight fast, sighs Tracy Morris, nutrition curriculum designer at Fitbit. Of course, I want to help you see quick results! But if weight loss is too drastic, your body will fight backand theres no point starving yourself, if youre just going to end up binging and feeling discouraged. She definitely coaches a more moderate approach. But that said, if you lose weight quickly at the outset, you are more likely to continue losing weight. It can be incredibly motivating, to see that initial drop.

So dont call it a crash diet. Lets say its a strong start. Heres a healthy eating plan thats nutritionist approved, so you can slim down and feel awesome for that upcoming eventand then keep the momentum going.

Clinically trained dietitians and accredited nutrition experts agree, you dont want to lose more than 2 pounds in a week. Any more aggressive than that, and you start compromising your metabolism, Morris confirms. So take a look at the calendar, and set a realistic goal for the time you have. If you have 2 to 3 weeks before the big day, awesome! Aim to lose 5 pounds and feel better in your clothes. Just a week before the date? Dont despair. You can still de-bloat a bit and drop a couple of pounds.

Next, crunch the numbers. Figure outhow many calories you really need, and reduce that number by 500 to 750 calories per day, in order to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. The food logging feature in the Fitbit appmakes it extra easy. Just dont dip below the bare minimum your body needs1200 calories per day for women, or 1500 for men.

But of course, where those calories come from makes a big difference. Morris recommends a natural detoxno pills, no shakes, just fresh, whole foods. Heres how to do it the healthy way:

Okay, so you knew youd have to cut back on wine and brownies. But what can you eat? Morris has a meal plan for the first week that makes hitting those calorie counts super simple. Even though shehearts whole grains, for the first 2 days, she recommends dropping grains, and focusing on lots of fruits and veggies, with small servings of protein. By days 3 and 4, you can start reintroducing grains, but keep portions small, and time them early in the day.

Morning & afternoon snacks: 2 pieces of fruit, veggies, and a small handful of nuts.

Morris recommends starting on a Saturday, just in case your energy is a little low, so you dont have to struggle through the office. But wait, what about working out? Dont sweat it, first steps first. During the first week, get 30 to 60 minutes of walking in every day. By the second week, once youre enjoying small portions of whole grains, thats when you can pick up a couple of strength workouts.

People love the 7-day plan, says Morris. Theyre super excited at the beginning, and they love that big drop that comes with cutting out carbs, alcohol, and sugar. But I care even more about what youre eating the day after the event, not to mention the following weeks and months. So right away, reset your weight goal. And check in with your mindset and motivation. Because looking great at a pool party is great, but its not the end goal! Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is really about your long-term health and happiness.

This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

Becky Duffett is a contributing nutrition editor for Fitbit and a lifestyle writer with a passion for eating well. A former Williams-Sonoma cookbook editor and graduate of San Francisco Cooking School, shes edited dozens of cookbooks and countless recipes. City living has turned her into a spin addictbut shed still rather be riding a horse. She lives in the cutest neighborhood in San Francisco, spending weekends at the farmers market, trying to read at the bakery, and roasting big dinners for friends.

Read more from the original source:
How to Lose Weight Fast (the Smart & Healthy Way)

Mar 23

Weight Loss Clinics | Lose Weight Fast | Affordable Weight …

With so many choices being given today in the different ways to lose weight, we understand it can be difficult to select the right weight loss program. Also we know this can be confusing. For that reason, MedShape has developed a wide range of weight loss choices for your weight loss needs available today. Due to all of the programs out there, we decided the best thing to do was take the guess work out of selecting which program would be right for you. We want and help guide your decision for the right choice in Weight Loss.

Whether you are interested in losing weight with Phentermine, prescription diet pills or other diet drugs, we can help. Also available are weight loss with hCG injections, diets with B12 injections for weight loss, Lipotropic Shots, Weight Loss Injections, Lipoplex, RM3, Anti Aging programs, B complex drops to speed up the metabolism, diet supplements to stop hunger and cravings, the Military Diet, Low Carb Ketogenic Diet or maybe just nutritional counseling. All of this can teach you to keep your weight off long term. MedShape Weight Loss will personally design an affordable, custom diet plan that will fit the needs of your daily regime so you can have the best results.

Besides our most popular diet programs, we offer weight loss plans with meal replacements. Along the line like Optimist or Medifast but for half the price. We believe strongly in keeping our programs affordable for everyone. Some of our full weight loss programs start at just $20 per week! No contracts to sign! Believe it! A true pay as you go weight loss program. Check out more about our different programshere.

Here is the original post:
Weight Loss Clinics | Lose Weight Fast | Affordable Weight ...

Jan 4

The Only Crash Diet to Use to Lose Weight Fast | Reader’s …

Diet & Weight Loss

You want to lose weight fastis it possible to crash diet safely? Dietitian Christy Brissette reveals how you can without harming your metabolism.

Marian Weyo/Shutterstock

Face it, if you want to lose weight over the long haul, your best bet is to make sustainable, long-term lifestyle changes like the nine simple ones this woman made to shed 45 pounds and keep them off. But sometimes life comes at you fast and you need a fast solution. One smart lifestyle change is to eat plenty of veggiesespecially for someone looking to lose weight. Vegetables are nutrient-packed and provide plenty of filling fiber with hardly any calories. Plus, non-starchy veggies have a high water content, so they hydrate you while filling you upthe perfect combination for weight loss.

Starchy veggies (like potatoes) and processed whole grains (like whole-wheat bread) are foods Id normally recommend eating in moderation, since they provide plenty of nutrients, fiber, and healthy carbs. However, high-carb foods arent your best friend when youre looking to drop water weight. Essentially, when your body stores excess carbs, it stores them with water. So replacing carb-heavy foods with non-starchy veggies that still provide filling fiber without as much water retention is the way to go. For a week before your event, you can swap out the starchy carbs for more non-starchy vegetables to lose some water weight. (These are 10 things experts wish you knew about water weight.)

Aim for filling at least half of your plate with non-starchy veggies like asparagus, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach, kale, cucumbers, and more. This is a great idea for everyones health, not just people wanting to lose weight.


Another healthy change that will help you look better is to cut back on salt. Sodium causes your body to hold onto excess water, so eating a high-salt diet means youre likely storing more water weight than necessary. Check to see if you have any of the seven clear signs youre eating too much salt. If youre in a rush to lose weight fast, cut out added salt as much as possible. That means keep ditching the salt shaker and avoiding processed and packaged foods, where added salt is pretty much inevitable.

Try making food from scratch rather than eating out before your big event to further limit sodium and fight bloat. Even at healthier restaurants, sodium levels tend to be through the roof.

Avoiding salt doesnt mean your food has to be bland. Experiment with using different herbs and spices. Try adding fresh cilantro and cumin to grilled fish, lemon and rosemary to chicken, or ginger and Chinese five spice to tempeh or beef. Pick up some spice blends from your local market to help add more spice to your life just read the ingredients and make sure theres no salt added.

Billion Photos/Shutterstock

It seems counterintuitive to drink lots of water when youre looking to lose weight fastespecially water weightbut staying hydrated is one of the most important steps you can take to lose weight. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so staying hydrated allows you to be more in touch with the times when you are actually hungry, rather than just thirsty. Plus, a lot of good things happen to your body when you drink enough fluids.

Drinking water before you eat has also been shown to lead to increased weight loss by decreasing the amount you eat at meals. Its hard for your eyes to be bigger than your stomach when youre already full from downing plenty of water! Staying hydrated also promotes good digestion, so youre less likely to end up backed up and bloated.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times and aim for drinking eight-plus cups a day. Eliminate sugary beverages like soda, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea since theyre calorie bombs without much nutritional benefit. Throw in lemon slices or chopped fruit and herbs to your water to add flavorit will encourage you to drink more!

Read the original here:
The Only Crash Diet to Use to Lose Weight Fast | Reader's ...

Oct 30

Tips on Losing Weight Fast | Healthfully

When you make a commitment to lose weight, you want instant gratification. You know deep down true weight loss takes time, but watching the pounds peel off slowly can be excruciating. A safe rate of weight loss is one to two pounds per week because this rate is more likely to lead to long-term lifestyle changes and prevent the loss of valuable lean muscle mass. Fast weight loss usually takes extraordinary diet and exercise efforts that may not be sustainable for the long run, but it can offer a needed jump start.

Your neighbor lost 20 pounds on the pancake diet and your sister drank only cucumber juice for a week and lost 10 pounds -- but chances are, if a weight-loss scheme sounds too good to be true, it is. Losing weight involves complex metabolic processes, but generally, if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you'll lose weight. When this deficit is between 500 and 1,000 calories per day, you lose one to two pounds in a week since a pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Fad diets often have you creating a deficit of significantly more to help you lose weight quickly -- but you feel deprived, starve and don't get all the nutrients you need. You don't learn good habits that help you sustain any weight loss you do manage and end up gaining much of the weight back -- and sometimes more.

Instead of relying on some quick fix, cut calories by ditching the obvious calorie offenders: soda, sweets, saturated and trans fats and refined, white grains. Trim portion sizes so that you consume just 3 oz. of lean protein and 1/2 cup of whole grains at meals. Have leafy greens and other vegetables when you need a snack or still feel hungry at dinner. Include a few nuts or olive oil dressing at meals to get some healthy fats. You'll still come in at a low number of calories, but with plenty of nutrition.

Muscle is calorie-burning tissue that you want to have on your body. Without adequate muscle, you look soft, feel weak and don't burn as many calories as your lean and taut friend -- even if you both weigh the same. When you lose weight quickly, your body loses lean body tissue. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so if you lose your muscle -- your metabolism drops. Losing more weight or even maintaining your new lower weight is nearly impossible without starving yourself because your body needs fewer and fewer calories to survive. Exercise, especially weight training, can stave off this loss of muscle even when you are dropping pounds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least two total-body strength-training sessions weekly on nonconsecutive days, but you can add a third day for better results. Also aim to get in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity weekly -- 250 minutes is even better for weight loss.

You know you can't skip workouts when you're trying to drop a size. You should also avoid skipping meals. Not only can skipping make you feel hungrier at your next meal so you inhale everything in sight, but it can increase your stress levels. A 2010 issue of, "Psychosomatic Medicine" published a study showing that following a restrictive diet creates chronic psychological stress and makes the body pump out more of the stress hormone cortisol. The University of California and University of Minnesota researchers noted that the increased stress and cortisol can actually cause weight gain. Skipping meals adds even more stress and prevents you from losing the weight you so desperately want to shed.

If you base your weight-loss goals on the results you see on extreme reality shows, come back to your reality. Most people do not have seven hours a day to exercise and a nutritionist to monitor your every meal. Focus on how you feel and the way your clothes fit rather than solely on the number on the scale. Some weeks will be better than others, but don't let that discourage you. If your mind is so set on quick weight loss, you might lose sight of the other benefits you reap by eating a healthier diet and living a more active lifestyle, such as more energy, improved mood, better blood pressure and cholesterol levels and decreased risk of chronic disease.

More here:
Tips on Losing Weight Fast | Healthfully

Jun 1

Weight-Loss Foods to Lose Weight Fast | Reader’s Digest


artem evdokimov/ShutterstockIm fond of this macronutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and muscle. Its also a fabulous weight-loss food, according to a 2005 study from Arizona State University. Protein increased satiety (satisfaction and feelings of fullness) and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn. I love that: three benefits in one. Earlier research also found that people following higher-protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an average of 10 percent (about 200 calories).

Lilly Trott/ShutterstockYouve heard for years to stock up on your C to fend off colds, but are you aware of the vitamins reputation as a weight-loss food? Research suggests that the bodies of folks who are deficient in vitamin C cling more stubbornly to fat. In 2008, researchers in Quebec reviewed a stack of studies to find what they called unsuspected determinants of obesity.

Their review linked less-than-ideal intakes of particular micronutrients to an increased likelihood of being overweight. They identified deficiencies in vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E as risk factors for having a higher percentage of body fat and belly fat.

Don't miss these ten foods that help you lose weightand five that make you gain it.

Tanya_mtv/ShutterstockThis natural sweetener has also shown great promise in animal studies for reducing weight gain and body fat when substituted for sugar. Known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, honey boasts wide-ranging health benefits and is also a weight-loss food. It may improve blood sugar control and immunity, and its an effective cough suppressant. Here are some fast, easy ways to lose weight you might now know, either.

SeDmi/ShutterstockIf youre like me, you welcome any new excuse to add more chocolate to your life. Cocoa contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. Just look at this list of benefits from a recent study done at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center by David L. Katz, MD, and his colleagues: Cocoa can protect nerves from injury and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.

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279photo Studio/ShutterstockThe surprise here? The vinegar that comes along for the ride in salad dressing also helps you feel full. Research has shown that vinegar can lessen the glycemic effect of a meal (meaning it tends not to spike your blood sugar), which has been linked to satiety that reduces food intake. Vinegar may also prevent body-fat accumulation, according to a 2009 animal study by Japanese researchers. Mice that were fed acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, for six weeks accumulated less body fat.

Try these mantras for losing weight if you need more motivation.

studiovin/ShutterstockThroughout the years, various weight-loss researchers have recommended starting a meal with a salad to stave off hunger and ensure that you dont overeat. But why does this work exactly? One reason is that salads are a great source of fiber: lettuce greens, carrots, tomatoes, and the like all have plenty of this macronutrient. Fibers effects on increasing feelings of satiety are well documented.

Whether you eat fiber and vinegar together or not, know that they are great weight-loss foods to have on hand whenever you feel the need to tame your appetite and turn on fat burning controls. If youre not a fan of salad, there are plenty of other sources.

Don't miss these weight-loss tips from people who have lost 50+ pounds.

279photo Studio/ShutterstockCoconut OilWhile The Digest Diet recommends keeping saturated fat intake to under 10 percent of total calories, one source sits at the top of the should enjoy weight-loss foods list: coconut oil.

Why? This sweet, rich oil was shown to do some pretty nifty things for abdominally obese women in a 2009 study out of Brazil, including decreasing their waist circumference, increasing beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and improving the ratio of bad LDL (low-density lipoprotein) to good HDL cholesterol. And in populations where coconut oil is commonly eaten, high cholesterol levels and heart disease are not common.

MUFAsIn 2006, I uncovered exciting research suggesting that monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, helped people store less belly fat. Eating a diet rich in olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, and avocado has kept my belly lean and my energy up for years! These healthy fats are a mainstay of my diet.

PUFAsDuring my dive into the current research, I came across a small study from the Netherlands that suggests we should also enjoy polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs, found in fish and in many nuts and seeds. In this study, consumption of a high ratio of PUFAs to saturated fats led to a higher resting metabolism, as well as a greater diet-induced calorie burn.

But one clarification: Our focus will be primarily on long-chain n-3 PUFAs, commonly known as omega-3s. Researchers theorize that the weight-loss benefits of omega-3s may be a result of their anti-inflammatory effects (inflammation in the body has been strongly linked to obesity). I also love the fact that these healthy fats are associated with protection from cardiovascular disease and enhanced mood.

Hit a weight-loss plateau? Try these 17 tips to get over it.

Filipe B. Varela/ShutterstockSo many people have asked me if its OK to have a drink when trying to lose weight. Listen up, friends, as this glass is for you!

Many studies show that a small glass of wine a day is good for your health. Researchers credit the antiaging properties of resveratrol (found in red grapes, mulberries, and peanuts) in red wine. Now cutting-edge research suggests this antioxidant is a fat releaser too.

In one large study of more than 19,000 women of normal weight, light to moderate drinkers had less weight gain and less risk of becoming overweight than those who drank no alcohol. In several animal studies, researchers have demonstrated that moderate alcohol consumption does not promote weight gain.

And in another separate animal study done in 2006, researchers found that resveratrol improved exercise endurance as well as protected against obesity and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

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Africa Studio/ShutterstockCalciumYour mom told you to drink your milk because its calcium was good for your bones. What she probably didnt know: That same calcium also helps control your hunger. Research shows that people who dont consume enough of this bone-building mineral have a greater fat mass and less control of their appetitetwo things The Digest Diet can help you reverse.

DairyYes, dairy is an excellent source of calcium, but Ive singled it out because studies have found that dairy sources of calcium are markedly more effective in accelerating fat loss than other sources. Researchers theorize that other ingredients in dairy act synergistically with the calcium. (I love the two-for-one nature of this fat releaser!)

In one study out of the University of Tennessee, researchers showed that eating three servings of dairy daily significantly reduced body fat in obese subjects. And if subjects restricted calories while consuming the same dairy servings, fat and weight loss accelerated.

Theres more! A great study done in 2010 indicated that drinking fat-free milk immediately after whole-body resistance training and again one hour after the workout allowed participants to increase fat loss, gain greater muscle and strength, and strengthen bones by reducing bone cell turnover. Drink milk and get all these amazing benefits? Sign me up!

You'll want to add these calcium-rich foods that are natural fat burners to your diet ASAP.

picturepartners/ShutterstockIm keen on quinoa for many reasons: This ancient grain is a nutritional powerhouse weight-loss food, chock-full of protein, amino acids, phytosterols, and vitamin E. A study published in 2011 points to its promise as a fat inhibitor. Animals fed supplements containing a quinoa-seed extract had less body fat, lower body weight, and decreased appetite. Also, quinoa is versatile and can be made into crackers, side dishes, and hot cereals. Try some of these quinoa recipes to kick-start your weight loss.

Continue reading here:
Weight-Loss Foods to Lose Weight Fast | Reader's Digest

Jun 1

How to Lose Weight Fast | Women’s Health

Crash diets are the freaking worst. While you might be motivatedto lose weight fast, by day four of whatever bananas diet you're on (hopefully not literally a diet of bananas), looking puffy sounds a lot more appealing than 24 more hours of chicken breast and spinach.

Because we care, we're here to offer you a much easier, healthier, and saner plan of attack that will actually help you learn how to lose weight fastthe healthy way. No juice cleanses, no hot dogs and a cup of broccoli (seriously, this exists), and no hunger-induced dreams featuring you naked in a kiddie pool full of guac.

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Preserve your muscle and your sanity by jump-starting your weight loss results with these eight easy strategies that will set you up for years of healthy living.

If you have toast at breakfast, choose another whole-grain carb like brown rice or quinoa for lunch and dinner. If you love to eat PB and J for a pre-workout snack, lay off the nuts the rest of the day. By limiting yourself to one portion of any single food, you automatically add a sort of fail-safe to your eating plan, says Rania Batayneh, M.P.H., author of The One One One Diet. Plus, even more importantly, this strategy adds a wider array of nutrients to each dayincreasing your satiety and energy levels so you can crush your weight-loss efforts.

In one European Journal of Nutrition study, people who followed a low-cal diet that included four weekly servings of legumes lost significantly more weight after just four weeks compared to those who ate the same number of caloriesbut no legumes. The weight-loss turbocharge may come from legumes' fiber and antioxidant compounds, since the researchers found that legume lovers had lower levels of inflammatory markers that are linked to obesity. Try adding chickpeas to your salad, cooking some lentils in the slow cooker, or mixing black beans into a Tex-Mex omelet.

Yeah, you know your sleep affects your weight. But you probably don't realize just how quickly that happens: One Annals of Internal Medicine study suggests two weeks is all it takes for your sleep to show upone way or the otheraround your waistline. In the study, men and women followed a calorie-controlled diet. After 14 days of sleeping either 5.5 or 8.5 hours each night, both groups lost about 6.5 poundsbut those who got the most sleep lost twice as much fat as the short sleepers did. (Stay on track with your goals with Women's Health's Look Better Naked DVD.)

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While increasing your water intake is vital to preventing overeating, promoting healthy digestion, and keeping your metabolism in tip-top shape, when it comes to dropping weight quickly, water is also your greatest de-bloating ally, says San Diego-based trainer Kyle Brown, C.S.C.S., who is best known for getting celebrities "cut" before photo shoots and red-carpet affairs. That's because, when your cells are dehydrated, their first course of action is to cling to any fluid that's in your system, contributing to all-over bloat. He recommends drinking a liter of water for every 50 pounds you weigh, per day. So if you weigh 175 pounds, it comes out to 3.5 liters of water. Sip consistently to prevent overloading your system all at once.

Another way to ditch excess water weight is to get your sodium and potassium levels in check, says Brown. To do that, he recommends cutting back on processed foods, which tend to be high in sodium, and nixing salt from whatever food is on your plate. Pair this low-salt strategy with plenty of potassium-rich foods like salmon, halibut, and spinach, and you'll de-bloat over the course of the week, he says.

To lose weight in record time, high-intensity interval training is your exercise strategy of choice. Minute-per-minute, it burns more calories than other workouts like steady-state cardio while also increasing the calories you burn 48 hours after your workout, says Taylor Gainor, C.S.C.S., co-founder of LIT Method in Los Angeles. Plus, over the long term, interval training builds muscle, which is critical for keeping the weight off, says Brown. Your exercise prescription: Perform all-out effort of a given exercise (like burpees, squats, lunges, or pushups) for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, and repeat until four minutes have passed. Rest one minute, then repeat for a total of four rounds, suggests research from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

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See some of the craziest diets people have actually tried throughout history.

We realize this isn't groundbreaking advice, but one of the easiest ways to debloat is to reduce your intake of simple, refined carbs. Some sources to watch out for include white pasta, cookies, crackers, and candy. While it goes without saying that the refined sugar in these foods can prevent weight loss over the long term, they can lead to significant water retention in the short term, says Gainor. You'll be shocked how much weight you lose (even if it is water) within a week or two of cutting back on your regular sugar fix, he says.

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Eating balanced meals and snacks, containing all three macronutrients your body needs, every few hours is key to energizing your bod for your workouts, preventing overeating (especially those simple carbs), and keeping your metabolism at peak speed, Batayneh says. Try toast, an egg, and avocado for breakfast, an apple with string cheese for a snack, and a spinach salad tossed with chicken and olive oil for lunch.

In one Penn State study, people who ate roughly a handful of almonds each day lost significantly more abdominal fat over the course of six weeks compared to those who followed a nut-less (heh) diet with the same number of calories. While this study looked at almond intake, other tree nuts like walnuts and pistachios have also been linked to improved health and weights, thanks to their healthy fat and protein content.

See the article here:
How to Lose Weight Fast | Women's Health

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