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May 27

Weight loss tricks: The definitive trick to lose weight: five keys that will make you lose 5 kilos in a month – Explica

Losing weight is easy if you know how. In addition, it does not require a lot of effort if you adopt healthy lifestyle habits. By following these six tips that we are going to reveal below, you can lose around 5 kilos in just one month. Here are the keys:

Do not skip breakfast. Although the need to break the fast to lose weight divides the scientific community, more specialists recommend eating food minutes after waking up. Of course, it does not need to be a copious menu. The ideal is to eat something to activate the body and regain strength to start the day.

Make meals meals every three to four hours. It does not have to be a large intake. Although, it is advisable that they be carried out, since it favors the body to burn calories with digestion. In addition, it will also satiate us and prevent us from bingeing on any of the meals of the day as a result of anxiety. It is also essential not to skip meals.

Following the plate rule is another key. That is, that half of what we are going to eat are vegetables and greens, 25 percent of the dish is protein and the remaining quarter carbohydrates. You have to run away from ultra-processed food. Also from fats. For this, it is very useful to organize a weekly menu before going shopping. Thus we will also avoid the acquisition of products on an impulsive basis. It is advisable to avoid those products that come packaged: on the one hand they are less friendly to the environment and, on the other hand, they are usually more processed because they are manufactured in an industrial way.

Drinking water is another key to losing weight. It is recommended to drink at least a liter and a half a day. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks must also be abandoned. Both are harmful to the body.

Rest is another key. Sleeping well, a minimum of seven hours a day helps lose weight.Another fundamental point to lose weight is exercise. You dont have to become an elite athlete. Rather, its about doing minimal activity for at least an hour a day. For example, walking. Acquiring a routine of going for a walk for an hour in the morning or at the end of the day, after work, is very beneficial for the body, not only for losing weight.

According to experts, following these tips you can lose up to 5 kilos of weight in just one month. Although, this figure depends on the metabolism and how precisely each of these tips is followed.


Here is the original post:
Weight loss tricks: The definitive trick to lose weight: five keys that will make you lose 5 kilos in a month - Explica

May 26

How to lose weight fast in three easy steps backed by science – Explica

Are you tired of trying everything to lose weight? This easy low carbohydrate eating plan is an extraordinary alternative to lose those extra pounds in a healthy way and without rebound

Lose weight its always a subject of interest not in vain are more and more created trends, plans and diets what they promise effective results. However, on many occasions these types of diets tend to be very low in calories and leave us unsatisfiedYes, this is one of the main reasons why it can be complicated to follow a diet.

Various nutrition specialists recommend the foundations of a reduced carbohydrate diet for lose weight fast and healthy, They also ensure that they can be easier to follow than other diets. It is verified that the plan that we will present below provides the following medicinal benefits and best of all, its based on three singles steps to achieve it.

Significantly reduces appetite and you will feel satisfied throughout the day.Cause a rapid weight loss and no rebound effect. Improves metabolic health, it is attributed benefits to burn fat.It purifies the organism, it is related to great benefits for elimiting fluid and toxin retention lodged in the organism.Improves the digestive process and accelerates intestinal transit, fights constipation effectively.

The key rule to ensure success in making this meal plan is to reduce the consumption of sugars and starches (carbohydrates), it is likely that at the beginning it will take a little getting used to however you will quickly begin to notice that hunger levels decrease and you will start eating less, Therefore, the daily caloric intake will be modified in favor. The reason why this is the most important aspect of this diet is that the body for energy instead of burning carbohydrates, will do it with stored fats. Another of the genius of reduce carbohydrate intake is that insulin levels are greatly reduced and this makes the kidneys flush out excess sodium and water through the urine, thanks to this inflammation is removed and all the extra weight we carry (in many occasions it is simply water).

In fact the specialists confirm that nothing more considering this first step, during the first week a weight loss of approximately 10 pounds is estimated (ie 4.5 kg) sometimes more; considering both excess weight in water such as body fat. A study carried out in obese women found that a low carbohydrate diet is more effective than a low fat diet for lose weight faster, reduce appetite and eat fewer calories.

To complement the absence of carbohydrate consumption it is important to ensure balanced diet, that is why you should consider integrating into each meal a source of protein, a source of fat and another source of vegetables (low in carbohydrates); this should be the same way in three meals a day and if you are hungry you can add a fourth similar meal. Building your menus to those specifications will reduce carbohydrate consumption around 20 and 50 grams per day.

Eating protein has the advantage of increase caloric expenditure between 80 and 100 calories per day at a time higher protein consumption Is associated with less anxiety and cravings for eating, it is estimated that people who consume a high protein diet eat 441 fewer calories per day on average Nothing bad!

The protein what they recommend the most nutrition specialists are the following:

Lean meat: beef, chicken, pork and lamb.Fish and shellfish: such as salmon, trout, snook, and shrimp.Eggs: integers considering the yolk.Plant-based proteins: such as legumes, quinoa, and soy.

It is also important to ensure the consumption of vegetables low in carbohydrates and healthy fats Some good alternatives recommended by experts are:

Broccoli and cauliflower. Leafy green vegetables: spinach, cabbage, brussels sprouts, Swiss chard and lettuce.Tomatoes and cucumbers. Recommended fats: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and butter.

More than a diet this trend proposes a healthier and balanced lifestyle, that is why it is important integrate physical exercise. Specialists point out that the best activity is lift weights, as not only helps burn calories it is important to prevent the metabolism slow down (Which is considered a common effect derived from losing weight). Try to exercise considering lift weights 3-4 times a weekin conjunction with a low carb diet is a good step to gain muscle mass and continue to lose body fat. If lifting weights is not for you, doing any cardiovascular exercise is perfect.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast.Avoid consuming sugary drinks and fruit juices.Drink water before main meals.Eat foods rich in soluble fiber.Drink coffee or tea throughout the day.Consume whole grains, avoid all kinds of processed.Sleep well and avoid stress.Weigh yourself a few times a week.Do not stop doing physical activity 3 to 4 times a week.


Read this article:
How to lose weight fast in three easy steps backed by science - Explica

May 26

‘Fat burning zone’? The best way to exercise to burn fat – The Conversation UK

When it comes to losing weight, people often want know the best way to shed excess pounds and theres no shortage of fad diets or fitness crazes claiming to have the secret to fat loss. One theory even suggests that exercising at around 60% of your maximum heart rate will bring our bodies into a so-called fat burning zone, optimal for losing weight.

But does this fat burning zone even exist?

First, its important to understand a little about our metabolism. Even if we were to sit at our desk all day, our body still needs fuel to meet energy demands. This energy comes from carbohydrates, proteins, fats and phosphates. However, the rate at which we use them, and how much we have available, varies between people. It depends on a number of factors, such as dietary intake, age, sex and how hard or often we exercise.

Generally, exercising at lower intensities such as sustained walking or light jogging doesnt require as much effort by our muscles as sprinting, for example. This means the amount of energy needed by the body is lower, so energy supply predominantly comes from fats.

But as exercise intensity increases, fat cant be metabolised fast enough to meet increased energy demand. So the body will use carbohydrates, as these can be metabolised more rapidly. This means there is indeed an exercise intensity where fat is the predominant energy source.

At the lower end of this spectrum is our resting state. Here, the number of calories our body needs to function is considerably low, so the body primarily metabolises fat to use for energy. This means the potential zone for metabolising fat is between the rested state and the level of exercise intensity where carbohydrates become the dominant energy source (in terms of percent contribution to energy demand).

But this is a wide range, which lies between a resting heart rate of around 70 beats per minute to around 160 beats per minute during moderate effort exercise (such as cycling at a constant speed where holding a conversation becomes challenging), where the crossover from using fat to carbohydrates for energy occurs.

The issue with such a wide zone is that the person exercising wouldnt necessarily be optimising their ability to metabolise fat, because as the exercise intensity increases theres a gradual change in the balance of fat and carbohydrates your body uses for energy.

So how can we know at which point our body will switch from using fat to other fuels for energy? One approach researchers take is assessing how much fat is being used for energy during different exercise intensities.

By measuring how much air a person expels during an exercise test which gets progressively harder, physiologists have been able to calculate the relative contributions of fat and carbohydrates to meet the exercise demand at different intensities. The highest amount of fat burned is called the maximal fat oxidation rate (or MFO), and the intensity this occurs at is termed FATmax.

Since this method was first used by researchers, studies have shown that as the intensity rises from around 40-70% of a persons V02 max which is the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during exercise theres an increase in the rate of carbohydrates and fats being used. The rate of fat being burned starts to decline at higher intensities as the body requires energy more rapidly.

The so-called fat burning zone has been shown to occur anywhere between about 50-72% of a persons V02 max. However, the ability to burn fat is also based on genetics, with studies showing that this fat burning zone is likely to be lower in overweight or obese people around 24-46% of their V02 max and higher in endurance athletes.

Another point to consider is how much fat we actually burn during exercise (if we express it in grams per minute). The answer is: surprisingly little. Even in studies with athletes, at FATmax, participants only burned on average a mere 0.5 grams of fat per minute. This would equate to around 30 grams of fat per hour.

In the average person, this appears to be even lower, ranging between 0.1 and 0.4 grams of fat per minute. To put it in perspective, one pound of fat weighs around 454 grams. So, though training in this fat burning zone will help with fat loss, this might also help explain why it takes some people longer to lose fat through exercise.

But there is evidence that following certain diets (such as intermittent fasting or a ketogenic, high fat diet) and longer exercise can increase the actual amount of fat we burn.

Perhaps its time to no longer consider burning fat to have a zone, but rather an individualised sweet spot which can be used to optimise our exercise regimes to lose weight. Regular physical activity around this sweet spot (which typically occurs at a low to moderate feeling of effort, for example 30-60% of your maximal effort, or a perceived exertion level of one to four out of ten) will likely improve our bodys efficiency in using fat for energy and translate to a lower overall body fat percentage.

The rest is here:
'Fat burning zone'? The best way to exercise to burn fat - The Conversation UK

May 26

Desiree – Time to lose that belly fat – The Daily Herald

Hi! My name is Desiree Winkel owner and founder of Fitness Coaching. Fitness Coaching is a studio/gym where you can work out with professional trainers. Among the workout programs we offer are boot camps, cardio boxing, functional training, weight loss training, group training and personal training. Our studio is located in Simpson Bay.

We are all a bit more secure now of what will happen in the next weeks after lockdown, and we can start programming our minds on our new future. It is and has been a time of much insecurity and stress. Most people start eating when theyre stressed or bored. This is your time as the economy is slowly catching up; and we will be moving a bit more. So its time to work on ourselves again. Eat better and move more.

Long periods of inactivity and a diet high in saturated fat and high sugar lead to visceral fat storage fat in our midsection that surrounds our internal organs. Some of the fat from the fat cells in that area can get into the main vein that supplies and delivers blood to our liver and then end up in our bloodstream raising our cholesterol levels. This can cause a variety of health issues like increased blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance, which then leads to type 2 diabetes. All in all, it is not a pretty picture on the inside or on the outside.

The fat in this area is often the last one to go. Your body stores it as a safety feature. In times of need, like when there is no food or hardly any food available, your body will go to the fat storage in your body but the visceral fat is the last fat it attacks.

When we are in our prime, our bodies try to plan and save up extra resources for a rainy day, for when we are not as agile, and are unable to feed ourselves regularly. As we age, we reserve more and more visceral fat rather than the subcutaneous type, gaining a belly that only grows bigger the older we get.

The problem is that most people like to pick the body part where they would like to lose the fat at first. We cant target the fat we want to lose with exercise or dieting, as our bodies always lose overall body fat and it is only when they are done shedding it everywhere else that they will access the fat they have reserved in problem areas like our bellies. I know its frustrating.

Exercising to get rid of belly fat isnt going to work (although wed really like that) since we cannot target our bellies specifically. No number of crunches or other ab-specific exercises will help us burn reserves there faster; it does not matter how much muscle we put on in a specific part of the body, we burn body fat in an overall way. This means that in order to get rid of the belly, you have to do exactly the same training you would do if you wanted to lose weight in general. Once you are low or out of other extra fat reserves to burn, then you will begin to burn visceral fat in your midsection and every other problem area you have.

The best way to dig into those stubborn fat reserves is through a combination of cardio, high burn and HIIT workouts. The sheer variety of each longer burn and/or higher intensity will eventually force your body to part with the fat and trade it for quality muscle instead. That is why I recommended that you concentrate on cardio instead of ab work in general, if you want to get rid of your belly fat.

You can still do some ab exercises, especially if your end goal is having a strong abdominal wall or a six-pack but avoid making it the main goal of your training. Cardio should be what you focus on cardio and staying active throughout the day the more you move, the more you burn. There are many ways to do proper cardio or HIIT workouts. Ask your trainer to use your gym time or workout time effectively.

What really would help is to park your car a bit further than normal to walk to your job, grocery store or anywhere you go. Yes, I know its hot and you dont want to be sweaty; but trust me those little adjustments throughout the day will make a huge difference in the end. Adopting an active lifestyle and cutting out high sugar, high saturated fat foods will eventually lead to a flat and healthy stomach. It takes patience and patience is vital in this case.

Fast weight loss is temporary weight loss, exactly because of that. The only way to get permanent results is to introduce conditions you can then maintain for the rest of your life.

Plan of action: Do cardio and high burn workouts; Reduce portion sizes; Be active all day long. In the end, its worth a try. The more you invite these changes in your life, the better you will feel. We can help you to achieve your goal. If you do not have time or money to spend, we can set up a plan for you and help you to achieve your goal and make you feel good.

Fitness Coaching is located on Welfare Road. For more information or if you have questions, call or WhatsApp +1 (721) 524 7700, check out Fitness Coaching on Facebook or Instagram, or visit

Read more:
Desiree - Time to lose that belly fat - The Daily Herald

May 26

Yes, You Can Lose Weight Walking as Little as 30 Minutes a Day – but There’s a Catch – MSN Money

Getty / RyanJLane Yes, You Can Lose Weight Walking as Little as 30 Minutes a Day - but There's a Catch

If you're on a mission to lose weight but don't have the time or energy for a more intense workout, walking is a great place to start. And with fitness trackers and GPS apps readily available on our phones, it's easier than ever to track your steps, time, or distance whenever you hit the pavement.

So, let's say you walk for an hour during the day: will you lose weight? One study in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that subjects who, without making changes to their diet, worked out at a rate equivalent to walking 12 miles per week for eight months saw fat loss. The authors further stated that the controls in this experiment gained weight, but that could be reversed with 30 minutes of daily walking.

Plus, exercise physiologist Tom Holland, MS, CSCS, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview that you can certainly see weight-loss results by walking just 30 minutes per day. He recommends that true beginners start with walking three to four times per week, then increase from there. But, just how effective your workout is depends on a number of factors.

"The intensity at which you walk plays a key role in helping your body burn more calories and improve your cardiorespiratory system," Denise Miklasz, an ACE-certified personal trainer at Northwestern Medicine Crystal Lake Health & Fitness Center, told POPSUGAR.

If you're walking at a casual stroll, you're probably not going to achieve the weight loss you want. One way to pick up the pace? "You could include 30- to 60-second bursts of faster walking every three to five minutes, followed by a 30-second recovery walk," Miklasz said. You can also try walking with weights or picking a route with hills to add some intervals to your workout.

Video: 7 incredible results you'll get from walking 30 minutes a day (Courtesy: Prevention)


"An interval-training workout will continue to burn more calories after your workout due to a physiological effect called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. EPOC is sometimes referred to as the 'afterburn effect,'" Miklasz explained.

Even more important is your diet. You know this, but you can't eat whatever you want or as much as you want the second you start exercising. "In order to lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit," Miklasz said. One pound is equal to 3,500 calories, so you'd need to carve out 3,500 calories each week in order to lose one pound, which experts consider a safe and healthy goal. In other words, "you need to either burn an extra 3,500 calories or remove 3,500 calories from your diet," Miklasz explained - or a combination of the two.

"Combining exercise with a healthy diet is more effective than restricting calories alone. Exercise can help you maintain and increase lean body mass, which results in a larger calorie burn per day," Miklasz said. To that point, when you're ready to start building muscle, remember that walking alone won't cut it. She noted, "Ideally, incorporating strength training along with aerobic exercise will increase muscle mass and boost your metabolism." This four-week workout plan for weight loss is a great place to start, and you can check out this beginner weightlifting plan as well.

Slideshow: Healthy and inexpensive ways you can de-stress at home (Provided by PopSugar)

See the rest here:
Yes, You Can Lose Weight Walking as Little as 30 Minutes a Day - but There's a Catch - MSN Money

May 26

Keto diet: the dietician explained how to eat fatty food and lose weight – The Times Hub

The only fruit that is allowed in this diet is avocado

Anna Kovpak

the editor of the Psychology/Wellness

Keto diet in Hollywood, Silicon valley, and now and hearts of Ukrainian bloggers. This diet allows you to eat fatty food and burn fat, explained nutritionist Natalia Samoilenko in the post in Instagram.

According to her, keto is not only treats illness, but also ensures rapid weight loss without hunger, frustrations and cravings for sweets, and as a bonus you are filled with energy, like new battery.

What is keto diet

Its almost the lack of carbs is 5%, a small presence of protein 15-20% and a large number of high-quality fats 75% of all the food that you eat.

The main source of energy for our body glucose. In the body, it comes from carbohydrates. But when carbohydrate intake is too low, the reserves of glucose is not replenished, the body begins to use as energy body fat and the fats coming from food. The liver starts to produce organic matter the ketones that become new, better quality fuel for our body. This process is called ketosis.

Going into ketosis, you will feel like reborn! Concentration improves, memory improves, sleep becomes tighter, and the waist is thinner, I dont feel hunger and the constant desire to eat something delicious, explains Natalia.

But to maintain the state of ketosis is important to eliminate all sources of glucose: fruits, anything that contains flour and sugar, cereals and all grains, starchy vegetables, legumes.

The only fruit that is allowed is avocado.

According to nutritionist, you can intercept a cookie and return to the keto diet as if nothing had happened.

However, keto diet lot of fatty fish, meat, nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty dairy products (but sometimes during entry into ketosis milk excluded), eggs, herbs, cheese, butter and olive oil.

Allowed carbohydrates in vegetables that grow above the ground (low-carb). Green vegetables, asparagus, zucchini, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, Kale, leafy vegetables, green beans, radishes are also suitable.

The pros and cons of cattily watch the video:

There are not many contraindications to keto. But do not experiment with the keto diet in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and certain other genetic disorders that are incompatible with ketosis.

Yourself to sit on the keto diet I do not recommend. Yes, its a great diet, the fat loss is faster, than regular other nutrition programs, plus weight, but I urge to be more responsible and start your keto journey with a specialist, summed up Natalia Samoilenko.

In the meantime we found out all about coping: what you need to know about the new food trend.

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Keto diet: the dietician explained how to eat fatty food and lose weight - The Times Hub

May 26

Walking improves creativity, can help with weight loss: 5 ways to avoid sitting all day – Times Now

Waking improves creativity, can help with weight loss: 5 ways to avoid sitting all day  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Walking is a great form of exercise to improve your overall health and well-being. It can help you lose weight, prevent or manage certain medical conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Now, a study by Standford researchers has found that walking boosts creative thinking.

According to the research, creativitylevels were higher for individuals walking compared to those sitting. The new study found that a persons creative output raised by an average of 60 per cent when walking.

According to the study co-authored by Marily Oppezzo, a Stanford doctoral graduate in educational psychology, and Daniel Schwartz, a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Education, walking indoors or outdoors improves creativity levels - consistently and significantly. However, the authors noted that the main factor was walking itself and not the environment.

Many people anecdotally claim they do their best thinking when walking. We finally may be taking a step, or two, toward discovering why, Oppezzo and Schwartz wrote in the study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition.

One of the experiments observed that walking indoors on a treadmill in a room or walking outdoors in the fresh air produced the same creativity results - both outdoor and indoor walkings caused twice as many creative responses than sitting.

I thought walking outside would blow everything out of the water, but walking on a treadmill in a small, boring room still had strong results, which surprised me, said Oppezzo, now an adjunct faculty member at Santa Clara University.

However, the researchers noted that walking appeared to have no link to focused thinking, although it had a positive effect on creative thinking.

This isnt to say that every task at work should be done while simultaneously walking, but those that require a fresh perspective or new ideas would benefit from it, Oppezzo added.

The study comprised of four experiments involving 176 college students and other adults who completed their tasks commonly used by researchers to measure creative thinking.

Sitting down too much puts you at an increased risk of several conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and early death. Walking is a great activity that can help you burn calories and aid weight loss. According to Mayo Clinic, just adding 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine will help you burn about 150 more calories a day - yet, the faster and longer you walk, the more calories youll burn.

Tips to avoid sitting all day

And heres how to walk more and sit less to maintain weight and stay healthy:

So, keep walking, find ways to stay active wherever you are, but ensure that you eat a healthy, balanced diet for a healthier, fitter, happier and wiser you.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

View original post here:
Walking improves creativity, can help with weight loss: 5 ways to avoid sitting all day - Times Now

May 26

James ‘Arg’ Argent: Cocaine addiction was triggered by eating disorder – Yahoo Sports

James Arg Argent has said his drug addiction was a symptom of an eating order after years battling with his weight.

The former The Only Way Is Essex star - who recently opened up about suffering a near-fatal cocaine overdose in 2019 - has now told how he turned to binging on drugs and junk food to cope with jokes about his weight.

Argent, 32, told The Sun: The core of my addiction stems from my eating disorder. I binge on food if I hate the way I look...

Id feel down so Id start using drugs at 9pm until 6am, not eating a thing. Then Id wake up, feel low and be absolutely starving and I would binge on everything from fizzy drinks, burgers, fast food, crisps, snacks, pizzas, takeaways to the point where I couldnt possibly eat any more to feel better.

Read more:James Argent says he could die if he doesn't lose weight

James Argent said he reached 23 and a half stone at the start of the year. (Getty Images)

Then Id look in the mirror, see Im the biggest Ive ever been, then think, When is a suitable time for a dealer to drop me off.

The TOWIE star described it as a vicious cycle.

Argent revealed when he attended a rehab clinic in Thailand at the beginning of the year he was the heaviest he has ever been at 23 and a half stone.

He has shed five stone and is already feeling better in myself.

Read more:James Argent warned to lose 10 stone

Argent said he did not regret joining the cast of ITV reality show The Only Way Is Essex in 2010, but admitted being in the public eye made him the target of criticism about his weight.

He said: I was constantly getting bantered about the way I looked and people taking the p**s out of my weight, calling me Large Arg or the tubby crooner on social media...

James Argent met on-off girlfriend Gemma Collins when they starred together on 'TOWIE'. (Getty Images)

People didnt realise it was hurting me because when they see me Im always really happy and friendly and laughing off all the fat jokes. It was really hurting me inside.

But he also credited the show with helping him find love with co-star Gemma Collins, 39.

Argent said she was not an enabler, and had been extremely tough on him over his drugs use.

He added that now he is clean and sober they are eager to get married and start a family.

Read the original here:
James 'Arg' Argent: Cocaine addiction was triggered by eating disorder - Yahoo Sports

May 26

Have you tried this weight loss drink featuring jaggery and lemon? – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: May 24, 2020 7:10:00 pm Try this drink if you are looking to keep your weight in check. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock)

It is easy to lose track of your health and end up putting on a few extra kilos, especially when in lockdown. But, if you are thinking of staying fit and healthy, you have to be conscious of what you are consuming and how much of physical activities you are getting every day. If weight loss is your prime agenda, here is an interesting concoction that you can easily make at home. The best thing about this drink is that it is both healthy and delicious. Read on.

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The drink contains two primary ingredients jaggery and lemon. Both of them can be found in almost every Indian kitchen. Individually, they are packed with their own health benefits and together, they make a great team.

It is said that when you add jaggery to the diet, you boost the bodys metabolism, which in turn helps you burn the fat around the belly area faster. And lemon water or lemon juice is anyway considered to be a magical remedy for skin woes. It helps clean the body by flushing out toxins, thereby promoting weight loss.

When you combine the two, you give your body a healthy dose of Vitamin C and water, and also antioxidants and zinc. Jaggery being a healthy replacement of sugar is low in its calorie count but rich in immunity-boosting properties. Together, the goodness of lemon and jaggery can keep your digestive system clean and your respiratory system clear.

To make this drink, you will need a glass of lukewarm water, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a small piece of dry jaggery. All you have to do is mix the three ingredients well. Stir continuously till the jaggery dissolves in water. Once done, the drink will be ready for consumption. Enjoy this weight loss concoction every day, preferably in the mornings on an empty stomach.

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With the temperature soaring in many parts of the country, it is advisable that you add some mint leaves to this drink as well, so that it cools the body from inside and makes you feel refreshed. If you think the jaggery is making the drink too sweet, reduce the size of the chunk next time.

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Have you tried this weight loss drink featuring jaggery and lemon? - The Indian Express

May 26

Weight loss: 5 key rules to follow when trying to build muscles – Times of India

What keeps you motivated to work out daily? Is it just to stay fit or build muscles?

Most of the people who workout efficiently aim to build muscles - Sculpted abs, well-toned body and strong biceps. It makes you look more attractive, reduces the risk of injury and increases your ability to perform everyday activities with ease.

If you are new in this game of muscle building, let us apprise you that strong muscles are not only a result of lifting heavyweights. Unlike any other thing, there are some set of rules that one must follow to achieve that well-toned, jaw-dropping body that most people dream of achieving. For all the beginners who are trying to build muscles or about to embark on this journey, here are 5 basic rules you must follow to achieve your goal faster.

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Weight loss: 5 key rules to follow when trying to build muscles - Times of India

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