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Dec 23

How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost fat by following this one genius diet hack – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Nothing can kickstart your weight loss and fitness journey faster than a bout of self realisation. 22-year-old Pankaj Kumar tells us that he started hitting the gym to not just lose weight but also get ripped to overcome an inactive lifestyle. I wanted to invest my time in bettering my life, my confidence and also my mental well-being.

When I began my weight loss and fitness journey, I weighed 77 kgs with a fat accumulation of 27-30 per cent, he says. To build a ripped body, the first thing that you need to do is get rid of your bodys excess fat and then work towards building lean muscles, which Pankaj was able to do by losing 11 kgs, courtesy of one genius diet hack calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit is a specific diet pattern that revolves around the number of calories you consume in a day. According to Healthline, the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight.

This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health.

The deficit can then be created by cutting down empty calories and unhealthy fats. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.

QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?

I am an eggetarian, my calorie deficit diet was a combination of vegetarian sources (mostly paneer, tofu, low-fat milk, sprouts, dal, nuts, low-fat curd, fruit salads, rice, fresh veggies, brown bread, peanut butter) and eggs.

QUICK READ: This is how eating eggs daily will help you lose weight without compromising on flavour

Since the number of calories one needs to consume will keep changing as per your goals, the quantity of the foods will also change, as it did for me. But these foods comprised my daily diet. The same is also true for your exercise regime, I followed the below exercise regime to lose 11 kgs before switching the routine again to build my body up.

I used to workout 5-6 days/week and the basic routine comprised Weight Training + HIIT/Sprints. More importantly, I used to train 2 body parts in a day and focused more on Compound Movements such as Bench press, Overhead press, Push ups, Deadlift, Pull ups and Squats.

QUICK READ: You're truly fit if you can do these 10 pushup variations

My body transformation has gone through whats popularly known as 'a weight recycle'. Simply put, I lost 11 kgs in 4months (77 kgs to 66 kgs) by following the above diet and exercise regime, which essentially also meant that I lost a lot of the excess body fat. So with the excess body fat gone, I became lean and then started to work on gaining healthy muscle mass. So, now I am 76 kgs with lots of muscle mass and very less fat percentage.

1. Follow a calorie deficit diet

2. Track your calories daily (if you don't want to do that then work on a trial and error method by reducing your portion size and checking your weight weekly, if your weight goes down then voila this is perfect portion size for you!)

3. Eat more vegetables and protein-rich food. Vegetables are loaded with minerals and vitamins. Protein-rich food will help retain muscle mass and also help burn calories.

4. Drink more water.

5. Do weight training. It helps shape the body and retain muscle while losing weight and also walk more (at least 10,000 steps). Walking strengthens the joints and also promotes heart health.

6. Be consistent and stay disciplined.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost fat by following this one genius diet hack - GQ India - What a man's got to do

Dec 23

10 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, Backed By Science – Women’s Health

ICYMI, fasting diets basically dominated 2019, turning phrases like eating windows and 5:2 versus 16:8 into normal parts of everyday conversation. As far as diets go, fasting looks to be one of the more long-lasting trends: it technically isnt a diet at all, focusing less on overall caloric intake and more on restricting your eating to specific windows of time each day. For the most part, thats just common senseand the health benefits can be huge if youre accustomed to eating all day (and night) long.

Since there are so many different fasting schedules to choose from, its probably worth checking out the actual benefits before you wade in to figure out which option is right for you. Until recently, there wasnt much research to work from; most of the studies were done on animals or small sample populations, making the purported benefits largely anecdotal.

But as fasting becomes more popular, more research is emergingand with it, the list of possible advantages seems to be growing. Here are 10 potential benefits to following your fasting schedule of choice.

Lets start with the biggie: Can a fasting diet really help you lose weight? It dependson everything from the type of fasting youre doing to the research being considered. Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club, says that some research has shown no real difference in weight loss between intermittent fasting and typical calorie-restricted diets. But newer studies are suggesting that earlier eating windows (like from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) can assist with weight loss.

For example, Harris-Pincus points to a 2013 study in Obesity demonstrating that people who consumed a certain amount of calories eating a larger breakfast and smaller dinner lost two-and-a-half times as much weight in 12 weeks than people who ate the same exact calories but in reverse (with a smaller breakfast and larger dinner).

Obviously more research is needed to draw concrete conclusions about how and why fasting helps with weight loss (for any reason other than the fact that you might be eating fewer calories). Ultimately, we need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight, but it's not as simple as calories in versus calories out, Harris-Pincus explains, suggesting that the time of day you eat (or dont) may contribute to weight loss when combined with less calorie consumption overall.

New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet, says that in some studies intermittent fasting has been found to reduce blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, which can be very beneficial to those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The results of a 2018 study published in Cell Metabolism are notable here: Researchers found that even without weight loss, early time-restricted fasting increased insulin sensitivity in men with prediabetes. (Most other similar studies cant definitively say whether insulin sensitivity improves because of the fasting schedule itself, or because most people lose weight when they fast, which also improves insulin sensitivity.)

Okay, the connection between fasting and your body health looks promising so far...but what about your brain health? Palinski-Wade notes that some animal studies have shown intermittent fasting to be protective to the brain by improving its function and structure, like in this 2018 study in Experimental Biology and Medicine, which suggests fasting may protect against Alzheimers disease by reducing the incidence of memory loss.

Obviously, more research is needed to see if this is also true in humans (because you're not a mouse, right?!)but at some point in the future we may see those results apply more broadly. TBD.

One of the reasons fasting can lead to weight loss is because youre eating during daytime hours, e.g., when your body naturally wants to consume calories.

When we eat according to our circadian rhythmmeaning we consume energy during our active hours of the day when the sun is up and eat less in the eveningwe metabolize our food better and see improvements in blood sugar and lipids including cholesterol and triglycerides, explains Harris-Pincus.

5:2 fasting, in particular, may improve cholesterol levels. As WH previously reported, a 2018 study showed that people who followed a 5:2 diet had a lower risk of heart disease than people who dieted by counting calories.

The science here is still emerging, but researchers have been studying the effects of food intake on sleep for years. Some research has shown that eating late at night can disrupt sleep or cause sleep disturbances, though sample sizes are usually pretty small.

Theres also not a lot of direct evidence that fastinginstead of eatingbefore the nighttime hours can have the opposite effect, but it does make sense. Plus, one study from 2003 found that a week of fasting resulted in less sleep arousals (though only 15 people were tracked and that study is fairly old, obviously).

At the root of many of fastings health benefits is a reduction in inflammation, and thats a connection being studied pretty closely by experts interested in the relationship between fasting and overall health.

In 2019, researchers at Mount Sinai found that intermittent-fasting cycles lasting less than 24 hours reduced the number of pro-inflammatory monocytes in the blood. High levels of monocytes have been associated with some chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Similarly, the Yale School of Medicine studied the effects of fasting and diets on the bodys macrophages, or inflammatory immune cells, and found that low-carb dieting, fasting, or high-intensity exercise may help to reduce that kind of inflammatory response.

Ever reach for a candy bar or bag of chips out of habit without even realizing what youre doing? Thats called mindless eating, and most of us do it to some extent. But do it often enough, and it can cause you to fall pretty out of step with your bodys hunger cues.

Many people eat emotionally, particularly at night when it's easy to sit in front of the TV and mindlessly consume extra calories, says Harris-Pincus. But fasting diets, which force you to establish clear eating windows, eliminate this absent-minded noshing and can help you take in fewer overall calories.

In the last two years, proponents of fasting have claimed that restricting caloric intake for even a short period of time can reset your immune system, giving it a much needed power boost.

This theory was born out of a University of Southern California study on both mice and humans, which suggested that fasting for 72 hours could allow your body to flush out damaged immune cells and regenerate new, healthier cells primed to help the body fight toxins. (The effects of fasting on patients undergoing chemotherapy were examined in this particular study.)

At this point, the connection hasnt been well-studied. But a little fasting probably cant hurt your immune system, either.

Can spending some of your week fasting actually add years to your life? Its a lofty claim and it hasnt been studied carefully enough in humans yet, but a 2019 study in Cell Metabolism found that alternate day fasting, specifically, did improve some of the more common markers of aginglike cardio health and fat-to-lean ratioin a small sample of healthy, non-obese people.

Elsewhere, the National Institute on Aging has reported that male mice that ate less frequent meals lived longer compared to mice that ate more frequently, with fewer liver diseases and metabolic disorders.

Weve known for a long time that what you eat can affect your skin health. The American Academy of Dermatology confirms that certain foods, like milk, white bread, and sugary snacks or beverages, can increase acne by spiking your blood sugar.

But can the time of day you eat affect your skin health, too? Maybe...but right now, the evidence is mostly anecdotal, based on what we know about the combined factors that can cause acne, like inflammation, high levels of insulin, and lack of restorative beauty sleep. Because fasting may help with some of these root causes of acne, it couldin theorybe a solution to common skin issues. But more research is needed here, too.

See the article here:
10 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, Backed By Science - Women's Health

Dec 23

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and what you can do to help – Marshalltown Times Republican

My husband has been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. His doctor told him to lose weight and he tries, but he ends up getting discouraged and goes off his diet. Im worried about his health, but what can I do?


Dear Lauren,

One of the most difficult things in life is watching someone struggle with a health condition. It is perhaps more difficult than when we struggle ourselves. Of course, you worry about your husbands health and you can offer love and support in a number of ways. If you do the cooking, prepare tasteful, healthy meals that fit into his health plan. Encourage him to join a support group, as these have been linked to increased success rates. These groups meet in-person and online, and you can find one near you at

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition where fat builds up in the liver and it is estimated that about 100 million Americans are living with this disorder. At one time, fatty liver occurred almost always as a result of excessive alcohol intake, but with increased rates of obesity in society, the condition now occurs in non-alcoholics. If left untreated, it may lead to inflammation and damage to the liver, a condition known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Since these conditions often have no symptoms, it is important to have an annual physical exam where your doctor can order blood work to monitor liver enzyme levels.

Most people who have NAFLD or NASH live a normal life with a stable disease. However, it is possible that NASH will lead to cirrhosis, which increases the risks of liver failure and liver cancer.

Risk factors for NAFLD include obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. While most of us are familiar with obesity and diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are lesser known conditions. Insulin resistance occurs when the pancreas secretes insulin, but it cannot make it into the cells where it is needed. This, in turn, leads to increased blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, fat cannot be broken down efficiently, leaving high levels of fatty acids in the bloodstream. These fatty acids make their way to the liver but cannot be metabolized effectively, so they accumulate.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health conditions that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke). In order to have this diagnosis, one must have three or more of following conditions: high blood pressure (or taking medication for this condition), obesity, insulin resistance, low HDL (good cholesterol) or high triglycerides (or taking medication for this condition).

Currently, there are no medications to treat fatty liver disease and NASH, but the conditions are treatable. The most successful plan is weight loss and exercise. A reduction of 7-10 percent of total bodyweight has been shown to improve outcomes. It is important not to lose weight too quickly as this can make the situation worse. Your husbands physician will have him work with a Registered Dietitian to develop a meal plan that will produce a slow, consistent weight loss. My blessings to you and your husband. Please let me know how things work out.

Until next time, be healthy!

Dear Dietitian

Leanne McCrate, RD, LD, CNSC,

aka Dear Dietitian, is an award-winning dietitian based in Missouri.

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View original post here:
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and what you can do to help - Marshalltown Times Republican

Dec 23

Chia Seeds Water: 7 Health Benefits Of Starting Your Day With This Fibre-Rich Drink – NDTV News

Chia seeds benefits: These seeds are a rich source of antioxidants

Chia seeds health benefits: Chia seeds are one of the healthiest varieties of seeds that are weight loss friendly. They are rich in fibre, protein, good fats, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. There are a number of ways you can include chia seeds in your diet. You can sprinkle them in your salads for that extra crunch, or you can have them as part of nuts and seeds trail mix. Another interesting way of consuming chia seeds is by adding them into water. All you need to do is add chia seeds into water, and consume it first thing in the morning or any other time of the day.

Chia seeds are a rich source of antioxidants. These antioxidants protect sensitive fats in seeds from getting rancid. What's more is that these antioxidants offer protection to the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Also read: Can Chia Seeds Help You Reduce Belly Fat Quickly?

1. Digestion: Chia seeds are rich in fibre. Consuming chia seeds water in morning can give a boost to your digestion and improve bowel movement. A healthy digestion is an essential prerequisite to weight loss.

Chia seed consumption can be beneficial for improving digestionPhoto Credit: iStock

2. Weight Loss: Chia seeds contain high amounts of soluble fibre. This is what enables chia seeds to absorb 10-12 times weight in water, getting the gel-like consistency. Drinking chia seed water can increase feeling of fullness, slow down absorption of food, thus making you eat fewer calories and aiding weight loss.

3. Protein intake: By weight, chia seeds are made up of 14% protein. They also have an impressive amino acid profile. Protein is a macronutrient essential for both weight loss and build-up of muscles. Eating protein-rich foods can induce feeling of fullness and reduce calorie intake.

Also read: Try These High Protein Breakfast Options Which Can Help You Lose Weight

4. Heart health: Chia seeds contain impressive amount of omega-3 fatty acids-- alpha-linolenic acid or ALA. This make chia seeds good for heart health. Drinking chia seeds water or including chia seeds in your daily diet can reduce risk of developing heart disease.

5. Bone health: Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in chia seeds make them great for bone health as well. Chia seeds contain 18% of daily recommended intake of calcium. They can be considered to be a great source of calcium for people who don't consume protein.

6. Blood sugar control: Chia seeds can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. Studies have shown that chia seeds can help in stabilising blood sugar levels after meals. People with diabetes can thus benefit from including chia seeds in their diet.

Chia seeds can help with blood sugar controlPhoto Credit: iStock

7. Inflammation: High levels of inflammation is the root cause of numerous diseases in the body. A 3-month study done on 20 diabetics shows that eating 37 gms of chia seeds every day can reduce hs-CRP like inflammatory markers by 40%. Regular intake of chia seeds can thus be beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body.

Also read: This Is What Our Nutritionist Eats To Fight Inflammation

Chia seed water is definitely an easy and effective to consume chia seeds regularly. They can also be eaten raw or added to juices, puddings, porridges and smoothies. Adding chia seeds to different recipes can automatically improve their nutrition value.

However, make sure you practice portion control as excess of even chia seeds can have adverse effects on the body.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

Go here to see the original:
Chia Seeds Water: 7 Health Benefits Of Starting Your Day With This Fibre-Rich Drink - NDTV News

Dec 18

The Lowdown on Eating Low Carb – Greatist

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Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more

If one of your 2020 goals is to lose a few pounds for better health or to rock that LBD thats gotten a little snug, its best to tackle diet changes in a healthy way.

Heres the skinny: Studies in the last few years have shown us that eating fat is not what makes us fat.

Consuming too many calories of any kind causes weight gain. But swapping out processed carbs for nutrient-dense foods will make you feel full faster, which can help you avoid overeating and lose weight.

Up until 2015, common dietary guidelines suggested that 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbs. Aiming for a lower percentage gives you a few health benefits, including possible weight loss.

A super low carb diet (like the keto diet) encourages your body to go into ketosis, which is when it starts burning stored fat instead of sugar for fuel.

In a small 2003 study of teens with higher body weights, participants who ate a low carb diet lost more than twice as much weight as those who ate a low fat diet (about 9 kilograms on average versus about 4 kilograms).

Since neither group counted calories, food composition seemed to be the defining factor.

A 2006 study also found that a super low carb diet is better than a low fat diet for dropping pounds fast. And a 2004 study linked low carb diets to decreased insulin levels.

So what exactly constitutes a healthy low carb diet? Obviously, youll cut back on processed carbs (buh-bye for now, sugar and soft bread). But beyond that, youll eat more protein, veggies, and thank you, sweet baby Jesus fat.

Here are a few health boosts you might get from a low carb lifestyle:

Pro tip

Youll lose excess weight faster and feel healthier if you limit your carbs to somewhere between 50 and 150 grams per day (exact numbers vary according to your total caloric intake).

The beauty is that when youre cutting carbs, you can still smash meals without counting calories. Since fat and protein are denser than carbs like bread and potato chips, youll fill up faster. Its a food group swap, not a restriction.

Suddenly scaling back your carb intake can have some unpleasant side effects, including:

And FYI: Restricting your carb intake long-term can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, bone loss, and gastrointestinal issues and increase your risk for some chronic conditions.

Theres no one-size-fits-all carb goal. The strict diet culture of your high school years? Shake it off.

Your ideal number depends on your lifestyle and goals. If your version of getting healthy means losing a lot of weight, your new mantra is How low can you go?

If your #goals look more like lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, shoot for a moderate range.

Wanna raise your HDL (the good stuff!) while lowering your LDL (the bad) cholesterol? Your low carb goals might not be so low after all. Cutting sugar and refined wheat (the worst offenders) might be the only adjustment you need.

Here are a few more factors to consider:

If you have a metabolic condition like type 2 diabetes or obesity, its even more important to make sure youre noshing on quality, nutrient-dense foods.

Start by cutting out processed, refined carbs and replacing them with healthy fats and lean proteins. Since your body is extra sensitive to all the carb-y things, low carb might be a great option for you.

Remember to talk to your doctor or dietitian before making any big diet changes so you can rest assured youre choosing the safest, healthiest option for your condition.

Whether youre jumping on the low carb train to shed some weight or to feel healthier in general, its pretty common to drop a few pounds within the first week of cutting carbs.

But dont get too excited: Thats all water weight. The bloat has gotta go before your body starts eating into its fat stores. After week one, healthy weight loss is a slow, steady burn.

So youre convinced that going low carb is your ticket to feeling healthier this year. Youll start seeing results as soon as you nix sugar and refined wheat, but that doesnt exactly count as low carb eating.

Slashing the numbers even more sets you up for the full metabolic benefits of a low carb or keto diet: a better mood, fewer cravings, and maybe fitting back into your favorite pair of skinny jeans for good.

But remember, if you have a metabolic condition like diabetes, youre playing by different rules. Consult with your doctor or dietitian before starting a low carb diet.

If you dont have a metabolic condition, these are good daily starting points based on your goals:

Maybe youre already pretty healthy. Youre happy with your size. Youre feeling good.

But since youre always looking for ways to maximize your bodys potential, the moderate approach is a good fit for you. Youre dipping your toes into low carb living to up your healthy juju.

Your strategy:

Youre hoping to lose a few pounds to feel stronger and healthier without a super restrictive diet.

Or maybe carbs are in the #frenemy zone you end up bloated, broken out, or sluggish after eating them but youd rather repair the relationship than burn bridges.

Your strategy:

Pro tip:

Wanna see a dietitian-approved sample carb plan? Heres the scoop:

Youve got big goals, and youre in it to win it. Maybe you know you have a lot of weight to drop to get into the healthy zone. Or maybe youre dealing with obesity or diabetes. This approach is for you.

Youll really feel the metabolic burn under 50 carbs a day because this kind of eating puts your body into ketosis.

If youve listened to your friends gush about a diet full of butter, cheese, and steak, youve met the keto trend.

Its the high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet of choice for Kelly Ripa, Jillian Michaels, and Kourtney Kardashian. Oh, and Halle Berry. Even Tim Tebow has gotten in on the action.

Keto works because it reduces your calorie intake without making you feel hangry all the time.

Loading up on healthy fats and proteins keeps you feeling full while forcing your body to feed off fat-burning ketones instead of the carb-o-licious pizza or peppermint mochas its used to tapping into.

Not everyones keto journey is rainbows and unicorns, but its been a game-changer for many. If youre choosing a keto diet, talk to a dietitian to ensure youre not missing out on any important nutrients.

Getting healthy is about so much more than losing weight or cutting out one food group. Its important to prioritize quality over quantity. Regardless of your target number, aim for healthy, unprocessed carbs instead of carbs from unhealthy foods.

TBH, its not difficult to spot unhealthy carb sources. Theyre on the fast-food menu and in the checkout aisle. Theyre probably in your snack drawer at work or your pantry at home. Refined and processed carbs typically have more calories and less nutrients.

Its best to limit these:

When it comes to the healthy kind of carbs, youre looking for fiber and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

These nutritious, unprocessed foods are great fuel for your body:

Though you can calculate the exact number of carbs necessary to meet your goals, heres an easy starting point:

Read more from the original source:
The Lowdown on Eating Low Carb - Greatist

Dec 18

Time-restricted dieting can lead to weight loss, lower blood pressure – The Spokesman-Review

Intermittent fasting has shown success in helping people lose weight, but some people can find it difficult to eat normally most days and then severely restrict their food intake other days. A new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism offers an alternative time-restricted eating.

Time-restricted eating allows you to eat the same every day, but you limit the time during which you can have food to a 10-hour window. So if your first meal is at 8 a.m., your last calories for the day will need to be consumed by 6 p.m. For the next 14 hours, you fast.

The new study is small, following 19 people for three months. At the time of enrollment, all participants met three or more criteria for metabolic syndrome:

Waist circumference of 102 cm (men) or 88 cm (women)

Triglycerides of 150 mg/dL or higher (or on drug treatment for elevated triglycerides)

Reduced HDL-C below 40 mg/dL (men), 50 mg/dL (women) (or on drug treatment for reduced HDL-C)

Elevated blood pressure, systolic blood pressure of 130 or higher and/or diastolic blood pressure of 85 mmHg or higher (or treatment with an antihypertensive drug with a history of hypertension)

Elevated fasting glucose of 100 mg/dL or higher (or drug treatment of elevated blood glucose)

Participants logged the timing of their meals and sleep in the MyCircadianClock app. They were encouraged to stay hydrated during their fasting periods.

We didnt ask them to change what they eat, NPR reported Pam Taub as saying. Taub is a cardiologist at the University of California, San Diegos School of Medicine and an author of the study. Nonetheless, study participants consumed nearly 9% fewer calories.

In addition to weight loss a 3% reduction in weight and 4% reduction in abdominal visceral fat Taub said study participants cholesterol levels and blood pressure improved.

We are surprised that this small change in eating time would give them such a huge benefit, Satchidananda Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and a co-author of the study, told NPR.

When you go into a fasting state, you start to deplete the glucose stores in your body, and you start to use fat as your energy source, Taub said. You can read the full study here:

Follow this link:
Time-restricted dieting can lead to weight loss, lower blood pressure - The Spokesman-Review

Dec 18

What Is 80 Day Obsession And Can It Help You Lose Weight? – Women’s Health

In the world of at-home workout programs, Beachbody reigns supreme. Its various workouts range from 21 Day Fix, P90X, 3 Week Yoga Retreat, Country Heat...the list goes on. Beachbody programs allow you to kick your own butt into stellar shape from the comfort and anonymity of your living room, so its no surprise the programs are so popularor that the company is constantly adding to their fitness catalog.

Which brings us to 80 Day Obsession, created by Beachbody super trainer Autumn Calabrese. Her newest program promises big wins in a short period of time (a 9-pound weight loss in as little as 14 days, along with major shredding down the line) by laying out an ultra-specific plan comprised of 30- to 60-minute workouts and well-timed macronutrient meals.

But is 80 Day the right fitness and diet plan for you? Well, that depends. WH asked personal trainers and a registered dietitian what they think about the plan. Plus, Calabrese herself weighed in how she designed the plan, who she had in mind, and what she really thought about that word obsession the first time she heard it.

80 Day Obsession is a weight-loss program designed primarily for people who have a basic foundation of fitness. In other words, if youre stalling out on your current exercise routine and want to kick your results up a notch, 80 Day Obsession could be just what you need to really take charge of your weight and overall health.

There are two components to the program: the fitness regime and the timed nutrition meal plan. Some basic equipment is required, like weights and resistance bands, and there are different package options ranging in price from $39 to $160 (sometimes there are discounts available).

The exercise program lasts for 13 weeks and is split up into three different phases, each one four weeks long. At first, you work on building basic strength and balance, explains Calabrese; as you move through the phases, you start to work up to more complex movementsto work up to building more muscle massand then finally start tackling power movements for optimal shredding.

We decided to throw in that final thirteenth week as a peak week, which is something we do in the competitive world, explains Calabrese. Thats the week you get your best results.

If that all sounds fairly straightforward for a three-month fitness plan, it basically is. The big thing to know up front is that these workouts are intense right from the start. Each one lasts anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, and you work out for six days before taking a rest day. Whats more, each workout is designed to tackle a different area of fitness (like butt, legs, core, and cardio), and every week your workout gets changed up to really challenge you from one phase to the next.

I dont want people to plateau or get bored, so you never really do the same workout twice, says Calabrese. Every week youre getting something different, pushing faster and harder.

As long as youre not pushing yourself beyond your actual physical limitations, taking on a program like 80 Day Obsession can be a great way to see quick progress and to really push yourself.

The structure of the program works because you rest different muscle groups by varying your exercises daily and then getting a day of full rest, says Lynell Ross, a certified personal trainer and health and wellness coach, who adds that the six days of super varied exercise routines allows you to easily achieve new levels of fitness.

What does the 80 Day Obsession meal plan involve?

Calabrese says she always has a nutrition component included in all of her Beachbody programs, and 80 Day Obsession is no exception. And if youve ever done one of her other programs before (like 21 Day Fix), a lot here will be familiar to you.

Even if you havent done any of Calabreses programs, the nutrition piece is pretty simple: It utilizes color-coded containers (that you can buy on the Beachbody website) for different macronutrientssuch as carbs, protein, and fatsand youre generally allowed to eat what you want from your days containers at any meal.

80 Day Obsession also incorporates something called timed nutrition, where youre instructed to eat specific foods, or combinations of foods, at specific times of the day. Youre also encouraged to eat every three hours or so to avoid getting too hungry and overeating.

Basically, Calabrese's focus is on filling your diet with:

40/30/30 is a well-balanced ratio of nutrients, particularly for active people, says Danielle Schaub, RD, culinary and nutrition manager for Territory Foods. The average American diet consists of 50 percent carbs, 15 percent protein, and 35 percent fat, which is a little low on protein for most people who exercise regularly and need additional protein to repair and build muscle.

As far as the timed nutrition side of things, Schaub says that, depending on your personal goals, it can have a powerful impact on your healthbut its important to remember that weight loss can only be achieved when total calories consumed are less than the energy you expend. (In other words, when combined with a healthy diet, timed nutrition can help you control your hunger, avoid overeating, and maximize your workout efforts...but it wont make you lose weight all on its own.)

According to our experts, 80 Day Obsession features some strong qualities on both the fitness and nutrition sides.

What are the cons to consider?

There are a couple of potential downsides or challenges to keep in mind about the plan.

On that last note, Calabrese herself would have loved to see the program named something else, too. "I had the exact same feeling about the negative association with that word, she admits. Ultimately, though, Calabrese realized that its just a wordand she could make it a positive one, if she tried.

After all, it does require a certain amount of obsession to maintain a healthy level of fitness in your life. We hear that word and want it to be negative, but we get obsessed with things like TV shows all the time...why cant we be obsessed with being happiest, healthiest version of ourselves?

Okay...but should I try 80 Day Obsession?

If you are: injury-free and in good health, do not have a history of disordered eating, understand the basic principles of warming up, cooling down, and using proper formyou should be good to go.

When Calabrese first designed the program, she didnt intend for it to be used by people who had zero experience with working out or who wanted to lose a significant amount of weight. Though some people have had success jumping into 80 Day Obsession with little to no experienceand crushing their goals in the processits generally recommended that you have a baseline level of workout experience before getting started.

The reason for that really comes down to safety. A good candidate for the 80 Day Obsession Plan is a person looking for a challenging work out, but definitely not for beginners, says Ross. People can get hurt easily when they go beyond their level of fitness too quickly.

Roser agrees. This program is perfect if youve been working out consecutively for about three months, doing [strength and cardio a few times per week], she advises. It requires explosive movements and is a high intensity workout geared for people who have been conditioned to handle fast-paced movements with little recovery time.

Ultimately, if you've tried and liked Beachbody programs in the past, you'll probably be a fan of the 80 Day Obsession Planand you'll crush it! But if it sounds too restrictive for you and unsustainable, pass on this particular plan for something that better fits your lifestyle.

Read this article:
What Is 80 Day Obsession And Can It Help You Lose Weight? - Women's Health

Dec 18

How to lose weight like this 42-year-old who lost 18 kgs by tweaking his eating habits instead of crash dieting – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Fitness is not ripped muscles or abs. Fitness is a way of life a healthy life that makes you feel good everyday. For 42-year-old Narendra Firodia, losing weight was just the first step to realising this goal.

My goal was to get healthy and fit! And, I knew that to make it happen, the first step that Id have to take was - lose my bodys excess weight. This first step commenced two years ago when Firodia weighed a whopping 102 kgs.

Two years ago, as I was approaching my 40th birthday, I met Luke Coutinho, author, holistic lifestyle coach and co-founder of RESET - Holistic Living Concepts during the learning session of Entrepreneurs Organization Pune, he says. Coutinho is a well-known lifestyle coach, who forefronts healthy eating habits and wellness practices over fad diets. I had been following Luke on Facebook for a while before I saw him address the crowd in Pune that day. I had always thought that one day, when I meet him, Ill ask him to guide me on a path of holistic living, he informs.

When I finally met Luke, post the event, we went through my medical records, and consequently, I enrolled myself in Lukes one year program that was centered around eating right, exercising, sleeping and creating a balance between my professional and personal life to get started on my weight loss and fitness journey. Below, he highlights the key elements of this one year program and weight loss plan that eventually helped him lose 18 kgs and trim from 102 kgs to 84 kgs.

My weight loss plan, comprising a workout routine and a daily diet plan, was customised according to my body type. I was also assigned my own personal nutritionist, who charted a new diet plan for me devoid of wheat, milk, sugar, tea and coffee. While these food items were restricted from my diet, the new meals I started consuming werent that different from what I was used to eating.

The new diet focused more on tips for preparation of food, portion control and substituting rich and heavy foods with healthy alternatives such as Poha and Idlis, Jowar/Bajra rotis and Dal, various types of Khichdis and Soups and Salads for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Various types of detox routines also became a part of my overall weight loss plan. According to Luke and Dr Deepti Bagree, Head of Department - Healthcare Division, RESET - Holistic Living Concepts, these detox plans included foods that were easy to digest like fermented foods such as idlis, dosas, probiotic beverages like kombucha, dark coloured fruits and vegetables and makhanas, sprouts as snacks.

Apart from switching to healthier alternatives, following a monthly intermittent fasting routine also greatly helped me get in shape.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you can or cannot eat. It only focuses on when you should eat them.

There are many IF plans and patterns that you can follow, but the most effective one, according to studies is the 16:8 IF diet. The 16:8 IF diet entails one to observe a 16-hour fasting period, followed by an 8-hour eating window.

You can commence a 16-hour fast at 10:00 pm in the night, after you eat your last meal of the day and go to sleep thats 7-8 hours gone right there. You can break the 16-hour fast at 2:00 pm with your lunch and eat small meals till 10:00 pm this makes up the 8-hour eating window. Alternatively, you can also begin your fast at 8 pm and break it at 12 pm, the next day.

ALSO READ: Is intermittent fasting really worth It?

As a part of his weight loss exercise regime, Firodia used to brisk walk 12000 steps every day and also devote time to practise Yoga and functional training. Id workout 6 days/week and 1 day was reserved for rest and recovery. But I felt quite energetic on this rest day as well, as I followed what's commonly known as active rest, which essentially translates to keeping the body active by focusing on your daily routine and mundane tasks.

"Luke's team did not just concentrate on tweaking my food habits but also made sure that I slept well and that my mental/emotional health were in tandem with my physical health. Moreover, through this transformation I have become like a brand ambassador of sorts for fitness and healthy food in my hometown of Ahmednagar in Pune. I have also motivated many of my family members and friends to eat healthy and exercise daily to stay fit."

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Read more from the original source:
How to lose weight like this 42-year-old who lost 18 kgs by tweaking his eating habits instead of crash dieting - GQ India - What a man's got to do

Dec 18

Want to lose weight? Say no to dieting – The New Indian Express

Express News Service

The word diet comes from the Greek word diata, which means way of life.

But today, when we use the word diet, we think of eating less or eating selectively, very often to lose weight.

Whats interesting about diets is that they come and go. The Atkins diet, Dukan diet, raw food diet and the alkaline diet have something in common.

They were all immensely popular in their time, but none stood the test of time. At best, some of them have been around for six or seven years, but none have been seen as viable ways to lose weight.

Each one, eventually, has paved the way for another diet that has sounded even more compelling and miraculous.

Even those who jump onto the trending diet bandwagon are hardly able to sustain the regimen for more than a couple of months.

This is because none of these diets are designed for sustainability or long-term health benefits, and dont offer any more than quick fixes. Today, the Gluten-Free Diet (GFD) has a cult following, and gluten is blamed for just about every ailment, including autoimmune disorders, inflammation or weight gain.

The GFD, without a doubt, is the ideal prescription for Celiac Disease, NCGS (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) and wheat allergy. However, the rampant use of the GFD for weight loss has become a matter of concern.

The Harvard TH Chan Institute of Public Health clearly points out there is no evidence to support the weight-reducing virtues of a GFD. Yet, almost every other person I know gets taken in by anecdotal evidence and goes on to banish gluten from the menu.

Whats more worrisome is that gluten-free foods are assumed to be healthy which is why they tend to be consumed in larger quantities, leading to weight gain. Many of these GF foods are in fact highly processed, lacking in fibre and vitamins.

Like the GFD, the Ketogenic Diet was also designed to treat a medical condition epilepsy in children that did not respond to medication.

This diet comprises of 70-80 per cent fat with moderate protein and small amount of carbohydrates. Many variants of the Keto diet have been used for medical purposes and have been of benefit.

The success of Keto diets in this condition led it to be tried for weight loss. In 2018-19, the Keto diet was immensely popular for weight loss.

I expect this trend to continue in the following year. However, an editorial in JAMA Internal Medicine (July 15, 2019), mentions that enthusiasm outpaces evidence when it comes to the Keto diet for obesity and diabetes.

An editorial in The Indian Journal of Medical Research (Sept 2018) reads, these (diets) can increase morbidity and mortality in the long run.

The low-carb era surged in popularity with the Atkins Diet (a low-carb, high-protein diet). This hugely popular diet was designed to make you lose weight, but did you know that its founder died of a heart attack? Would anyone want to lose weight at the risk of an unhealthy heart?

When it comes to weight loss, moderation and sustainability are the keywords. If a diet does any of the following, make notethat it is a fad.

Promotes quick fix solutionslike rapid weight loss.

Wants you to eat in excess aparticular food group.

Wants you to cut out a particularfood group.

Tries to sell specificproducts.

Cites only anecdotes and noscientific evidence.

2020 will yet again see its fairshare of trending diets. Bewarned, and stay healthy.

Want to lose weight? Say no to dieting - The New Indian Express

Dec 18

This Simple Ingredient Has Proven Weight-Loss and Health Benefits – The Beet

Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV, hassomething of a cult following as a diet hero, complete withentire websites devoted to it as a weight-loss elixir. It's used for detoxing, curing stomachailments and even is known to cure warts. Hippocrates (c.420 BC) used vinegar medicinally to manage wounds. But the most common use today is for weight loss.

So how does apple cider vinegar help people lose weight? According to Healthline, acetic acid is the vinegars main active component which is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in your body. Studies have shown a correlation between apple cider vinegar and the regulation of fat and metabolism burn by the increased fat burn and decrease of fat storage from short-chain fatty acids.

Apple cider vinegar appears to speed up metabolism by accelerating the bodys ability to break down nutrients efficiently and quickly, giving your food less opportunity to stick -- and lowering your blood sugar levels.

You can drink a detox tea with it oreasily incorporate it into your meals, as a simple salad dressing.Apple cider vinegar consists of both malic acid and acetic acidalong withpectin, potassium, and several other minerals, and vitamins, all of which appear to be beneficial to your gut health.

It's a simple two-step process, that's very similar to how kombucha is made.

1. Crush apples and squeeze out the juice, which allows for the alcoholic fermentation process because the liquid is exposed to bacteria and yeast.

2. Once the bacteria become active, the fermented alcohol turns into acetic acid (the main active compound in vinegar).

While ACV is knownfor its bitter taste, it goes way beyond that. It can be used to cook almost anything in a pan, like stir fry, pancakes instead of butter or oil. It works to sautee meatless meatballs andratatouille. Its powerful flavor contrasts well with stovetop foods because it takes away their bitterness.Add it to your vegetable broth for more flavor and tangy taste to your minestrone soup.

Simple Tangy ACV Salad Dressing:

Place ingredients into a mixing bowl and stir it together until ingredients combine. If you want a thicker taste, add olive oil as necessary until you are satisfied with thetexture.

If you have a special recipe or specific way you like to use apple cider vinegar, email us at, we would love to share it with everyone.

Read more:
This Simple Ingredient Has Proven Weight-Loss and Health Benefits - The Beet

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