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Jan 29

Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness – Healthline

Japanese water therapy involves drinking several glasses of room-temperature water every morning when you first wake up.

Online, its claimed that this practice can treat a host of problems, spanning from constipation and high blood pressure to type 2 diabetes and cancer.

However, many of these claims have been exaggerated or are not supported by science.

This article reviews the benefits, risks, and effectiveness of Japanese water therapy.

Supposedly, Japanese water therapy gets its name from being widely used in Japanese medicine and among the Japanese people.

It involves drinking room-temperature or warm water on an empty stomach after waking to cleanse the digestive system and regulate gut health, which according to proponents can heal a variety of conditions.

In addition, advocates of Japanese water therapy claim that cold water is harmful because it can cause the fats and oils in your food to harden in your digestive tract, thus slowing down digestion and causing disease.

The therapy includes the following steps that should be repeated daily:

According to practitioners, Japanese water therapy must be done for different periods to treat different conditions. Here are some examples:

Though drinking more water may help with constipation and blood pressure, there is no evidence that Japanese water therapy can treat or cure type 2 diabetes or cancer. However, drinking more water may bring along some other health benefits.

Japanese water therapy involves drinking several glasses of room temperature water when you wake up each morning. Adherents claim that this practice can treat a variety of conditions.

Though Japanese water therapy is not an effective treatment for many of the conditions its been claimed to improve, drinking more water can still result in some health benefits.

Additionally, following this therapy protocol may result in weight loss because it can cause you to restrict your calorie intake.

Using Japanese water therapy includes drinking several glasses of water per day, helping you stay adequately hydrated.

There are numerous benefits to adequate hydration, including optimal brain function, sustained energy levels, and body temperature and blood pressure regulation (1, 2, 3, 4).

In addition, drinking more water may help prevent constipation, headaches, and kidney stones (5, 6, 7).

Most people get enough fluid by simply drinking to satisfy their thirst. However, if youre very active, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate, you may need to drink more.

Practicing Japanese water therapy may help you lose weight via calorie restriction.

First, if you replace sugar-sweetened beverages like fruit juice or soda with water, your calorie intake is automatically decreased potentially by several hundred calories per day.

Additionally, sticking to regimented eating windows of only 15 minutes per meal, after which you cant eat again for 2 hours, may restrict your calorie intake.

Finally, drinking more water may help you feel fuller and make you eat fewer overall calories from food.

All this said, research on the effect of water intake on weight loss is mixed, with some studies finding positive results and others seeing no effects (8).

There are several health benefits of being adequately hydrated. In addition, drinking more water may help you lose weight through calorie restriction.

Japanese water therapy is associated with potential side effects and precautions.

Water intoxication, or overhydration, can occur when you drink an excessive amount of water in a short period of time. Its caused by hyponatremia or low salt levels in your blood due to salt being diluted by excessive fluid (9).

Its a serious condition that can result in death, but its rare in healthy people whose kidneys are able to quickly get rid of excess fluid. People at increased risk of hyponatremia include those with kidney problems, endurance athletes, and people who abuse stimulant drugs (9).

To be safe, dont drink more than about 4 cups (1 liter) of fluid per hour, as this is the maximum amount that a healthy persons kidneys can handle at once.

Another downside of Japanese water therapy is that it can be excessively restrictive due to its guidelines on the timing of meals and eating within a 15-minute window.

If youre trying to lose weight, excessive calorie restriction can lead to rebound weight gain after finishing the therapy. Restricting calories reduces the number of calories you burn at rest and causes spikes in the hormone ghrelin which increases feelings of hunger (10, 11).

Whats more, there is a risk of overeating or eating too quickly within the allotted 15-minute eating windows, especially if you feel more hungry than normal by the time youre able to eat. This can cause indigestion or lead to weight gain.

There is a risk of water intoxication, or hyponatremia, from Japanese water therapy. Additionally, excessively restricting calories while practicing the therapy may lead to rebound weight gain once you finish the practice.

Japanese water therapy is touted as a cure for a variety of conditions from constipation to cancer, but there is no evidence to support this.

The therapy supposedly cleanses your gut and helps regulate gut health, but no existing research confirms this. Water intake has a much smaller effect on the balance of gut bacteria than other factors like diet (12).

Furthermore, there appear to be only few upsides to avoiding cold water. Cold water does decrease your gastrointestinal temperature and may slightly increase blood pressure in some people, but it will not cause fats to solidify in your digestive tract (13, 14).

Before you consider using Japanese water therapy to treat a condition or disease, you should discuss it with your healthcare provider.

Its also important to note that Japanese water therapy should not be used as a replacement for medical care from a licensed healthcare professional.

Although there are some benefits to being adequately hydrated, Japanese water therapy has not been shown to treat or cure any disease. It should not be used as an alternative to medical care from a healthcare professional.

Japanese water therapy involves timing your meals and water intake, supposedly cleansing your gut and healing disease.

However, scientific evidence does not indicate that it works.

There are several benefits to adequate hydration, but Japanese water therapy cannot treat or cure any medical condition.

If youre dealing with a condition with which Japanese water therapy is claimed to help, you should consult your healthcare provider.

Go here to read the rest:
Japanese Water Therapy: Benefits, Risks, and Effectiveness - Healthline

Jan 29

Alabama native aims to drop more than 100 pounds on The Biggest Loser –

At his absolute heaviest, Micah Collum weighed 355 pounds. And he was miserable.

The Alabama native, 24, says he stuffed himself with food to counter feelings of depression, worthlessness and despair.

I just wanted to eat myself numb, Collum says. With so many things, I just stopped caring.

When cravings hit, Collum would head to Chinese buffet restaurants, typically once or twice per day. He would wake up in the middle of the night and scarf down milk and cookies. (Oreos were his cookie of choice, Collum says, and it was easy for him to demolish two sleeves in the package.)

Fast food? It almost became an obsession.

Taco Bell was one of my favorites, Collum says. When I would go out, I would spend probably $50 on fast food.

But as his body grew larger, Collums self-esteem began to shrink to tiny proportions.

I felt like a complete failure, he says. I got hooked on bad habits. I felt like, Why even try? I probably said the word failure about 10,000 times in the past year.

Collum, a former athlete at Cleveland High School in Blount County, knew what it felt like to be healthy. He played center and nose guard on the football team, and was a power forward on the basketball team.

Collum, who stands 6 feet, 2 inches tall, describes his teenage self as big and thick and super strong. Where had that person gone? Collum wasnt sure. He desperately wanted to change to shape up and trim down but says his efforts were invariably torpedoed by self-doubt.

There were times when I dropped down 40 pounds, Collum says, but I gained it back. Fifteen pounds, gained it back. Thirty pounds, gained it back. I tried the keto diet. I tried juicing. I tried eating nothing but apples. I tried so many things to lose weight, but never could keep it off.

Collum says his family background was a factor; his parents divorced while he was growing up in Oneonta and his mother became addicted to drugs. He and his siblings often had to fend for themselves, and it was difficult for Collum to be a big brother and do the right thing.

He didnt go to college. He struggled to find a decent job. A breakup with his high school girlfriend still stung.

I was trying to find my place in this world, Collum says. Nothing was working. Maybe I thought I deserved that misery."

No longer.

Collum is taking steps to reach his dream weight -- he says his goal is 215-220 pounds -- with some help from The Biggest Loser. Hes one of 12 contestants on the USA Networks reboot of the reality series, which previously ran for 17 seasons on NBC.

The new incarnation of The Biggest Loser makes its debut tonight at 8 p.m. CT, and will air at the same time on Tuesdays in the weeks to come. Aside from a dozen weight-loss hopefuls, the show features a host (Bob Harper, who served as a trainer on the NBC version for 16 seasons) and two new trainers: Steve Cook and Erica Lugo.

The format of the reality series remains much the same -- contestants divide into teams and compete in exercise challenges, revamp their eating habits and participate in weigh-ins -- but USA says the show will dig deeper into the reasons for each contestants food issues and give them tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

We were very big on this really being about self-love, Cook told reporters during a panel discussion at this years Television Critics Association press tour. If you dont have that, you might lose weight on the show, but whats going to happen when you go home and you havent dealt with those issues? They knew its a marathon. Its not a sprint."

Several Alabama people have been featured on The Biggest Loser in the past, such as former American Idol Ruben Studdard (2013), lawyer Gina McDonald (2013), sisters Hannah Curlee and Olivia Ward (2011), and former University of Alabama football players Roger Shultz and Trent Patterson (2008). All of them lost significant amounts of weight on the series, and Ward won the grand prize of $250,000.

When I got selected for the show, I cried, Collum says during a phone interview with How does a guy from Alabama -- from the town Im from, where nothing goes on -- get to be on this show on TV?

Collum actually has some experience in the entertainment world, appearing as a background actor or extra in several movies that have filmed in Alabama. (Two fairly recent examples: Woodlawn and Run the Race.)

One of my acting friends knew I was trying to lose weight, Collum says. He sent me a link to a casting agency, but it took me a month to look at it. Finally I did, and I got an application for The Biggest Loser. I did a Skype interview and went through the process.

Other contestants on the show include a youth coach, two nurses, a lawyer, a school counselor, a former chef and a tour guide at a whiskey distillery. Their starting weights range from 242 pounds to 409 pounds. Collums initial weight is listed at 326 pounds, down from his peak of 355.

I was already trying to lose weight before I knew I was going to get on the show, Collum says, so I still had some fight left in me. ... The hardest thing for me to do was choose me. I thought: I can love everybody else, and take care of everybody else, but Ive never done anything for myself. I just finally said, Ive got to pick me this time.

Episodes of The Biggest Loser are filmed in advance, which means Collums already been through the shows boot camp and food regimen. He cant reveal his current weight -- no spoilers allowed! -- and while he can talk about the series in general terms, he cant offer specifics.

Promotional materials for the show reveal that Collum ends up on the Blue Team, which is led by trainer Cook. In video clips and social media posts, Collum can be seen lifting weights, running on an outdoor trail and helping his teammates pilot an inflatable raft.

Collum says he didnt fret about being filmed in action; his time on movie sets has given him an ease around cameras, microphones and crew members. Also, the discipline of his previous athletic training came in handy.

I knew that when it came to the workouts, Id be all right, Collum says. I was ready for that mental and physical pain. My football coach was an ex-Navy SEAL, and he made us go through a hell week at school where we stayed for seven days. We carried logs for miles. As a basketball player, I was used to running suicides on top of suicides. Going into the gym, I knew Id be ready for whatever."

His greatest fear, however, was likely to be tested by the series. What if The Biggest Loser asked him to appear without a shirt?

Ive never had abs, Collum says. Ive never had a chance to take my shirt off in public without insecurity. I used to tell people, I dont want sunburn. That was my excuse.

Viewers will have to follow the show to see if Collum transforms his life -- and dares to sheds his shirt -- on national television. He sounds confident and happy during this phone conversation, however, and says he hopes to inspire others to start their own weight-loss journeys.

I would love to share my story, Collum says. I want to help people with depression. I want to make people feel that you are worth it. You are good enough. ... One thing that sticks out for me: You feel like youre at the bottom of the mountain. I just want people to take that first step. If I can do it, they can do it. And if my story changes just one persons life, it will be worth it."

Read this article:
Alabama native aims to drop more than 100 pounds on The Biggest Loser -

Jan 29

Quick Relief for Heartburn – Home Remedies to Get Rid of Heartburn –

Many of us experience heartburn now and againpayback for gobbling one too many pizza slices on Friday night.

But if you deal with bouts of it two or more times a week, you might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus is too relaxed, letting digestive acid escape from the stomach and bubble up to create that bitter, sour post-meal sensation we know as heartburn. Over time, this can damage the esophagus, leading to ulcers, creation of scar tissue, or a potentially precancerous condition called Barretts esophagus. Start here to help tame chronic reflux.

Limit dietary items linked to heartburn: acidic, fatty, or spicy foods; chocolate; alcohol; and carbonated drinks. Other foods may also affect you. Food sensitivity varies from person to person, says Austin Chiang, M.D., M.P.H., a gastroenterologist at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals. When youre hit with reflux, jot down what youve eaten to identify which foods get the green light and which dont.

A too-full stomach makes it more likely that acid will be pushed into the esophagus, so eat small meals and pause between bites, chewing thoroughly to slow your intake and give your stomach time to digest. This can also help you lose weight, which studies suggest can reduce GERD risk.

Wait three hours after a meal to lie down: When youre upright, gravity keeps stomach acid from rising into the esophagus.

Stress and anxiety stimulate the release of hormones shown to make the esophagus more sensitive to GERD symptoms. Wind down with your go-to relaxation tactic, and get plenty of sleeplack of sleep has been associated with more severe symptoms.

Preliminary research suggests that supplements of deglycyrrhizinated licorice, slippery elm, or marshmallow root help form a mucus barrier in your throat that protects the esophagus and reduces reflux irritation. Check with your doctor before taking them: Mucus-promoting natural remedies may decrease absorption of some medications.

Prescription sucralfate (Carafate) as well as over-the-counter alginate (Gaviscon), H2 blockers (Pepcid AC), and proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium) physically block acid. Antacids such as Tums can provide relief in minutes by neutralizing stomach acid, but theyll likely wear off within two hours. Ask your doctor what regimen would work best for you, Dr. Chiang says.

If symptoms dont improve, an endoscopy can reveal more serious conditions such as cancer or determine if youre a candidate for surgery. Surgical procedures can tighten, strengthen, or thicken esophageal muscles or help hold the stomach opening closed using a flexible ring of magnets.

This article originally appeared in the December 2019 issue of Prevention.

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Quick Relief for Heartburn - Home Remedies to Get Rid of Heartburn -

Jan 29

By consuming this flour loaves, youll drop some weight quick, know – Sahiwal Tv

Many individuals chorus from consuming loaves to drop some weight. They really feel that weight is gained by consuming wheat flour bread, however if you wish to drop some weight, there isnt a want to surrender bread.

There is a necessity to vary the flour. Yes, if different grain flour is used as an alternative of wheat flour, weight can be lowered whereas consuming bread.

Bran Flour Bread

The inside golden peel of wheat known as bran and this peel comes blended with flour after grinding the wheat and its filtered and separated. If you eat bran flour bread then it is going to be filled with well being. It could be very helpful for many who are affected by constipation.

->Bran accommodates insoluble fiber referred to as cellulose. It accommodates potassium, phosphorus, calcium, cilinium, magnesium, vitamin E and B complicated. It protects in opposition to coronary heart ailments in addition to doesnt enable ldl cholesterol downside. Mixing bran with common flour reduces weight achieve. Wheat bread accommodates carbs, iron, niacin, vitamin B6, thiamine and calcium, whereas bran is stuffed with fiber. Mixing the 2 may also help stop ailments of the massive gut. It is useful in treating constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, excessive ldl cholesterol, diabetes and even excessive BP.

Millet bread

Bajra bread has 97 energy and after consuming it doesnt really feel hungry for a very long time, which helps in weight management. If you wish to management the rising weight, then eat millet bread. It accommodates nutritional vitamins and fiber that are good for well being and assist in controlling rising weight. Dr. Laxmidatta Shukla, related to, says that millet has excessive fiber content material, which helps in reducing ldl cholesterol. Fiber truly eliminates harmful dangerous ldl cholesterol from the physique and will increase good ldl cholesterol.

Multigrain Bread with Gram Flour

Many individuals have began taking multigrain flour as an alternative of conventional wheat flour. Multigrain is a mix of various kinds of flour. If gram flour is added to this multigrain flour, it is going to be higher to drop some weight. Gram has a low glycemic index, which accelerates the method of burning energy at a slower fee of sugar within the physique. Adding gram flour to your common flour or multigrain flour can enhance its dietary worth.

Barley-gram flour bread

In the meal, as an alternative of wheat flour bread, eat barley-gram flour bread. Its ratio ought to be 10 kg gram and a pair of kg barley. Mix them and grind them. Eat this dough of bread. With this, youll keep away from taking different carbohydrates and likewise wont retailer any energy within the physique.

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By consuming this flour loaves, youll drop some weight quick, know - Sahiwal Tv

Jan 27

The TREAT diet might be the best way to lose weight and keep it off, expert reveals – The Sun

IF you've already given up on your resolution to lose weight this New Year, then you're not alone.

Research suggests that by January 19, most of us will have ditched our diets - and it's easy to see why.


Many of us start the year by going full steam ahead - whether thats going to the gym seven days a week or cutting out carbs completely.

But we fall off the wagon once we realise that our new lifestyle isnt sustainable.

Yet an expert claims to have come up with a way of to lose weight for good - a "treat diet".

Dietitian Terri Ann Nunns says the answer to sustainable weight loss is allowing yourself a small treat every day.

She says: It might seem counterproductive, but a treat a day really is the way to lose weight and more importantly, keep it off.

It might seem counterproductive, but a treat a day really is the way to lose weight and more importantly, keep it off

"Deprivation and restriction might help you to lose weight quickly, but before too long your cravings will get too much and you could end up bingeing on all the food you deprived yourself.

Allowing yourself a small daily treat helps you to stay in control of your cravings and makes your diet sustainable in the long term.

"Lets be honest no one wants to swear off chocolate for the rest of their life, so its about finding ways to include your favourite treats in your diet in a way that doesnt become detrimental to your overall health.

Here, she shares her top tips on how you can try out the TerriAnn Treat Plan yourself...

A treat a day doesnt mean eating a tub of ice cream every evening - its about eating a little of something you fancy to satisfy that sweet tooth or savoury craving.

Often, a small treat is enough to satisfy those cravings, without consuming a large number of calories.

For the best results, include a single treat of under 150 calories a day into your diet.

Sweet treats for less than 150 calories

1 Cadbury Chocolate Mousse -105 kcal

20g dark chocolate -100 kcal

5 jelly babies -100 kcal

35g dates - 100 kcal

2 ginger biscuits - 100 kcal

20g sweet popcorn -100 kcal

3 x Mcvities Thins Milk Chocolate biscuits -93 kcal

1 bag of quavers -88 kcal

1 low calorie hot chocolate - 50 kcal

10 strawberries -50 kcal

1 square of dark chocolate - 50 kcal

1 shortcake or ginger nut biscuit - 50 kcal

100g pineapple -50 kcal

Staying on track can be difficult, so make it easier for yourself by planning all your meals in advance - including snacks and treats.

Knowing what youre going to eat every day in advance will not only make it less likely that youll reach for convenience foods, which are usually higher in calories and less likely to keep you full, but having a treat on the horizon will also help to keep you on track when you feel tempted.

Increase your chances of sticking to your plan by prepping food on a Sunday in advance of the week ahead and buying treats in bulk.

Lower calorie options can be harder to find so stock up to ensure you dont reach for higher calorie foods when cravings hit.

In theory a cheat day an entire day off your diet where youre allowed to eat what you like is fine, but in practice it can lead to overeating and bingeing on all the foods you deprived yourself of during the week.

This is because an entire treat day once a week can lead to an all or nothing mentality youve been good all week and you feel like you need to make up for it.

However, this can be detrimental if youre trying to lose weight, and you could easily undo all the good work of the previous week if you consume too many calories.

Instead, incorporate more regular treats into your diet but on a smaller scale, to avoid this binge eating cycle and to ensure you keep within a calorie deficit.

Be honest how many times have you bought yourself a bar of chocolate or a bag of crisps and finished the pack before youve had chance to really enjoy it?

Were all guilty of eating on the go, while watching TV or on our phones, but when enjoying a treat, its important to take the time to truly savour it.

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Mindful eating will help you to appreciate your food more, and youre more likely to be able to stop at just one small treat.

Try to eat more slowly and without distractions, and take the time to engage your senses notice how your food looks and smells as well as tastes.

Youll probably find you finish your treat feeling much more satisfied.

Read more:
The TREAT diet might be the best way to lose weight and keep it off, expert reveals - The Sun

Jan 27

If You Want to Lose Weight, Follow This Dietitian’s Simple and Satisfying Smoothie Hack – POPSUGAR

You can squeeze so much nutrition into a smoothie. You can include fresh fruit, seeds, and veggies, and if you throw in a little protein powder, smoothies make a satiating meal that's quick and delicious. But if you sip down your morning smoothie and it typically leaves your stomach growling an hour or two later, try this dietitian's hack add oats to your blender!

Registered dietitian nutritionist and NASM-certified personal trainer Whitney English Tabaie, MS, recommends her clients eat more whole grains like oats because "studies have shown that diets rich in whole grains help support weight loss and reduce inflammation," she told POPSUGAR. "They provide a hefty dose of plant protein and fiber, which aids in satiety and helps balance blood sugar levels so you stay fuller longer."

Rolled oats are a great source of slow-digesting carbs, fiber, and protein, all of which aid in that satiated-for-hours feeling. After grinding up a quarter-cup to half-cup of rolled oats in the blender, add the rest of your smoothie ingredients and blend until well combined. The result is a thicker, more fiber-filled smoothie that's sure to keep you feeling full well until lunch time.

If you want to prepare your smoothie the night before to save time and you prefer a more silky-smooth texture, try this banana oat smoothie recipe that involves soaking the oats overnight. It offers 10 grams of satiating fiber and over 14 grams of protein, and it tastes thick and delicious like a milkshake!

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If You Want to Lose Weight, Follow This Dietitian's Simple and Satisfying Smoothie Hack - POPSUGAR

Jan 24

How to lose weight in 6 months like this guy who lost 22 kg by cracking the code to a healthy weight loss plan – GQ India

A healthy weight loss plan is a combination of not just working out daily and eating well yes, sorry to burst your bubble. A healthy weight loss plan requires you to understand your bodys strengths and weaknesses and then play them up according to your advantage. Much like what 34-year-old Manav Raj did to lose 22 kg and trim from a whopping 117.5 kg to 95 kg in 6 months. I was diagnosed with multiple health issues insulin resistance with serum range (more than 25 mlU/L),high blood pressure (around 140/100 mm/HG) and fatty liver Grade 1 after an episode of muscle spasm pain in my spine, he says.

And apart from the physical damage ravaging my body, the insecurity of being diabetic compelled me to make a change and create the below healthy weight loss plan to not just lose weight but also imbibe fitness as a part and parcel of my life, he adds.

To understand the methodology of nutrition and weight loss, I enrolled myself in an online diploma from Udemy Academy, under one of their coaches, Mr Akash Sehrawat. He focuses on a long term strategy to build a healthy body composition instead of just weight loss and even how to reach the same with proper BMR and BMI calculation, muscle mass retention and a proper breakdown of the bodys fat percentage.

After understanding these concepts, Raj says that he made the below diet plan and workout regime for himself.

I started eating as per the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) of the body and in line with my circadian rhythm, I started following the 16:8 pattern of intermittent fasting.

QUICK READ: Intermittent Fasting or Keto Diet: Whats better for weight loss?

During my 8-hour eating window, Id eat a balanced diet comprising 50% Carbs and Vitamins, 30% Protein and 20% Fat. Id keep a track of my calories with the help of an app and also pre-plan my meals. Id actually tweak them daily in accordance with my activity levels.

QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?

I tried to burn a minimum of 1500 calories per day, and for the same I followed a mix of both anaerobic exercises (Dumbbells, etc) and aerobic exercises (Yoga asanas). This mixed routine was followed by walking for at least 6000 steps.

QUICK READ: 5 ways to lose weight by walking with these effective, easy-to-do health tricks

Id suggest these lifestyle changes:

- Follow a consistent diet plan and workout routine

- Avoid high glycemic index food and fatty foods such as Maida, Rice, Potatoes, Pakodas and Samosas.

- Ensure you stay hydrated. Drink around 3 litres of water daily and get ample sleep as well.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Read the original here:
How to lose weight in 6 months like this guy who lost 22 kg by cracking the code to a healthy weight loss plan - GQ India

Jan 24

Jessica Simpson recalls taking diet pills to lose weight at the direction of a music exec – The Union Journal

Jessica Simpsons weight battles have actually been well-documented, but also for the very first time shes confessing that she depended on diet pills to remain trim as well as began taking them when after a music exec informed her she was obese.

In yet one more passage from her future narrative, Open Book, Simpson states conference after that-Sony Music Entertainment top dog Tommy Mottola when she was a 17- year-old ambitious vocalist. She stated he wanted to sign me, which she mored than the moon regarding. And then he said, You gotta lose 15 pounds.'

Jessica Simpson claims she took diet pills for 20 years after a music exec informed her she was obese as a 17- year-old ambitious vocalist. (Photo: John Shearer/Getty Images for Jessica Simpson Collection )

Simpson, that had not yet finished senior high school, remembered reasoning, What? I was five-foot-three and weighed 118. She stated celebrity manufacturer Mottola informed her, Thats what it will take to be Jessica Simpson.

Hoping he would certainly assist her the method he did super stars Mariah Carey, Celine Dion as well as Jennifer Lopez, Simpson stated she quickly took place a stringent diet, as well as began taking diet pills, which I would certainly provide for the following 20 years, indicating she lastly quit taking them a long time after entering into recuperation for alcohol as well as tablet dependency in November 2017.

While Simpson did decline the weight she was asked to shed, she was depriving. It likewise was unsafe to her self-image, leading to her calling herself awful names.

Heres Jessica Simpson in 1999 2 years after she began taking diet pills to maintain her weight at 103 extra pounds. (Photo: KMazur/WireImage)

I began to listen to voices when I was alone at evening, awaiting the resting tablet to begin: Do extra sit-ups, fat butt,' she kept in mind assuming. By the time we got to the release of my second albums first single, Irresistible, I was down to 103 pounds. Everyone went on about how great I looked, but I couldnt enjoy it because I was so freaking hungry.

Simpson stated one more instruction of the tag was to show more skin.

Yahoos efforts to reach Mottola, that currently heads Mottola Media Group, were not quickly effective.

Tommy Mottola being bestowed a celebrity on the Hollywood Walk of Fame inOctober (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)

In a 2009 Vanity Fair tale regarding Simpson, both Mottola as well as Simpson mentioned their preliminary conference. It occurred in July 1997 as well as Simpson stated she was delighted not simply to possibly ink her very first significant document bargain yet since Mottola was wed to Carey, that was one of her preferred musicians. (Mottola as well as Carey had a bitter split the following year. In his 2013 narrative, he said sorry to Carey for being controlling as well as obsessive towards her yet stated, it was part of the reason for her success.) The music exec really did not conceal that Simpsons looks played a component in authorizing her to Sonys Columbia department.

She hada terrific little appearance as well asa terrific perspective,a fresh brand-new face, as well as something(******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** )bit various than Britney[Spears] as well as allof them, he informed the publication.She could actually sing.

The VF post likewise makes it clear whySimpson maintained covertly standing outdietpills for 20 years.The post was everything about whether she might change herself after 2 boxoffice flops, an undesirable nationmusic cd as well as particularly after being photographed lookingfat in mother pants.The author spoke about it beingadanger sign that photosturned up in the tabloids that revealedthe starlet, onstage, looking less than slender, holding the microphone like a turkey leg, and wearingthe pants she was mercilessly mocked for.(Fun truth:The pants werea dimension 4.)

JessicaSimpson executes at the999KissCountry24 thAnnualChiliCookOffat CBSmithPark onJanuary25,2009 inPembrokePines,Fla(Photo:LoganFazio/GettyImages)

The job interviewer took placeto explainSimpson that information in her narrative exactly how she came to be addictedto alcohol by utilizing itto mask her stress and anxiety asnervous claiming herhands trembled as well as comprehensive exactly how she boughta glassofPinotGrigioIt appearedto tranquil her.She really did not desireto speak about herweight, so,of program, thats all I could assumeof it opulent each inquiry in my mind:What are you working with currently[that youre fat]?Do you see on your own as componentofa course, withChristina as well asBritney[or are you too fat]?

The job interviewer likewise kept in mindSimpsonsextra pounds had gone back to wherever they came from, existing only in a few dated pictures on the Internet. Jessica was skinny again.

Simpsonsweight battles have actually beena story throughout her job.Her body was commemorated when she shook thoseDaisy Dukes inthe2005 movieTheDukesofHazzard, yet she was mercilessly mocked too.Nowa style magnate,Simpson constantly attributeddiet as well as workout, with her veteran instructorHarleyPasternak, never ever disclosing that she made use ofdietpills asa prop all that time.

Simpson likewise worked asa(*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** )Watchers spokesperson, making use ofthe program after having her very first 2 kids in2012 as well as2013 After the birthof little girlBirdie in2019,Simpson shed an incredible100 extra pounds in 6 months exercising withPasternak, going from240 extra poundsto140

OpenBook will certainly be out onFeb 4 as well as its currently clear that its loaded with some fact bombs.Simpson likewise tapedthe audiobook in addition to brand-newmusic that is motivated by her narrative.

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Jessica Simpson recalls taking diet pills to lose weight at the direction of a music exec - The Union Journal

Jan 24

The serious consequence of exercising too much, too fast – The Conversation US

Every 365.25 days, when the Earth completes a full orbit around the Sun, we humans have the opportunity to hit the reset button and become fitter, finer versions of ourselves. As usual for January, social media is humming with advice on how to eat better, exercise regularly, lose weight and remain healthy. We feel particularly invincible at this time of year, armed with renewed vigor and motivation to purge ourselves from previous indulgences and our couch-potato ways.

The New Year is also the time when our overzealous, instant-gratification selves emerge, and we do too much exercise too soon to make up for lost time. Exhaustive muscular work, especially following a period of inactivity, can cause mechanical and chemical disruptions to muscle cell membranes which trigger the muscle cells to burst.

I am an exercise physiologist and sports medicine specialist who studies exercise-associated collapse. I am seeing and hearing of more incidents of skeletal muscle ruptures that are causing harm in other parts of the body.

This information is not designed to scare people back onto the couch. The key take-away from highlighting these cases is to remind athletes, coaches and mere mortals that the desired physiological response to a training stimulus requires both a gradual buildup period and period of recovery in between training sessions.

The medical term for skeletal muscle cell rupture is rhabdomyolysis, or rhabdo for short. When muscle cells rupture or explode, the intracellular contents are released into the bloodstream. These cellular contents include enzymes, such as creatine kinase; electrolytes, such as potassium; and proteins, such as myoglobin.

Myoglobin, in particular, is a big, red protein that can block the kidney filtration system, or renal tubules, that serve as kidney plumbing. It also can dissociate into toxic byproducts that injure kidneys. In rare cases, too much myoglobin in the bloodstream can stop kidney function altogether, as happened with a 27-year old marathon runner who died from kidney failure.

In a study we conducted on college swimmers, we saw a cluster of rhabdomyolysis, in which six out of 34 swimmers were hospitalized after participating in a 20-minute or so arm competition to see how many pull-ups, rows and bench presses they could complete. Cases of symptomatic rhabdo, or those needing medical treatment, appear to be increasing within collegiate sports teams at an alarming rate, with the characteristic appearance seen in football players returning to January practice after a season-ending holiday layoff.

To date, 17 cases of team rhabdo have occurred from doing too much, too soon, too fast and include a variety of sports such as football, swimming, lacrosse, soccer, track, basketball, softball, volleyball and golf.

So, what about us mere mortals trying to get back in shape? Any physical activity that is either new or excessive can cause symptomatic rhabdo. Excessive gardening, weightlifting, CrossFit type activities and even a routine Army physical fitness test have triggered symptomatic rhabdo with kidney injury.

Over 90 cases of rhabdo have been documented after spinning, while 119 high school students in Taiwan ended up in the emergency room after their teacher made them complete 120 push-ups within five minutes. Thus, harmful muscle cell rupture can occur after any degree five minutes to 36 hours of exuberant and/or unaccustomed physical activity.

In combination, gradual training and appropriate recovery allow beneficial muscular, cardiovascular and body composition adaptations to occur, such as building muscle, increasing fitness and losing body fat. Our research confirms that a two-week gradual introduction into training after a layoff is required for muscle cell membranes to fully adapt to training stress.

Subclinical rhabdo, or muscle breakdown without acute kidney injury or debilitating symptoms, is common and represents the typical response to training which does not require medical treatment. However, hard exercise, especially following a layoff, with the following signs or symptoms within one to two days requires an appropriate medical examination:

There are risk factors which increase the likelihood of developing rhabdo following a workout. These risk factors include exercising in the heat, dehydration or overhydration, binge drinking, excessive coffee consumption, extreme dietary practices (vegetarian or high protein) and possessing the sickle cell trait. Both men and women can develop symptomatic rhabdo, although we see more cases in men. Smaller arm muscles appear more susceptible to rupture after five to 30 minutes of exercise than bigger leg muscles for reasons that remain unclear.

Although symptomatic rhabdomyolysis is uncommon, this emergent complication of exercise should be on everyones radar since cases are on the rise. We coaches, trainers, scientists, practitioners and others encourage everyone to reap the joys and benefits of regular exercise training. However, we caution against exercising too much too soon. Self- (or coach-) inflicted skeletal muscle cell explosions are fully preventable with adherence to smart, physiologically sound approaches to training.

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See original here:
The serious consequence of exercising too much, too fast - The Conversation US

Jan 21

Weight Loss tips: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 4 changes in his routine – GQ India

Weight loss diet plans and frantically-worded weight loss tips will only help you till a certain degree on your fitness journey and then unfortunately leave you on a plateau, which is actually quite difficult to overcome. But fret not. There are many other ways sustainable ways and habits that you can cultivate to lose weight in a healthy manner. Here, 40-year-old Rajesh B tells us how he lost 22 kgs in a year by tweaking his daily routine via the below 4 steps.

At my heaviest, I weighed 96 kgs, and wanted to lose weight to be able to play with my child freely. So I made the below small changes in my lifestyle to lose 22 kgs and trim to 74 kgs.


Avoid all things white - I started avoiding all things white, ranging from rice to sugar.


Eat an early dinner - I made it a point to get done with my dinner by 6:00 pm and to curb any late night temptations or eating again, Id brush my teeth immediately after finishing my food.


Start exercising - I consciously started cultivating good habits such as exercising early in the morning daily.


Stay motivated - I started reading motivational books to keep me going on this journey. Books such as The Power of Habit by Charles Durham helped me understand that good habits can be cultivated via three steps: a trigger, routine and reward, and from this learning, I made the below changes in my daily routine to help me further.

QUICK READ: 5 ways to lose weight by walking with these effective, easy-to-do health tricks

My daily routine comprised - waking up early in the morning and immediately drinking a glass of hot water with lemon and honey - this was also my trigger. This was set in stone by plugging in my headphones and donning my jogging/walking attire to clock in 10,000 steps. Now with both my trigger and routine in place - I started setting small rewards for myself. For example: when I trimmed to 75 kgs, I got myself a t-shirt. My new goal now is to trim to 72 kgs - then I will get myself a new cap.

QUICK READ: 6 five-minute habits to help you lose weight, gain muscle, and live a healthier life

The main thing, according to me, is to work on your daily habits, and consciously replace bad ones with good ones. Say in my case, eating (again) in the evening was one of my biggest challenges. So I added another trigger by immediately brushing my teeth. Keep yourself motivated by watching good videos and reading good books.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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See the article here:
Weight Loss tips: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 4 changes in his routine - GQ India

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