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May 2

Best supplements for weight loss: The health drink that could help you beat the bulge – Express

Supplements are dietary additions people can incorporate into their daily routine. Readily available and convenient, which supplement is the best to lose some weight?

People become overweight, mainly, because they eat more than they burn off.

Indulging in meals, snacks and sweets can be hard to say no to.

But one ingredient has been shown to suppress a person's appetite - and it's available in capsule form.

Their small study involved 11 people who took vinegar with a high-carb meal.

They had a 55 percent lower blood sugar response than those who didn't consume vinegar.

And the vinegar group ended up consuming up to 275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.

Researchers from the Central Research Institute in Japan support these findings.

Their 12-week human study involved 144 obese adults who either consumed a placebo, 1tbsp of vinegar or 2tbsp of vinegar every day.

They were told to restrict their alcohol consumption but to otherwise continue their usual diet and activity throughout the experimentation.

While the placebo group gained, on average, 0.9lb, the vinegar consuming groups lost weight.

The group who consumed 1tbsp of vinegar everyday for three months lost 2.6lb.

See more here:
Best supplements for weight loss: The health drink that could help you beat the bulge - Express

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