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Feb 6

Lose Weight Fast… It’s Possible 2012… – Video

15-01-2012 00:36 Lose Weight Fast... It's Possible 2012... In this video I show that what your mind can perceive the body can achieve... My HCG diet weight loss journey. In 1 Colin F. Watson author, speaker, and International HCG diet coach, was not always in the health and fitness coaching arena. A retired Mortgage broker of more than 25 years, Colin stumbled upon the HCG diet after gaining more than fifty pounds of fat over a four years period. The stress of the real estate market crash, and his rapid weight gain caused a bout with depression, sleep apnea disorder, the onset of type II diabetes,and exasperated his hypertension. Desperate to lose the weight and regain his health, Colin decided to try one more diet... The HCG diet. Within 37 days, he lost 43 pounds, normalized his blood sugar and blood pressure, and the sleep apnea vanished. Astonished by the results from the HCG diet, Colin began sharing his success with the diet on YouTube and in his blogs. Realizing that returning to his high school football weight was now a real possibility Colin and His wife Jayne decided to experiment with the HCG diet by adding recipes and exercise utilizing high intensity interval training workouts. His wife Jayne a retired AFFA certifies personal trainer and group exercise instructor helped Colin put together a series of exercises that chiseled and sculpted his body to something that he had not seen in more than twenty years. This was the creation of HCG Body for LIFE... To ...

Lose Weight Fast... It's Possible 2012... - Video

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