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Jun 21

Rianda House has great exercise classes for people with Parkinson’s – Napa Valley Register

Throughout different situations in life, I have always found that partnerships make both our personal and professional lives richer and more rewarding. A very strong partnership we share is with the Rianda House of St. Helena, they are a wonderful organization that offers a variety of programs and activities for older adults. In this weeks Recreation Reader column, the Executive Director of Rianda delves in the PWR!Moves class and the amazing benefits it carries for people with Parkinsons Disease.

When Joan Comendant, a local personal fitness trainer, first observed an exercise class for Parkinsons patients at St Helena Fitness Center, she was struck by how effective it was for helping people to increase their mobility and improve their quality of life. For several years, she had been teaching a restorative exercise class at the St Helena Cancer Center and had seen first-hand how deep breathing and restorative exercises have helped people deal with chronic issues. She was certain that the exercise classes for people with Parkinsons classes would be just as powerful.

So she was thrilled when she was given the opportunity to take over the Parkinsons class in 2014. She completed certification in the Parkinsons Wellness Recovery program and partnered up with Joe Burger and Rianda House to expand the program in the community.

Having now taught the Parkinsons Wellness Recovery program at Rianda House since 2015, Comendant has come to believe that exercise may be the most promising way to alleviate Parkinsons symptoms and slow progression of the disease.

While everyone can benefit from exercise, it is especially important for people with a progressive movement disorder like Parkinsons that can result in weakness, stiffness, difficulty walking, poor balance and falls, as well as impaired cognitive processing. Regular exercise bestows increased levels of fitness; a greater sense of well-being; stronger muscles and bones; healthier joints; more efficient breathing; and better digestion and blood circulation. Comendant reports that people who attend her classes can do things better than they used to: for example, all of her students can get out a chair more quickly and more times, which helps them to be more self-sufficient and able to carry on with their lives. Better posture and stronger legs allow people to pick their feet up higher so they dont stumble and fall.

Each week UpValley residents of any age can participate in Comendants weekly exercise classes in Calistoga and St. Helena, PWR!Moves and Tai Chi, which are both hosted by Rianda House. Classes are offered on a drop-in basis and at no-cost to the community, thanks to the support of a grant from the National Parkinsons Foundation and several fabulous local donors.

PWR!Moves is a movement class for those living with Parkinsons Disease, Essential Tremors or balance issues that was created by the National Parkinsons Foundation. It is designed to increase strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and posture with a goal to enhance motor, cognitive and emotional functions and daily quality of life. Comendant begins or ends each class with a seated dance that always gets the class laughing while they work on the postures and stretches needed to improve mobility. PWR!Moves is offered in St. Helena at Rianda House on Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. and in Calistoga at the Community Center on Fridays, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The Tai Chi class features a combination of slow meditative movements that aid relaxation, balance, stress reduction and posture, giving an effective total-body workout. Tai Chi is offered on Mondays, 10:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Rianda House in St. Helena and on Fridays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Calistoga Community Center.

Rianda also hosts a monthly support group for individuals with Parkisons disease or for anyone who cares for someone with Parkinsons. Bob Winters facilitates the meeting on the second Thursday of each month, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Rianda House. Each month, the meeting offers a guest speaker, support resources and information, as well as the opportunity to provide support for each other.

If you or someone you care about is experiencing mobility issues, be sure to stop by Rianda House for more information or drop in on a class. You wont regret it! As one participant put it, The classes help me gain stamina and flexibility. It is fun to be with this group of people and I look forward to seeing them. I like the all the variety of things that Joan brings to us.

Rianda House is located at 1475 Main Street in St. Helena. Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 707-963-8555 or visit the website for a monthly activities calendar:

Written by: Julie Spencer, Executive Director and Stephanie Parry, Development and Marketing Consultant.

Original post:
Rianda House has great exercise classes for people with Parkinson's - Napa Valley Register

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