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Jun 20

How to Lose Weight Fast – 14 Ways to Drop 5 Pounds in a Week

If you want to lose five actual pounds by next weekend, listen up: Losing weight fast, though possible, is almost always unhealthy. That's because aiming to lose five pounds in a week can set you up for binge-eating and fluctuations that interfere with long-lasting results, which basically defeats the whole point, right?

Its also super hard! "For most people, its very, very difficult to lose more than one to two pounds of body fat in a week," says Philadelphia-based weight-loss physician Charlie Seltzer, MD. Instead, you're more likely to shed water weight before actual fat. And while a decrease in water weight translates to pounds lost, the change is temporary, says Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, Ph.D., a registered dietician and chair of the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Hey, FYI, we're doing this SUPER IMPORTANT survey on anxiety. Do us a solid and check it out here.

Even if you do meet your goal by Friday, it's nearly impossible to keep the weight off over the long term, says Dr. Seltzer. He explains that the intense calorie restriction required to lose that much fat would make you so hungry that you'd want to eat everything in sight...because survival.

And since calorie restriction can slow your metabolism, per research published in the journal Obesity, your body will be less prepared to burn the foods you (inevitably) binge on, he adds. That could mean gaining more than you lost in the first place.

Still, there are effective and healthy ways to kick off your weight lossand, yes, it will take time!all without starving yourself, wasting money on sketchy supplements, or punishing your body with exercise.

Instead, try a few of these safe, proven tips. And remember: Youll get the best, longest-lasting results from changes that dont leave you exhausted and dreaming of pizza.

"If you expend more calories than you take in, you should lose weight," says Alicia Romano, RD, LDN, a clinical registered dietitian at the Frances Stern Nutrition Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. But you dont want to be so hyper focused on calories that you skip out on a wholesome diet, she says.

If you focus on the quality of food, theres a good chance youll eat more nutrient-dense options that leave you satiated, says Lauren Sullivan, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinics Center for Human Nutrition.

First, remember that no food is inherently good or bad, Dr. Seltzer says. And if the idea of jotting down everything you eat in a day makes you feel guilty or anxious, just skip this entirely.

That said, people who track what they eat tend to be more successful in losing weight because it raises awareness about what they're noshing on, says Dr. Mayer-Davis. In fact, a series of studies published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine suggest that those using apps to monitor their diet and activity were more likely to experience an increase in weight loss.

Obviously, these apps (you know the ones) arent going to work if you dont input everything you eat, says Dr. Mayer-Davis. You've gotta be consistent and honest about what you consume.

A 20-year study of more than 100,000 people, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found those who ate more whole grains instead of refined grains, incorporated more fruits and veggies than sweets, and preferred tea and coffee to sweetened drinks and juices, gained less weight long-term.

In another (small-ish) study of more than 1,000 people, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, researchers found those following vegetarian and vegan diets, rich in whole grains, fruits, produce, nuts, and legumes, lost more weight than dieters on other planseven the low-carb Atkins dietover the same time span.

Because fiber (like protein and fat) slows the digestion process and optimizes fullness and nutrient intake at mealtime, a plant-based diet can help you feel satiated longer after eating, says Romano.

A foods glycemic index (GI) refers to how quickly sugar from food enters the bloodstream and how slowly the food is digested. Foods with a glycemic load measuring less than 55 (i.e. green vegetables, most fruits, raw carrots, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and bran breakfast cereals) enable your metabolism to run at a more consistent pace, which can positively impact weight loss, says Sullivan. Foods that rank 70 or higher (potatoes, white bread and short-grain rice) potentially slow your metabolism, which may make it harder for you to shed weight.

In a study of more than 100,000 people, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers linked diets with a high glycemic load to increased weight gain.

The best way to support sustainable weight loss is to incorporate small changes into existing habits, according to The European Journal of Obesity. So instead of giving up your daily BLT bagels in favor of an egg-white wrap, try ordering your sandwich on an English muffin. Or say you eat a snack bar every afternoon: Swap your 300-calorie bar for a 150-calorie alternative. "When we commit to small food swaps, we actually adapt new behaviors," says Romano.

Whatever you choose, just make sure your focus is on "small manageable changes," that way youre more likely to follow through for an extended period of time, rather than just a few days or weeks, says Romano.

Eating at regular intervals during the day optimizes your blood sugar control, meaning you avoid the spike and crash that comes with eating a big meal on an empty stomach, says Romano. When you avoid eating when you're hungry, youre welcoming hunger pains, food cravings and drowsinessall of which can lead to snacking on foods high in fat and sugar.

Plus, when you run out of calories before going out to dinner with friends or satisfying a bedtime craving, youre more likely to fall victim to what Dr. Seltzer calls the "f*ck it" effectwhen you break one "rule" and give up for the rest of the night.

Dietary protein is one of the most important tools in your weight-loss arsenal, partly because you expend more energy digesting protein versus carbs and fat, Dr. Seltzer says. But its often packaged with naturally-occurring fats that amp up the calories of each serving.

Its why, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, leaner protein sources like chicken breast, white fish, and low-fat dairy have fewer calories than alternatives like bacon and burgers. Greek yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese also make smart choices.

When you combine a carbohydrate (like toast) with protein and/or healthy fats (peanut butter), it slows digestion, which makes you feel fuller than you would eating the carb alone, Sullivan says. Next time youre craving sugar, pair some dark chocolate with nut butter and call it a day.

Like protein, fiber slows the rate at which your body plows through carb calories so you feel full for longer and maintain steadier blood sugar levels, one reason why research consistently links fiber intake to weight loss. That means fibrous whole grain bread tends to be a better choice than white bread and also explains why fruits, which contain fiber and valuable vitamins in addition to sugar, beat straight-up candy every time.

Skimp on fluids, and your body will release an antidiuretic hormone that leads to water retention that could affect the scale, Dr. Setlzer says. While this sneaky effect is one reason why the scale is a poor measure of body mass loss, you can outsmart it by drinking moreparticularly if you fill your glass with water or non-calorie alternatives like unsweetened coffee and tea.

Booze delivers seven calories per grammore than carbs and protein (four calories per gram)without filling you up or delivering essential nutrients. And because it chips away at your inhibitions, it makes those French fries at the bar look way better, and that late-night pizza stop a go.

In other words? "Drinking makes you more likely to eat sh*t," Dr. Seltzer says, referring to drunk foods. At the same time, he stops short of asking patients to quit alcohol cold-turkey to lose weight. Plus, research suggests you dont have to, as long as your intake is moderatei.e., less than about a drink a day. "If you drink a glass of wine every night and notice you eat more afterward, eat less early to account for this," he says. "Or, if youre drinking four glasses of wine a week, drink three instead so youll wont feel such a big difference."

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"Anytime youre stressed, you probably go for food," Dr. Seltzer says. (Have we met?!) Thats because cortisol, the stress hormone, stokes your appetite for sugary, fatty foods. No wonder its associated with higher body weight, according to a 2007 Obesity study that quantified chronic stress exposure by looking at cortisol concentrations in more than 2,000 adults hair.

Its why no weight-loss journey is complete without a stress-management tactic: Maybe its meditation, calling your mom after work, or chilling out with music. Just make sure its hunger, not stress, that leads you to the kitchen.

"Por sleep is associated with slower metabolism, and the more youre awake the more hours you have to eat," Dr. Seltzer says. Whats more, the sleep deprivation activates the same brain receptors responsible for the marijuana munchies, according to a 2016 SLEEP study.

Although its way more fun to take up a tolerable activity (i.e., watching Netflix on the elliptical) than it is to drop tasty foods from your diet, "exercise wont help you lose weight in one week," Dr. Seltzer says.

After all, "resistance training might initially contribute a pound or two due to the bodys inflammatory response, and people who do low-intensity exercise might burn calories, but they often end up eating more or subconsciously moving less throughout the day to conserve energy," he saysand research supports the theory.

Real talk: It could take weeks or months to see the metabolic effects of exercise on the scale, and even then, building muscle, which is denser than body fat, could lead to weight gain. "Do what you like because its good for you," Dr. Seltzer says, noting the way exercise is awesome for your heart, mental health, and moreand that not all measure of progress can be seen on the scale.

In what is perhaps the biggest buzzkill of all time, sex doesnt quite count as cardio or burn a significant amount of calories: Women burn about 3.6 per minute. "Its still a good idea," Dr. Seltzer says, citing the activitys other benefits, like increasing the output of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which naturally reduce food cravings.

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How to Lose Weight Fast - 14 Ways to Drop 5 Pounds in a Week

Jun 20

Becoming a superhuman isn’t impossible. In fact, these five steps can be your fast track – The Next Web

TLDR: The Superhuman Lifetime Subscription Bundle is a five-app masterplan for honing your mind, body and soul.

Right about now, we all wish we had a few aces up our sleeve to help get through the day. A few hidden skills and abilities that can make a difference for ourselves and those around us. We might not strap on a cape or fight crime, but developing some superpowers to give us an added edge here or there isnt just comic book or Marvel movie talk.

In fact, its actually entirely doable to start stacking up superpowers like DC stacks up movie flops. With the training in The Superhuman Lifetime Subscription Bundle ($79, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals), you can reshape your body, mind and will to turn yourself into a virtual superhuman at home or the office.

Being able to learn and converse in another language is a superpower in itself and with this uTalk subscription, youll be able to add two new languages to your skillset at your own pace. The uTalk process was created by scientists, researchers and linguists, who crafted an intensive, yet intuitive method for immersing learners with native speakers and a host of app-based tools to help language acquisition come quickly and naturally. Each of their 140 potential languages have up to 180 hours of training material behind them, so between lessons, games and vital assessments, youll be fluent in your new language in no time.

Of course, one way to speed up that learning is to literally speed up. The 7 Speed Reading method leads students through basic steps that eliminate bad reading habits to help boost your reading speed up to three times fast while retaining all of it. As your pace quickens, the app keeps a close eye on how youre doing and tests your comprehension, then adjusts your lessons to help address any problem areas.

With your brain moving at a lightning pace, its a good time to dive into the massive archive that is the Integrity Training course catalog. Youll have access to literally hundreds of courses, covering professional improvement subjects that can unlock new opportunities in your career. From IT certification, project management, business skills and cyber security, to web and app development, sales and marketing, big data, blockchaining and more, the learning options are endless and all included.

With all this action happening, youll also have MindFi to help make sure your mental health is just as on point as your intellect. The app is full of science-based mindfulness life hacks like 1-minute meditations, digital detoxes, ways to chase away anxiety or turn you into a better leader, even teach you how to meditate while never closing your eyes.

Of course, looking like a superhuman should be part of the equation as well so the Fitterclub app also stands ready to whip your body into true superhero shape. From exercise regimens to nutrition programs, Fitterclub fashions your fully customized plan for reaching your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, add muscle, get cut or just get metabolically healthy, Fitterclubs approach puts you on track to achieving your personal fitness peak.

An almost $3,000 value, this five-step package to making you a human paragon is now hundreds off, just $79 while this offer lasts.

Prices are subject to change.

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Why is queer representation so important? What's it like being trans in tech? How do I participate virtually? You can find all our Pride 2020 coverage here.

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Becoming a superhuman isn't impossible. In fact, these five steps can be your fast track - The Next Web

Jun 20

Salma Hayek has the perfect fast and effective workout – HOLA USA

Not all the health and aesthetic benefits of working out are earned after spending long hours doing physical activity. This is the case for Salma Hayek, who has admitted several times on social media that she is no fan of long, mandatory workouts or dieting. So, how has she kept her amazing figure over the years?

Genetics have undoubtedly been kind to her, but the Mexican actress has also made compromises and frequently does brief restorative or Hatha yoga sessions, which emphasize breathing, relaxation and the use of bolsters and props, according to an interview with People. Its a very popular practice among yoga and fitness newbies.

This discipline will help you improve flexibility, strength and muscle tone, and is great for relieving stress. Thats why weve created this list of five poses that may help get you into this practice and reap all of its benefits, just like Salma.

So, create the ambiance Head to your living room or a calm space and find some relaxing musicmany streaming platforms have premade yoga playlistsa mat and a rectangular bolster (a pillow is a perfectly acceptable substitute). And remember that the key to this discipline is breathing: inhale and exhale slowly through your nose and try to always focus on your breaths.

Seek total relaxation by laying down on your back with your feet slightly separated. Let your heels rest on the floor and your feet fall slightly to either side. Your arms should be resting parallel to your torso with your palms facing up.

You should do this pose in front of a wall or chair. Lay down in front of a wall, lift your legs, and lean them against the wall. Your bolster or pillow should be under your hips. The idea is for it to keep your hips higher than your shoulders. Focus on your breathing. You dont have to fully extend your legs. In fact, you should make sure not to overextend the knees. Inhale, exhale, and relax. This pose is said to rejuvenate and heal.

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Salma Hayek has the perfect fast and effective workout - HOLA USA

Jun 15

Dr. Oz Says Change Your Diet to Fight Inflammation and COVID-19 – The Beet

"Do all the things that make you healthier today, like lose weight, eat more vegetarian meals and lower your inflammation by reducing the amount of meat you eat," says Dr. Mehmet Oz.

When Dr. Oz speaks the world listens. The closest thing we have to "America's Doctor," the Harvard educated heart surgeon has been helping TV audiences and millions of readers of his books and magazine to understand that we are in charge of much of our healthand with a few key preventative measures such as eating right, getting sleep, exercising, andmaintaining a healthyweightwe can sidestep many of the worst chronic diseases that plague Americans.

Heart Disease, Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes, and even some cancers, can all be abated or avoided by the dietary choices we make every day. So when COVID019 showed up and stopped life as we know it, Dr. Oz went on a full-court press to get us to eat healthier, and stop eating meat, now and for the future! Because what is good for our longterm health is also good for the short term chances of avoiding the worst of COVID-19's symptoms.

The urgent message Dr. Oz wants to get out there:You can lower your risk of life-threatening disease by changingthe way you eat.

"If you look at the people suffering the worst from COVID-19, it turns out that nearly 90 percent of those admitted to the hospital are overweight or have diabetes or are hypertensive and have chronic illnesses that they are living with.

"The first thing I tell patients is to reduce the amount of meat they eat," Dr. Oz says. "It's the biggest factor in diabetes since it causes inflammation and that is what leads to the complications of diabetes," he explains.

"Think of meat as an occasional luxury, as opposed to something you eat every day or every meal. If you want to avoid COVID-19 you need to lose weight and boost your immunity with foods that lower inflammation. Vegetables should take up most of your plate, not be thought of as a side dish."

"If people don't manage that part of their lives they will remain unable to go out during the next year," he said. "They will remain at high risk and be vulnerable. Medically that is what we are looking at." So if for the only reason alone is to be able to socially re-enter the re-opened community with less fear of a full-blown life-threatening case of COVID-19, eating healthy is the ticket.

At 60, having just turned the big birthday the day before our conversation, Dr. Oz is the picture of what healthy six decades can look like: Fit, strong and sharp, working fully and eating a mostly vegetarian diet, with not much food before dinner. Here's what he eats and his advice to you for how to live your healthiest now and in the future.

Here is Dr. Oz's best advice to be healthier in a time of COVID-19. You'll never believe what he does to his almonds.

Dr. Oz:Part of the problem with the health care system is I get only paid when you get sick. And I get paid more if you are sick. By that, I mean all doctors. We have it backward.It'sunfortunate because we are throwing away one of our biggest tools, which is nutrition. We know that eating a healthy diet is a way to solve all those things--diabetes, hypertension, obesity. Eating vegan or vegetarian is a way to solve all those things.

Dr. Oz. We have to change the nomenclature. We need tonot think of meat as cool or manly, That's the way cigarettes used to be marketed, as cool.

I want people to see eating meat as not cool. You don't have to eat meat to be cool. You don't have to eat meat to be manly. The Game Changers showed all those athletes saying they don't eat meat because it isn't as good for them as plant-based protein when it comes to recovery.

Dr. Oz. Sugar is part of the issue, of course, but meat is what creates the inflammation and that is what drives the complications. It is hard to stop eating sugar; it is found in many locations. But meat is only in meat.

Dr. Oz. People are brought up thinking you need meat or that you need dairy. These are powerful lobbies. But meat should be eaten only occasionally or as a flavor enhancer.

When people sit down to dinner, vegetables should take up most of your plate, not be a side dish. Inflammation foods such as processed food and red meat are to be avoided, whereas eating vegetarian, which is how Lisa cooks, that's how we eat at home. My wife Lisa is a vegetarian and wrote a bestselling cookbook. So that's how we eat as a family.

Dr. Oz. A little bit of meat does notcreatea big problem. If its the flavoring, or on occasion, it is not negative. Whereas cigarettes are always negative. But to attack meat eaters is not productive. It makes people retreat into their corners. I would rather tell someone to cut back.

We get nowhere when we make this into an ad hominemattack, as in, all meat-eaters are bad. That's just not productive. The point is to get people to cut back and eat more plant-based food.

Right nowit's important torecognize that I am not taking away what you love to do. I am showing the pros and cons. If you eat meat every meal, consider having meat once a day, or only two or three times a week. So if you really want to have meat have a high-quality source. But cut way back.

Dr. Oz:I don't eat breakfast. I delay my breakfast until 11 am. I intermittent fast. I have dinner at 8 pm and breakfastaround 10 or 11. When I have ia yogurt and berries, or my favorite thing is that I like last night's leftovers, like salad. Salad at 10 in the morning is great.

Lunch is 2 o'clock but almost always vegetarian. We keep vegetarian meals around the house and have a freezer full and also pantry. We do eat vegetarian all the time.

If you make it easy to cook vegetarian, then people will do it. If you have never made quinoa and black beans you might not. But we make it easy.

Dinner is the big social meal of the day. We sit around dinner for hours and my son eats meat so we will have it for my son.

Snacks:I soak almonds in water.I love radishes. I adore them. They are not sweet. But I like savory snacks. Radishes are right int the middle... they have a bite to them. You can carry them in a zip-lock bag and chew on them during the day. They're juicy. I salt them., And for almonds and walnuts overnight so they are not hard but chewy. Take a glass of water and they soak it up.

Dr. Oz:if your blood pressure is fine then I don't worry about it.Table salt is fine but it's in processed foods. There is a huge amount of saltadded to processed foods and it preserves them. If I add it to the radishes it gives it an elevated flavor profile, so there's nothing wrong with a little table salt for enhanced flavor.

Dr. Oz: Vitamin D can prevent a sore throat, and Zinc and vitamin C can shorten the duration of a cold. I would apply that to COVID-19, or any virus.But vitamin D is in mushrooms and you can get it from the Sun, andvitamin C and zinc are both in lots of foods and those you should increase in your diet.

But the bigger story is to reduce inflammation from the food you eat. Then when there is an inflammatory response to COVID-19, that is when there issuch a problem. So a diet that is high in anti-inflammation foods is healthiest. Inflammation is made worse by meat and processed foods.

Dr. Oz: Genetics plays a role. Blood type O people don't clot the same way, which is important. The blood type gene is the same gene that regulates clotting in the body and inflammation in the body. So Blood Type 0 people have fewer heart attacks.

Blood Type A people havemore heart disease, and so do Blood Type B also have the same predisposition to inflammation. Only Blood Type 0 has an advantage.

But we can emulate that through diet.It's an anti-inflammatory diet. It has huge benefits. If you do things that make you healthier and the side benefit might be that you reduce your chances of having symptoms or side effects if you get COVID-19. Losing weight and reducing inflammation benefits you today and later in life, and also in the case of COVID-19.

Continued here:
Dr. Oz Says Change Your Diet to Fight Inflammation and COVID-19 - The Beet

Jun 15

Scientists have warned of the danger of a late dinner when trying to lose weight – The Times Hub

Scientists in the study, identified the best time for dinner is among those who wants to lose weight. At this late meal is fraught with a number of unpleasant consequences for the organism, concluded the staff of the medical school at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

In the course of their work, the authors drew 20 people, who did not have health problems. In the process were monitored how the volunteers organisms digest food eaten in 18:00 and after 22:00. With sleep all the participants went to 23:00. In the end, it turned out that the same diet for dinner, consumed at different times, may differently affect the blood sugar levels and burn fat. If you eat shortly before bedtime, in the body decreases the glucose tolerance, while the volume of fat burned is reduced.

The end result in humans increases the risk of prediabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and the weight increases faster. Even more pronounced negative effects can be among citizens with chronic diseases, obesity, and if you have problems with metabolism.

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Scientists have warned of the danger of a late dinner when trying to lose weight - The Times Hub

Jun 15

Weight Loss: THIS 10 minute breathing exercise will help you to reach your goal – PINKVILLA

Weight Loss: Follow these simple and effective breathing exercises to lose weight. Read on to know more.

Healthy eating and physical activity are two best, effective and natural ways to lose weight. However, sometimes just following these two too can be tedious as results can be a little slow. To boost your weight loss regime, you can add some smart hacks. To speed up and help you to reach your goal of the desired body, you should include simple but effective breathing based exercises. Aside from the physical exercises you do, make sure to add deep breathing based ones as they can help remove excess fat.

As per a study by Hampton University, Virginia deep breathing techniques can change the brains metabolic activity and reduce body mass index. While doing them our body is filled with a more amount of oxygen than usual, which helps us absorb nutrients and accelerates our metabolism. Some breathing techniques help to massage our abdomen area resulting in faster burning of your body fat. Also, the increased oxygen intake in the blood increases our energy to exercise as well. So, if you are a weight watcher, remove 10 minutes make sure to do any one or combination of these exercises.

1. Lion's breath

This exercise can be helpful to get rid of the double chin as well. Kneel on the yoga mat, rest your buttock on the feet. Place your palms between your legs, make sure that the palms are facing in, and keep your arms straight.

The first step is to inhale through the nose, then exhale strongly through your mouth. Make a ha sound while exhaling. Also, make sure that your mouth is wide open and stick your tongue as far out as possible towards your chin. Your neck, chin, and face muscles should feel the tension. Again, inhale. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times. Follow the video to know more.

2. Boat Pose

In this simple exercise, you engage all your ab muscles. Make sure to make a proper V shape and hold the position for 15-20 minutes. And don't forget to breathe calmly. Follow the video to know more.

3. Sun Salutation

Sun Salutation aka Surya Namaskar has several health benefits including weight loss. There are 12 poses in this exercise and they are accompanied by sequenced breathing. Make sure to do them with concentration and accuracy to achieve weight loss. Follow the video to know more.

4. Kapalbhati

Kapalabhati is an excellent way to lose weight naturally and control obesity. Sit on the floor with folded legs and make sure to keep your neck and back straight. Close your eyes. Now, inhale slowly and exhale forcefully. While exhaling, your abdomen should go inwards. Repeat the procedure for at least 5-10 minutes. Check out the video to know more.

5. Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom is a great exercise for the digestive system. It also helps to balance our hormones and increases energy. Sit in the lotus position. Close your one nostril with your thumb and inhale gently through your other. Now, close your other nostril with your index or middle finger and breathe out through the first nostril which you had close. Repeat the same for a few minutes. Check out the video to know more.

ALSO READ: Weight Loss: 5 Bed time habits that will help you to hit your goals

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Weight Loss: THIS 10 minute breathing exercise will help you to reach your goal - PINKVILLA

Jun 14

Lockdown eating habits providing food for thought –

Facebook and Twitter are awash with people sharing images of their new-found home baking expertise, or telling the world how much they are missing going out for fast food while tucking into takeaways more often.

Our relationship with food particularly how our emotions impact on the way we eat is the subject of a new study led by the University of Wolverhampton.

Researchers are currently compiling data on people's eating habits during the pandemic, which they say has created the perfect setting for a "natural experiment" due to the whole country experiencing enforced social isolation.

They hope their findings will enable them to help people manage their 'emotional eating' the term used to describe when people eat for reasons other than to satisfy hunger.

It could just make us think twice about reaching for the 14" deep pan pizza or the tub of ice cream when we feel stressed out, guiding us instead towards a more healthy lifestyle.

Professor Tracey Devonport, from the University of Wolverhampton, has been working with Dr Montse Ruiz from the University of Jyvskyl in Finland and Dr Jo Chen-Wilson from the University of Northampton to develop the project.

She said: "We know that food and emotions are a big part of people's experience of social isolation.

"Recent months have seen changed access to fast food and eating out.

"People are also having to do things that create more intense emotions, such as trying to home school while working from home and facing job uncertainty, all while being separated from friends and family.

"This is an emotional time, which has created the perfect opportunity to examine the relationship between emotions and eating."

Professor Devonport has previously conducted reviews of past studies into emotional eating, finding that the majority of research has focused on negative emotions, such as anxiety.

This, she says, has led to an assumption that unpleasant emotions lead to emotional eating, which is reflected in the widespread use of terms such as "comfort eating".

On the other side of the coin is there is a link between feelings of happiness or pleasure and emotional eating.

"We are conditioned from birth to consume food around pleasant occasions, such as weddings, births and anniversaries, so it becomes a conditioned response of, 'this is going to be great, let's eat'," Prof Devonport continued.

"We have gone into this completely open-minded, because we want to challenge these preconceived notions and see if it they hold up.

"On an individual level, once we realise which of the emotions tend to be our trigger for eating, we can take steps to manage it."

Professor Devonport said one of the key issues that had emerged so far was that people don't give much thought to their emotions when they eat.

"It is a subconscious thing and they only realise what they are doing when they stop and think about it," she said.

"We're trying to get people to think about how they feel when they go to the fridge to get a snack. When you look at that over a period of days patterns start to emerge.

"We are looking to create that lightbulb moment where people realise what it is that makes them crave a certain type of food.

"This type of 'mindful' eating can have a big impact for someone who may want to lose weight, for example. If you know you eat in response to stress, you can start to think of other things you might be able to do instead when you feel that particular emotion.

"We are not saying emotional eating is bad and can be eliminated, but it needs to be part of a wider portfolio of things we use to manage our emotions."

Professor Devonport said they hope to publish a number of papers on the back of the research, with the first one looking at behavioural changes over the different stages of the lockdown. It is due in August or September.

Cultural differences will also be explored, with the survey rolled out in other countries including Australia, Canada, the USA and China.

Participants aged 18 or over are asked to complete a 10-minute survey on their eating habits, before submitting a short daily diary for six days where they reflect on the emotions that led to their strongest cravings to eat.

Visit to take part in the survey.

See the original post here:
Lockdown eating habits providing food for thought -

Jun 14

IMAGEWrites: In the countdown to salons reopening, we celebrate the power of good hair –

Having a bad hair day? Youre not alone. During the pandemic weve resigned ourselves to looking disheveled but now look forward to giving our talented yet unsung hairdressers the standing ovation they deserve

Whats the story, crowning glory?

At the beginning of the Netflix series, Self-Made, Octavia Spencer as Americas first black female millionaire Madame CJ Walker says: Hair is beauty. Hair is emotion. Hair is a heritage. Hair tells us who we are, where weve been and where were going.

Well, if Mme Walker were to see us all now shed think wed been through a hedge backwards and going nowhere fast.

My hair is, or was, my pride and joy. It didnt matter that I wasnt blessed with cut-glass cheekbones, almond shaped eyes, lightly pillowy lips or an agreeably defined jawline; I could always get a sharp style and colour to detract from my shortcomings. Hair doesnt gain or lose weight, get pimples, wrinkles, stretch marks or cellulite. Nor does it make your bum look big in this. Its whatever you want it to be.

It is also the first thing we notice about each other. In eye-tracking studies, it is external factors (hair and face shape) that help us recognise people weve met for the first time, while internal parts (eyes, nose, mouth) help us recognise people we already know. Anyone who has had a terrible blow-out, cut or colour, will nod in recognition at the findings of a Yale University 20 years ago, revealing links between bad hair and self-esteem. And the figures were highest among the guys.

Self-esteem is why women spend around 350 per year per person on salon appointments and thats just for colour, according to a Living Proof study last year and will consider dropping nearly 400 bucks on a Dyson Supersonic hairdryer. Its why African-American women spend 86 per cent more on ethnic-targeted grooming aids than white women. Its why some women are willing to risk the lives of others by offering their hairdressersthree or four times their usual payment to secretly cut their lockdown locks. Its why wigs exist for alopecia and cancer patients. Hair matters, not least when you no longer have it.

Little did we know earlier in the year, when the coronavirus seemed like a long-distant problem for other countries, that many of us would be literally counting down the days until hair salons reopen. JULY?! we wouldve scoffed, before nonchalantly adding a four-pack of Andrex to our shopping baskets. My last appointment was on February 21 and had I foreseen the swift shutdown, Id have squeezed in one last hoorah at Toni & Guy without question.

Hairdressers are, effectively, magicians, and their scissors are their wands

Eyebrows, underarms and bikini lines can all be somewhat maintained at home. But head hair? Forget it. Hairdressers are, effectively, magicians, and their scissors are their wands. Weve always known this, but now that are roots are four inches long and our fringe is in our eyes, we appreciate our hairdressers more than ever.

But it wasnt until I saw a production shot of the silent movie star Louise Brooks in the 1929 film Pandoras Box, that I met my hair hero, the bob of dreams

Once upon a time, long before influencers and reality TV- and sex-tape stars, women took their hair inspiration from music and film. My Good Hair poster girls of yore include a platinum-cropped Madonna (Girlie Tour era), Justine from Elastica (because Damon Albarn was madly in love with her so surely he could love me), Winona Ryder as per Reality Bites and Meg Ryan specifically in the film Addicted to Love, pictures of which Id give to my hairdresser in the vain hope each strand would be doggedly replicated. It rarely went to plan as the sum of its parts: in fact my Girlie Tour crop was so short and my then-wardrobe so zeitgeist androgynous that I once got mistaken for a boy while in the art college dark room.

Much later I had something my boyfriend retrospectively refers to as The Ellen Degeneres, an ill-advised Hoxton fin and, as the last person in the world to discover straightening irons, frazzled an already Dubai-parched grown-out blonde-to-brunette abomination.

But it wasnt until I saw a production shot of the silent movie star Louise Brooks in the 1929 film Pandoras Box, that I met my hair hero, the bob of dreams. It took another few decades before I dared take the plunge, deciding la Brooks looked far too fabulous and sophisticated than scruffy old me could ever pull off. Id intermittently had long hair, but with the texture being so fine, it goes entirely limp as soon as it tickles my shoulders, while a long, grown-out fringe resembles a combover. Besides, Ive always loved the feminist statement of a bob.

In Paris in 1909, the celebrity hairdresser simply known as Antoine unveiled the coupe la Jeanne dArc, a sensational pageboy bob inspired by Joan of Arc, who became a mascot for French troops during WWI. Antoines creation became a Europe-wide hit, in line with the trend for cloche hats, with Coco Chanel going for the chop in 1916.

Across the pond, the American ballroom dancer Irene Castle cut her hair liberatingly short in 1915, which became known as the Castle bob. It was deemed so scandalous that salons refused to copy such a daring, boyish look which sent these urbane young women flocking to the barbershops instead, who were only too happy to capitalise on this explosive new trend.

Salons relented and, in fact, the avant-garde hairstyle helped create a spike in the number of ladies hairdressers opening, supplying the demand for the bobs many iterations, including the finger wave, the Marcel, the shingle bob and the Eton crop.

So fashionable did the style become, F Scott Fitzgerald wrote a short story, Bernice Gets Her Hair Bobbed, for theSaturday Evening Post in 1920, and thus the flapper was born and, four years later, epitomised by his Daisy Buchanan of The Great Gatsby; the freewheeling It Girl with a penchant for the right to vote, work, smoke, drink, have sex before (and outside) marriage, drive automobiles and fly planes.

This newfound freedom among the worlds most liberal cities was short-lived, however, and conservatism creeped back after the Second World War, when men returned from the war and women were relegated to the home and child-rearing. It was no coincidence that longer, softer and more high maintenance styles made a comeback, such as victory rolls, the poodle clip (Lucille Ball) and the bubble bob (early era Jackie Kennedy).

It wasnt until the Swinging Sixties that the bob went back to its radical Roaring Twenties roots, with haircuts going as wantonly short as the decades hemlines

Fashionable women in the 1950s and 1960s emulated Doris Days bouffant and the gamine Audrey Hepburn. But it wasnt until the Swinging Sixties that the bob went back to its radical Roaring Twenties roots, with haircuts going as wantonly short as the decades hemlines. In 1963, Vidal Sassoon unveiled the sculptural five-point cut, popularised by fashion designer Mary Quant and model du jour, Jean Muir for the next generation of womens libbers. Yet again, it was a sensation.

And so, apart from a few misguided attempts at trying to nurture a hairstyle capable of Veronica Lake waves (clue: not possible), Ive embraced the bob in all its forms over a 30-year period and all the feminist history that comes with it. I finally succumbed to the short, glossy bob of dreams in 2011, smartened up my wardrobe, and never looked back. Or so I thought.

Relaxed clothes befit relaxed hair, so suddenly a power bob during lockdown while tramping about the home in Harry Styles-wide pyjama bottoms and a rotation of around four sweaters seems a tad incongruous. (That said, louche and long-line silhouettes were de rigueur among the flappers).

Its a bit of an identity crisis, after so long of suppressing my inner Louise Brooks. On the one hand I feel like Im betraying the real me by even considering sticking with a longer fringed, longer bob, to complement my slacker reboot. On the other, the Lockdown Me couldnt be any more real if she tried. Few of us have been any more elemental since we were a child and permitted to wear tutus and dungarees and Wellington boots and beads and capes and polka dot leggings, all at once.

Stripped of societal conventions and professional expectations, most of us have relaxed our once-staunch nine-to-five grooming standards, the results of which are mostly sloppy and occasionally outlandish (who hasnt had a little chuckle in front of the mirror at their motley ensemble to nip out for the milk?).

Have you heard from the salon yet? we ask our inner circles gingerly, dreading being lower down on the pecking order

That were all in the same bedraggled boat is some comfort. But now, alongside the disappointment we feel every time we see our overgrown roots in the mirror, we feel fear. Fear that weve somehow been missed off the hair salon waiting list and itll be another month before well be slotted in. Have you heard from the salon yet? we ask our inner circles gingerly, dreading being lower down on the pecking order.

At least when we were trapped within our allocated 5km, no one saw quite how bad our hair was: where once was a fulsome crown, expertly graduated into my nape, is now a vertical drop and my once-blunt short bangs has morphed into confused curtains. Now were allowed to fraternise with up to six friends in each others gaffs, we can assess and compare the collective damage.

Ive fantasised of arriving at Toni & Guy on June 29, group-hugging my stylist and colourist respectively, a bottle of champagne in one hand and juggling three coupes with the other. But, sadly, we dont live in an F Scott Fitzgerald novel. Therell be no more leisurely leafing through magazines and sipping from teacups, both of which are banned for potentially spreading the virus. Any usual banter will be suppressed by face masks, while disposable cloaks and individual-use towels will be our body armour.

But most importantly, we must ensure we bestow these hair magicians with not just the best tips that our diminished pockets permit, but the biggest smizes our PPE face masks will allow.

But at least well walk out like weve just stepped out of a salon. Because we have. After four. Long. Months.

Wonderful hair leads to wonderful opportunities, adds Octavia Spencers CJ Walker. But when youre working remotely if youre lucky to have kept your job at all opportunities seem very slim. But now we can see the light at the end of the four-phase tunnel, before the predicted second wave of infection, wed better ensure we get a robust trim and the most fade-resistant colour the salon can offer so we dont again end up with a two-tone travesty with face curtains.

But most importantly, we must ensure we bestow these hair magicians with not just the best tips that our diminished pockets permit, but the biggest smizes our PPE face masks will allow. In their absence, hairdressers have emerged as overlooked and undervalued essential workers, who keep our high streets and, crucially, our self-esteem, alive.

Read more: 5 Irish headpieces Lucy White is loving for bad hair days (and video conferencing)

Read more: IMAGEWrites: Turns out we weren't really dressing for ourselves all along

Read more: Hair Stories: Emma Dabiri on how her hair has shaped her life

Read the original post:
IMAGEWrites: In the countdown to salons reopening, we celebrate the power of good hair -

Jun 12

Knowing your BMR is crucial for losing weight — here’s how to find yours – CNET

BMR can be helpful is losing weight is one of your goals.

No matter what your goals, when it comes to nutrition and body recomposition, knowledge is power. And understanding a few key principles, like how to track macros, calories and how to exercise more effectively is especially important if weight loss is your goal.

If you want to lose body fat, gain muscle or maintain your weight, an important metric you should know about is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR is the minimum number of calories that your body needs to function at rest. You may think you only need energy to exercise or complete tasks, but your body has a specific energy need just to complete basic functions like breathing and regulating your hormone levels.

Your BMR is not in itself a tool for weight loss, but it can be a helpful starting point for figuring out how to adjust your diet and exercise goals. The problem with a lot of diets and weight loss programs out there is that they are "one size fits all." But every person is different, so taking one meal plan and applying it to multiple people just does not work. Your BMR is calculated based on several different factors that are personal to you, like your age, gender, current weight and activity level.

Keep reading to find out about what BMR is, how to calculate it and how it can help you with your nutrition and exercise goals.

BMR calculators use several different factors, like age and gender, to determine your BMR.

Many people use BMR as a starting point to calculate their daily calorie needs and how to best adjust them to reach their goals. In fact, many macro calculators, like the popular IIFYM, incorporate BMR into their calculations for telling you about your calorie intake and macro needs based on your goals.

One common misconception about BMR is that it is the amount of calories your body burns at rest, but that is a different metric -- Resting metabolic rate or (RMR). Your BMR is what energy your body needs to perform basic functions, while RMR is the amount of calories that your body burns while at rest. Some people use the measurements interchangeably, but they aren't necessarily the same thing.

There are many different calculators available online that can calculate your estimated BMR. Note that some of them will ask you to enter your body fat percentage, which many people do not know. If you don't, you can make an estimate or use the images provided (like IIFYM does) to guess.

Some of the best BMR calculators:

Once you start learning about your BMR, you will likely also find information on TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) since BMR is often calculated first to find TDEE.

Your BMR tells you your calorie needs, when you take that number plus how much you burn every day during normal activity and exercise, you get your TDEE. So really, TDEE is the number that you work off of for figuring out how to adjust macros or calories for body composition goals, according to IIFYM.

Weight loss is tricky, but using calculators that factor in your BMR are helpful for taking a more customized approach for your calories and macronutrient needs. The way that most macros and BMR-based calculators work is by factoring in your TDEE with your goals.

If you want to lose weight, you have to be in a calorie deficit, meaning the calculator will set your daily food intake to equal less calories than what you burn. Sometimes when you take an online quiz to find this number, you will be asked how fast you'd like to lose weight. Then the calorie deficit will be adjusted accordingly. The faster you want results, the more extreme you will have to be with cutting calories. But many experts say that slow and steady is optimal compared to trying to lose a lot of weight quickly.

If you want to maintain your weight instead of lose or gain, then knowing your BMR and TDEE can help you know how many calories you should aim to consume each day to maintain your weight. On the flipside of weight loss is gaining muscle mass. This too requires that you strategically approach your nutrition and add calories into your day (likely in the form of protein and carbs) to make sure you can gain muscle.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Knowing your BMR is crucial for losing weight -- here's how to find yours - CNET

Jun 12

Chamomile tea: lose weight fast; how and when to take it – Explica

Chamomile tea: lose weight fast; how and when to take it | Photo: Pexels

Undoubtedly, there are many studies that recognize the great contribution that the chamomile tea It gives the human body, especially when we talk about digestive discomforts, as well as inflammation. Its analgesic properties not only help fight pain, it also contributes to weightloss. Today we tell you how and when to take it.

The truth is that chamomile tea has become very popular to say goodbye to those annoying little rolls on the waist and, by the way, you give your bodies a break, as it has a detoxifying effect.

Chamomile tea benefits. Photo: Unsplash

Best of all, these drinks are completely natural, so you wont suffer from any kind of side effect.

Chamomile is digestive, it deflates your stomach and it is also excellent to calm anxiety, which helps eliminate cravings. Therefore, you can alternate this tea with other recipes for teas with chamomile. That is why today we will introduce you to an excellent infusion that, combined with green tea, will be a slimming pump.

Green tea is considered a great thermogenesis agent. In other words, a metabolic accelerator that helps you burn fat. It is also a diuretic and antioxidant and is one of the best natural allies that you can use to lose weight.


Very easy:

A liter of waterTwo tablespoons of green teaA tablespoon of chamomile

If you dont have the chamomile flower, you can substitute 4 chamomile tea bags.


1. Place the liter of water on the fire next to the chamomile and green tea. Bring to a boil. 2. Once five minutes have passed from the boil, turn off the heat.3. Let stand five more minutes and strain the preparation.4. Drink a 250 ml cup. hot.

From that amount of liquid, you will get 4 servings so you should keep the rest in the refrigerator. It is recommended that you drink a hot cup on an empty stomach, and one before going to sleep.

In this way, your body will be imbued with the metabolic properties to lose weight, in addition to the diuretic and digestive benefits that the combination of these wonderful plants offers you. What are you waiting to prepare this drink with powerful slimming effects?

Original post:
Chamomile tea: lose weight fast; how and when to take it - Explica

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