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Feb 13

The Weight Loss Myth of Fad Diets

'Dieting' doesn't work, but a healthy weight loss plan will help you reach your goal.

By Joanne Barker
WebMD Feature

It may seem like many of the kids at school talk about the latest popular diet and weight loss plans. These fad diets usually restrict your food choices and might require special foods, pills, or supplements, too. In return, the promise of a quick and easy way to lose weight probably sounds good. But, a fad diet will always go out of style.

"A lot of teens try every diet out there and feel like failures when they don't work," says Linda Schander, LRD, CDE, outpatient dietitian with Sanford Health Eating Disorders Institute, Fargo, N.D. That’s because fad diets are too good to be true.

Like other teens, you may jump from one fad diet to another, and another, hoping you'll find the right weight loss diet plan. But, you may not even need to lose weight.

For many overweight teens, the first step is to simply hold your current weight. If you're still growing, as you get taller your weight will spread out and that will lower your BMI (body mass index), which is a measure of your body fat. Increasing your activity, choosing healthy foods, and limiting your portion sizes will help you stop gaining more weight. And that alone could be enough.

In fact, newer science shows the whole concept of "dieting" doesn't really work for anyone to lose weight or even stay at a healthy weight. Fad diets, at best, offer a temporary fix. Almost everyone who goes on a fad diet gains back every pound they lose -- and sometimes more.

The problem is that many people think of a "diet" as short-term. But it really isn't. What works best to lose weight, scientists find now, is an overall healthy lifestyle plan. It's not just about what to eat today and tomorrow and while you're "on a diet." It's about learning how to eat well all the time. It's about how to make healthy choices that help you for the rest of your life.

Plus, fad diets fail to meet kids' nutritional needs, Schander says. The poor nutrition you get from a fad diet can cause many health problems. While you're on a fad diet, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated, having diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and headaches, or feeling tired all the time. In the long run, a fad diet could lead to weak bones, anemia, or keep you from growing as tall as you should.

A good, healthy diet, which should be part of your larger healthy living plan, is one that you -- and your body -- can live with over the long haul, not just a few weeks. It includes balanced nutrition from a variety of foods, which will give your body and brain energy to move and think. The right healthy living plan will also help you learn skills, like how to be physically active, to help you get to a healthy BMI and stay there.

How can you tell if your weight loss plan is a healthy or harmful one? Try This: Is It a Fad Diet?

Go here to read the rest:
The Weight Loss Myth of Fad Diets

Feb 8

Calories, not carbs, key to weight loss

Sydney, Feb 8 (IANS) The key to shedding pounds is cutting down on calories, not carbohydrates or proteins, especially among the overweight with type 2 diabetes, a study reveals.

The study, led by Otago University endocrinologist Jeremy Krebs, looked at whether 419 participants (aged 35-75 years) had different rates of weight loss over two years when they were given two low fat diets; one involving high protein intake and the other high in carbohydrates.

"We decided to do this study as weight loss is very important in terms of control of blood sugar levels and many people with diabetes are seriously overweight," Krebs was quoted as saying by the the journal Diabetologia.

"However, there has been a lot of medical and public debate about the best way to achieve this, and which diets may be the most effective over the long term," said Krebs, according to a university statement.

The two groups of moderately overweight people with diabetes were prescribed the specific diets supported by 18 group sessions with a dietician, while also using food diaries to track their eating and weight loss progress.

The final results showed that there was no significant difference in weight reduction between the low fat/high protein and low fat/high carbohydrate diets after two years of the study.

Both groups lost weight which was related to the total calorie intake going down with the low fat diets, indicating this was the driving factor in weight loss.

"We certainly did achieve a modest weight loss, of two to three kilos, in both groups, but essentially there was little difference between the two diets," said Krebs.

"This confirms that the solution to weight loss over the long term is reducing energy intake; that is the amount of calories someone eats on a daily basis," concluded Krebs.

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Calories, not carbs, key to weight loss

Feb 6

Lexapro anxiety – Video

19-12-2011 16:46 Link to online store 14 Oct 2010. the nervous system, and the finding could eventually lead to new treatments for conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 13 Aug 2010. Migraine information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological...

Lexapro anxiety - Video

Feb 6

Diet Doc Announces Weight Loss Incentive for 2012 American Heart Month

Diet Doc announces weight loss incentive for 2012 American Heart Month. The weight loss incentive is primarily for those with high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems that can lessen due to obesity, high cholesterol and triglycerides or anyone looking for a heart healthy diet.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 06, 2012

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss announces an incentive for those looking for a heart healthy diet. Diet Doc's heart diet was recently created in an effort to help those with cardiovascular problems due to obesity, and/or high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.

February is American Heart Month and time to raise awareness around one of the most important ways to prevent heart disease though healthy weight management. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the CDC, obesity, high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure are all main risk factors for heart disease. A BMI greater than 30 is considered overweight, with obesity starting at a BMI greater than 30. To support the 2012 American Hearth Month, Diet Doc is offering a $25 discount for new patient consultations for any new clients with a BMI (body mass index) greater than 29 during the month of February.

Diet Doc offers a free online tool to calculate your BMI to see if you qualify.

The initiative is intended to help people jump start a heart healthy lifestyle during this years American Heart Month. Even just a 5-10% reduction in body weight can have an impact on lowering the risk of weight related diseases such as heart disease. Losing weight can also help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which are also major risk factors for heart disease.

“At DietDoc we see many clients with metabolic syndrome, whose blood panels show the red flags associated with heart disease from high insulin, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. By reducing visceral fat and attaining a healthy weight these clients are able to reverse many of the risk factors associated with heart disease,” says Dr. Rao, medical director for Diet Doc. “Without addressing abdominal fat stores, cardiac patients face an uphill battle because of the impact of this type of fat has on heart disease.”

Diet Doc does not support the 500 calorie version of the HCG diet because of the increased risk of nutrient deficiencies and mineral imbalances which can be associated with it. Calories are instead based on starting metabolism and fitness levels which makes it safer to follow for people at risk for heart disease. This is especially true with increasing insulin sensitivity which commonly accompanies heart disease. Diet Doc also gives includes a specially formulated protein shake with chromium and selenium to further control blood insulin levels and carbohydrate cravings along with providing frequent protein calories through the day.

Diet Doc uses a doctor supervised ketogenic diet, which puts the body into a state of fat metabolism which has been shown to modify the risk factors of heart disease in obese patients. In combination with the diet, a prescription hCG weight loss program modernized using updated nutritional science is implemented and patients are able to achieve and sustain long term weight loss.


Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
Email Information

Read more from the original source:
Diet Doc Announces Weight Loss Incentive for 2012 American Heart Month

Feb 6

Master Cleanse Results! =-) – Video

08-01-2012 00:45 Main Channel: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Here are some links about the Master Cleanse: -D Tags- digestion problems no vitamins nutrients harmful to your body and health its not natural DO NOT TRY THIS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the rest here:
Master Cleanse Results! =-) - Video

Feb 6

The Weight Is Over [2011 Pt. 1 of 3] — Penn State Hershey Surgical Weight Loss – Video

13-12-2011 10:07 Patients, physicians and staff of the Penn State Hershey Surgical Weight Loss program discuss important issues related to bariatric surgery.

Original post:
The Weight Is Over [2011 Pt. 1 of 3] -- Penn State Hershey Surgical Weight Loss - Video

Feb 6

My new LONG TERM weight loss plan. 2/5/2012 – Video

05-02-2012 11:40 This is my new long term weight loss plan. What I have been doing so far has been a great short term weight loss plan but it is no good for long term. I am increasing my calories per day and adding exercise. I need to find something that I can do for 1...2...3 years and be happy. If you have any ideas or concerns about my plan please let me know in the comment section. I am always open to ideas. A vlog about my weight loss. Started this journey on 1/21/12 at a weight of 373lbs. I am losing weight the simplest way possible... by counting calories. Please subscribe and like the video. If you have any questions send me a message and I will reply as soon as possible.

Read the original here:
My new LONG TERM weight loss plan. 2/5/2012 - Video

Feb 5

Atkins Diet Recipes Low Carb Coconut Cream Pie How To Lose Weight Safe – Video

26-10-2011 19:30 DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY NOW FOR FREE.... Dreaming about loosing weight quickly? Treadmills and weight vests certainly can help" Tens of thousands of men and women in more than 141 countries are now enjoying the lean and muscular bodies they never believed they could have. The best part is, they did it without drugs, supplements or starvation diets, and without messing up their metabolisms... The Real Secret To Permanent Fat Loss is NON-STOP MOTIVATION! Here is the TRUTH about creating long-term weight loss tips! There is "no such thing" as a good, bad, right, wrong, perfect, or imperfect weight loss strategy, approach or program! There are only "different kinds" of weight loss strategies, approaches and programs that "suit" different kinds of people! Check out this link and try this program for remarkable changes that will going to happen to you right now... How Atkins Diet Help In Losing Weight? Atkins Diet is a system that enables our body to lose weight in a natural way by inducing a change in metabolism. Our body is capable of burning both fat and carbohydrates to provide the energy required to function properly. Carbohydrate, in the form of glucose, is the first fuel used to provide energy to our body. Dr Atkins suggests that when we reduce our intake of carbohydrates significantly, our body convert from burning carbohydrates to burning fat as fuel. This process is known as lipolysis. The secondary result of this process is ketosis. When fat ...

Originally posted here:
Atkins Diet Recipes Low Carb Coconut Cream Pie How To Lose Weight Safe - Video

Feb 5

Fat people eat when they are bored, what are you going to do now that you are Skinny – Video

30-11-2011 17:26 and http Fat people eat when they are board. What are you going to do now that you don't spend all that time thinking about food. New Years Resolutions are totally new. eyou changes everything says the LA Skinny Coach, Tiffany Wright, Ph.D. I have learned how to lose weight, how to overcome compulsive overeating and binge eating. Does not matter if you are an emotional eater or a carb addict or a sugar addict you can lose weight fast by abstaining from sugar and flour and getting psychological rewiring of your brain will make the difference. If you have tried Weight Watchers, Sugar Busters, Overeaters Anonymous or South Beach and are still fat - try eYouDiet

See original here:
Fat people eat when they are bored, what are you going to do now that you are Skinny - Video

Feb 5

Retrofit – How it Works – Video

22-11-2011 12:59 An approach to weight loss that focuses on long-term results; a multi-disciplinary team of experts; 10%-15% weight loss; Internet-enabled devices; live Web chatting; and a year-long program designed to produce sustainable, healthy weight loss. That's Retrofit, and that's the information that Vis-a-vis Creative weaved together in this "How It Works" video for the Retrofit site, at

Go here to read the rest:
Retrofit - How it Works - Video

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