Apr 25

How to avoid these common weight loss mistakes for Indians? – Times of India

Its alluring to want to dive into the most extreme exercise & diet efforts to lose weight and get in shape fast. Most people do this. This is also why most people fail & give up.

Apr 25

Nutritionists list worst foods to eat while trying to lose weight – Nottinghamshire Live

Many people will agree going on a diet is no easy task, especially with the amount of unhealthy temptation around us, whether that be at the supermarket or while browsing takeaways on our phones.

Apr 17

10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight – Eat This, Not That

Most dieters would agree that losing weight is almost always an exasperating process. Not only that, but following a diet while pursuing a social life can be nearly impossible. If you feel you're doing all things right on your weight loss journey and still not attaining positive results, then listen up

Apr 17

Diet expert shares 3 fruits that can slow down weight loss – ‘avoid’ for faster results – Express

For the remaining five days they are under no calorie restriction but also enjoy a moderately low-carb Mediterranean diet.

Apr 6

Giving up sugar isn’t the only way to lose weight – mid-day.com

Giving up sugar probably won`t improve your health more than eating fewer ultra-processed foods, more vegetables, preparing your own meals, and cutting back on added sugar Sugar was a happy factor in our grandparents* extended lives and active lifestyles. The lifestyles they lived did, in fact, affect how stress-free their lives were as they aged. The journey to lose weight does not stop with cutting out sugar

Mar 29

Heres how you can lose weight effectively in 10 days – Lifestyle Asia India

According to research by the World Obesity Federation, more than half of the worlds population will be overweight or obese by the year 2035.

Mar 20

Avoid these intermittent fasting mistakes for weight loss: researcher – Insider

If you're trying to lose weight with intermittent fasting, common mistakes like eating junk food can leave you feeling deprived and stall your progress. Crystal Cox/Business Insider Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool to help you burn fat and lose weight while feeling less hungry, but you're probably doing it wrong, according to a weight-loss researcher. To get the most out of fasting, pay attention to what you're eating first, saidDr

Mar 12

Is menopause making me put on weight? No, but it’s complicated – The Conversation

Its a question people ask often: does menopause cause weight gain? Women commonly put on weight as they enter menopause.

Mar 4

Ozempic and Wegovy for Weight Loss: What Foods To Eat And Avoid – TODAY

Weight loss with Ozempic or Wegovy comes with a logical, but potentially jarring change in eating habits. Both medications contain semaglutide, which mimics a hormone that tells the brain youve had a meal. Patients taking the drugs feel less hunger and they can experience side effects such as nausea, affecting how much food they can tolerate.

Mar 4

Man Eats Only McDonald’s For 100 Days To Lose Weight: What a Dietitian Thinks – TODAY

Eating fast food to lose weight might seem like an oxymoron, but one TikTok user is causing quite a stir with his surprising weight loss strategy. After he recently hit 238 pounds, 56-year-old business coach Kevin Maginnis of Nashville, Tennessee, announced his plan to eat only McDonald's for three meals a day for 100 days straight in an effort to shed some pounds. In the viral TikTok video, Maginnis called his weight absolutely unacceptableand said he planned to slim down by limiting his portions and eating only half of each McDonald's order.

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