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Jun 5

What is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

What is the best way to lose weight? Are you confused? It's bad enough that reaching and maintaining your ideal weight is such a challenge, but does it have to be so confusing too?

So how do you figure it out and discover what really is the best way to lose weight?

Some say low fat, high carb. Some say low carb, high fat. Some say you should count calories. Others tell you counting calories means you're obsessive. Some say the best way to lose weight is to eat only healthy foods, while others tell you to eat whatever you feel like eating whoops!

And many say "diets" don't work at all. But of course that's ridiculous!

The Proven Best Way to Lose Weight

Diet is what you eat and human beings have to eat to live. So everyone's on some kind of a diet. Whether or not it's a good healthy diet or a junk food diet, you're on a diet!

And your diet either keeps you slim, healthy and looking good or not.

When people say, "diets don't work," they mean temporary or fast weight loss diets. And then it's true. Temporary diets only give temporary results. They don't work in the long run.

The best way to clear up any confusion is to listen to those from the National Weight Control Registry who've lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for at least three years. Here are the seven essential guidelines proven to be the best way to lose weight.

1. Make permanent changes. Permanent healthy weight loss requires knowing how to change habits permanently! Most people who lose weight regain it only because they go back to old eating and lifestyle habits. So you must begin with a commitment to creating new healthy habits.

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What is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

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