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Nov 10

"Effective Ways To Lose Weight" With Protein! – Video

"Effective Ways To Lose Weight" With Protein! Effective ways to lose weight by focusing on protein portions sizes! This tips is about remembering your portion size for protein. You #39;ll probably be surprised by this one, and now you #39;ll understand another one of the most effective ways to lose weight! Just so that we keep it simple, we #39;ll talk about the appropriate portion size just for protein today. Many things have protein in it, but some good examples are Meat, poultry, fish, and legumes. So how big do you think a normal portion of meat is? Is it the 24 ounce porterhouse steak that can you order at a normal restaurant, how about 16, 12, or 8 ounce portion. Well you probably know because I #39;m asking. Those are all ridiculous portion sizes, they #39;re literally blown way out of proportion to what your body really needs. A normal protein portion size is 2-3 ounces, or the size of a deck of cards. So if you order a 16 ounce steak that #39;s literally more than 5 times the amount of protein you need at that meal. Crazy isn #39;t it? So Think about the last time you went out to eat and had a steak, piece of chicken, or meat from a burger. I #39;m pretty sure it was probably at least double the amount you should have had at that meal. There are many things that can trick you into eating much more than you want. Plate size and color, the arrangement of food, massive portions that you #39;ve become accustomed to, cost, and much more. There are millions and millions of dollars spent figuring this out every year. And most of ...From:TheLeanYouViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:55More inHowto Style

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"Effective Ways To Lose Weight" With Protein! - Video

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