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Jan 11

Guest Commentary: How to achieve your New Year’s resolution for healthier habits and a healthier weight – Pine Island Eagle

Many view the start of the New Year as a reset and a chance to better themselves, and this year is no exception. Let it be your time to shine and focus on creating healthy habits that will benefit your body both mentally and physically. Starting a healthy diet is the key to feeling your best, achieving your goals and having more energy. Doing it safely will give you results that can last for years to come.

Diet fads and diet pills might help you lose weight quickly, but they are not made for sustainable and lasting results. Here are some tips to succeed in your New Years resolution, whether its to lose weight, have more energy or just practice healthier habits.

What is a healthy weight?

Achieving a weight goal thats advantageous to you shouldnt be about following a diet or program. It often starts by aiming to lose weight, but keeping the pounds off works best when it becomes a lifestyle paired with healthy eating patterns, stress management and regular physical activity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with gradual, steady weight loss (about one to two pounds per week) are more likely to keep the pounds off than their counterparts who lose weight quickly.

Sleep, genetics, age, diseases, environments and medications may also play a role in weight management. If you are thinking about going on a diet or are concerned about your weight, make an appointment with a dietician to discuss a weight loss plan that works best for you.

What is a healthy diet?

There are always going to be fad diets and they are especially popular this time of year. A healthy diet is one of natural, unprocessed foods. This means saying no to pre-packaged meals and snacks.

A healthy meal plan provides the body with all the nutrients and minerals it needs to function at optimum levels. This is why people often feel better and have more energy after theyve been consistently eating a healthy diet and living a healthier lifestyle.

As a good rule of thumb, its recommended to eat plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables, and foods that are low in sugar and salt. Healthy fats are good for you and include olive oil, other plant-derived oils and fish. Processed snacks can also be replaced with an apple, banana with peanut butter, pistachios, almonds or another delicious and healthy alternative.

To achieve the best overall results, a healthy diet should be paired with regular physical activity and overall healthy habits, such as proper stress management.

What should I do to prepare for this healthy diet and lifestyle journey?

Before you dive into the journey of creating healthier habits, its important to be in the right headspace to give yourself the best chance of success.

Think about why this is important to you and make a commitment. For some people, it helps to write it down. Consider your current habits and track your sleep, physical activity and take stock in what you eat and drink every day. Also, think about your lifestyle and identify any barriers to creating healthy habits and how you can overcome them. For example, you may stop at fast food restaurants because you dont always have time to prepare healthy meals. One change you could make is to discover easy recipes to make ahead of time or there could be healthier grab and go options you could try.

Make sure you set realistic goals and continually monitor your progress. Setting easy short-term goals along the way helps boost confidence. It could be as simple as losing some weight and better controlling your blood pressure. Overall, they should be realistic, specific and open to a little wiggle room to make sure that they are achievable.

A dietician will customize a patients diet, so they are eating the best possible foods for their goals while considering any other health factors.

Please make an appointment with a dietician if you have any questions or are interested in learning more about your optimum health. For more information, please visit

Leigha Messner is a nutrition manager with Lee Health

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Guest Commentary: How to achieve your New Year's resolution for healthier habits and a healthier weight - Pine Island Eagle

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