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Oct 15

Atkins Carb Counter May Offer Greater Long Term Weight Reduction According To A 2012 Study

A study done earlier this year at the Boston Children's hospital showed evidence that a diet that is low in carbohydrates may contribute to sustained weight loss. The Atkins Carb Counter can help dieters to reach this goal of long term weight loss.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) October 15, 2012

This is because those put on a low carbohydrate diet have higher metabolic rates even while resting. In effect, those on this type of diet burn more calories, even when they are not exercising heavily or actively trying to lose weight. Total energy expenditure was higher for those patients on a very low carb diet overall, which means that they were burning more calories, as opposed to most low-fat, low-calorie diets which eventually lead the body to burn fewer calories. The Atkins Carb Counter helps those wishing to obtain these benefits by allowing them to judge how many net carbs they are consuming on a daily basis.

The Atkins Carb Counter includes the nutritional information on thousands of different food products, including drinks, baked goods and even fast foods. By looking up the foods that they are eating, individuals can keep track of their Net Carb consumption, which is the amount of carbohydrates in a food item, minus the fiber.

The Atkins Diet, named after its creator, Robert Atkins, has been a popular diet since Dr. Atkins first published his books on the Atkins Nutritional Approach starting in 1972. At the height of its popularity in 2003-2004 it was estimated that one in every eleven American adults was on the diet. While these numbers have decreased since then, the diet has continued to remain a popular way for dieters to lose and maintain weight.

While there are numerous principles to the nutritional approach, eating a diet that is low in carbohydrates is a defining characteristic. The study by Dr. Atkins concluded that once the body has received enough carbohydrates to remain functional, any additional carbohydrates will raise blood glucose levels and result in weight gain. However, if fewer calories than the body needed were provided, the body would have to burn fat in order to make up for the low blood sugar levels.

The Atkins Carb Counter allows individuals on the diet to stay within their target carbohydrate deficit level so that they can lose weight. Eventually, dieters will be able to increase their carbohydrate intake until they find their unique tipping point where they can consume just enough carbohydrates to maintain their ideal weight and not gain weight. A full Atkins Carb Counter review provides more information.

Darin Blue Internet Income University 949-212-9195 Email Information

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Atkins Carb Counter May Offer Greater Long Term Weight Reduction According To A 2012 Study

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