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You're reading 7 Ways You Can Improve Your Concentration, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Concentration and memory are the two key focus points for every individual. When you are concentrated, your memory automatically improves as you are able to retain the information for a longer period of time.

Having a sharp memory and good concentration power is useful to people of all ages and all professional domains, whether a student or a CEO. Do you not wish that you could have the memory of an elephant who never forgets anything? So, in this article, we are going to discuss some similar tricks and methods that you can use in your daily life to improve your concentration power and in turn, memory.

Before you plan to beat me up, listen. Mind games are an amazing method to improve your concentration.

Moreover, it is more effective when you are playing these games offline rather than opening a new tab and searching for the best mind games to improve concentration.

A to-do list is probably the simplest thing that you can do. With the availability of almost everything over the internet, we are now the people who take out the phone and ask Google everything right then and there. But, what about after that?

Also, have you ever noticed that once you ask your Google assistant whats the weather like tomorrow, you are browsing through your Instagram feed before you realise it?

So, create a to-do list that you can paste right in front of you. Keep it in your view and you will be saved from getting distracted.

You dont need to be a sage almighty or you dont need the peace of nature with a waterfall and chirping birds so that you can meditate peacefully.

Meditation can be done right at your home, at your desk! You just need to calm and focus. Play relaxation music, but take care to not fall asleep. Close your eyes and focus on the one thing that motivates you to go on about your day.

It can be anything, some fictional character, your girlfriend, your parents, money or any other thing. You dont need to pack your bags and depart for the Himalayas but work here and now.

A lazy body is the devils abode. You should not even cry that you have such a poor concentration when all you do the entire day is eat pizza, drink beer, watch tv and sleep.

The first step to a healthy mind is a healthy body. Dust off the shoes in the shelf, put em on and go jogging. Watch yoga tutorials on YouTube and learn the techniques that will open up the jammed parts of your body.

When you start exercising, you will not restrict your energy to your body but channelise it and allow it to flow. Hence, it will improve your concentration and your memory significantly.

I know it hurts but this is actually a way you can improve your concentration power and your focus. It is natural that the person want feels the need to juggle so many tasks at once and try to complete them all at once. Though the capabilities of the human brain are not fully known, we do not know very well that how can multitasking become more efficient.

Hence, for the time being, avoid multitasking and focus on one thing at a time. Rather than trying to complete 5 different works with your 20% efficiency, allow your 100% efficiency on one single task.

There is a phrase I am fond of phones are getting smart and humans dumb. This is really true. If you ever look around yourself, you will see that everyone is busy with their necks down and thumbs moving.

These smartphones and other gadgets affect our brain directly and hamper with our decision making capability, our judgment and our concentration.

Whatever be the thing, we simply ask Google assistant to save a reminder. We ask Alexa to create our to-do list for the day. We need to set birthday reminders for the people who are close to us! Such dependency on technology should be reduced and the brain should be made to function more and more.

Trust me, your concentration will improve significantly after a couple of weeks when you start remembering everything and not your phone.

Every human has a preferred learning style with which they learn everything. Whether you remember better and focus more during a video or by hearing something. Once you identify this, your concentration will improve.

What happens is that you will be able to identify which style of learning suits you more. As a result, you will automatically strive to focus more when your preferred learning style is available. See, your concentration improved.

These 7 tips are easy to incorporate in your daily lives as a way to improve your concentration.

This post is written by a qualified psychology professional who is an Australian assignment help expert at My Assignment Help OZ and has a five years of experience in nursing and psychology.

You've read 7 Ways You Can Improve Your Concentration, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

The most critical and challenging period of addiction recovery, according to the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, is the first 90 days. It is during this period that a newly recovering addict is overwhelmed with rebuilding his life from the ground up. This includes facing disregarded responsibilities, fears, and emotions from the past. The pressure []

The post How to Cope with The First 90 Days of Addiction Recovery appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

You're reading Ancestry DNA Tests Dont Always Find What We Expect, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Advances in DNA testing in recent years has made tracing your family tree accessible to the masses, prompting millions to go down the route of discovering their lineage.

But what people find is not always welcome. The results of genetic tests are life-changing, but in some cases people are left wishing theyd remained in blissful ignorance.

Ancestry DNA tests help people to discover their genealogy by taking just a small amount of the subjects DNA, with some of the best ancestry dna test sites claiming that they can reveal a person's family tree and ancestral homeland for a fee.

The most popular is the aptly-named AncestryDNA itself, from whom you can currently order a kit online for $79. All you have to do is spit into a tube, send it back for testing and analysis and you'll receive your results in 6-8 weeks. Your results are also kept indefinitely, so at any time you can log on to view and update your family tree.

It can perhaps be one of life's most rewarding experiences, providing enormous perspective, but finding out everything about your family's past means finding out about the bad stuff too. And the extreme's of that are what people aren't prepared for.

Most people who attempt to trace their genealogy are open-minded and curious, whilst also incredibly excited that science and technology can now give them the tools to unpick their family tree.

But excitement can often mean viewing certain things through rose-tinted glasses. Going through the intimate and very personal task of tracking your family tree is a warts and all experience and has to be treated as such.

Weve all seen the TV shows that unveil shocking things about celebrities past and it can do the same for you.

There are people who find out that their ancestors were adopted, or that someone was conceived as the result of a sperm donor, or maybe that they were the result of an illicit affair.

There are occasions when people discover that a family member in the not too distant past was a very unsavoury character, a serious criminal perhaps.

Of course in many cases it can unveil traits which could well be passed down generations, for example alcoholism or other forms of addiction. Perhaps even an illness or disease that is hereditary. In this case it can be even lifesaving to review your family tree.

There have been a number of cases where this has happened, allowing family members to get checked early and prevent and manage what could eventually be passed down.

Thats an extreme case though. A much more common issue for people from smaller families is that they get introduced to cousins they never knew they had and then don't quite know how to deal with it.

On the other side of the coin, not everyone wants to bring up the past and have their world turned upside down either. Imagine a biological father who is completely unaware that a one night stand more than 20 years ago resulted in a pregnancy.

Imagine being the sperm donor who had expected anonymity and had been used to it for decades, starting a new family in later life only to have someone claiming to be their offspring turning up at the door.

Ultimately though its all part of your history and only adds to your story and heritage. For all the bad, there will also be good and for all the heartbreak, there will be plenty of pride over what your family has achieved.

Its perhaps not for the faint hearted but if your curious or have a little insight into your family history already, then it could well be worth going full steam ahead.

Tracing your ancestry can be a marvelous journey, but you should be prepared to find absolutely anything!

Just remember, you may not like every discovery that you make.

You've read Ancestry DNA Tests Dont Always Find What We Expect, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Planet Earth has more than its share of magnificent spectacles, many of which tourists queue to see. Earthly wonders like the Niagara Falls and spectacular man-made miracles such as Egypts pyramids are fascinating for sure, but they keep our feet and imaginations planted firmly on the familiar ground. Postcards, textbooks, and holiday brochures make us []

The post Alien Landscapes: Places on Earth You Should Totally See appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

You're reading A Wee Wiggle in my Journey to Family, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Many of us have faced depression, struggled with low self-esteem, and other debilitating mental health challenges. My own journey with depression was a result of growing up with a rare blood disorder and being told I could never have children of my own. This completely changed my dreams of what family and life meant. Years later I suffered with a rare soft tissue sarcoma, yet, baffling the best of doctors, I survived. Im a tough nut to crack!

My book, Falling into Faith, A Journey to Freedom, is a candid and honest account of my journey. I detail the struggles of living with constant pain and disease, and the power associated with learning to forgive and break free from the heavy chains that encumber and prevent us from moving forward.

No one gets through this life without pain and suffering. The key is to use those challenges toward growth and success. Little did I know the many children God planned to bless us with. The setback I suffered proved to be just a wee wiggle in my journey to family. My husband and I have been mom and dad to forty-nine young people, and we are now proud grandparents. Im healthy, happy, and free from depression!

The family God gave us faced painful and emotional battles. Some suffered with depression, bipolar, eating disorders, learning disabilities, etc. My own struggles gave me the ability to help our family and others. Its also the reason I became a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Motivational Speaker, Author, Comedian, and Chaplain.

As a mental health professional, Ive seen painful and debilitating effects caused from depression and other mental health disorders, but there is hope! Im joy-filled proof change and mental stability is possible. To all who know and love me, stop laughing!

A positive change began for me when I embraced faith. I went on a quest to discover what I believe and why. I questioned everything that effected my thoughts and behaviors. Along my sojourn, I discovered a destructive habit I developed over the years. My focus seemed fixated on the ever-present negative circumstances, instead of the positive day-to-day joys.

To experience genuine and authentic results in your personal and professional growth, a person must be willing to self-evaluate and stand up to the giants in their life. Then comes the challenging part: A purposeful decision to change your thinking and actually choose to do something about it! Its not a journey for the faint of heart. Breaking free from long-standing habits that hinder progress is filled with obstacles and uncertainty. Take a step of faith and refuse to give up. As you begin seeing positive results, defeat and negativity will no longer dominate and control your existence.

One of my certifications is in Rational Living Therapy (RLT). It is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is highly effective when helping a client with depression and other mental health challenges. RLT is a motivational therapy. It effects positive change and utilizes empirical research in the areas of linguistics, cognitive development, learning theory, general semantics, neuro functioning, social psychology and perceptions, and linguistics.

Utilizing this method, we will analyze three common viewpoints on the subject of depression shared by mental health experts. Understanding is important in the healing process.

Common Viewpoints Concerning Depression Shared by Mental Health Experts

I. The causes of depression are not fully known; however, studies show it is most likely a combination of the following:

A. Genetic and Biological: Some types of depression tend to run in families, suggesting a genetic link; however, depression can occur in anyone. What often appears to be inherited is a susceptibility toward depression.

B. Medical Causes: Diseases affecting the brain, such as, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia and Alzheimers. Chronic pain or disability can trigger depression. Particularly when physical problems cause major changes to someones lifestyle. Depression is often common in diseases affecting the immune system, such as, Lupus. Also hormonal imbalances contributes to depressed moods and fatigue.

C. Lifestyle Factors: There are three major lifestyle factors usually common in those diagnosed with depression: Lack of exercise, poor diet, and substance abuse.

D. Environmental Factors: Life stressors, such as: relationship issues, finances, death of a loved one, or illness can cause depression. Environmental factors encompass actual physical surroundings, along with cultural and social background situations.

II. Thinking is a common pathway to depression. Learning to control your thought life or what some experts call, pathway of thinking, is a powerful tool in preventing the onset of depression.

III. There is no one answer for what causes depression, yet there appears to be four main pathways: Physiology, Stress, Learning, and Thinking.

Now that we understand what mental health experts agree on in regards to depression, lets turn our focus on application and how to overcome the strongholds preventing healing.

Depression is a battle! It focuses on all things negative and destructive. When someone is suffering with depression, they may be living and breathing but they do not feel truly alive. One of my patients described it this way; I felt invisible, as though I barely existed; however, I watched other people living their lives.

Proverbs 18:21 became a powerful tool for me while fighting depression: The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. I realized the first thing I needed to change was my mouth. I began to watch and weigh the words I spoke. My words affected my choices, and this ultimately perpetuated a positive and lasting change.

Let me save you $150 an hour therapy bill and share some key things that are vital in starting your journey to a healthy mind. Grab pin and paper. Your work is about to begin.

There is no shame in seeking help. Talk to someone you trust. Our brain is an amazing organ but just like other organs in our body, it can become sick and in need of healing.

You have value and worth. Go forth boldly and become all you are meant to be!

About Dr. Donna Grant Wilcox, MTH, CBT, PhD

Dr. Wilcox is a cognitive behavioral therapist with a Ph.D. in Christian counseling with certifications in cognitive behavioral therapy and rational living therapy and a non-denominational interfaith licensed chaplain with a masters in theology who is self-employed under Donna Wilcox Ministries. She recently released her entertaining and inspirational memoir, Falling into Faith: A Journey to Freedom and works as a hospice chaplain with Namaste Hospice and as a counselor and motivational speaker for Heartbeat of a Woman, located in Colorado. Also, a Christian comedian known as Southern Sass Florabama, Dr. Wilcox volunteers her time weekly in nursing homes and assisted living homes, providing music therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy tools for patients with Alzheimers and dementia and serves her community as a volunteer counselor for victims of sexual abuse, at-risk youth, marriage and family, and mental health disorders. For more information about Dr. Wilcox and her new book, please visit

You've read A Wee Wiggle in my Journey to Family, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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3 Mindset Shifts Needed for Long-term Weight Loss - Your ...

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