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Feb 10

What’s the Mediterranean diet and how can it help me lose weight and feel better – ABC Life

Unlike many diets, the Mediterranean diet doesn't promote a specific step-by-step eating pattern or menu planner.

Instead, it offers an over-arching philosophy to lifelong healthy eating habits.

A number of studies into the traditional diet of the people from the island of Crete, in Greece along with other Mediterranean populations have found this diet particularly beneficial for good heart health.

Over the years, there have been numerous translations of the diet and it's increasingly being used as a means of controlling weight as well as improving overall health.

We've examined seven popular diets to find out what you can eat and whether they work.

Breakfast: A hard-boiled egg, bread topped with tomato, red onion, cucumber, herbs and olive oil, plus yoghurt with honey.

Snack: A small handful of almonds.

Lunch: Soup made with white beans and vegetables, sprinkled with crumbled feta, wholegrain bread, and some apricots (fresh or dried).

Dinner: Grilled fish with lemon and herbs, roasted vegetables, and one glass of wine.

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The Mediterranean diet is often promoted for its proven benefits on heart health and reducing the risk of diabetes.

But it is also gaining recognition as an effective tool in weight management, especially when coupled with portion control or kilojoule reduction.

It is a balanced diet as there are no restrictions on major food groups.

Thinking about trying a new diet? Before you do, read this advice from Dr Sandro Demaio.

Meanwhile, the consumption of red meat is low from a couple of times per month (traditional Cretan diet) to small portions of less than 100g a few times a week (modern translations).

It is not a prescriptive diet and for many people, the lack of menu planners and step-by-step eating patterns may make it difficult for them to get motivated.

There are Mediterranean and, in particular, Cretan cookbooks, but it's up to you to devise your own weight loss steps and goals and to devise your meals according to the basic principles and the Mediterranean diet pyramid.

However, this has the advantage of making us think about our food choices.

This is general information only. For detailed personal advice, you should see a qualified medical practitioner who knows your medical history.

This story, which was originally written by Pamela Wilson and published by ABC Health and Wellbeing, has been reviewed by Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM, nutritionist and visiting fellow, School of Medical Sciences, University of NSW, in 2019.

What's the Mediterranean diet and how can it help me lose weight and feel better - ABC Life

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