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Oct 6

is it safe to lose weight while pregnant | BabyCenter


I personaly think its fine. With my third daughter I weighed 165 when I got pregnant. I ate right and walked during the pregnancy and after i had her I was down 2 sizes and was 20 pounds lighter. She was healthy and weighed 8 pounds at birth. I ate small healthy meals and walked alot!

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I ate healthy as possible! Minimal carbs (one serving aka 15grams and had maybe 2 per meal and 1 at snacks) lots of fresh foods only, if I wanted a big greasy burger I made it myself instead of burger king and such, lots of fiber, low fat dairy, and lean proteins made me lose 40lbs throughout my pregnancy! I didn't gain ANYTHING just lost! My Dr. was actually happy since I started overweight already and my baby was 7lbs and he was healthy as can be, I exercised as much as I could (prenatal workouts, long steady walks -since we walk slower now! and using dumbbells for arms only-biceps/triceps not a big workout) I didn't strain or stress myself if I was tired I slept instead of working out and one thing that made a major difference was I drank ONLY water and low fat milk! I was amazed and it helps you lose weight too after the baby is born!!! (I limited junk food to one serving per day of whatever I wanted to limit sugar baby was getting)

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My grandmother swears the most she ever gained with any of her children was 12 lbs. She didn't eat a lot more than normal. All of her children were born healthy and are very intellegent adults- one has an MBA, one is a Physical Therapist, and my mom is a Pharmacist... I think it's fine to lose weight as long as you don't "diet"- just don't over eat and when you do eat- eat healthy and excercise (walking, swimming). I gained 60 lbs with my first child (my grandmother was horrified), and I can say that I was very unhealthy. I ended up with preclampsia and pre-gestational diabetes around 36 weeks. I am pregnant now and have not gained any weight. I am already 40 lbs over weight and it wouldn't be good for my baby for me to gain a lot of weight. There are some new studies that say it's okay to even lose weight if you start your pregnancy while overweight/obese. If you are healthy and active, and you aren't starving yourself, then I think it's fine to not gain a lot of weight.

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oh ya its perfect... with my first my beginning weight was 247 and i kept losing weight during the pregnancy.. after i had bradley i weighed myself the next morning. i had lost 38lbs!!!

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Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant. I started my pregnancy overweight. About 5 months before I got pregnant I started a healthy diet (low carb, whole grains, more fruit and veggies...) and I lost 25 pounds. I got pregnant and went off my diet...and gained about 12 pounds by week 20. Then, I got back on my diet, not to lose weight but to be more healthy, and lost a few pounds. Is that safe?

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This is not an answer to this question at all. I just wanted to see other answers to this question, so thank you to everyone for these answers. We just found out last night that I'm 6 weeks pregnant. 4 months ago I was 40 lbs overweight, and today I'm down 20 pounds. It's so calming to know that I can continue to lose, or at least maintain, and be healthy/have a healthy baby. These first 12 hours have been scary and filled with a lot of... scariness. Thank you.

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I am now 27 weeks pregnant with my second child. Baby number one is now 10 and a half months old. When I was pregnant with him I gained 60lbs and hadn't managed to lose all the baby weight before I got pregnant again. However, I have yet to gain any weight during this pregnancy and have actually lost some. With my first pregnancy I ate whatever I wanted and wasn't too active. This time around I am eating better and walking/jogging. The weight loss is perfectly normal in that sense. As long as you are eating healthy and taking care of yourself then don't worry about it. I honestly feel my weight gain with my first child was unhealthy. I weighted 138 in the beginning and at my last weight in I was 198lbs (ouch!) Now I am almost to my third trimester and I weigh 168lbs and it seems the scale either goes down or does not move every day. If you go from an unhealthy/inactive lifestyle and decide to take care of you and your baby while your pregnant then the results will be weight loss!

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my first pregnancy, 12 years ago, I ate what I wanted when I wanted and gained a staggering 75- 80 lbs!! still haven't lost all of that weight!!!!!! I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant last week and have cut out the majority of junk food except the occasional craving. I have lost almost 5 lbs in the first week - but I have eaten very healthy foods. fruits veggies, lower fat dairy items, lean meats. so it isn't that I am NOT eating, its just that I am NOT eating ice cream, cookies, candy and chips galore (Like i was before)!!! 🙂 I think its fine as long as you aren't "dieting" and eating healthy foods!

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my doctor prefers not to see weight gain in the first half of the pregnancy in average or overweight moms. I am 28 weeks and down12 pounds. I am also measuring 2 weeks ahead in fundal height and baby measures perfect on ultrasound!

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Before I found out I was pregnant I had lost 40 lbs. But as soon as I received my official preggo announcement from my doctor I started gaining weight that day. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and have gained 40 lbs. This is bad! But the good news is I have started to cut back and am expecting to be at a healthy weight by the time I deliver my daughter. Weight Gain is all in the mind. Lost 2 lbs in 4 days already, hoping to continue to drop.

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is it safe to lose weight while pregnant | BabyCenter

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