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Feb 19

Near tragedy sparks fitness craze

ST. ANSGAR - When a car suddenly struck champion cyclist Dale Blakestad while he was riding his bike a few miles from his home in St. Ansgar in August 2010, few would have guessed it would be the catalyst for a local fitness craze. 

Blakestad survived serious injuries that included a severe concussion, broken vertebrae and broken ribs.

But by November of that year, he was trying to figure out how he would get back on his bicycle by the next spring.

His neighbor, Mindi Vervaecke, had participated in indoor cycling classes held in Mason City and thought it might be the way for Blakestad to speed his rehabilitation.

With assistance from Wayne's Ski and Cycle of Mason City and the St. Ansgar State Bank, Vervaecke was able to secure five indoor cycling bikes and an inexpensive space - in building space behind Farmers State Bank - to hold classes.

Vervaecke spread the word that she was starting indoor cycling classes in St. Ansgar. Interest grew before the classes began, and Vervaecke quickly found more bikes - some borrowed from class participants - so that 10 people, plus an instructor could ride at one time.

Classes started on Jan. 3, 2011, with six different groups riding two days per week.

One year later, the St. Ansgar Saints Spinning (SASS) group has about 180 people participating in 30 class times offered each week. Over 250 people are on a SASS email list and jump into classes as openings show up on the online scheduling calendar.

Seventeen instructors volunteer their time to lead the weekly classes. The group owns 19 bikes, although only 15 are typically used during each class, with the others used as backups for extra riders or breakdowns.

The $3 fee per class has helped pay for the additional bikes and parts, as well as a remodeling of the space where the classes are held.

The room now boasts bold black and red colors, mirrored walls, wall-mounted fans, a new sound system and disco lights. Several of the indoor cyclists donated labor and materials to assist with the remodeling process.

The cyclists in the group range in age from 16 to 72 and include married couples, cancer survivors and a legally blind woman who would not be able to ride a bike outside.

Cycling classes are typically intense workouts but a few classes offered each week are geared toward low-intensity riders. Occasionally the group offers free classes for children.

SASS has held different themed weeks to benefit charities, including donations to the Mitchell County Food Bank and Toys for Tots.

On Saturday, Feb. 25, the group will hold 15 hours of indoor cycling classes for $20 per class to raise money for the Lyle Area Cancer Auction. All 210 spots that day have been filled, meaning the group will raise $4,200 for cancer research.

Vervaecke said she is pleased with the progress SASS has made in the last year.

"I never dreamed that helping Dale recover from his injuries would have resulted in this," said Vervaecke. "It is just amazing the number of people that are sharing his passion for cycling and making themselves healthier in the process."

One of those healthier individuals is Stephanie Duckert, one of the volunteer instructors. She began cycling in an effort to lose weight but experienced much more.

"In just a few months I had lost weight and greatly improved my health, but I am more excited about finally finding a type of exercise that I actually like and look forward to," said Duckert.

"And the people who have participated in the classes have developed this great camaraderie. We compare ‘war stories' about how difficult some of the routines have been and we talk about our favorite songs to bike to."

As for Blakestad, he is still going to physical therapy, but recovered from his injuries enough to bike competitively last summer, competing in two time trials and a 26-mile road race.

He came in first place in one of the time trials and finished in second place in the other two events.


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Near tragedy sparks fitness craze

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