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Jun 23

Wake up feeling great – Chaffee County Times

How we feel when we wake up in the morning can tell us how healthy we are overall.

Our bodies display many symptoms throughout the day and night that show us what adjustments need to be made in how we care for ourselves.

Waking up with stiff joints, puffy eyes, a stomach ache or still being tired is the bodys way of telling us something is off.

Getting to know our symptoms is a fascinating step towards being our own health detectives and figuring out what changes might help.

Food as a modulator of wellness

Our society overlooks food as an important component of optimal health.

Mainstream medicine spends almost zero time thinking about nutrition and its impact on our health. Big food companies, schools and hospitals sell food that is toxic and lacks nourishment as if it were wholesome.

No wonder everyone is confused about the proper role of food in maintaining and regaining health.

Foods undeniable connection to health

I work in this forgotten realm where food is appreciated for its undeniable connection to human health.

The food we eat builds every single cell in our bodies and makes every single amazing function possible.

From waking up in the morning to sleeping soundly at night, from glowing skin, immune function and hormone regulation, to digestion and high level thought, a wholesome diet makes it all possible.

Malnutrition, stress and toxic load

Much of what people struggle with, from serious chronic disease to general malaise, is a combination of malnutrition, stress and toxic load.

Even those who are overweight often suffer from malnutrition due to the lack of nourishment in todays packaged foods. The frantic feeling of never being satisfied can be alleviated with targeted nutritional therapy.

Simplify. Detoxify. Regenerate.

Simplifying your diet, removing stressful foods and toxic triggers is the first step in helping the body function optimally.

Take notice of foods that cause negative reactions in your body like hives, swelling, joint pain, gas or headaches. Avoid them for a few months and see what happens.

Take note, simplifying the diet is not necessarily easy at first, but specialized strategies can help.

As the bodys stress burden is eliminated, feed yourself abundant nourishing foods. The body will detoxify and regenerate. You will notice the organs and systems spring back to life.

You will notice mornings become easier and more delightful.

Wholesome, plentiful diets

In general, I recommend a diet that is very low in processed packaged foods, and high in fresh, wholesome foods.

Fresh veggies should make up a significant part of your diet, along with humanely raised, pastured or wild animal products, some fruit and if tolerated, properly prepared grains and legumes.

Most people should be eating far more healthy fats than they do now.

These include lard or animal fat from healthy animals, egg yolks, raw full fat dairy if tolerated, and fatty fish. Other great sources of fat are coconuts, avocados, olives, nuts and seeds.

Summer is a great time to take charge of our health

Enjoy the local abundance available throughout the season. Pile your plates high with beautiful, fresh, wholesome, colorful unprocessed foods.

Allow abundant nourishment to color your summer with the contentment that can only be found when you are well nourished. Wake up feeling great and make the most of summer.

Liz Morgan, NTP is a Nutritional Therapist with a nationwide clientele. She lives in Buena Vista and supports her clients back to health with therapeutic diets. She helps people simplify, detoxify and regenerate for optimal wellness. Contact Liz at

Wake up feeling great - Chaffee County Times

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