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Dec 7

The perfect fast – Times of India

The most common questions we receive regarding fasting, whether intermittent or dry or both is:

How to fast right?Align your dinner as close to sunset as possible, say by 6.30-7 pm (or whenever the sun sets in your area) and go on till next days sunrise (6.30-7 pm), giving a complete 12-hour fasting to your body and allow it to perform functions like repair, recycle, rejuvenate, detox, reduce inflammation. This is a nature-made pattern of fasting and not man-made its the most perfect way to fast because it aligns us with the circadian rhythm/biological clock of nature.

Its easy for us humans to abuse fasting and make it a fad. We party late and then decide to start intermittent fasting at 2 am. The next day we have another social event and once again the pattern repeats. This way even if we are fasting, we may not be gaining any benefits because its in no way aligned to our circadian rhythm, plus the body needs more time to clean up all that alcohol and far from healthy food. Ideally, our body doesnt need so much time to clean up and detoxify. It can do everything in a shorter frame of fasting which is 12 hours. The more toxins we add to our system, the longer we may have to fast. How is this sunrise to sunset fasting beneficial? Every human being has a built-in biological clock. The time we wake up, sleep, eating patterns, digestion, hormonal secretions work according to our clock. Its not a physical clock like a watch that dictates how your life should run according to external circumstances like meetings, programmes, social calendars. Our biological clock works according to nature like sunrise, sunset, sunlight, changes in weather.

Once we start respecting our biological clock and live in sync with it, half the things we do today in order to get healthy, lose weight, look good, will automatically happen.

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The perfect fast - Times of India

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