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Apr 12

Coronavirus in Scotland: Nutrition tips and what to eat and drink during lockdown – HeraldScotland

Diet and exercise have become hot topics during lockdown. How do we stop ourselves reaching for the biscuit tin every five minutes when we are working from home? And how do we know what we should be eating to ensure we stay fit and healthy?

Nutritionist Sarah Ormerod has been affected by restrictions during lockdown which means she is unable to meet clients face-to-face. However, she has seen enquiries increase during this time and has been running a virtual service.

She said: Over the past few weeks I have been offering nutrition consultations to people who feel they need a little extra support as they adapt to these new circumstances. While these are complimentary, there is also an option to make a voluntary donation to the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal. All funds raised will be distributed to charities supporting those most affected by the pandemic.

"Hopefully, I can provide some inspiration on how to use this testing time positively, stay resilient, look after our health and that of our loved ones.

Here are her top tips:

Eat for your immune system and mood: Opt for a diet rich in colourful fruit and vegetables (aiming for a minimum of five portions daily). They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants all contributing to a healthy immune function. These may be harder to get hold of right now, so also consider frozen or tinned options, stewed fruit to make it last for longer and soaking dried fruit when fresh isnt available.

When writing your shopping list, here is a run-down of some nutrients to pay particular attention to:

Vitamin C, which can be found in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit), kiwis, strawberries, broccoli, sprouts, red and green peppers and berries (including acai). It may enhance the effectiveness of our immune systems first line of defence and effectiveness of the immune cells responsible for eliminating free radicals.

Vitamin A, found in orange and yellow fruit, and vegetables such as butternut squash, carrots and sweet potatoes as well as broccoli, spinach and dark green leafy veg. It helps keep the bodys first line of defence healthy by regulating something called secretory IgA.

Vitamin D, found in mushrooms (the plant-based source) as well as oily fish and egg yolks. Living in the UK, the NHS recommends supplementation of a minimum of 1,000iu between October and April, particularly when the immune system may be compromised.

Manage stress: Stressful situations stimulate cortisol, the stress hormone, which when chronically raised can impact on immune function. Build some calming activities into your day conscious breathing exercises, yoga, listening to calming music, drawing, breathing in some fresh air if you can and carving out time to speak to loved ones. Find what works for you and make it a priority.

Increasing your intake of foods rich in magnesium and B vitamins such as green leafy veg (spinach, kale), nuts and seeds, cruciferous veg (broccoli, cabbage, sprouts), legumes and seafood may also help to balance the nervous system.

Find and follow a routine: Our schedules usually enforced by external factors the school run, getting out to work, exercise classes are now in disarray. Striking a new routine, keeping a regular sleep/wake cycle, setting "working hours", time for exercise and taking breaks, will give you a sense of normality. Make different plans for the weekend to distinguish between the working week and your down time.

Move every day: Exercise is not only proven to support physical and mental wellbeing, but the daily endorphins will give you a much-needed lift. If you can get outside, use your "daily allowance" to soak up some vitamin D, fresh air and exposure to nature. If you cant leave the house for a run, walk or cycle, try some body weight exercises squats, lunges, planks, press-ups, some yoga or interval training. There are loads of online resources available to follow at home.

Prioritise sleep: Strong evidence exists that sleep enhances immune defence and helps healing. When we dont get enough our infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells are compromised. Aim for seven to eight hours a night, keep a regular sleep/wake cycle with the aim of being asleep by 11pm as the immune system is believed to recharge between 11pm and 2am. Moderate your screen time each day, particularly late in the evening when youre winding down for bed.

And, lastly ...

Remember the principle of impermanence: Nothing lasts, everything passes. In the meantime, lets use this time to do the best we can with what we have.

Sarah Ormerod, founder of Thryve Nutrition, is a nutritional therapist (mBANT CNHC) specialising in nutrition for endurance sport. "Pay what you feel" consultations can be booked via her website

See more here:
Coronavirus in Scotland: Nutrition tips and what to eat and drink during lockdown - HeraldScotland

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