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Mar 12

Dr. Nalini Chilkov: The Anti Colon Cancer Diet

8 Steps to Naturally Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Colon Cancer Alliance and the American Cancer Society, colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in the U.S.

Colon cancer is considered a preventable cancer. Why? Primarily because by changing our diet we can reduce risk dramatically. And if we get regular screenings (colonoscopies), we may be diagnosed only with precancerous or early stage cancer cells that are easily removed and treated.

8 Proven Steps You Can Take to Naturally Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a "food-related" cancer. (1) Everything you eat passes over the lining of your digestive tract. The lining of the large intestine and the rectum at the lower end of the digestive tube contains waste, digestive fluids, bile acids and fiber. That lining is bathed by chemicals in food, your own hormones and secretions, and healthy and unhealthy bacteria. The contents of your intestines have a direct impact on the health of the cells lining the bowel. Colorectal cancer is directly impacted by your diet.

1. Eat Less Red Meat

Studies show eating red meat "frequently" increases the incidence of colon cancer. Eating red meat daily and especially more than one serving per day increased risk. Plant-based diets showed lowest risk (1). Increased risk is associated with increased inflammation associated with chemicals released by digestion of red meat. These chemicals increase damage to and inhibit the repair of DNA (genetic material) in the cells lining your intestines (2). Damage to DNA is a primary cause of all cancers.

2. Eat More Garlic

According to the National Cancer Institute fact sheet on garlic and cancer prevention:

Protective effects from garlic may arise from its antibacterial properties or from its ability to block the formation of cancer-causing substances, halt the activation of cancer-causing substances, enhance DNA repair, reduce cell proliferation, or induce cell death ...

See the article here:
Dr. Nalini Chilkov: The Anti Colon Cancer Diet

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