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Jul 16

4 Worst Breakfast Habits for High Blood Pressure, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Having high blood pressure is an increasingly common problem in the United States. This is often caused by genetics, other illnesses, poor diet, or a more sedentary lifestyle. But while high blood pressure can lead to more severe issues if it's untreated, there are many ways to manage and lower your blood pressure levels.

One of the ways people can manage their high blood pressure is through their diet. The CDC recommends eating a "healthy" diet with low sodium and low alcohol consumption, but what about everything in between? To learn more about what a healthy blood pressure diet consists of, we talked with some dietitians about the worst breakfast habits you'll want to avoid. Read on, and for more, don't miss4 Best Eating Habits for High Blood Pressure, Says Dietitian.

Certain popular breakfast items can come loaded with sodium without us even realizing it. Unfortunately, many dietitians warn that an increase in sodium can contribute to higher blood pressure. In fact, a report published in Nutrients states that reducing your sodium intake can not only reduce your risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) but can also reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.

"Many breakfast sausages and some frozen breakfast sandwiches are high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure when consumed in large amounts over time. If you are grabbing one of these foods, it's important to pair it with something low in sodium like fruit or a whole grain like oats," says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook and member of our expert medical board.

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One habit that many of us may not realize is harmful is not getting enough fruits and vegetables in the morning. According to The Cleveland Clinic, it is recommended that adults trying to lower their blood pressure get between 5 and 9 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. If you're not getting a serving or two at breakfast, this goal can be difficult to attain.

"Fruits and vegetables are naturally sodium-free (regular intakes of high sodium foods can contribute to high blood pressure over time) and many of them contain potassium, which can help lower high blood pressure in some people. Veggies may seem weird at breakfast, but you can scramble them into eggs or blend spinach or kale into a smoothie to amp up your morning intake of nutrients," says Goodson.

Many people may assume that sticking to a strict diet in order to lose weight can help them with their blood pressure as well, but some dietitians say that we should be careful in how restrictive we are being.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Following restrictive eating behaviors in the pursuit of quick weight loss can be harmful to your blood pressure. Emerging research indicates that a HAES (Health At Every Size) approach (in comparison to a weight-centric intervention) is 'associated with statistically and clinically relevant improvements in physiological measures (e.g. blood pressure),"" says Rachel Fine, RDN, a registered dietitian and founder of To The Pointe Nutrition.

Restrictive diets have been known to deprive people of many of the nutrients they need, which can be detrimental to those who need to lower their blood pressure. If you want to lose weight, try talking with your doctor or dietitian about a blood-pressure-friendly pattern of eating that you can try.

Consuming too much added sugar can contribute to many different health complications, and research shows that increased sugar intake can also lead to increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

"Sugar and processed foods are highly inflammatory and increase blood sugars and the insulin response as well as the inflammatory response in your body. Inflammation can increase blood pressure as well," says Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD a registered dietitian and author of Recipe for Survival. To understand what other foods to skip out on during your morning meal, don't missThe Worst Breakfast Foods for Inflammation, Says Dietitian.

Here is the original post:
4 Worst Breakfast Habits for High Blood Pressure, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Jul 16

Americans Gain the Most Weight While Still in Their Twenties – Everyday Health

A study that examined the long-term weight gain of more than 13,800 U.S. adults found that on average, people gained about 17 pounds between their twenties and thirties. Adult women gain about twice as much weight as men, with the average female gaining about 12 pounds a decade, according to the findings published in the Journal of Obesity.

The U.S. obesity epidemic is not slowing down, says lead author Larry Tucker, PhD, professor in exercise sciences at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. These results leave no doubt that 10-year weight gain is a serious problem within the U.S. adult population, he says. Thats because long-term weight gain drives overweight and obesity, and obesity is replacing smoking as the most serious preventable cause of premature death and disease in America, says Dr. Tucker.

Obesity is a growing health crisis, both in the United States and around the world. Its estimated that nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States 18.2 percent are associated with overweight and obesity. From 19992000 through 20172018, obesity prevalencein the United States has increased from 30.5 percent to 42.4 percent.

A person with a body mass index (BMI) from 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and a person with a BMI of over 30 is considered to be obese. BMI is calculated based on a persons weight and height and the same formula is used for both men and women.

No one thing causes obesity; its a combination of causes and individual factors including dietary patterns, genetics, physical activity, inactivity, and medication use.

Study participants were selected randomly from all regions and races across the country as part of the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). NHANES is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)sponsored series of studies that began in the early 1960s and became a continuous program in 1999.

A total of 13,802 adults were included in the study. Participants reported how much they weighed 10 years prior and their current body weight was measured.

Researchers found that about 1 in 2 people 51 percent gained 5 percent or more of their body weight. Five percent is the official cut-point for clinically significant weight gain, explains Tucker. With 5 percent weight gain, blood pressure increases, LDL cholesterol increases, HDL cholesterol decreases, type 2 diabetes increases, heart disease increases, physical activity decreases, and dozens of other health problems manifest themselves, he says.

More than 1 in 3 people gained 10 percent or more body weight, and almost one-fifth gained 20 percent or more body weight over the 10 year time period.

Although the study wasnt designed to uncover why people did or didnt gain weight, the authors cited findings from existing research to suggest possible reasons about why some groups were more likely to add extra pounds than others.

Although the prevalence of obesity increases with age, weight gain is actually greatest across the younger years of adult life late twenties and thirties and diminishes gradually over time as adults get older, says Tucker. This seems to go against national obesity findings that indicate the prevalence of obesity increases with age, but there could be a few reasons behind this trend.

For starters, it takes time for body weight to accumulate. The initial weight gain of roughly 17 pounds that the average person in their twenties gains often isnt enough to push most people into the obese category, but if an adult adds the average number of pounds gained during each decade of adult life, that equals over 45 pounds. In many cases, that would be enough to put many people into the obese category.

Another reason could be that metabolism increases with weight gain, and so larger adults have higher metabolisms than smaller adults. The authors write, Just as it takes more fuel to maintain a larger house than a smaller one, individuals with obesity require more fuel to maintain their weight than non-obese individuals. That means as body weight increases, it takes an increasing number of calories to cause more weight gain, and so weight gain tends to slow with each decade of age in the average adult, the authors noted.

The study also found that 10-year weight gain was significantly greater in women than in men, with women gaining about twice as much weight: 12 pounds on average for women, compared with 6 pounds for men.

This disparity doesnt appear to be a worldwide trend one study in Norway found that men gained more weight than women over a 10-year period, and one in Australia found no difference in weight gain between men and women.

The difference in weight gain between the sexes in the United States is often chalked up to childbirth. A 2019 study of 2,459 women published in BMJ Open found that women gained an average of 3 to 5 pounds per child. Weight gain during pregnancy takes significant effort to lose and if the weight is not lost, overweight and obesity develop over time, says Tucker.

Theres also evidence to suggest that women tend to be less physically active than men, which could also account for some of the weight gain differences, the authors wrote.

Weight gain also differed across races, with Black women experiencing the greatest average weight gain over the 10-year period 19.4 pounds.

This could be due to a combination of factors, including education and income disparities, which have been shown to influence the risk of having overweight or obesity, according to the authors.

There is alsoevidence to suggest a connection between food insecurity and obesity, particularly in Black and Hispanic women.

The findings of this study will inform healthcare professionals and educators of the individuals who are most at risk of weight gain and when that weight gain tends to occur in the U.S., says Tucker. That knowledge can be used to focus prevention efforts, he adds.

See the article here:
Americans Gain the Most Weight While Still in Their Twenties - Everyday Health

Jul 8

Reach a Healthy Weight With These Expert-Approved Tips – Intelligent Living

Are you struggling to reach a healthy weight? Youre not alone. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than one-third of adults in the United States are obese. And while theres no easy fix, there are plenty of small changes you can make to your lifestyle that can lead to big results.

To help you on your journey, we asked experts for their best tips on how to reach a healthy weight. From simple tweaks like eating breakfast every day to making sure youre getting enough sleep, here are their top suggestions.

You may have tried different fad diets or even some more extreme methods to lose weight, but what really works is finding the best diet pill for you. Every persons body is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to diet tablets or pills. However, there are certain ingredients that have been shown to be effective in helping people lose weight. Some of these include green tea extract, hoodia gordonii, and chromium picolinate. Caffeine, L-theanine, L-carnitine, L-tyrosine, and Vitamin B complex are also effective weight loss ingredients that are included in the formulations of the top weight loss pills.

When choosing a diet pill, it is important to read the ingredients list carefully and make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. You should also consult with your doctor to make sure that the diet pill is right for you. There are some diet pills that are not suitable for people with certain medical conditions.

A healthy diet is important for many reasons. It can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

There are many ways to eat a healthy diet. Here are a few tips:

The first step to losing weight is creating a calorie deficit. This means eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. To do this, youll need to cut back on your calorie intake. There are a number of ways to do this, such as tracking your caloric intake and cutting back on high-calorie foods.

Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss. It helps build and maintain muscle mass, which in turn helps burn more calories. Aim to include protein at every meal, and include sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts.

Fiber is a nutrient that helps you feel full and satisfied after eating. Its also important for weight loss as it helps promote regularity and prevents overeating. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

These are just a few tips to help you eat a healthy diet. For more information, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian.

If youre looking to lose weight, experts recommend boosting your diet with supplements. Adding certain nutrients and vitamins to your diet can help support your weight loss goals by increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite, and reducing cravings.

Some of the best supplements for weight loss include green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, and green coffee bean extract. When choosing a food or diet supplement, check out these fat burners and other scientifically proven weight-loss-promoting ingredients. Green tea extract is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost metabolism and promote fat burning. Garcinia cambogia is a natural fruit extract that suppresses appetite and prevents cravings. The main active ingredient in green coffee beans is chlorogenic acid, which is thought to promote weight loss by increasing metabolism and reducing the absorption of fat from the diet. A number of studies have shown that green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight, but further research is warranted.

By adding these supplements to your diet, you can give yourself the edge you need to reach a healthy weight.

We all know that exercise is important for our overall health, but did you know that it can also be key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight? Regular physical activity helps to boost metabolism, build muscle mass, and burn calories all of which can help you reach your weight loss goals. And even if youre not trying to lose weight, getting enough exercise is still important for preventing weight gain and promoting overall health.

So how much exercise do you need to reach a healthy weight? The experts say that adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (like brisk walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (like jogging or running) every week. You can also break up your exercise into shorter sessions throughout the day if thats more convenient for you. And dont forget to add strength training to your routine two or three times per week is ideal.

So get moving and start seeing results! Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health, and its also a great way to reach a healthy weight.

What could be more refreshing than a cold, delicious beverage on a hot summer day? But before you reach for that sugary drink, consider this: just one can of soda has about 40 grams of sugar thats 10 teaspoons! And we all know that too much sugar can lead to weight gain.

If youre trying to slim down, experts recommend avoiding sugary drinks and choosing water or unsweetened iced tea instead. This simple change can help you cut back on empty calories and reach your healthy weight goals. So next time youre feeling thirsty, reach for a glass of water instead of a sugary drink your waistline will thank you.

A lot of the time, processed foods are high in unhealthy ingredients like added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. They can also be low in important nutrients like fiber and protein. All of these factors can contribute to weight gain. Instead, focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

If youre trying to lose weight, you might be looking for any and all advice on how to make it happen. And while there are a lot of different opinions out there on the best way to do it, there is one piece of advice that experts agree on getting enough sleep. Thats right, getting enough shut-eye is crucial when it comes to weight loss. Heres why:

So if youre looking to lose weight, make sure youre getting enough rest. Youll be glad you did!

Following these expert-approved tips on how to reach a healthy weight is the best way to ensure that you lose weight safely and effectively. If you are struggling to lose weight, consider talking to your doctor about prescription diet pills or other weight loss options.

Read the rest here:
Reach a Healthy Weight With These Expert-Approved Tips - Intelligent Living

Jul 8

Don’t WorryYou Can Still Eat These Foods When You’re Trying To Lose Weight Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

When you think about dieting, you focus on eating foods that are healthy for you, eliminating all the junk foods. Those sweet treats, the savory snacks, and everything in betweenthey're no longer in your food options. Well, what if we told you that there are foods that have been given a negative reputation, but you can actually eat while trying to lose weight?

You read that correctly! There are popular foods that have been known to take a back seat when it comes to dieting. However, there are ways to get around eating them so it doesn't feel like you're missing out on these delicious foods. We spoke with Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook to clarify what foods we can eat in our diet that we'd originally keep off our plates. Then, be sure to check out The Worst Guilty Pleasure Snacks.

"Most people hear burgers and think 'no way, not when I am trying to lose weight,' but the truth is YES, you can eat a burger," Goodson exclaims. "It's all about how you build your burger."

Goodson further suggests that the goal when eating a meal is to have a high fiber carbohydrate and protein to help get you full faster and stay full longer, and incorporate veggies. A burger can include all of this.

First, start with lean ground beef such as 90% lean, 10% fat (90/10), or 93/7. Then, add the meat to a whole grain bun with cheese. Use avocado instead of mayo, or another high-calorie sauce. Then, load up the burger with veggies like lettuce, tomato, onion, and even grilled mushrooms or caramelized onions.

"Pair that with a salad and you have a delicious 'guilty pleasure' that's nutrient-rich, calorie-conscious, and has 4 of the 4 food groups in it," says Goodson.

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This one almost seems too good to be true. But according to Goodson, pizza can fit into your eating pattern when you are trying to lose weight.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Try a whole-grain crust or even a cauliflower crust for lower calories and carbohydrates," Goodson says. "Skip the white sauces and use tomato sauce or even a brush of olive oil. Then add a lean protein like grilled or roasted chicken, mozzarella cheese, and load that bad boy up with veggies and fruit."

Some combination suggestions Goodson gives are arugula and figs with a balsamic glaze, roasted spinach, butternut squash, and pine nuts, or caramelized onions, peaches, and walnuts.

Not only are these pizzas there to help you get fiber and protein, but they help you feel satisfied and are low in saturated fat. Goodson also suggests pairing your pizza with a salad for the perfect meal.

RELATED: 12 Worst Frozen Pizzas to Stay Away From Right Now

"Most people agree that baked goods and muffins don't make the weight loss eating plan, but there are actually some muffin recipes that are nutrient-rich and low-calorie," says Goodson. "Muffins made with oats or oat flour are a great place to start because they are higher in fiber."

Goodson further suggests adding nuts and fruit and trying to cut back on the sugar. You can do this by adding less sugar or swapping half of the sugar with an alternative cooking sweetener.

Another healthy alternative? Trying a muffin with veggies in it!

"There are some brands that do a fantastic job at getting extra nutrients into baked goods like Veggies Made Great," says Goodson. "The first ingredient of their muffins is a vegetable!"

"Many people think they have to eat egg whites if they are 'on a diet.' FALSE," Goodson says. "Eggs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods out there and by far one of the most satisfying."

According to Goodson, the protein and fat in eggs will help you stay full for hours. Eggs also provide nutrients like iron, vitamin B-12, choline, and others that are essential for health.

If you want to play around with the versatility of the eggs, Goodson suggests several options.

"Scramble them in the morning with veggies, eat hard-boiled eggs as a snack or slice them up on a salad. Whatever you do though, don't throw away the yolk! That's where most of the nutrients are!"

Kayla Garritano

Continue reading here:
Don't WorryYou Can Still Eat These Foods When You're Trying To Lose Weight Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Jul 8

What Is a No-Sugar Diet? – Pros, Cons, What to Expect – Prevention Magazine

Several years ago, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez made headlines for going on a no-sugar diet. Since then, posts about going on a no-sugar diet have randomly popped up on social media. And, given how much staying power this eating plan seems to have, its understandable to be at least a little curious about the no-sugar diet and what it involves.

While it seems obviouswhat is a no-sugar diet, exactly? Can you really have no sugar on a no-sugar diet? Are fruits OK or does everything sweet need to be weeded out? Nutritionists break it all down.

Its important to get this out there upfront: Theres no set definition for a no-sugar diet. There may be several variations depending on where you're getting your information from, says Scott Keatley, R.D., co-owner of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Keatley notes that some no-sugar diets call for an elimination of all added sugar, sugar from fruit, as well as milk sugars. But, he points out, the most common variation is to get your added sugar intake down to zero. (Added sugar, in case youre not familiar with it, is sugar thats added to foods vs. naturally occurring in them.)

Sowhy are people doing this, again? There are a few different reasons. We have so much research that shows sugar is a pro-inflammatory food, and inflammation is a root cause of many different health conditions, says Jessica Cording, R.D., C.D.N., a dietitian and health coach, and author of The Little Book of Game-Changers. With that, some people cut out sugar from their diets to try to be healthier.

You could potentially reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers, says Keri Gans, M.S., R.D., author of The Small Change Diet.

Other people cut out sugar to try to lose weight. Its not uncommon that people lose weight when they limit added sugar, Cording says. A lot of highly palatable processed and packaged foods tend to have added sugar, and cutting those out will limit some extra calories.

It depends on how extreme you take this. If you cut out all forms of sugar (including naturally-occurring sugars) and eliminate foods like fruits from your diet you are missing out on important nutrients your body needs to perform at its best, Gans says.

Plus, a no-sugar diet is also just hard to follow. Its a huge challenge to drop that added sugar number down to zero because, well, sugar tastes good and it can provide a hit of dopamine, Keatley says. So, by going off added sugar cold-turkey, you could find yourself feeling down more often and also frustrated by all of the reading you have to do on packaged or restaurant foods.

You can eat any whole food, Keatley says. He lists off fruits, vegetables, starches, legumes, nuts, meats, and more as go-to foods on this diet.

When you start dipping into foods that have been modified, that's when you need to inspect the food label, he says. Keatley recommends steering clear of products that contain any of the following:

Need a jumping-off menu to get you started? Gans offers this up as a sample day of eating on a no-added sugar diet:

A bowl of oatmeal made with cows milk or an unsweetened milk alternative, a tablespoon of natural peanut butter, and a small banana

A large mixed green salad topped with grilled chicken, avocado, and chickpeas, tossed in olive oil and vinegar

Cup of plain Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries

Broiled salmon with roasted Brussels sprouts and small baked potato topped with a little butter or sour cream

Keatley says this can be safe, provided you focus on added sugars and not all sugar-containing foods. Having all the forms of sugar in whole foodsnot drinksis a way to maintain your energy levels, appease your tastebuds, and meet your nutritional goals, he says.

Gans agrees. If presently your diet consists of large amount of added sugar and you are now limiting these foods, it would 100% be safe to do, she says. However, if you start to take this to extremes, it could definitely be unhealthy. Besides the limiting of important nutrients your body needs, any restrictive diet can cause have an emotional toll on its user that can affect their day to day living.

Overall, experts recommend just aiming to cut down on your added sugar intake vs. focusing on getting rid of all of it. Eliminate the idea of elimination, Keatley says. Dont try to get your added sugar down to zero but try to balance out grams of added sugar with grams of dietary fiber. This will lead to a more sustainable diet that has benefits outside of just reducing sugar intake.

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Originally posted here:
What Is a No-Sugar Diet? - Pros, Cons, What to Expect - Prevention Magazine

Jul 8

David Harbour says he’ll never lose weight for a role again after ‘Stranger Things’ – New York Post

Actor David Harbour vowed to never lose weight for a role again.

If theres one thing season 4 of Stranger Things taught the actor who stars as Jim Hopper in the hit Netflix show its to not toy with his weight.

The latest season of the show sees Hopper imprisoned in a Soviet labor camp in the 1980s.

For his scenes, Harbour lost a whopping 80 pounds in eight months by intermittent fasting and taking up Pilates.

I was about 270 [then], and when we shot season four, I was around 190, he toldBritish GQ.

However, it seems as though it wasnt the best of experiences, admitting, I dont think Ill ever do that again.

The actor said he gained it all back for his upcoming film Violent Night, in which he plays Santa Claus.

But now, yeah, never again. The prosthetics are too good, Harbour added.

In September, Harbour said he discovered the ultimate weight-loss tip.

Its just not eating, he told Page Six with a laugh. Its amazing. You try to do all these different things, the protein and the this and that, and then you just stop eating and you lost weight.

Harbour joked that putting on weight is my favorite thing, adding, Im really good at it.

And when it came to his weight loss methods, the actor said, I think youll see, nutritionally, its not very good for me, mentally and nutritionally.

Here is the original post:
David Harbour says he'll never lose weight for a role again after 'Stranger Things' - New York Post

Jul 8

5 Surprising Effects of Cooking With An Air Fryer Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

It's safe to say we're in the age of the air fryer. For those who have a deep love of making fried foods toasted to perfection, but don't want the mess of oils and grease, an air fryer can really save the day.

The household countertop appliance uses high-speed fans that circulate hot air evenly to create a crisp exterior on foods, which is similar to the effect of deep-frying. This can result in a healthier method for adding a crunchy texture to your favorite eats. However, the benefits of using an air fryer also come with a few downsides that you may not have considered before.

Here are some of the surprising effectsboth positive and negativeyou can experience when cooking with an air fryer. And next, don't miss 22 Meals to Melt Belly Fat in 2022.

First, let's start with the obvious. Cooking with an air fryer can help make your meals healthier because you're not using any additional oils, which can add an excessive amount of fat. Fats contain more than double the calories (per gram) as carbohydrates and proteins, which isn't ideal if you're looking to prioritize a healthy lifestyle or lose weight.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

Luckily, you can still enjoy flavorful, crispy foods with an air fryer and avoid the extra calories that come with frying. One hundred grams of traditionally battered and deep-fried chicken breast contain 13.2 grams of fat, but, cooking with an air fryer can significantly cut down that fat content by using 50 times less oil, Healthline reports. Therefore, you can cook food to a preferred texture and the final product will hold substantially less fat and calories.

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When you cook fish at high temperatures in an air fryer, you run the risk of inducing the formation of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs).

Studies have found that COPs are created because the cholesterol in fish breaks down during the cooking process. High cholesterol levels, as well as exposure to COPs, has been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other diseases.

It's important to note that research shows this factor strictly applies to cooking fish products.

Unlike a hot oven or loaded stove, an air fryeralso known as a convection ovencontains its temperature and won't spike your energy bill.

If you're utilizing the oven often and/or for long periods of time, you're going to be using up a notable amount of natural gas and electricity. According to CNET calculations, air fryers cost only about 25 cents per hour of cooking compared to the 40 to 50 cents a gas or electric oven costs. On average, the energy efficiency is about 50%, and with the current status of inflation, this may be an important quality when deciding if an air fryer should have a special place in your home.

RELATED:16 Crispiest Comfort Food Recipes to Make in Your Air Fryer Tonight

No one should ever have to endure the consequences of food poisoning. Unfortunately, the reason this may happen when cooking with an air fryer is that most directions on the back of food packaging are meant for the temperature and abilities of a deep fryer.

A 2019 study in the Journal of Food Protection compared the levels of salmonella in frozen breaded chicken strips that were cooked in an air fryer, a deep fryer, a toaster oven, or a conventional oven. The researchers found that the air fryer and toaster oven didn't eliminate the bacteria as effectively as a deep fryer did.

It's not uncommon to use the air fryer for other foods outside the realm of fried chicken, french fries, or mozzarella sticks. Throwing vegetables in the air fryer can not only give them a more versatile texture and taste, it can also preserve certain nutrients that tend to be compromised during other cooking methods.

Due to the low-fat heating process of a convection oven, one study found that vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols (micronutrients that naturally occur in plants) were retained in veggies (such as fresh potatoes) at a much higher rate compared to other cooking appliance alternatives (deep-frying and microwaving).

These results were attributed to a decrease in the use of oils and a lower risk of fat oxidationor the breakdown of fatty acids and deterioration of food. Using an air fryer can help protect the nutritional integrity of a home-cooked meal, plus, your ideal foods can remain crispy and tastefully potent with every bite.

Jordan Summers-Marcouillier

See the article here:
5 Surprising Effects of Cooking With An Air Fryer Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Jul 8

Baby P’s mum ‘told to lose weight and dye hair’ after prison release –

Tracy Connelly has been released from prison (Picture: Mirrorpix / ITV / PA)

Baby Ps mum, Tracy Connelly, has allegedly been told to change her appearance upon being freed from jail.

Connelly, 40, was jailed in 2009 for causing or allowing the death of her 17-month-old son Peter at their home in Tottenham, north London, on August 3 2007.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Justice confirmed her release from prison.

The Parole Board decided Connelly was suitable for release in March having previously rejected three bids in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

The board reached its decision after hearing that Connelly is now considered to be at low risk of committing a further offence and that probation officers and prison officials supported the plan.

She was previously released on licence in 2013, but recalled to prison in 2015 for breaching her parole conditions.

Now, it has emerged Connelly was told to change her appearance before being set free.

Insiders at Low Newton prison near Durham, where Connelly was being held, claim she was advised to lose weight and dye her hair to prevent herself from being recognised in public, The Mirror reports.

But a fellow inmate claimed she looked just the same but a bit fatter when she was released earlier this week.

A source told the newspaper: She just walks about singing and dancing. They were all fed up with it, even the prison officers.

She was taken out on the prison bus. She knew it was happening but nobody else did.

She got taken out into town and let out to do arts and crafts and other inmates were made to speak to her. If they refused theyd get into trouble too and get reprimanded and lose their privileges.

They didnt want to talk to her. They hated it.

Connelly will be subject to 20 licence conditions, including having to wear an electronic tag and disclose all her relationships.

She will also have her Internet use monitored and be forced to obey a curfew.

Her release from prison comes after failed attempts to prevent her from being freed.

Within hours of the Parol Board announcing its decision in March, deputy prime minister Dominic Raab attempted to block the move.

Tracey Connellys cruelty was pure evil, which is why I strongly opposed her release, he said.

The decision to let her out demonstrates why the Parole Board needs a fundamental overhaul, including a ministerial block, to protect the public and keep dangerous offenders off our streets.

Mr Raab asked the board, which is independent of the Government, to re-examine the decision under the so-called reconsideration mechanism.

However, his application was refused.

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Read the original post:
Baby P's mum 'told to lose weight and dye hair' after prison release -

Jun 29

How Much Weight Can You Lose In a Week? has an extensive editorial partnership with Cleveland Clinic, consistently named as one of the nations best hospitals in U.S. News & World Reports annual Americas Best Hospitals survey. Click here to learn more about our health reporting policies.

Taking diet pills, exercising around the clock, engaging in restrictive eating habits and following trendy diets promising to speed up metabolism are just a few of the methods people use to drop weight fast. While a tempting concept, most experts maintain that rapid weight loss is neither healthy nor sustainable, and even somewhat deceiving.

There is a long and short answer to the question, How much weight can you lose in a week? Sure, if you stop eating altogether and amp up exercise, you can lose up to 30 pounds in a week. How much weight should you aim to lose in a week? The majority of expertsincluding the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionunanimously agree that an average of one to two pounds of weight per week is a healthy weight loss goal. In fact most of them, including Jenna Kilgore, MS, NASM CPT, FNS andNoom Coach, maintain that suddenly losing a lot of weight is less sustainable than slow and steady weight loss.

What happens when you lose weight too fast? Overall rapid weight loss may include side effects such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, hair loss, muscle loss and even gallstones, notes Keri Gans, RDN, a nutrition consultant and the author of The Small Change Diet.

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Dr. Wajahat Mehal, MD, PhD, weight loss expert with Yale Medicine and director of the Weight Loss Program and professor at Yale School of Medicine, suggests looking at the big picture, focusing on how much weight you can lose overall versus how much weight you can lose in a week. Total weight loss with lifestyle intervention is generally 3-4% of starting weight, he explains.

There are a number of factors that contribute to weight loss, which may result in a more rapid or gradual weight loss. Weight loss is a complicated process, kind of like putting a puzzle together, adds Kilgore. In other words, you may be able to lose more or less than the average one to two pounds per week due to these variables.

Kilgore explains that someone who is starting off at a higher BMI is more likely to lose more weight in a week than someone with a lower one. Additionally, while science has concluded that muscle doesnt actually weigh more than fat (a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat) it is denser. This is why most health and fitness experts rely more on body composition measurements than simply the weight on the scale.

Water weight is more of a sign of quick weight loss than sustained weight loss, explains Gans. Since our body is made up of 60% water it is not uncommon to see weight fluctuations from one to five pounds in a given day. Bottom line: You shouldnt consider water weight loss true weight loss, because it will come back as soon as you hydrate.

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When attempting to lose weight, most people focus on calorie intake. While seriously restricting caloric intake will inevitably lead to rapid weight loss, experts suggest taking a more moderate and sustainable approach with your total number of calories consumed per day dependent on how many you burn. For example, a more active person who is regularly exercising needs more calories than someone who is sedentary. However, overall a 500 calorie deficit per day should lead to one pound per week of weight loss, maintains Gans.

A doctor or weight loss expert can help you determine a healthy deficit goal using bioimpedance analysis, or BIA, which uses factors such as your muscle mass and basal metabolic weight to figure out what your caloric deficit should be.

When it comes to sustainable weight loss and food, calories arent the only thing that matters. Nutrition is the most important aspect of a healthy weight, stresses Dr. Mehal. Without changing the home food environment it is very difficult to have significant weight loss.

In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20202025, the USDA explains that a healthy eating plan is not only one that stays within your daily calorie need but involves fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, protein-rich food including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds, and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

Related:Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

Movement is essential in any wellness journey. Finding ways to move throughout the day, whether that be short bursts or longer, more intentional workouts, or both, can have a lot of benefits, says Kilgore. Exercise is very beneficial for health even without weight loss, reminds Dr. Mehal. Not only does it help burn calories, but promotes mental and physical health, releasing feel-good hormones. It can cause a boost of endorphins that can also domino into our other choices too, Kilgore adds.

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Sleep has a big impact on our overall health, Kilgore maintains. In fact, multiple studies, including one from July 2011 published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, link decreased quality and quantity of sleep to obesity.

When we dont get enough sleep, we may find ourselves hungrier and more often craving our comfort foods, she explains. We also tend to have lower energy, which can impact our daily movement, our motivation, etc. A good nights rest is paramount, especially when working on a weight loss goal.

While stress is normal, too much stress can wreak havoc, specifically on our hormones. A prolonged increase in cortisol is linked to abdominal fat storage, Kilgore explains. Not only can stress affect our hunger and fullness cues which can lead to overeating, it can also result in reaching for those comfort foods and ignoring portion sizes. Chronic stress often shows up as a plateau in progress, she says.

In order to maximize weight loss in the healthiest and most sustainable way possible, follow these expert-endorsed weight loss tips.

Fibrous foods are your friend when it comes to sustainable weight loss, says Gans. Fiber-rich carbs, such as 100% whole grains, fruits and veggies, take longer to digest in the body than refined carbs causing more satiety at mealtimes, she says.

Instead of ditching your favorite foods, Gans suggests modifying them. For example, dont stop eating pasta, and instead try to make it healthier. Swap your go-to huge bowl of fettuccine Alfredo, for a healthier dish with one-cup cooked pasta tossed with sauted spinach and grilled shrimp. Or, instead of eating a whole pizza topped with sausage and pepperoni, limit yourself to two slices with spinach and mushrooms, supplementing it with a large mixed green salad on the side. Want French fries with the burger? Go for it, but perhaps lose the bun, she advises.

Trying to eat healthy 100% of the time is unrealistic and unwarranted, says Gans. Instead, focus on a more realistic and smarter approach, such as making healthy choices 85% of the time, and allowing yourself to indulge in whatever you wish the remaining 15%. Dr. Mehal agrees that mindset is key. Most people have too high expectations and then feel as though they have failed, he states.

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Gans also suggests creating most of your meals with the plate method in mind, filling your dish up with one-half veggies, one-quarter carbohydrate, and the remaining one-quarter protein and a fat serving. By default, your portions will be more in check and the protein and fat will help fill you up, she says.

The more water you drink, the less you will eat, maintains Gans. Many times individuals confuse thirst for hunger. Simply try and stay hydrated by drinking more water and/or unsweetened, low-calorie beverages, she suggests.

Kilgore stresses the importance of staying connected to the whys instead of the hows. Remembering why losing weight or reaching our goals is important can go a long way, she says. Motivation can be fleeting and that is one of the biggest challenges we see. When a motivational low hits, it can be hard to power forward. Learning to navigate those ebbs and flows will be valuable in the long run.

Its so important to have a strong support system to reach your weight loss goals. The process can feel lonely at times, Kilgore explains. She suggests building up a support system of family members, friends, coaches, and anyone who can help provide motivation and accountability.

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Remember that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss and how much weight you can lose in a week. Everyones journey to weight loss is their own, notes Kilgore, who recommends keeping the focus on sustainability over speed. Consistency is a huge factor since this journey can take time and patience to put all of the puzzle pieces together, which can be really mentally trying. Of course, weight loss is not a linear process so pauses, ups, and downs are totally normal along the way! Its important to look for an overall downward trend.

Next up, read about a delicious and filling 7-day meal plan that will supercharge your weight loss efforts

More here:
How Much Weight Can You Lose In a Week?

Jun 29

10 Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss Journey – NDTV

Not eating enough can also slow down weight loss

Losing weight takes a lot of effort and willpower. While on a weight loss journey we are exposed to all kinds of weight loss tips. It can be tough to figure out which suggestions are actually helpful. We often make mistakes that may be doing more harm than good.

In this article, we discuss some of the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. These various factors may even cause weight gain if not rectified. Although exercising and staying in a calorie deficit can seem easy, one may be very prone to these mistakes.

10 Mistakes you are making that are slowing down your weight loss:

1. Stressing

One of the most neglected causes of weight gain is stress. Experiencing uncomfortable moods can affect your metabolism and may even cause you to overeat. Besides usual stress, trying to lose weight may also cause stress. Your relationship with yourself and your moods have a bigger impact on your weight than you may think.

2. Skipping meals

What times of the day we eat also has a huge impact on our weight. In order to achieve a calorie-deficit diet, one might resort to skipping meals. This can make your weight loss slow down significantly. It not only makes you overeat when you do eat but it also slows down your metabolism.

3. Cutting out fibre

Many weight-loss diets encourage you to cut out carbs'. Most foods rich in carbs are rich in fibre. Fibre may be advertised as useless but that is incorrect. It is extremely important for the healthy working of our digestive system. It also helps us feel fuller for longer. Go for healthy and less processed fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

4. Not eating enough protein

When trying to lose weight, we assume that a high-protein diet is only required if we are going to the gym. Although a protein-rich diet is necessary if going to the gym, it is also encouraged for all other kinds of weight loss journeys. Protein provides us with energy, boosts metabolism, betters our muscles' health, and so on.

5. Being inconsistent

Be it our diet or workout routine, inconsistency instantly affects our weight. Lack of proper routine can leave the body confused. It is important to follow a proper routine. Plan out your routine for the week in advance which may help you to stay motivated.

6. Not researching enough

Lack of proper research might drive you to make decisions that may be causing more harm to your body than good. Lack of proper guidance and research can cause health complications. It is ideal to seek reliable guidance when going on a weight loss journey.

7. Eating packed healthy' foods

As the awareness of eating healthy increases, so does the availability of ready-to-eat healthy foods. Healthy packed foods are low-calorie and diet-friendly. However, do make them ready-to-eat and storable, there are packed with various preservatives, sugar, sodium, and other components that might be unfit and unhealthy.

8. Not drinking enough water

Our body often confuses dehydration and hunger. The feeling of thirst is often confused with being hungry. This causes unnecessary eating. However, drinking ample water can help speed up your weight loss journey. Water boosts metabolism, energy levels, muscle health, blood flow, and many other factors.

9. Focusing on just exercising

One may equate extensive exercising to being enough to lose weight but that is incorrect. In order to loseweight, you must be mindful of your lifestyle, what you eat and how much you exercise. Over-exercising cannot excuse an unhealthy and high-calorie diet. Your body needs healthy food to lose weight and also gain enough energy to exercise.

10. Not sleeping enough

As discussed above, our lifestyle has a huge role to play in our weight loss journey. Lack of sleep can reduce your productivity and energy levels while working out. A poor sleep cycle can make it hard for you to stay motivated. You are encouraged to get at least 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily.

In conclusion, eating less and exercising more is not as easy as you may think. Our bodies are extremely complicated and intricate and so are working on it. A lack of proper or reliable tips can make losing weight harder. It is important to do your research before going ahead with a suggestion. We also encourage you to speak to an expert so you are following the correct way to lose weight.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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