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Feb 2

Sugar Is a Toxic Substance: UCSF

Here's something to think about as you're eating that sweet treat today: scientists say sugar is killing you.

A team at UCSF published a paper in Nature this week, claiming sugar is a toxic, addictive substance that should be regulated by the government, and even banned when it come to children.

The scientists claim sugar is primarily responsible for a multitude of chronic illnesses that are reaching epidemic levels worldwide.

Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at UCSF, co-authored the paper. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Lustig says the only way to reverse this trend is with a public health intervention.

"Everyone talks about personal responsibility, and that won't work here, as it won't for any addictive substance," Lustig said. "These are things that have to be done at a governmental level, and government has to get off its ass."

Lustig and his co-authors - public health experts Laura Schmidt and Clair Brindis - say sugar is a bigger health threat than obesity. They cite studies which show 40 percent of normal-weight people have metabolic problems that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. The authors say sugar actually alters the body's biochemistry, making it more vulnerable to chronic illness. So, even if people don't gain weight from consuming too much sugar, they'll still end up with chronic health problems.

Americans eat and drink about 22 teaspoons of sugar every day. That's three times the amount we consumed 30 years ago. Lustig, Schmidt and Brindis say the biggest problem is that sugar sneaks into our diet without us even realizing it. Things like breads, cereals and processed foods often contain things like sucrose maltose, hydrolysed starch, corn syrup, and honey, all forms of sugar.

While the authors make a sound argument, not all health experts are convinced. The Chronicle spoke to a registered dietitian about the study:

"When you get into this argument about sugar in the diet, you also have to look at the type of food that has a high sugar content," said Jo Ann Hattner, who teaches nutrition courses at Stanford. "Those foods have few nutrients and little fiber, and that's not good for you. So is it sugar itself that's harmful?"

Of course, food and beverage industries deny sugar has a significant role in America's health problems. Industry representatives point to an overall trend toward inactive lifestyles and increased calorie intake as the cause.

Lustig and his colleagues say a personal changes to diets won't be enough to improve the public health. In their paper, they argue for taxes on heavily sweetened foods and drinks, banning sales of sugary foods to children, and even restricting advertising to children and teens.

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Sugar Is a Toxic Substance: UCSF

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Feb 2

On 'My 600-lb Life,' weight-loss truth isn't always pretty

I tend to blow hot and cold on the subject weight-loss TV — hate NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” but will admit to having  wept through more than one episode of the Style Network’s “Too Fat for 15” — mostly because I know just how unentertaining healthy weight loss can be.

I get it: No one’s ever going to launch a prime-time hit with a picture of someone eating smaller portions and exercising in moderation. And you’re never going to hear one of those screaming trainers admit that throwing up on the treadmill isn’t a strategy for long-term success.

TV wants dramatic stories, and TLC has one, as tonight at 9 it launches a four-part series, “My 600-lb Life,” with Melissa, a Texas woman who weighed more than 600 pounds before undergoing gastric-bypass surgery more than seven years ago.

Unflinching in its honesty — even the not-so-squeamish will want to heed those onscreen warnings about the surgery shots, and there are multiple surgeries involved — the episode follows its remarkable subject for not seven weeks, or even seven months, but for seven years.

In seven years, you can tell a story that’s much more than a big reveal, and this one, which shows a marriage undergoing changes every bit as drastic as the changes in Melissa’s body, is probably must viewing for anyone who thinks a gastric bypass is the easy way out for the overweight.

Or, for that matter, for anyone who thinks all of life’s problems can be solved by the right diet.

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On 'My 600-lb Life,' weight-loss truth isn't always pretty

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Feb 2

Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss

Once upon a time weight loss was simple and involved eliminating empty calories, eating slightly less calories from a healthy balanced diet and burning slightly more calories per day. This used to work and nearly all successful losers were able to maintain their weight loss as long as they continued with their healthy habits.

Fast forward to now when most of the food we eat has been found to be micronutrient deficient and 68% of U.S. adults and 33% of U.S. children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Weight loss is not only an uphill battle it's nearly impossible and it's naked calories that are to blame explain Jayson Calton and Mira Calton in their book Naked Calories. Study after study mentioned in their book uncover a global pandemic of micronutrient deficiency in both children and adults that is closely tied to the current obesity epidemic as well as many other serious diseases.

So What Are Naked Calories?
Naked Calories is an interesting term that sounds similar to empty calories but the term naked simply means food that has calories as well as macronutrients (protein, carbs, and/or fat) but is micronutrient deficient. In other words, food that is completely depleted of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Empty calories on the other hand are calories completely devoid of nutritional value (i.e. chips, candy, soft drinks, booze, etc).

As Mira Calton explained in a recent interview "The old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, might have been true for our grandparents but today's apple looks nothing like the apple our grandparents had 80 years ago. Today's apple would have nearly 50% less calcium, 100% less iron, and 83% less magnesium, and less phosphorus, less potassium, and so on. Beef has been 100% completely striped of vitamin A".

How Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss
It doesn't take a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry to realize that your body can't metabolize fat, utilize the fuels you eat or burn calories efficiently when it's not getting all the nutrients it needs. When you feed your body food that is devoid of vitamins and minerals you are simply consuming naked calories (fake food) and your body is still starving for nutrients it needs to function at optimum.

The real issue for most people today is not just calories in vs. calories out, or eating healthy foods, or even avoiding certain foods (fat, carbs, or protein). The real problem is that most foods today have little to no nutritional value and this in turn wreaks havoc on both you metabolic system and your health making it impossible to lose weight or maintain your loss no matter how "healthy" you eat, how little you eat, how many foods you ban, how many supplements you take or inject, or how much you exercise. The modern day obesity epidemic goes beyond such basic weight loss factors and if you are desperate to lose fat you must look beyond them as well and focus on the real problem of micronutrient deficiency.

How to Beat The Naked Calorie Pandemic
The solution to this serious issue is simple and it starts with you becoming what the Caltons call a Nutrivore, an eater of food that is chock full of vitamins and minerals. So instead of focusing on banning entire foods groups, or slashing calories, or exercising yourself to death you need to focus on improving the quality of the food you eat. This is actually very easy to do with their three part approach listed below. Be sure to refer to it any time you shop for food, eat out or cook food at home.

1. Eat real food (organic, local, minimally processed, free range, grass fed)

2. Minimize Nutrient Depleters Including:
Prescription Medications
Most Diet Plans (i.e. low carb, raw, vegan, low calorie, the research on this was shocking)
Foods Containing Oxalic Acid and Phytates
Alcohol, Smoking, Caffeine
High Levels of Stress
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Microwave Cooking
More Than 6 Hours of Strenuous (really hardcore) Exercise per Week

3. Take Supplement with Anti-Competition Multi-Vitamins If Needed
Learn more about how to get healthy and start losing weight with simple strategies from Naked Calories: How Micronutrients Can Maximize Weight Loss, Prevent Disease and Enhance Your Life

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Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss

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Feb 2

Co-workers joining me in goal to stay 'flat'

So, how are your New Year's resolutions going?

Every year I find there are many folks like me who have made resolutions for the new year, but by the end of the first month those pledges start to lose steam.

Yes indeed folks, we are through January and I have already started to look back on my New Year's resolution. I want to send some positive energy to all of you who, like me, made "getting in better shape" a priority.

As the champion for the "Healthiest Town in America" initiative, trying to be a role model has taken many twists and turns over the last five years. One way I monitor how I am doing is by having a "reality check" during the holiday season. I am happy to say I found I could go through an entire holiday season without dieting and still not gain weight.

But this particular new year is really something special in my life. You see, in April I will turn 60. As I looked at the next 20 years of my life, I decided that it was in my best interest to really try to get in a healthier state for those amazing years of 60-80. My quest has become to be "flat at 60."

I learned from my Healthiest Town in America experiences that the risk for heart disease and high blood pressure can be told by looking at a person's stomach, particularly the amount and shape of the fat on one's stomach. So this year I decided to go all out and try to reduce my "belly" as much as I could by my 60th birthday. My goal is that my stomach will be "flat at 60."

To be honest, though, I started my New Year's resolution at the end of November. As usual, I was looking at how not to gain weight during the holidays, but that is no longer an issue. So starting on the road to a better and trimmer body became my goal.

I can hear giggling as I type this. It's my co-workers taking turns getting on our office scale. You see, I have also learned over the past five years that sticking to resolutions is much easier when you do it with someone. Well, if doing it with someone else makes it easier, I figured the more people are included, the easier it might be.

So now Gina, Phyllis, Christa and Mary have joined Deb and me in pledging not to gain weight for an entire year.

If you would like to have a good laugh and follow our journey you can find our video diaries at - go to the right under "Calendar/News" and click on "Blogs." The trainers have guided us to exercises specific for our ails and it's been amazing how quickly our bodies have responded!

Wishing you great health for 2012 so you can …

Enjoy the journey,


E-mail Bob Oro at

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Co-workers joining me in goal to stay 'flat'

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Feb 2

New Website Launched on Low Carb Bread Recipe

Looking to get in shape and stay healthy? One visit to Low Carb Bread Recipe .org will change your life by showing you simple tips on how to lose weight.

Long Island, NY (PRWEB) February 01, 2012

Everyone is always looking to shave off a few extra pounds. But as most people will tell you, dieting can be difficult if not handled the correct way. Being on a diet does not mean you have to eat only grass, raw herbage, or things that don't taste good. Dieting in a smart, well educated manner is the true way to stay healthy.

The owners of Low Carb Bread Recipe .org have designed a site to help people lose weight by focusing on a low carb diet. Low carb diets are a proven way to quickly and easily get rid of excess weight and fat. This brand new site has information on tons of low carb ideas but the main focus of the site is on how to make home-made low carb bread by hand as well as with a bread machine. Also there are recipes for low carb yogurt, low carb shakes, and many other awesome low carb treats.

The owners of the site commented that they are firm believers in the fact that you should know every single food ingredient that goes into your body. Ingredients that you are unable to pronounce, should not be part of any diet. Having complete control over your diet is the key to losing weight and keeping it off.

Now not everyone wants to make their own bread. For people not interested in making their own low carb bread, Low Carb Bread Recipe .org has reviews and information on the top low carb bread brands. The site also has some history on the manufacturers.

The makers of Low Carb Bread Recipe .org quoted "Many people are very under educated when it comes to nutrition and health." Obesity has been on the rise in the United States and the owners of Low Carb Bread Recipe .org felt it necessary to provide the American public with an easy dieting solution. Tips such as the differences between complex carbs and simple carbs can be found on the site, as well as the proper amount of water that a person should be drinking daily.

Low carb diets are very safe and do not involve ordering special food or depriving yourself of everything you enjoy. What they do require is discipline, control, and taking the proper supplements. Protein is also critical to a low carb diet, and protein shake information is provided on the site.

Please visit for more information.


Jim Wise
Low Carb Bread Recipe
Email Information

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New Website Launched on Low Carb Bread Recipe

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Feb 2

Utah nutritionists weigh diet ratings

January is over, and the clock is ticking on perennial resolutions to shed weight. How long have you given yourself this time to lose those 10, 20, 30 or more pounds you packed on since adolescence?

And why does the weight almost always come back?

Unhealthy eating habits plus too little exercise, too much sitting around and an age-related loss of muscle mass are the main reasons, enhanced perhaps by genetics, environment, disability and other circumstances. Most of these can be overcome, dieticians say, by making small behavioral changes before setting weight loss goals.

Going on a "diet," they say, too often involves making radical, unsustainable eating changes in the hopes of losing weight quickly, only to mess up your metabolism and mind so much you could be setting yourself up for eventually weighing even more than when you started.

"Diet" is kind of a bad word to Jessica Cooper, a registered dietician in Salt Lake City who teaches people how to lose weight and counsels athletes on how to use nutrition to boost performance.

One of the first bits of advice she gives her clients is to focus less on outcomes and more on behaviors. "I talk about habits they need to change," she says. "If they start eating better, they start feeling better."

That is the gist of the second annual U.S. News and World Report "Best Diets" feature released in January, an analysis of 25 commercial and academic eating plans for their health and weight-loss potential.

Katherine Beals, a University of Utah associate professor of nutrition, was one of 22 experts who helped evaluate the eating plans, eventually breaking the rankings into bests for weight loss, diabetes, heart health, and healthy eating. The rankings also included the best commercial diet plans, easiest diets to follow and best overall.

Story continues below

"Many of the, quote unquote, diets we evaluated were not really for weight loss," she says.

Nor had the claims of some of them been subject to scientific analysis, something she and the other team members do regularly.

"If you’re a consumer, it’s very difficult to wade through the hundreds [of diet plans] that are available," she says. "But what I think is simple: Forget what you weigh. What do you need to be healthy?"

One answer: exercise.

"People tell me they don’t have time to exercise," Beals says. "Really? How much time do you spend watching TV? You need to be physically active every day....If you do those two things, your weight will settle at what is healthy for you."

Craving what you need • Cooper tells clients that if they are desperate for a certain unhealthy food, they are really craving nutrients. Trouble is, "it takes a lot of cheeseburgers and fries to get those vitamins and minerals," she says, "and you also get a lot of calories."

The diets that got top billing in the U.S. News report share a common denominator: lots of fruit and vegetables. They included the DASH, TLC and Volumetrics eating plans — which were developed to fight chronic ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig were the top two commercial diet plans.

None of them restrict entire classes of food, a big plus in the analyses.

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Utah nutritionists weigh diet ratings

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Feb 1

Tuesday At 4 pm On Dr. Oz: Ultimate Diet Foods – Video

31-01-2012 07:33 The wrong diet foods could be making you fatter. This is your ultimate grocery list -- 99 foods Dr. Oz wants on your shopping list. Save time, save money, and lose weight.

See the rest here:
Tuesday At 4 pm On Dr. Oz: Ultimate Diet Foods - Video

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Feb 1

Drinking diet soft drinks daily may lead to stroke, heart attack

Washington, Feb 1 (ANI): Individuals who drink diet soft drinks on a daily basis may be at increased risk of suffering vascular events such as stroke, heart attack, and vascular death, a new study has warned.

However, in contrast, it found that regular soft drink consumption and a more moderate intake of diet soft drinks do not appear to be linked to a higher risk of vascular events.

In the current climate of escalating obesity rates, artificially sweetened soft drinks are marketed as healthier alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages, due to their lack of calories. However, the long-term health consequences of drinking diet soft drinks remain unclear.

Hannah Gardener and her colleagues from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center examined the relationship between both diet and regular soft drink consumption and risk of stroke, myocardial infarction (or heart attack), and vascular death.

Data were analyzed from 2,564 participants in the NIH-funded Northern Manhattan Study, which was designed to determine stroke incidence, risk factors and prognosis in a multi-ethnic urban population.

The researchers looked at how often individuals drank soft drinks - diet and regular - and the number of vascular events that occurred over a ten-year period.

They found that those who drank diet soft drinks daily were 43 percent more likely to have suffered a vascular event than those who drank none, after taking into account pre-existing vascular conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Light diet soft drink users, i.e. those who drank between one a month and six a week, and those who chose regular soft drinks were not more likely to suffer vascular events.

"Our results suggest a potential association between daily diet soft drink consumption and vascular outcomes. However, the mechanisms by which soft drinks may affect vascular events are unclear. There is a need for further research before any conclusions can be drawn regarding the potential health consequences of diet soft drink consumption," Gardener concluded.

The research appeared online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, published by Springer. (ANI)

Originally posted here:
Drinking diet soft drinks daily may lead to stroke, heart attack

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Feb 1

Fitness Marketing Blog Now Offers "6-Figures in 67 Days Blueprint"

Fitness Marketing Expert is Now Offering The Blueprints To His New Diversified Marketing Approach For Fitness Professionals. Most Businesses, According To Dr. Sam Bakhtiar, Have All Their Eggs In One Basket. They Rely On One Source For Their Leads. Dr. Sam Explains Why This Approach Is The Kiss Of Death.

Chino Hills, CA (PRWEB) January 31, 2012

Fitness Marketing expert and founder of Sam Bakhtiar says that many fitness professionals tend to put all of their marketing eggs into one basket by getting caught up in marketing trends such as Facebook and Twitter, this is why he has made available on his blog-site the "6-Figures in 67 Days Blueprint"

Bakhtiar, known as “7 Figure Sam” by industry pros and friends believes that trainers could benefit from a more balanced marketing approach. Bakhtiar says, “running a diversified fitness marketing campaign is the key to being successful in this industry.” And he illustrates this perfectly in the manual that you can download for free from his website -

He goes on to say, “Facebook ads, “Deal of the Day” coupons, or text message marketing campaigns. These are all great ideas, mind you, but no one avenue is going to bring you riches.” And Bakhtiar would know. His own fitness empire brings in over $2.4 million dollars per year. Not bad for a guy who immigrated to the United States from Persia with little more than the desire to succeed.

He recommends that fitness professionals utilize several marketing distribution channels like YouTube, informative content, Pay Per Click Ads, email marketing and SEO. Having multiple marketing channels means more exposure and a diversified client list. Any successful investor would never think of putting all of their money into one stock or company. Successful fitness marketers understand that diversity is also critical when it comes to the long term success and viability of their business.

For people looking for an all encompassing fitness marketing guide, Bakhtiar’s website offers his “Six-Figures in 67 Days Blueprint” training course for people who want to earn a lucrative living within the fitness industry.

About Super-Trainer.Com: is a Fitness Marketing website and community owned by personal trainer and entrepreneur Sam “7Figure Sam” Bakhtiar. Bakhtiar specializes in helping fitness enthusiasts including personal trainers, gym owners, and boot camp operators run a successful business. utilizes a unique marketing and community platform that allows interested fitness professionals to post helpful information on how to leverage business resources and marketing tips to grow their business.


Sam Bakhtiar
Fitness Concepts
Email Information

Fitness Marketing Blog Now Offers "6-Figures in 67 Days Blueprint"

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Feb 1

Fitness Marketing Program Shows Trainers How to Create an Experience That Competes with Big Box Clubs

Many independent fitness trainers agonize over how they can raise their rates or drop one of their services and still remain competitive, when big box franchises are slashing their rates down to $5 or $20 a month. Fitness Marketing Expert Sam Bakhtiar shares his thoughts. For more information, visit

Chino Hills, CA (PRWEB) February 01, 2012

Many independent fitness trainers worry how they can stay afloat in this economy, when big box franchises are slashing their rates so dramatically. In any given location across America, one may see flyers for $5 or $20 monthly gym memberships, with no sign-up fees. It’s difficult for independently owned training studios to match those prices, since they don’t have 500 or more members to share the cost of operations. According to Fitness Marketing Expert Sam Bakhtiar, trainers must work to create an experience that their big box rivals can’t reproduce.

“Planet Fitness might be offering you a $20 membership,” Sam explains, “but that’s because they’ve priced themselves to keep a revolving door of members coming in and out. You might get to use the latest and greatest new Cybex Machine and watch HDTV while you work out, but if you want to use a towel, you’ve got to pay $10. Oh, and sorry, there are no zumba or cycling classes. Your fitness marketing has to sell something that people can’t get at Planet Fitness – community.”

According to the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, up to 45 percent of fitness club members quit each year. They do so because the gym is just a place, and a structure cannot keep people motivated to achieve their fitness goals. Back in the 1970s, people came to fitness clubs to socialize and meet one-on-one with dedicated trainers. Nowadays, people come to clubs to disassociate and lose themselves in their iPods and big-screen TVs. Many big box trainers just throw their hands up in the air and say, “I can’t motivate someone who won’t motivate themselves.” The industry has lost its way.

“The path to retention isn’t hard,” Sam says. “It’s up to you, the little guy, to remind your people why they come to you. Let them know your core values. For instance, I always tell people that our goals are to ‘be the change we want to see in the world, never lose our passion, and always do – never say can’t.’ People identify with these personal values.”

“In a recent email, I told my people that we will be raising rates and discontinuing the free trials for friends. I also let them know that anyone who signed up at a lower rate can keep that lower rate, unless they decide to leave and come back – in which case the higher rate will then apply. I also mention that we have designated ‘bring-a-friend days’ now, where they can bring one first-timer along for one introductory session.”

He continues, “I explained these moves by saying, ‘We’re not going to cheapen your experience. You deserve to be around positive, likeminded people. People that come based off of price will leave based off of price and it’s not fair to you. It’s not fair to you when we redirect energy to an individual that doesn’t really care.’ Effective fitness marketing always conveys an ‘us versus them’ appeal because people like having choice and they like knowing they made the better choice.”

Sam Bakhtiar, CEO of Fit Concepts, has been able to make a multi-million-dollar income based on his sound fitness marketing principles. Over the past few decades, he has built his business from the ground up. Now he helps other personal trainers, boot camp operators, studio owners and fitness professionals streamline their fitness marketing practices to be more successful and earn top dollars in their markets, just as he has. For more information on the fitness marketing resources and programs Sam offers, visit

About Sam Bakhtiar

Sam Bakhtiar is a Persian-born American with over twenty years of experience in fitness training and body building. After completing B.S in Premed and Nutrition, Sam also received a degree of doctorate of Chiropractics. Along with being one of the best fitness trainers, Sam is also a business and marketing expert. After establishing a successful fitness training business with substantial income, Sam is helping other professionals in the industry to achieve their business goals. For more information, please contact using the following information.

Contact Information:

Sam Bakhtiar

Fitness Concepts


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Sam Bakhtiar
Fitness Concepts
Email Information

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Fitness Marketing Program Shows Trainers How to Create an Experience That Competes with Big Box Clubs

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