Dec 14

The best workout apps in 2023 – Tom’s Guide

Best workout apps: Quick Menu If the cost of gym memberships feels like an expense you can do without right now, the best workout apps could be your saving grace. We've tried and tested many of the workout apps deemed "the best," whether that's for strength training, yoga, Pilates or CrossFit

Dec 14

11 Best Gyms in America 2024 – Men’s Health

TODAY'S TOP GYMS are thriving, thanks to supportive communities, innovative training, and environments (and equipment!) that help everyone build strength and have fun. Finding the country's best gyms was no easy task. We started by polling our staff, our advisory board, and the trainers in our Strength in Diversity Initiative

May 3

Healthy Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat, Foods to Avoid and More – Good Housekeeping

Coming off the heels of pregnancy, you may be eager to dive into a giant platter of sushi and chase it with sake, but is that safe to do if youre breastfeeding? Fortunately, there arent as many guidelines to follow for a healthy breastfeeding diet as there are for a pregnancy diet. Generally, as long as youre taking good care of yourself, youre also taking care of your baby

May 3

Get a Full-Body Workout with These 5 Exercises – Real Simple

Getting a full-body workout is much easier than you think and doesnt require hitting up every weight machine at the gym (or even going to the gym). While weightlifting is the golden standard for muscle-building, there are numerous other exercise moves and routines you can do just about anywhere (and without any equipment) to strengthen and activate your entire body.

Apr 25

Bryce Dallas Howard’s Secret Health Issue May Be The Reason For … – TheThings

As the daughter of famous producer and director Ron Howard, Bryce Dallas Howard must be used to people talking about her. Of course, that doesn't mean that being in the public eye is easy

Apr 15

Weight loss tips: Fitness experts share natural ways to get rid of belly fat – Hindustan Times

In the age of casually passing health tips that make it easy to fall into the trap of fitness misconceptions, few know that a glass of detox water alone cannot make you healthy nor help you loose weight as health experts assert that there is a combination of activities and a complete meal plan that needs to be followed, throughout the day and done the right way, to be able to see the benefits. It is no secret that the number of food challenges and the competition to flaunt culinary skills on social media platforms during the quarantine made one and all succumb to the pressure of binge eating calories while those who tried to stick to a diet plan were left feeling hungry or unsatisfied. A major bane of months of Covid-19 lockdowns and work from home routine was that it cut down massively on our outdoor activities and added extra unwanted kilos to our couch potato selves

Apr 18

Leptitox Reviews: Does This Fat Burner Really Work? – Blog – The Island Now

The world in current years has seen a massive shift in trends, whether it be clothing, dieting, or simply lifestyle. Leading these trends are platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Who would have ever thought that these media platforms could make consuming tide-pods look cool?

Feb 16

Finding fitness apps, online instructors to connect with can keep you on track during COVID-19 pandemic – USA TODAY

Consumer tech journalist Jennifer Jolly talks about apps and tech products that help her maintain her fitness and overall health.

Feb 6

Opinion | Goodbye to the Cult of SoulCycle – The New York Times

I resisted SoulCycle, the trendy boutique fitness chain, for years. My last indoor cycling experience had been in the 1990s, when spinning was Spinning, and my most vivid memories were bruises from the bike seat and an instructor who looked as if hed forgotten to shed his Lance Armstrong Halloween costume. But in 2011, I was too hugely pregnant to run or dance

Jan 30

5 weight lifting myths for women and the health benefits women who lift weights gain – Insider – INSIDER

Women sometimes avoid weight lifting because they think it can be dangerous or will make them bulky. But these stereotypes about women and lifting weights aren't supported by facts. Here are some of the most common myths about weight lifting for women, and why they aren't true, according to a strength training coach

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