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Aug 1

Ways to shed pounds after 40 – The Daily Star

It might be difficult to lose weight after the age of 40. Slowing metabolism and a decrease in daily physical activity can lead to weight gain if these biological changes are not matched with a corresponding reduction in dietary calories. Still, shedding pounds after age 40 is not a hopeless endeavour. Here are a few ways to tackle mid-life weight loss.

Over the 40s, may find it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. Changes in activity, diet, hormones and fat storage can all have a role. But a few simple steps may help you slim down.

Halve your plate at each meal. Green produce has more nutrients and less fat and calories than meat, dairy, or grains. It may help you feel full when eating less. Apples and berries replace high-fat or high-sugar snacks.

Oatmeal or whole wheat toast with fruit is recommended for breakfast. It can curb midmorning hunger that leads to unhealthy grab-and-go or lunch overeating. Small meals or snacks every few hours can control your appetite.

If you consume most of your daily calories before 3PM, you may lose more weight than if you eat a large meal later. But what you eat is still more important than when you eat it.

A lot of extra fat and calories can come from the way you prepare food. Instead of frying, baking, or broiling food. Avoid indulging in fried and creamy foods.

As you age, you become less active and need fewer calories. To lose weight, reduce your calorie intake. A food diary or app can help you track calories and eat less.

When you are busy with work, children, and life, you may be tempted to eat on the go or multitask. If you do not focus on your food, you will soon overeat and be hungry again. At mealtime, focus on your plate, not your TV or computer. This helps your brain recognise fullness.

Switch to water if you drink sugar-sweetened coffee, tea, soft drinks, or energy drinks. Your sugary drinks can cause weight gain and diabetes.

Not all beer bellies are alcohol-related. Alcohol can contribute to middle-age "spare tires." A glass of beer or wine has 150 calories, which adds up quickly. Plus, alcohol makes you hungry, so you may eat more.

Many 40-somethings don't have time to exercise between desk jobs, commuting, and family activities. At least 2 hours of moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking or light yard work) is crucial for weight and health. Prioritise calendar times.

Following age 40, people lose muscle naturally, especially women after menopause. Because muscle consumes more calories than fat, it can decrease your metabolism and make losing weight more difficult. Lifting weights or performing body-weight workouts such as push-ups and squats at least twice a week might help you keep those muscles.

Stress might increase your tendency to overeat unhealthy foods and make it more difficult for your body to break down fat. Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, going on a stroll, or reading a good book are all good options. Everyone's stress reduction needs are different, so figure out what works best for you.

After the age of 40, a variety of factors can disrupt your sleep, including health issues, stress, drugs, and, for women, menopause. On the other hand, people who do not get enough sleep are more prone to acquire weight. If you do not get enough sleep because you are too busy or anxious, attempt to adjust your behaviours and get into a pattern.

If you eat well and exercise consistently but still cannot lose weight, your thyroid may be malfunctioning. This affects roughly 5 percent of the population, with women and persons over 60 being the most vulnerable. It can induce weariness, joint or muscular discomfort, and depression, in addition to weight gain. Medications can assist, so get it tested if you suspect there is a problem.

Many people find that losing weight with others is easier than losing weight alone. For example, you may enter a weight-loss contest at work, join a social media group, or invite a friend to join you for early-morning walks or gym courses. Other people who share your goals can hold you accountable and encourage you as you improve.

If you are having trouble meeting your weight-loss goals after age 40, a careful observation of lifestyle and consideration of the above list can help towards losing weight in your 40s.

Originally posted here:
Ways to shed pounds after 40 - The Daily Star

Aug 1

What Is The Healthiest Way To Cook Your Veggies? We Asked Weight Loss Experts – SheFinds

When trying to lose weight healthily, its imperative to eat a well-balanced diet powered by nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. With that said, there are some ways to cook veggies that are healthier than others, and we checked in with health, nutrition and weight loss experts to learn more. Read on for tips, suggestions and insight from Josh Schlottman, CSCS, certified personal trainer and nutritionist, and Lisa Richards, registered nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet.

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"Roasting your vegetables is the healthiest and easiest way to cook them," Schlottman says, when it comes to healthily preparing veggies for weight loss. "Ive found as a personal trainer that the easier you can make eating healthy, then the more likely youll end up doing it," he explains. Schlottman adds that "the harder and more complicated you make cooking your veggies," then the "less likely you are" to keep it up over time.

"Youre able to cook up a lot of vegetables while quickly preparing yourself for a handful of days of ready-to-eat veggies," he continues. "You can conveniently add a handful of already roasted vegetables to the plates youre eating the rest of the day." He adds that you can also "roast up vegetables" that arent in their freshest, salad-ready state.


"All you have to do is cut up the vegetables in about the same size so theyll end up cooking at the same pace," he advises. Schlottman suggests then "sprinkling some avocado oil over the veggies" and also adding some salt and pepper. "Then, just cook until you can use a fork to easily prick the veggies," he recommends.

Richards agrees, and points out that vegetables "can be cooked and maintain their nutrients and health through other means than frying."There are a few reasons, she says, why frying vegetables is so much "less healthy than other possible cooking methods," like roasting them. One of the primary concerns, Richards says, is "the amount of fat you're introducing to a relatively low fat food naturally."

This fat equates to an "increase in calories, at 9 calories per gram," which she says can greatly impact the possibility of healthy weight loss. "Heart health and dangerous weight gain become a concern for those taking in excess dietary fat," Richards concludes. Even if healthyfats are chosen, these are often "high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can be inflammatory and damaging" if not balanced with omega-3 fats in the diet. With that said, roasting seems to be the way to go!

Read more from the original source:
What Is The Healthiest Way To Cook Your Veggies? We Asked Weight Loss Experts - SheFinds

Aug 1

Nutritionist shares five healthy foods you should avoid if youre trying to lose weight – Express

Over the years, several health foods have been developed, and are extremely popular within the diet industry. Take avocado toast, for example, or trendy almond milk, while they seem healthy and nutritious, they can hinder weight loss efforts. Registered nutritionist Amy Shapiro and registered dietitian Maria Bella gave their thoughts on several foods.

Amy explained how avocado toast has lots of heart-healthy fats.

The NHS recommends men eat no more than 30g of saturated fat a day, and women no more than 20g.

100g of avocado contains 20g of fat, of which 5g is saturated.

But its important to pay attention to the type of bread the avocado is spread on.

If you are using whole wheat bread, make sure it has at least five grams of fibre per serving, Maria said.

There is such a thing as eating too much of an ingredient thought.

Amy said: People need to avoid adding too much avocado to the toast when they are making it.

Restaurants, in particular, tend to add an entire avocado on one slice of bread instead of her recommended quarter amount.

The experts suggest adding other ingredients to avocado toast, such as eggs, smoked salmon or sunflower seeds to boost the benefits.

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Maria said: The good part is that it is low in calories. The bad is that it is low in protein.

Almond milk is a great alternative for those who cant or prefer not to consume dairy.

But even though almonds are a good source of protein, almond milk is not.

It is also low in calcium compared to regular milk.

If youre looking for a low-calorie milk alternative, consider almond milk.

If youre looking for high calcium or protein, then switch to another type of milk.

Amy also recommends buying unsweetened almond milk because it gets rid of the added sugars.

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Protein shakes can provide a quick form of protein for the body.

Since it is in liquid form, it is digested more quickly by the body making it fast-acting.

This is good for rebuilding muscles after an intense workout.

If consumed as a meal, protein shakes can help slow down the digestion of sugars, Amy said.

But, studies show that chewing solid foods sends signals to our hypothalamus - a brain region responsible for satiety and hunger symptoms - that we are full, Maria told The Daily Mail.

So if given a choice between drinking blended produce or eating real fruits and veggies, I would recommend the latter.

Protein shakes can also hinder weight loss.

Read more:
Nutritionist shares five healthy foods you should avoid if youre trying to lose weight - Express

Aug 1

Shaquille O’Neal shaved 50lbs of pandemic weight through 4 workouts a week – The Sportsrush

NBA Players are supreme athletes, even if they reach the ripe old age of 50. Shaquille ONeal showed off this capacity by shedding 50lbs!

Athletes, especially professional athletes can get in shape fairly quickly. No matter the age or current status, they have the experience and the ability to gain or lose weight rather quickly.

This is very evident in their transformation from when they were in their rookie years to their primes. NBA players especially have gone from looking skinny to putting on pounds and pounds of muscle.

Giannis Antetokounmpo, is one example but perhaps the biggest one is Shaquille ONeal. The center arrived in the league slender and strong, and he was dominant almost off the bat.

However, he rapidly gained weight and started to increase his explosive strength along with a supreme ability to score in the post. There was no stopping him.

During his career, he went from 290lbs during his rookie year to a whopping 395lbs during his final year with the Lakers. The drastic loss and gain helped him adjust his game to a great degree and exploit his opponents.

But his real adventure came after retirement and, in fact, it happened just a few months ago.

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As per Shaq himself, he had gained a significant amount of weight during the pandemic. Staying locked up in the house and consuming calories meant that the big man went through a significant weight change.

He decided that he had ballooned enough and didnt want to be ridiculed for it, *cough* Charles Barkley *cough*. So he put himself through the paces.

As per reports and comments from Jewel Wicker of Mens Health magazine, Shaq put himself through four workouts per week!

He typically trains four days a week now for about an hour, blasting through 20 minutes of cardio and banging out 40 minutes of strength work.

The goal? Jewel says, He wants to slim down to 350 pounds and be ripped enough to go topless and post an Instagram thirst trap for his 50th birthday in March.

He also doesnt want his belly to go over his belly. As per Jewel, He doesnt want to develop the dreaded OTBB, or over-the-belt Barkley, as he puts it.

It is funny to see this banter between Shaquille and Charles motivate him enough to lose weight. As long as it resulted in something good, its great.

Also read: 7ft, 325-pound Shaquille ONeal really gobbled down a doughnut without even biting into it

View post:
Shaquille O'Neal shaved 50lbs of pandemic weight through 4 workouts a week - The Sportsrush

Aug 1

BMI: How to calculate it and what it really means for your health –

If youve ever had a standard check-up with your physician or other healthcare provider, its likely they calculated your BMI. This is a simple formula using your height and your weight to work out whether you are carrying too much fat.

Its been a standard way of judging a persons health since the early 20th century (with tweaks along the way) but although it gives a good outline of the condition that person is in, being such a simple test, it isnt the complete picture and should be looked at alongside other considerations.

To get the most accurate picture of how healthy an individual is, its important to look at what BMI doesnt take into account. Although BMI is a good starting point, considering the age, sex, ethnicity and build of a person will help create a better outline of that persons situation and whether they need to make changes to their lifestyle. There are also other ways to measure body fat (opens in new tab) that could be more accurate but these are usually based on more complicated calculations.

Contributor: Dr Juliet McGrattan

A practicing doctor for 16 years, UK-based Dr Juliet McGrattan is now an award-winning author and run coach. In addition to her years spent as a GP, she was also the lead clinical champion for physical activity in the North-West for Public Health England (opens in new tab).

BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it is commonly used to ascertain whether a person is at risk of obesity or being underweight. BMI measurements correlate with many obesity-related health issues, so it is a valid starting point when looking at a persons state of health. Its also easy to understand since its based on a numerical scale.

Each entry on the scale relates to the number of kilograms per square-metre (so a BMI of 25 would be 25kg/m).

According to the CDC (opens in new tab), a BMI of less than 18.4 on the scale is deemed to be underweight. For most individuals, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9) is considered normal or acceptable, while people between 25 and 29.9 are categorized as being overweight. Anyone with a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.

Yet since a persons BMI isnt focusing exclusively on fat and also includes muscle and other tissues, it is not a complete assessment on its own.

To work out your BMI, you need to know:

This can be in metric or imperial measurements. There is a formula for both.

For metric, you simply work out your height in centimetre-squared, then use this number to divide your weight in kilograms (weight height).

For imperial, work out your height (in inches) and use the number to divide your weight in pounds (weight (lbs) height (in)). This time, also multiply by 703.

For an easy way to work out your BMI, you could use one of the many online calculators available, where you input your weight and height and it figures it out for you.

Health care professionals use BMI to help them assess their patients' risk factors for certain weight-related health conditions.

Measuring your BMI can help to guide you and your nurse or doctor, as to whether you are a healthy weight. says Dr Juliet McGrattan, former GP and author of Sorted: The Active Womans Guide to Health (opens in new tab). There are health risks associated with being both overweight and underweight.

Working out your BMI is not only useful on a personal level, though. BMI can be used at an individual level to help you decide if you need to gain or lose weight but it is also used at a wider level where it indicates the health of populations, Dr McGrattan adds.

So knowing the average BMI of a population, in collaboration with other health statistics, can give health professionals more information on how to target communities that may need additional help with their lifestyle and healthcare options.

If youve put your details into a calculator and the results arent within the healthy margins, dont panic.

Its important to know that BMI is just a guide and can be misleading in some people. For example, if you are very muscular, your BMI may indicate that you are overweight when you are in fact very healthy, says Dr McGrattan.

But its always worth checking if youre not sure, as there are risks associated with being on either side of the unhealthy parameters:

If your BMI is outside of the healthy range, then its a good idea to discuss it with your doctor, Dr McGrattan adds. A very low BMI could put you at an increased risk of medical conditions including osteoporosis where bones are thin and fracture easily.

There are also many known health risks associated with being overweight or obese, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many types of cancer. Your doctor can help you work out what your BMI reading means for you personally and whether there are steps you need to take to correct it.

BMI is a good starting point but some researchers would argue that BMI is not a good measure of healthy weight. As McGrattan explains, Your BMI does not tell the whole story. Someone with a BMI in the normal range can be very unhealthy if they dont do regular exercise, or they smoke or drink excess amounts of alcohol.

Similarly, someone with a high BMI can be fitter and healthier than someone with a low BMI. Its all down to a question of their lifestyle and habits. BMI always needs to be interpreted alongside other factors such as lifestyle, ethnic group and other medical conditions a person might have.

As mentioned earlier, the main drawback of BMI is that it doesnt measure fat exclusively, nor does it measure where that fat is distributed on the body. It is, therefore, important to look at a BMI score in conjunction with other tests such as waist measurement to quickly establish whether a person is healthy or needs further help.

Remember, too, that good overall health includes both physical and mental health and BMI does not measure your mental health, says Dr McGrattan.

BMI remains a good way to quickly get a picture of a persons health, but is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be looked at alongside other considerations such as lifestyle, build, sex, age, ethnicity and overall health of the individual.

If you are at all concerned about your health in relation to your BMI, ask your doctor or nurse for advice.

This article is not meant to offer medical advice and readers should consult their doctor or healthcare professional before adopting any diet or treatment.

See the original post:
BMI: How to calculate it and what it really means for your health -

Aug 1

How Might Breathing Assist in Weight Loss? – News18

In addition to reducing stress, proper breathing can help reduce food cravings, emotional eating, and weight gain. Even one study found that when compared to a control group, 45 minutes of deep breathing three times per week significantly lowered body weight and body mass index (BMI).

Heres a look into some breathing exercises to lose those extra fat!

1. Practicing deep breathing has a number of health advantages

Deep breathing exercises and meditation will not only calm and soothe your mind, but will also greatly improve your health. Your focus and stress levels will increase when you practise mindfulness, commonly known as breathing. Along with these breathing techniques, you can use them to lose weight. Include breathing techniques in your training routine in addition to callisthenics and Pilates.

If you lose weight peacefully and calmly, your weight reduction journey will become incredibly enriching and fascinating. Your physical and emotional well-being will both improve as a result of this procedure.

Read on to learn more about these astounding breathing movements:

2. Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati is a fantastic breathing technique that can save you from gaining weight and aid in uncomplicated weight loss.

How to execute- Your back and neck should be in alignment as you fold your legs into a seated position on your yoga mat. Gently close your eyes while placing your palms on your knees. Breathe in slowly and out quickly. Youll feel an inward abdominal movement when you exhale. For at least 5 to 10 minutes, keep doing this.

3. Bhastrika

Bhastrika breathing exercises will give you more energy and speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn calories quickly.

How to execute: Sit comfortably while maintaining a straight back and neck to perform Bhastrika Pranayama. Keep your eyes closed and relax your tummy muscles. Maintaining your palms on your knees, begin inhaling and exhaling quickly and deeply. Make sure that your breathing is rhythmic and that you dont take more than a second to breathe in and out. You should feel your diaphragm enlarging and contracting in time with your breaths as you carry out this. Spend five to ten minutes perfecting this method.

4. Bhramari

This type of exercise will boost your metabolism, increase your oxygen intake, and regulate the hormone secretion levels in your body.

How to do it: Find a quiet, tranquil place, then sit in padmasana with your back straight and shoulders spread. Use your thumbs to gently close your eyes and relax your palms. Your hands should be in a position where your index fingers are directly contacting your forehead just above your eyebrows. Your closed eyes should be covered by your middle and ring fingers. Breathe in deeply and slowly exhale. Simulate a buzzing sound while exhaling while keeping your mouth closed. Your fingers should feel the sounds vibrations. Once you have done this, gently place your fingertips on your knees. Redo

5. Nadi shodhana

This activity eliminates pollutants while balancing the bodys two channels. The cells take in oxygen, which revitalises the bodys system and causes weight loss.

How to do it: Sit comfortably with your shoulders relaxed and your back straight. Keep your left hand on your knee in a chin mudra. Keep the tips of your right hands middle and index fingers in the middle of your brows. Your thumb should be on your right nostril, and your ring and little fingers should be on your left. Exhale comfortably via your left nostril while easily closing your right nostril with your thumb. Breathe in via your left nostril, then let out a breath from the right. At least nine repetitions of this exercise should be done while taking slow, deep breaths.

6. Diaphragmatic breathing

As you complete this workout, take short, shallow breaths to help your bodys cells absorb more oxygen and remove toxins.

How to do it: Lie down on your yoga mat and pay attention to the slow upward and downward movements of your stomach. It aids in belly fat reduction and abdominal area toning. Additionally, it aids with regular bowel movements and muscle relaxation.

7. Mouth breathing

You not only feel revitalised while breathing through your mouth, but your excess belly fat is also diminished. Your abdominal muscles will feel a force as you perform this workout. This exercise also tones your face, giving your chin and cheeks a more polished appearance.

Open your mouth and begin to breathe in and out while counting to ten as you do this breathing exercise. Make sure you are breathing out more slowly than you are inhaling. This exercise can be done three times a day for a total of 10 minutes each time.

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Here is the original post:
How Might Breathing Assist in Weight Loss? - News18

Aug 1

This Guy Had a 45-Lb. Weight Loss Transformation & Beat Back Pain – Men’s Health

Paul Faulder suffered from lower back pain for 30 years, until he slimmed down and completely transformed his body. He tells Mens Health how he did it.

For 30 years, Ive had a lower back problem thats led to chronic discomfort and episodes of severe pain. Since I was 16, Ive managed the issues with a combination of painkillers and chiropractic treatment. Id spend my days holding onto walls and furniture just to move around; I couldnt get dressed without holding onto a door and when I showered Id panic that I was going to slip. Daily life had become an anxiety-ridden obstacle course of avoiding the most innocuous tasks that might trigger a spasm.

My lowest point was being given gas and air at 3 a.m. in my bedroom by paramedics just to be able to get me out of bed. I spent two weeks recovering, only to have it happen againthis time I was out for the better part of a month. Having been someone that was previously in shape it was embarrassing to me, and people began to comment that I was always making excuses for not socializing, when in reality I just didnt want to be around people looking and feeling the way I did. I was in pain daily and this was severely affecting my mental health.

I decided enough was enough. I talked to my healthcare providers about how I could lead a more normal life. I had an MRI, then a referral to a neurosurgeon, who advised me to lose 2.5 stone (35 pounds) to bring my BMI into a healthy range and take the pressure off my lumbar region. However, this challenge came with the caveat that I needed to be very careful, with no repetitive spinal compression (e.g., no running), and taking great care with any weightlifting.

I decided to enroll in a transformation program at Ultimate Performances Cheshire gym. As a too-skinny teenager, Id been inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger to get into weight training, and my dad and I even built our own home gym. Hed always said to me, Whatever life throws at you, and it will, always do what you can to be fit and healthyno one can take that off you! I took that ethos into the training with me every day.

We started with a pretty aggressive caloric reduction, cutting my daily weight-maintenance calories by more than half. I knew that was extreme, but figured I could do it for 14 weeks, and planned to maintain my lean body mass while stripping fat as quickly as possible. During that time, I kept to a strict breakdown of macros: protein, carbs, and fat.

I had a habit of eating my first meal at 1 p.m., which fit with an intermittent fasting routine that had worked well for me before. We stuck with that so I could train fasted in the morning, and I found it easier to manage my hunger. That meant I had less energy for my morning workouts, but it was a manageable trade-off.

We started with three hours a week of upper, lower, and full body workouts, with a step count of 8,000 per day. We saw some good results, and started targeting specific muscles. To keep losing weight, we introduced spinning classes and upped the daily step count to 10,000. It gets tougher the more weight you lose as your body wants to hold onto every reserve it can; our strategic shifts aimed to counter that.

Over 14 weeks, I lost 45 pounds, dropping my body fat percentage from an overweight 29.4% to a healthy 24%. My back pain has decreased by about 90%. I am more focused, calmer, and have a much more positive outlook on life. Ive been approached by friends and family asking how I managed to make such drastic improvements. Its a great pleasure to inspire them and support anyone going through the process. After all, they had supported me, knowing that this was an important change I needed to make for my health and well-being.

It was a big transformation, and, honestly, it happened quickly. Thats great, but Im very aware that it could possibly reverse just as quickly. Thats not an option for me: I refuse to return to my previous self with all the negative consequences that come with it.

So my next step is working on a phase of strength and muscle building. I happened to be watching Alan Richson in Reacher, whos about my height (64) but is obviously stacked with Hollywood levels of muscle. He and Chris Hemsworth are now my physique inspirations. Ill keep you updated on my progress!

For anyone getting started, I think firstly its important to choose carefully where you get your advice. Theres a lot of information out there, but not all of it is correct, and some can even be damaging. Think about your reasons for changing, and focus on them throughout. Engage with the process, and trust that itll lead you in the right direction. Track and monitor your progress. And finally, be accountable to someone whos influential to you.

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This Guy Had a 45-Lb. Weight Loss Transformation & Beat Back Pain - Men's Health

Jul 24

Is fat freezing the coolest way to lose inches quickly? Why some think so – WSAV-TV

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) Working hard and not seeing results could be discouraging, especially for those who are actively trying to lose a few inches. Today, many people who struggle with having areas of unwanted diet and exercise-resistant fat, have more options to remove excess fat and improve body contours noninvasively.

Cryoskin is a nonsurgical fat reduction procedure that uses a cold temperature to destroy fat cells in certain areas of the body. Cryoskin is offered at gyms, salons, and spas in Savannah.

I get a lot of moms who just had a baby. I also get a lot of calls from military people who need to lose a couple of inches because theyre having an upcoming PT test or whatever, said Ashley Lawton, owner of Heavenly Body Studio & Spa in Savannah.

We help a lot of people when theyre just trying to get rid of fat that they cant get rid of on their own.They exercise, they eat right, but they just cant get rid of that pudge or those few little inches of fat that just wont come off.So, thats what we do, we take care of that.

All in all, Lawton says she has hundreds of clients, which includes Savannah resident and mom of two Arielle Merlow who said, After my last daughter I had the pooch and I just gained so much weight.

Deciding to embark on a weight loss journey Merlow, started making changes so that she could see results after having two children.

I did a lot of running, walking, a lot of cardio. I also did aerobics and weight lifting. I wouldnt say I was on a specific diet, I just tried to eat a lot better. I cut out a lot of juices, carbonated beverages, sweet beverages and just drank a lot of water. I wasnt really on a diet, I was more careful about the way I ate.

Merlow said she didnt have any underlying health issues and worked out of for months before she decided to have Cryoskin procedures. Its noninvasive, its not painful and it doesnt take long at all, so those were the perks of why I wanted to get it done.

Although Cryoskin is not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and it does not prevent illness nor disease, a study suggested with the increased risk of complications from more invasive methods such as liposuction, Cryoskin presents a promising method for nonsurgical fat removal and body contouring.

The method involves using a machine with either a paddle or a wand that basically targets fat cells in the body by freezing them or bringing them down to a very low temperature.

Concerning the cold temperature, Lawton said, They actually do experience the cold.Fortunately, because its targeted, it doesnt really affect your whole body. People pretty much get used to the temperature. I tell people its like when you walk into a cold pool, at first its like really cold but then you get used to the water and then youre fine, same thing happens when we do that treatment.

After the freezing or low temperatures, heat is applied to the cells again and thats when the change begins to take place.

Once we put heat to those cells again they then liquefy and your lymphatic system takes over and helps to remove them from your body through your urine or bowel movements, said Lawton. Usually after were done I have them go to the bathroom right away because a lot of time the fat cells are coming out pretty quickly so they need to go ahead and use the restroom and then I usually have them get on this machine that shakes them up really fast and helps the body release those fat cells as well.

Lawton said results can usually be seen after one session and that inches lost depends on the body part because the stomach tends to lose weight a lot faster with the Cryoskin process.

If you get the arms done, you may not lose a 1 on your arms but around the stomach, you can definitely lose an 1 , even 2 inches around the stomach in one session, it just depends on the person.

When youre trying to lose weight, it takes forever to see results. You might have to wait a week before you see anything on the scale but actually being able to see that you lost inches like that day made me feel a lot better and it kept me motivated to stay on my weight loss journey, said Merlow.

Like invasive targeted fat reduction procedures, there are potential side effects to noninvasive options like Cryoskin, which might include temporary localized redness, muscle soreness, itching that is often due to the reactions of certain cosmetic products used by clients and increased urination.It is important to consult with your physician before getting an invasive or noninvasive procedure done.

Is fat freezing the coolest way to lose inches quickly? Why some think so - WSAV-TV

Jul 24

Stressed out? Here’s how it could impact weight loss – Khaleej Times

It can make you engage in unhealthy behaviours, which can cause weight gain

By Dr. Siddhant Bhargava

Published: Thu 21 Jul 2022, 5:59 PM

The link between stress and weight gain is striking. Stress impacts our ability to maintain a healthy body. It prevents us from losing weight due to factors, such as high levels of the stress hormone, unhealthy stress-induced behaviours, or a combination of both. Learning the connection between stress and weight loss may help you address the root causes and break the cycle of stress and weight gain.

Hormonal changes related to stress

Medical research suggests that the stress hormone cortisol may lead to weight gain. During times of increased stress, our adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol, and as a result, glucose is released into your bloodstream. This triggers an increase in heart rate and energy levels, which provide the body the energy it needs to prepare against a potentially harmful situation. The adrenaline high wears off when the threat subsides leading to a dip in blood sugar spike; this is when cortisol comes into action to replenish the energy supply.

We also tend to consume more sugar, which provides the body with the quick energy it thinks it needs when we are stressed. The body utilises as much as it needs and stores the rest in form of abdominal fat which one may find hard to shed. In addition to this, even if we are not eating foods high in fat and sugar while in stress, cortisol slows down our metabolism, which makes it difficult to lose weight.

Stress and unhealthy habits

Stress can also make you engage in unhealthy behaviours, which can cause weight gain. Some of those behavioural patterns are mentioned below:

a) Emotional eating: Stress seems to affect our food preferences. Numerous studies have concluded that prolonged, chronic stress can lead to hormonal changes that may increase your appetite and cause cravings for higher-calorie comfort foods like ice cream, chips, and pizza. While such foods might give us temporary relief from stress but eventually it makes healthy weight management more difficult.

b) Inactivity: Stressed people tend to be less active. The increase in stress levels decreases our exercise minutes and we may not find the strength to exercise with all the tasks on our schedule.

c) Skipping meals: Inconsistent eating patterns may contribute to weight gain. On a stressful day, our schedule may prevent us from eating a meal, which may lead to cravings and overeating later, which can cause weight gain.

d) Sleep disturbance: People who are stressed experience sleep disturbance. While some people sleep more than usual, others suffer from insomnia and restless sleep. And both situations cause weight gain. When we feel fatigued and are not well rested, hormones tell our bodies to consume processed foods over healthy foods.

Prevent and combat weight gain due to stress

Maintain a routine. Make healthy behaviour a habit and combat stress-related weight changes. Below mentioned are some of the most effective strategies that can prevent and combat weight gain due to stress:

a) Eat healthier: Eat foods that can have a noticeable impact on the way our body feels. It is recommended to stick to whole foods such as fruits and veggies. Have oranges and carrots, they contain immune-boosting antioxidants; eat leafy vegetables packed with vitamin B to regulate nerves; eat whole grains and food packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Practise mindful eating. Focus on what you are eating. It will help lower stress and promote weight loss. Next time when you eat a meal, enjoy it without any distraction.

b) Make exercise a priority: It plays a crucial role in stress reduction and weight management. Even a 20-minutes brisk walk every day can make our blood circulate more quickly, transporting the cortisol to the kidneys and flushing it out of the body.

c) Add stress-relief strategies: Adding stress relievers such as practising yoga, listening to music, going for a short walk, etc. into our daily routine can reduce the cortisol levels in the body and help us manage weight.

Continue reading here:
Stressed out? Here's how it could impact weight loss - Khaleej Times

Jun 19

How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Simple Tips To Shed Fat More Efficiently – Boss Hunting

Are you wondering how to lose weight fast? Following some general guidelines can help you shed pounds and create a healthy weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle.

First, focus on making healthy food choices by choosing nutritious foods and fewer calories. Also, make sure you are getting enough exercise to help burn calories and boost your metabolism. Finally, focus on making overall lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, managing stress levels and staying hydrated.

That is, of course, the long-short of it and an incredibly simplified way to put a very complex and individualised process. Theres no one size fits all solution to losing weight as fast as possible, nor can it be particularly healthy to do so.

Those looking to lose weight quickly do have some valuable tools to use. Most guides to losing weight fast paint an overwhelming picture of slow and steady wins the race, but we understand impatience, frustration and an Ive left it too late mentality can often get in the way of a starting in the first place.

So while its not necessarily healthy to think of losing weight as a quick solution, were going to run you through some fundamentals to keep in mind so you can at least get to the finish line relatively faster while still maintaining a healthy pace.

The goal is to lose weight safely and sensibly. And the pace is important, especially if youre looking at maintaining weight loss as well.

Yes, diet and exercise is the standard answer for a reason. If you want to keep it simple, losing weight fast is really hinged on those two points, both of which should be powered by some good old-fashioned discipline. Through that lens, perhaps the key to losing weight fast is not just to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but to work on your discipline as much as possible so you dont run into any bumps along the way and take a step back toward unwanted weight gain.

Fortify your mind against any temptations because there will definitely be some along the way in your weight loss journey and youll be well on how your way to cutting that body weight down to your desired goal one that should be fueled by healthy fats, monitored calorie intake, and ideally clinical nutrition so you can lose body fat without losing your mind.

If you can make positive changes in these areas, you will be well on your way to healthy weight loss with diet and lifestyle changes. Keep reading to see how to lose weight fast and keep the pounds off for good.

The numerous health benefits of trimming down body fat, especially around your stomach, are much more than just giving yourself a nice dose of confidence. And while feeling good about how you look is always going to be something worth investing in, maintaining a healthy weight (whatever that may be for you) is important because it can:

The first step to fast weight loss is a commitment to making healthy food choices. Intermittent fasting involves limiting your food intake to a specific window of time each day and then fasting (not eating) for the remainder of the day.

For example, you might eat as usual for eight hours and then fast for 16 hours. This strategy can help to boost your metabolism and promote fat burning.

There are many benefits to Intermittent fasting, including weight loss. When you fast, you force your body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to rapid weight loss.The important part then is how often your fast, and when.

Intermittent fasting also helps regulate insulin levels, which leads to further fat loss. Intermittent fasting is a great way of dieting for weight loss, but its not for everyone. If you have any health concerns, talk to your doctor before starting this or another weight loss plan.

If youre interested in trying intermittent fasting, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, start slowly and gradually increase the time you fast each day. It is also good to make sure that you eat healthy foods during your eating window and avoid overeating.

Keep in mind that none of this will be possible without discipline, so if youre really serious about intermittent fasting you might want to try keeping a food diary or at least using a smartphone app like Zero (available for both iOS and Android) to help you keep track of your goals. Whatever you do, dont be stubborn and think some good old-fashioned willpower is enough in this day and age. It helps to use technology wherever possible.

A low-carb diet is, arguably, the fastest diet to lose weight because it requires you to eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein. Numerous studies show that low-carb diets can help you shed weight quickly.

Researchers also found that eating a high-protein breakfast can set you up for a healthy day. Individuals who ate a high-protein breakfast were less likely to have cravings later in the day.

Try implementing a high-protein breakfast to keep your appetite under control. You may benefit even if you dont eat low-carb the rest of the day.

Low-carb breakfast food for losing weight includes:

If youre looking for something more indulgent for breakfast, you could try a low-carb waffle or pancake made with almond flour, coconut flour, or cheese. You can also make a frittata with vegetables and meat or a quiche with bacon and spinach.

There are a few reasons why low-carb diets are effective for weight loss. One reason is that they help to control blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are stable, cravings and feelings of hunger are under control. These diets also tend to be higher in fibre, too, and a high-fibre diet keeps you feeling satiated, so you are less likely to overeat.

Low-carb diets also tend to be high in protein, which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied after meals. Additionally, low-carb diets tend to be lower in calories than other diets, making them good choices for those who wonder how to lose weight fast without exercise.

Another reason low-carb diets are effective as weight loss diets is that they help to increase metabolism. An increased metabolism turns on your bodys fat-burning process, leading to weight loss.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you are thinking about starting a low-carb diet. First, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough protein. Protein helps build muscle, and it is also necessary for many other bodily functions. If you do not get enough protein, you may lose muscle mass instead of fat.

Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water helps flush out toxins and excess calories from your body, helping you shed some pounds.

Regular exercise can help you burn calories and promote weight loss. One of the main reasons exercise is important for rapid weight loss is because it helps to burn calories. When you burn calories, you can lose weight more quickly by creating a calorie deficit.

Another reason exercise is important for rapid weight loss is that it can help to tone your body. When you have more muscle, you will burn more calories even when you are at rest. This can help you to lose more weight quickly and keep it off in the long term.

Types of exercise to try:

Exercise is important for rapid weight loss because it can help to reduce stress. Stress can lead to emotional eating, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Exercise can help to reduce stress by releasing natural endorphins.

Start thinking in these simple cause-and-effect terms and youll have a much easier time putting together your weight loss routine.

Managing stress is another key factor in rapid weight loss. When we are stressed, our bodies produce more of the stress hormone (known as cortisol). Cortisol leads to food cravings and feelings of hunger and, in turn, leads the body to store belly fat. So by managing stress, you can help your body stay in a healthy weight range and avoid unhealthy cravings.

There are a number of different ways to manage stress. One way is to get regular exercise. Another way is to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, which can help to calm the mind and body.

Part of eating mindfully is being aware of what you eat each day. The best way to speed up weight loss through mindful eating includes incorporating a food journal. When you are aware of your eating habits, you can make better choices about food to lose weight.

A food journal can also help you track your progress. When you keep track of your food intake and weight, you can visualise how well you are doing and what changes you need to make. When you see progress, it can be motivating to keep going.

You may find that certain foods trigger cravings or that you are eating more than you realized. So, a food journal can help you learn about your triggers and how to avoid them.

If you are looking to lose weight fast, a fad diet may seem like a great choice. There are countless fad diets at any given time, and they all promise the fastest, quick-fix approach to rapid weight loss.

There are many reasons why fad dieting doesnt work for rapid weight loss. One reason is that when people diet, they often cut out important nutrients and foods, which can lead to health problems. Additionally, when people lose weight quickly through dieting, they are likely to gain the weight back quickly once they stop dieting.

When people diet, they often lose muscle mass, which makes it harder to keep the weight off in the long term. Finally, many rapid weight-loss diets are not sustainable in the long term, which means that people will eventually have to stop dieting and return to their old eating habits.

Instead, focus on these lifestyle changes to keep yourself healthy:

By creating healthy habits, youll lose weight easier and make sure the pounds dont creep back on with time.That then leads to all the numerous health benefits that come with maintaining a healthy weight. Plus you have the tools to stop you from being tempted by indulgence when the time inevitably comes. And it always does. Its important to expect setbacks and be prepared for them, rather than shamed by them.

Lets focus a bit more on one of the points above, shall we? Increasing water intake is perhaps one of the most important things you can do in general, and forming a healthy habit of drinking around 15.5 cups of water per day will help you in immeasurable ways.

Not only can drinking more water help you shed water weight but it can also give you some mid-afternoon energy boosts and reduce any hunger pangs that will inevitably creep up on you throughout the day. If you swap out a caloric beverage for water, this will also keep you satisfied without adding to the number of calories you put in your body each day.

Sugar is not your friend when it comes to losing weight. Try to stick to whole-food items wherever possible to help you reduce your sugar intake which is often associated with packaged foods that contain refined carbs. There are numerous reasons why sugar is bad for weight gain, one of which is that your body tends to digest sugary foods much quicker so you get hungry easier and eventually start to crave some more calories to keep yourself satisfied.

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and it has been the subject of many studies before, often looking into the energy we expend for everything we do outside of sleeping, eating and exercise. Youre not jogging on the spot every waking hour, so its important to understand how we can burn more energy when were just doing something as simple as standing or moving around.

Think of it like passive income where a cash injection is represented by more calories being burned. For example, it has been reported that a 65 kg person would burn around 102 calories per hour while sitting down at their office job. If the same person was standing instead, they would burn around 174 calories an hour performing the same duties. And while that doesnt sound like much of a difference, that translates to around 18,000 calories burnt over a 50-week work week.

Work on perspectives like this and find different ways to burn calories. Every bit helps.

Heres one that you didnt expect, right? Losing weight fast means nothing if you havent got the right mentality to help fuel any plans and push you further towards your goal with fewer obstacles. The biggest obstacle is you. At the risk of sounding like a cliche sports film its you against you.

So think about you can better fortify your mind against any setbacks. Reading is the most useful, so start thinking of books that will help you plan better habits and motivate you to overcome anything that gets in your way. Whatever resonates with you is deeply personal, but a few recommendations we can fling your way include

Our first instinct when were told that we can lose weight fast is to call bullshit. And thats totally fair. Its much more productive to be sceptical about something than to naively throw yourself at such a tempting prospect without any thought.

For some people, its going to be much harder to lose weight fast than it is for other people. Thats just the way it goes, and there are many factors including genetics that come into play to determine that. For some, its unfair, but that just means youll need to be a bit more considered when it comes to putting together your weight loss plan.

The best advice anyone will give you comes from a professional, so your first point of call should be engaging the services of a qualified nutritionist and a personal trainer before you decide on the plan thats best for you. Individualised plans go further than generic ones, so an online service that promotes weight loss without acknowledging the need to be adaptable is never going to be as good as one that offers you a bespoke service.

A stupid headline I know, but something thats important to point out. Worryingly, this is a commonly asked question as far as Google trends go so lets just put it out there no. You cannot lose weight fast by not eating. Not only is it dangerous for both your physical and mental health, but it robs you of the nutrition necessary to live a full life each day.

That being said, there are merits to fasting, temporarily. As above, intermittent fasting is one of the smartest ways to lose weight fast while making sure your metabolism doesnt slow down from your body going into starvation mode. If you think about partial fasting for a few days then of course youll lose some weight, but thats a dangerous game to play. Make sure youve got a healthy relationship with food as opposed to something that closely resembles an eating disorder.

No more wondering how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks, 3 weeks or a month. You can choose a weight loss strategy that fits your lifestyle and goals. Again and this is important always consult with a doctor or registered dietitian before starting any new diet or exercise program.

Intermittent fasting, exercise, and stress reduction are incredibly effective at helping you lose weight quickly. Combined, they can help you burn more fat and calories in a shorter amount of time while preserving muscle mass. If youre looking to drop pounds fast, consider incorporating these methods into your routine.

While its hard to engage in healthy rapid weight loss, it is possible. Make sure youre eating a very balanced diet, exercising every day, always thinking about calorie deficit, and getting a sufficient amount of sleep each night. Then its a matter of what exercises you choose, with cycling and swimming both being very good choices for rapid weight loss. Other than that, create a meal plan and stick to it.

First, youll need to make sure youre in the right mentality to minimise any setbacks. A lot of weight loss has to do with discipline so the more you can do to prepare your mind for any stumbles, the better. Then youll need to put together a meal plan and stick to it, engage in regular and consistent exercise and eat a low-carb diet. Intermittent fasting also helps a lot so think about what times you can afford to put off eating and create a schedule.

Be organised. One of the main culprits of setbacks on a weight loss journey is a lack of structure and a lack of discipline. Use a smartphone app like Zero if you need to, or just keep a food diary that you can commit to throughout the day. Another way to lose weight fast is to start thinking about the calories you burn while you arent exercising and drinking enough water every day.

Read this article:
How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Simple Tips To Shed Fat More Efficiently - Boss Hunting

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