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Jan 24

Expert Shares 8 Weight Loss Foods That Will Actually Keep You Full – NDTV

Curd and eggs are weight loss friendly foods that will also fill you up

Count calories is an important aspect to look into, if you are trying to lose weight. But as we have mentioned numerous times earlier, you need to make smart choices, and definitely not starve yourself. When it comes to low calorie foods, options are aplenty. What needs to be pointed out here, is that these low-calorie foods need to be filling as well. It is only then that you can continue following the diet in the long run, without experiencing more cravings, irritability, low mood, etc.

Nutritionist Rachel Paul, who goes by the name of collegenutritionist on Instagram, recently shared a couple foods that are weight loss-friendly, low in calories and also incredibly filling. "For weight loss, total calories matter most, but some foods are more filling than others. If you're interested in weight loss, put these delish foods on your grocery list for next week," she writes in the caption of her post.

Also read:Weight Loss: Will Drinking Cold Water Make You Fat?

1. Greek yogurt/ curd: It is low in calories and high in protein, hence filling in nature. Have a bowl of homeset curd with your meals every day to get your daily dose of probiotics and calcium. You can also snack on it to beat in-between meal hunger pangs.

2. Nuts: Nuts are a good source of protein and healthy fats. They make for an excellent snacking option, and can even be eaten along with your meals or on the top of your salads.

3. Salmon and tuna: This fatty fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. It is also rich in protein, a nutrient which helps in controlling appetite and makes you feel full quickly.

Also read:The One Expert Tip That Can Help You Achieve Your Target Weight Effortlessly

4. Eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin and iron. Egg whites are a great source of protein. They are also considered to be the ideal keto-friendly food.

Eggs are an excellent source of proteinPhoto Credit: iStock

5. Chicken: Chicken is lean meat with very less fat. It is rich source of good quality protein, calcium and phosphorus. Have grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies, on top of salads, or prepare curries.

6. Green veggies: Leafy green veggies are low in calories and high in beneficial vitamins and minerals. They add volume to your meals and also help in increasing your fibre intake.

7. Legumes and lentils: They are a great source of vegetarian protein, fibre and other beneficial nutrients. You can have them with steamed rice or add them to salads, grilled chicken meals or have them in the form of soup. They make for filling and wholesome meals you can have guilt-free, every day.

8. Edamame, tofu and other soy foods: These are all plant-based sources of protein which you can have guilt-free. On the basis of their availability, you can prepare curries, cutlets, add them to salads or have them as a sabzi.

Also read:Weight Loss: Excessive Intake Of Protein Can Get Stored As Fat In The Body, Reveals Expert

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Expert Shares 8 Weight Loss Foods That Will Actually Keep You Full - NDTV

Jan 24

What Is Diet Culture? The Reasons Why Diet Culture Is Toxic –

Throughout 2021, Good Housekeeping will be exploring how we think about weight, our shapes, the way we eat and how we try to control or change our bodies in our quest to be happier and healthier. Our goal here is not to tell you how to think, but to start a conversation about diet culture, its impact, and how we might challenge the messages we are given to find alternative ways to feel attractive and successful.

The dawn of a new year is when many of us scramble to make resolutions, and in the U.S., these are often earnest pledges to shrink, tone, chisel or otherwise alter our bodies. Like years before, in the first weeks of 2021, new signups for virtual workout subscriptions and searches for diet on Google are spiking as millions of us look to detox our poor, puffy bodies of the bad food choices we made over the holidays and start the year fresh

Wait. Stop. Just there.

...detox our bodies of the bad food choices we made...

This language and the above concept implies that our bodies have been poisoned by peppermint bark, cookies, latkes, and eggnog, and that an antidote must be administered urgently, or else. It assumes that certain foods are bad and whats more, we are bad for eating them. To be totally transparent, we can fall into that trap here at Good Housekeeping too we recently published a recipe called Christmas Crack, which perpetuates a trend that equates a delicious, sugary treat to a dangerous, addictive drug that could actually kill you. This problematic nickname for a chocolatey candy concoction is a prime example of diet culture and just how easily it can sneak in under the radar.

Diet culture, a set of beliefs that places thinness as the pinnacle of success and beauty, has become our dominant culture often in ways we don't even notice since it's the water in which we swim. There's a whole lexicon, says Claire Mysko, CEO of National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). When we say we need to burn off or make up for the cheeseboard we shared with friends; when we ponder snagging a bite of our partners dessert then immediately wonder, Is it worth it?; whenever we ascribe morality to our food choices, giggling that its sinful when we choose to eat what we crave or what comforts us, or good when we opt for low-calorie, low-carb, or other foods weve deemed healthy. All of that talk is part of diet culture, says Mysko. And it is so inextricably woven into the fabric of our culture that most of us arent even consciously aware of the daily inundation.

Even if youre not actively on a diet or trying to lose weight, diet culture can crop up in choices we think were making for health, to feel or look good, fit in, or even just make conversation amongst friends over dinner. But subconsciously, diet culture creates this idea and reinforces it at every turn that you have to be thin in order to be successful, accepted, loved, healthy: All of these things that we want for ourselves that are just understandable human desire, says Christy Harrison, M.P.H., R.D., C.D.N., author of Anti-Diet and host of the Food Psych podcast. It tells us that weight loss is the secret to that. It tells us that weight loss is a way to attain those things. And its a house of cards.

Diet culture refers to all of the messages and the attitudes around what's valued about body size and style, says therapist Judith Matz, L.C.S.W., author of The Body Positivity Card Deck and Diet Survivor's Handbook. In diet culture, there is a conferred status to people who are thinner, and it assumes that eating in a certain way will result in the right body size the correct body size and good health, and that it's attainable for anybody who has the right willpower, the right determination. In actual fact, there is no right body size, and even if there were, its not attainable to whomever does the right thing, as evidenced by the 98% failure rate of diets. This stat alone is proof of the no-win norm that we, as a society, have been groomed to abide by.

Diet culture can be found in Barbies thigh gap and 18-inch waist, which influences little ones perception of what an ideal body should look like. Its Lululemons founder saying publicly that it's a problem when women's thighs touch. Its Kim Kardashian explaining how necessary it is to squeeze into shapewear beneath a dress, saying, without shapewear, youd see cellulite and I just wouldnt feel as confident. (Her shapewear brand, SKIMS, allegedly sold $2 million of product in minutes when it launched.) Its the fact that we've all been told (or recited!) that at the first sign of hunger, you should drink a glass of water first in case youre actually just thirsty. Its the popular article here on Good Housekeeping's own website about 1,200-calorie diets that netted over two million search users in 2019 alone our second-most-read story of the year despite the fact that the number of calories falls within the realm of clinical starvation (Holocaust concentration camp prisoners were fed 1,250-1,400 calories per day).

In one fell swoop, diet culture sets us up to feel bad about ourselves while also suggesting that maybe losing weight will help us feel better. As anyone whos ever looked into the mirror and wished for a flatter this or a bigger that can likely attest, theres an unattainable and rigidly narrow Western beauty ideal to which we often compare ourselves. Nobody ever wakes up in the morning and says, Gosh, I look terrific. I feel so healthy, I'm so attractive: I think I'll go on a diet, Matz points out. It always starts with negative thoughts.

Instagram, movies, runways, and fashion ads are rife with slim, tall women living a life that somehow always looks better than our own could it be because of those perfect bodies? The sample size for many designers is 0-2, while a 2018 study by National Health Statistics Reports published by the CDC places the average American adult woman in a size 18-20, and teen girls in a size 12. While what is normal varies greatly on genetics, family history, race, ethnicity, age and much more, size is actually not a good indicator of health you can be smaller-bodied and unhealthy, or larger-bodied and fit. We're exposed to the steady stream of images and messages that reinforce diet culture and reinforce the idea that to be happy and successful and well-liked you have to look a certain way, have a certain body, and follow a certain fitness or meal plan or diet, says Mysko.

The "average" American woman is a size 18-20; designer sample sizes are 0-2.

The truth is that healthy, attractive, desirable bodies come at every size and shape. But for many people in larger bodies, people in "average" bodies, or even slender folks who don't feel that they're thin enough in the exact right places, a lifetime on the hamster wheel of feeling othered leads to people feeling a lot of shame about their body and feeling that being thin is worth pursuing at all costs, says Matz. The result: People choose from hundreds, if not thousands, of diet plans or restrictive food plans.

But its not our fault: Diet culture has long been institutionalized and is part of an oppressive system thats intrinsically tied in with racism and patriarchy. Whenever we create standards about how we all should live, these norms always benefit those individuals who are already in power, says Sabrina Strings, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology at the University of California at Irvine and the author of Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia.

What constitutes good behavior is going to be far more accessible to white persons, to men, to wealthy persons, than people who do not fit into those categories, says Strings. This includes conventional thinness, and when you have been told that you should only have [a certain amount of] calories or that you must keep your BMI here, you will always feel like you are doing either good or bad, right or wrong by sticking to these dictates, Strings adds. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths, [including the concept that] if you just restrict your food, then you'll be able to attain that weight, says Matz. The reality, as well get to, is much different.

In short, it keeps us unhappy with ourselves, chasing something we can't ever catch, and spending loads of money to do so. Heres how:

If we lived in a society where neighborhoods were walkable, and people could get access to clean drinking water and plenty of sleep, people would already be far healthier than they are now." But, she continues, rather than focusing on these larger structural issues that could have a global impact on a population, we want to target individuals and tell them to change their bodies in ways that are unrealistic and unproductive.

Its no coincidence that in November 2020, the CDC reported that more people are dieting now compared to 10 years ago yet obesity rates have increased by nearly 10%. Diet culture conditioning leads us to assume that more diets must mean better population health, but trending upward right alongside the growing number of dieters, mean weight, waist circumference, and BMI in adults have increased over the past 18 years," according to a 2018 study. Theres also evidence that yo-yo dieting (or weight cycling) may be responsible for all excess mortality and cardiovascular risks for diseases associated with being in a larger body. But perhaps the larger problem is that because of diet culture, when we do gain the weight back, we have learned to internalize it as a failure of self.

98% of diets fail Why do 100% of dieters think they'll be in the 2%?

A 2008 survey sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that a whopping 75% of women reported disordered eating behaviors that cut across racial and ethnic lines, and occurred in women in their 30s and 40s ... at the same rate as women in their 20s. That means disordered eating is the norm in the U.S. for women of all ages and colors. Its a staggering statistic, and one that goes under reported since a lot of these behaviors support the very underpinnings of diet culture itself.

The first step is understanding the science of the matter: Dieting is biologically set up to fail, and the human tendency to regain lost weight is ultimately a success for evolution. Our bodies are really designed to protect us against famine, says Harrison. The message this culture gets is that you can decide what weight you want to be with enough willpower, but its just not true, says Matz. Our weight regulation system is beyond our conscious control. According to a 2010 F1000 Medicine Report, there is an active, biological control of body weight at a given set point in a 10-20 pound range. When people diet, they mess with that, says Matz. Diets work in the short-term, but then our weight regulation system kicks in to help us out: To keep us alive.

Anti-diet does not mean anti-health.

Anti-diet culture aims to dismantle this oppressive system of beliefs ... so that people have the chance and the choice to be able to be free of those stigmatizing and body shaming beliefs, says Harrison. Its discarding the broken vacuum and investing in one that works beautifully and will last a lifetime. The anti-diet movement tosses out the bones of conventional dieting (i.e.: restriction, rules, omission, strict adherence) and replaces these with flexibility, acceptance, and ultimately peace with food and our bodies. Here are some aspects of anti-diet culture that can actionably put an end to the restriction and guilt cycle of diet culture:

Getting reacquainted with your bodys natural hunger cues, cravings, and needs can free you from the learned shoulds of diet culture. The irony: Most find that once you grant yourself permission to eat the things you want when you want, your "fear foods" (you know, the things you declare you cannot have in the house or Ill eat the whole bag!) have less of a siren song. When the scarcity mindset drops, so does the need to overeat out of fear of never having it again. Remember that we come into this world born knowing how to do this, says Matz. Babies, when they're hungry, cry. So really, we're going back to the way we were born: Eating.


Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight

Strings adds that HAES is built upon the belief that you are worthy of love and respect, regardless of your size. In a society that demonizes fatness, its a simple but novel concept. As Strings says: Just to love yourself and to know that you can be healthy regardless of your weight is really a revelation to probably most Americans.

Anyone feeling like they are suffering from disordered eating or an eating disorder can and should reach out for help immediately. The NEDA helpline at (800) 931-2237 is available daily via call or text, and officials also are on standby in digital chats, ready to help you find resources in your area. If you are concerned about a loved one, learn more about how you can help.

Original post:
What Is Diet Culture? The Reasons Why Diet Culture Is Toxic -

Jan 5

Weight loss: Is it healthy to lose weight fast? | The Times of India – Times of India

Slow weight loss may not sound that appealing to you, but it is the best option. You can certainly boost your weight loss process by following some simple tricks like:

Staying hydrated: Sufficient amount of water intake is important for your body to function properly and shed kilos. It prevents you from overeating, unhealthy munching and boosts your metabolism.

Having a balanced diet: Most people when trying to shed kilo only focus on their protein intake. For weight loss carbs and fat are equally important.

Drinking herbal tea: Green tea or herbal tea have known to boost weight loss. So it is recommended to add them to your diet. Swap your regular cup of coffee and tea with these health-friendly options.

Strength training: Strength training exercises help you burn calories at rest and even build muscles. At least twice in a week perform strength training exercises in your routine.

Excerpt from:
Weight loss: Is it healthy to lose weight fast? | The Times of India - Times of India

Jan 5

What Is the Atkins Diet, and Is It Healthy? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

A big, juicy hamburger with no bun. Eggs and bacon for breakfast but hold the fruit. These are examples of meals you can eat on the low-carb, high-fat Atkins diet.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.Policy

The Atkins diet has some benefits and can be easier to follow than other diets. But that doesnt mean you should load up on steaks and butter every night. Registered dietitian Maxine Smith, RD, LD, explains the benefits and risks of this diet plan.

Cardiologist Robert Atkins created the Atkins diet in the 1960s. He believed that carbohydrates not fat were responsible for health problems and weight gain. As a result, his diet focused on eating plenty of fat, some protein and very few carbs.

The goal of the Atkins diet is to change your metabolism. You burn stored body fat, rather than carbs, for energy, says Smith. And you can do this if you follow the diet closely. But its not for everyone, and there may be health risks involved.

The Atkins diet doesnt limit the amount of fat you can eat. And you wont have to count calories or measure portion sizes.

But you will have to count carbs. Carefully. The Atkins diet severely restricts carbs, especially in the early stages. It uses a tracking method called net carbs, which is the total number of carbs minus its fiber content in grams.

Normally, your body uses carbohydrates as fuel, explains Smith. When you dont eat carbohydrates, your body turns to stored body fat, which the liver breaks down.This process creates ketones, whichthe body can then use for energy.

There are four phases of the Atkins diet, starting with the most restrictive and gradually getting easier. Beginning at phase 1 promotes more weight loss, Smith explains. You can start the diet at a later stage, but you wont lose as much weight.

Other Atkins plans allow 40 or 100 net carbs from the start. They are designed for people who have less weight to lose or want to maintain their current weight.

The Atkins diet has been around for decades, and it has some benefits. This diet works for some people because it:

Although Atkins can help people lose weight, it has some drawbacks. The diet:

If you decide to follow the Atkins diet, take a whole foods approach:

If you have diabetes or any health conditions, talk to your doctor before starting a weight loss plan. Dont try Atkins if youre pregnant, breastfeeding or have kidney disease.

See the rest here:
What Is the Atkins Diet, and Is It Healthy? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Jan 5

Is it better to lose weight fast or slowly if you want to stay motivated and avoid regain? – Insider – INSIDER

Dear Rachel,

I have had the unfortunate experience of losing weight and then gaining it all back, so I'd love to know if it's better to lose weight fast or slowly to avoid regain. I thought it would be doable to lose weight quite slowly (like two pounds a month) and keep that up, but I have found that it is quite hard to keep up motivation. I have also read that it's more effective to do a more drastic calorie deficit and lose more weight more quickly, but I wanted to know if the experts have more to say on that.


Dear Torn,

As with most questions on health and fitness, the answer is: it depends. We are all unique and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another.

Generally, fat loss experts tend to champion slow weight loss because it's a lot more sustainable, but as you point out, there can be something really motivating about seeing quick results.

While in an ideal world, your motivation would be intrinsic (eg. performance or health-related) rather than extrinsic (based on aesthetic change), we all know how encouraging it is when you physically see a change in your appearance.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, it's much better to take photos to assess your progress rather than going solely by scale weight, because that can fluctuate massively from day to day and the changes don't necessarily reflect fat loss or gain.

To lose weight, you need to be in an energy deficit ie. consuming less energy than you're expending. Energy is measured in calories (technically kilocalories).

Any diet or eating plan keto, intermittent fasting, carnivore that puts you in a calorie deficit should result in weight loss, but if you can't keep it up, go back to your old eating habits, and regain the weight, that diet did not "work."

A post shared by Alix Turoff MS, RD, CPT (@alixturoff_rd)

People who've lost and regained weight often look back at previous diets through rose-tinted glasses and think they worked, until they quit. But if you're quitting, not just living a lifestyle you enjoy, the diet will never be successful.

When I lost a lot of weight about two years ago, I took my time with it and didn't do anything drastic (after trying many fad diets in the past). I'm pleased to say that now, although there have been minor fluctuations, I've stayed around the same weight and dress size.

Regaining weight you've previously lost can be really demoralizing, but, as I mentioned in a previous column on the matter, you shouldn't beat yourself up. You simply learn from the experience.

To avoid regain, making small tweaks with your diet and eating in a small deficit is generally advisable, and that's what worked for me.

"From a motivation perspective, it could be really exciting to make substantial changes to your eating and watch the scale drop quickly. It might even motivate you to keep going for a few weeks," registered dietitian Alix Turoff told Insider. "But when your plan is very rigid, this motivation typically lasts only a few weeks before you're burnt out and wanting to quit."

Alix Turoff is a registered dietitian. Alix Turoff

Slow dietary tweaks, combined with work to change your mindset, should lead to lasting results.

"When you focus on changing the behaviors that led to gaining (or regaining) the weight in the first place, you'll see the weight come off slower (for the most part) but if you're truly changing your habits and behaviors, you don't have to worry about the inevitable weight gain that comes from doing something drastic that you can only keep up for a short period of time," Turoff said.

Losing weight in a small calorie deficit also means you'll hold on to more muscle while losing fat, which means you actually change your body composition when people say they want to lose weight, what they usually mean is they want to lose fat.

Equally, research suggests that maintaining strength while aging could lead to a three times lower risk of developing a physical impairments.

Despite the above, for some people in certain situations, there can be a case for losing weight quickly with a larger calorie deficit, although only for a brief period.

"If we're talking about someone seriously obese, not someone who has 10-30 pounds to lose, there's a considerable amount of research suggesting that more rapid weight loss in the initial stages, the first one to three months, can be very beneficial, both physically because obviously you can help remove a lot of extra stress on the joints, but more importantly, mentally and emotionally," personal trainer and fat loss coach Jordan Syatt told Insider.

He continued: "More often than not, people who are severely overweight do not believe in their ability to succeed at all. They just don't think it's possible. So for them to lose weight relatively quickly at the beginning is often a way to show them it is possible."

Jordan Syatt is a personal trainer and fat loss coach. Jordan Syatt

Indeed, a study by the University of Florida suggests that the more weight you lose in the first few weeks of a diet, the more you'll lose in the long-run, and the more successful you will be keeping it off.

However, Syatt stresses that if you do start with a large calorie deficit, it's then crucial to transfer into a more sustainable weight loss approach of around 2-6 pounds a month.

Equally, the leaner you get, the slower your progress will need to be in order to be both sustainable and enjoyable.

"If you're relatively lean and you're losing weight too quickly, you're putting yourself at a greater risk of losing muscle mass and developing disordered relationships with food. So the leaner you are the slower it should be," Syatt said, adding that around 2-4 pounds a month is optimal, but this will vary month to month and person to person.

You say you find it hard to stay motivated losing weight at a rate of around two pounds a month, but this actually sounds great two pounds a month should mean you're enjoying your lifestyle, not restricting yourself too severely, and are still losing weight.

The thing about motivation is that people always wait for it to strike before they take action. But the reality is, as I discussed in the very first Working It Out column, the action has to come first, and the motivation will follow.

A post shared by Rachel Hosie (@rachel_hosie)

For weight loss to be sustainable, ultimately it does need to be slow (even if there's an initial rapid burst for those with lots of weight to lose). And when weight loss is slow, the aesthetic changes you desire will also be slow.

So again, it's really helpful to set yourself some performance-based goals, such as achieving a pull-up, running 5K in under 30 minutes, or drinking eight glasses of water a day.

"When you're focusing on what your body can do, rather than trying to lose weight, often it's easier to stay motivated because you can see progress day after day and week after week," Syatt said.

Wishing you well,


As a senior lifestyle reporter at Insider and a self-described fitness fanatic with an Association for Nutrition certified nutrition course under her belt, Rachel Hosie is immersed in the wellness scene and here to answer all your burning questions. Whether you're struggling to find the motivation to go for a run, confused about light versus heavy weights, or unsure whether you should be worried about how much sugar is in a mango, Rachel is here to give you the no-nonsense answers and advice you need, with strictly no fad diets in sight.

Rachel has a wealth of experience covering fitness, nutrition, and wellness, and she has the hottest experts at her fingertips. She regularly speaks to some of the world's most knowledgeable and renowned personal trainers, dietitians, and coaches, ensuring she's always up to date with the latest science-backed facts you need to know to live your happiest and healthiest life.

Have a question? Ask Rachel atworkingitout@insider.comorfill out this anonymous form. All questions will be published anonymously.

Read the original here:
Is it better to lose weight fast or slowly if you want to stay motivated and avoid regain? - Insider - INSIDER

Jan 5

8 weight loss hacks which helped me reduce my body fat percentage by 13% and maintain it – Insider – INSIDER

Losing weight is simple, but it's not easy. Ultimately, it comes down to being in an energy deficit (taking in less energy ie. fewer calories than you expend), but this needn't be a painful experience.

If the process of losing weight feels like punishment, chances are you'll end up regaining any weight you lose. The secret is to make small tweaks and develop a sustainable way of living that you can effortlessly transition into maintenance.

Two years ago, I began a six-month weight loss phase in which I lost 35 pounds by working on my overeating habits and my relationship with food.Prior to that, I'd tried all sorts of different unsustainable diets, and my weight had yo-yoed massively as a result.

A post shared by Rachel Hosie (@rachel_hosie)

Since losing the bulk of my weight, I've continued working on my healthy habits, and as a result have stayed the same size, going from around 30% body fat in December 2017 to around 17% at my last scan in September 2020. I'm very happy gaining a little weight by enjoying, say, the holiday period or a vacation, because I know how to slim back down afterward if I want to.

When it comes to losing weight, you're almost definitely going to experience a little hunger, at least at the start as your body adjusts. But it needn't be horrendous.

We're all different, and what works for me may not be what works for you. But I've learned that there are certain hacks that make losing weight easier, which I employ when I want to shed a few pounds while still enjoying my life.

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8 weight loss hacks which helped me reduce my body fat percentage by 13% and maintain it - Insider - INSIDER

Jan 5

Ditch the diet this January – what to do instead get healthy and lose weight – Mirror Online

Every January we're bombarded with advertisements for fad diets, weightloss programmes and healthy eating alternatives as companies make the most of people's New Year's Resolutions.

After over-indulging at Christmas, many of us are tempted to search for a quick fix to lose weight or get into shape, but the truth is it rarely works.

So Tamara Willner, nutritionist for Second Nature, is urging people to ditch the fad diets this year and try something a bit different.

She explains: "This year we are taking a stand against unhealthy, unrealistic fad diets, because they dont work.

"Although they usually result in fast weight loss, we know that fad diets dont last in the long term.

"Research shows two-thirds of people regain all the weight they lost and then some following a highly restrictive diet."

Tamara claims that it's much better to look at your health holistically, focusing on the bigger pictre including sleep, stress, movement as well as nutrition.

She says it's the "most effective way to lose weight and prevent regaining the pounds in the future."

"Plus, learning to enjoy the things we love mindfully, whether thats chocolate or wine, rather than restrict ourselves and then binge on these items, is much more likely to result in long-term results", she adds.

She says: "Our movement asks people to stop opting for solutions that dont work and advice that isnt legitimate. Instead, we suggest sustainable changes you can make to improve your health and lose weight in the long term.

"Theres nothing wrong with wanting to make healthy changes. The issue is when we make unrealistic goals, inevitably fail to achieve those goals, and then feel as though we arent good enough or weve failed.

"Plus, its common to develop an unhealthy relationship with food and see food as the enemy.

"Losing weight and making healthy changes to our lifestyle doesnt need to feel like a punishment.

As part of their #stopfaddiets campaign, Second Nature has put together a list of things you can do instead.

They've also come up with an alternative meal plan, filled with delicious and healthy ideas that will allow you to enjoy your dinner while still being healthy.


Breakfast - Baked beans

Serves 4


2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 small onion, diced

4 garlic cloves, finely diced or minced

1 handful fresh thyme leaves, roughly chopped

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

500ml vegetable or chicken stock

125g tomato paste

2 x 400g tins white beans (haricot, butter beans, or cannellini), rinsed and drained


1. Heat the oil in a non-stick saucepan, over medium heat.

2. Fry the onion and garlic for 5mins, or until soft and slightly browned.

3. Add the thyme, mustard, stock, tomato paste, and beans. Season with salt and pepper,

and bring to a boil.

4. Reduce heat and simmer for 30mins, or until the liquid has reduced by half. The sauce

should be fairly thick.


Mini omelettes

Serves 4


2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

1 small onion, finely diced

1 red pepper, diced

1 large tomato, diced

2-3 handfuls spinach, roughly chopped

1 tbsp sundried tomatoes, finely sliced (optional)

8 medium or large eggs

125ml milk

tsp ground paprika

tsp chilli powder

60g Cheddar cheese, grated


1. Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan.

2. Heat 1 tsp of the oil in a frying pan, over medium heat. Fry the onion, pepper, and

tomato for 8mins, or until soft.

3. Add the spinach, mix well, and cook for 2mins. Remove from the heat and add the

sundried tomatoes (if using).

4. Break the eggs into a large bowl. Add the milk, paprika, chilli, salt, and pepper. Mix well

with a fork or whisk.

5. Lightly oil a 12 cup muffin tin, with the other tsp of oil. Divide the vegetables evenly

between the 12 cups. Carefully fill the cups with the egg mix and top with grated cheese.

6. Bake for 15-20mins, until the omelettes are just cooked through and slightly browned

on the top.


Chilli con carne

Serves 4


1 tbsp olive oil

1 brown onion, diced

2 garlic cloves, finely diced or minced

500g beef mince

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp hot smoked paprika

tsp ground cumin

tsp ground coriander

tsp dried oregano

3 medium carrots

2 large red peppers

1 x 400g tin kidney beans, rinsed and drained

2 tbsp tomato paste

1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes

150ml beef stock

100ml red wine

1 lime, juiced, sliced

4 tbsp sour cream (optional)

1 avocado, diced

1 romaine lettuce head, finely sliced

80g uncooked brown rice


1. Heat the oil in a large casserole dish, over medium heat.

2. Fry the onion and garlic, until softened.

3. Add the mince and break it apart with a wooden spoon, cook until browned all

over. Mix in all the spices and stir for 1-2mins.

4. Add the carrots, peppers, beans, and tomato paste, and stir for 2-3mins or until

slightly softened and covered in spices.

5. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, beef stock, wine, and lime juice. Cover with a lid,

leaving a small gap so liquid can evaporate slightly. Cook for 20mins, until the

liquid has reduced and the sauce is thick.

6. Serve with chopped avocado, romaine lettuce and sour cream. Serve with 1

portion of brown rice (20g uncooked/50g cooked per person).



Excerpt from:
Ditch the diet this January - what to do instead get healthy and lose weight - Mirror Online

Jan 5

19 Healthiest Fast-Food Meals for Weight Loss, According to RDs – Eat This, Not That

When you think "fast food," a phrase that probably doesn't come to mind is "healthy food." However, in recent years, many fast food restaurants have started to expand their menus to offer more than just burgers and fries.

"Over the past few years, fast-food chains have realized the consumer is becoming increasingly health-conscious, and in order to keep up, they have added a ton of menu options for someone trying to stay healthy," notes Jonathan Valdez, RDN, owner of Genki Nutrition and spokesperson for New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

And if you're on a weight loss journey, that means that you will be able to find options that won't hinder your goals.

"Fast food gets a bad reputation, sometimes unrightfully so, for being super unhealthy because of the high-calorie density options (think lots of calories, in a small amount of food)," says Mike Gorski, RD, registered dietitian, fitness coach, and owner of MG FitLife. "However, losing weight comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn, and with a little pre-planning and creativity, you CAN be successful while still eating fast food."

We asked dietitians for their picks for the healthiest fast food meals that will help you stay on track with your weight loss. Here are 19 of their picks. Read on, and for more on healthy eating, don't miss Simple Ways to Start Losing Weight Immediately, According to Science.

270 calories, 4.5g fat (1.5g saturated fat), 540 mg sodium, 41 g carbs (5 g fiber, 8 g sugar), 21 g protein

"With only 270 calories, this sandwich is packed with whole grains and veggies providing 5 grams of satiating fiber, as well as 21 grams of protein," says Keri Gans, MS, RDN, CDN, author of The Small Change Diet. "This combo should keep you full for many hours."

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter to get daily recipes and food news in your inbox!

300 calories, 12 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 820 mg sodium, 30 g carbs (2 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 18 g protein

"McDonald's has gotten a bad rap over the years but not everything on the menu deserves the shade. The Egg McMuffin is a classic breakfast sandwich that is only 300 calories and contains 18 grams of protein that will keep you full until lunchtime," says Valdez. "The total fat of 13 grams and 6 grams (32% of your daily value) is on the steeper side but fairs better calorie-wise than the other options on the menu. It also has zero added ingredients, so you don't have to worry that you're getting more than egg, cheese, and Canadian bacon on an English muffin."

Grilled Nuggets: 200 calories, 4.5g g fat (1g saturated fat), 660 mg sodium, 2 g carbs (0g fiber, 2 g sugar), 38 g protein

Fruit Cup (Medium): 60 calories, 0g g fat, 0mg sodium, 15 g carbs (2g fiber, 11 g sugar), 1 g protein

"A 12 piece serving of grilled nuggets contains about 200 calories and 38 grams of protein. This high protein option paired with a side of fruit would make a very tasty and filling meal, which is important for people on a weight loss journey," says Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, LMNT, registered dietitian and owner of Stirlist. For more healthy chicken options, check out theseThe Healthiest Fast-Food Chicken Nuggets, According to Dietitians.

430 calories, 17 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 810 mg sodium, 57 g carbs (10 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 12 g protein

"Packed with 27 grams of protein, this filling bowl contains 420 kcal and only 3 grams of saturated fat, making this item macro-nutrient friendly," says Silvia Carli, MS, RD, CSCS, a registered dietitian with 1AND1 LIFE. "The meal also contains 9 grams of fiber. Fiber promotes satiety, and it passes through the intestine without being metabolized for energy, meaning that it does not contribute to caloric intake."

300 calories, 13 g fat (6g saturated fat), 720 mg sodium, 32 g carbs (2 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 15 g protein

"Sometimes if you avoid what you crave, you crave it even that much more. So, if you feel like a burger, have a burger! But try and keep it simple," says Gans. "McDonald's classic cheeseburger is only 300 calories, so can easily fit into anyone's weight loss plan. And if you really want those friesorder the kids size for only another 110 calories."

Green Goddess Cobb Salad: 260 calories, 15 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat), 460 mg sodium, 13 g carbs (4 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 21 g protein

Turkey Chili: 200 calories, 7 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 460 mg sodium, 20 g carbs (9 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 14 g protein

"A soup and salad combo is a great way to get some extra veggies in during the day. I love this particular combination because the beans from the chili add an extra 4 grams of fiber to the 9 grams of fiber you're getting from the salad (52% of the daily value) and you're getting a good dose of protein (a total of 35 grams) so both options are going to set you up to stay full and stave off cravings later in the day," says Valdez. "What's even better is that Panera has done the work of portioning your food for you so you don't have to worry about overdoing it on the portion size, which can often sabotage people without them realizing it when trying to lose weight."

290 calories, 8 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat), 840 mg sodium, 34 g carbs (3 g fiber, 5 g sugar), 20 g protein

"Don't forget to balance out your high-calorie coffee drinks with this low-calorie option at Starbucks," says Gorski. "Some of their coffees can be over 1,000 calories, so find a balance between your favorite drinkand this low-calorie high protein wrap."

360 calories, 9 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 780 mg sodium, 35 g carbs (2 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 34 g protein

"At only 360 calories, yet with a whopping 34 grams of protein, this sandwich should prove to be a satisfying option on the go," says Gans.

160 calories, 5 g fat (2.5 g saturated fat), 500 mg sodium, 16 g carbs (1 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 12 g protein

"I appreciate that Taco Bell was one of the first fast-food restaurants to post ingredient and nutrition information online. The nutrition calculator is really helpful when finding options that fit your weight loss goals," says Pankonin. "A personal favorite is the chicken soft taco as each taco contains 160 calories and 12 grams of protein. And several menu items can be customized as Fresco-style, which can replace cream sauces with tomatoes."

160 calories, 3 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat) ,125 mg sodium, 28 g carbs (4 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 5 g protein

"Oatmeal is always a great option when trying to lose weight. The high fiber content (4 grams) helps to fill you up and keep you full for longer. The oatmeal at Starbucks comes with packets of nuts and dried fruit (ditch the brown sugar)," says Valdez. "I will usually throw the nuts for added omega-3's and about half of the dried fruit on top to give some sweetness. 160 calories may seem low along with the 4 grams of protein. However, when you add the Siggi's yogurt, you add an additional 110 calories and 15 grams of protein. A much fuller breakfast to fight off cravings before lunchtime."

Related:12 Side Effects of Eating Oatmeal, Say Dietitians

350 calories, 8 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat) ,1300 mg sodium, 40 g carbs (4 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 31 g protein

"Subway 6" Turkey, Double Meat, No Cheese, Light Mayo, ALL veggies. This is my personal "go-to" for traveling because I know exactly what's in it, high protein, moderate carbs, and lower fatand FULL of vegetables," says Gorski.

410 calories, 14 g fat (6 g saturated fat) , 590 mg sodium, 52 g carbs (7 g fiber, 4 g sugar), 12 g protein

"This breakfast sandwich is packed with healthy fats, fiber, and proteinkey nutrients to keep you satiated till lunchtime," says Gans.

420 calories, 9 g fat (2.5 g saturated fat), 1585 mg sodium, 51 g carbs (15 g fiber, 10 g sugar), 34 g protein

"One way to save calories when ordering is to forgo the tortilla/rice and go for a salad bowl. Loading up Chipotle's salad bowl with fajita veggies (20 calories), beans (130 calories), pico de gallo (25 calories), and a lean protein, like steak which is only 150 calories, will make for a satisfying meal full of vitamins and minerals," says Valdez. "All of these options keep the meal relatively low-cal (this meal is only 420 calories and 9 g of fat), without making you feel deprived, or leaving you feeling hungry after you finished eating. Pro-tip: get guacamole on the side. Yes, avocado is a healthy fat, but you CAN have too much of a good thing. This way you can portion out exactly how much you want. And if you're watching sodium intake, you may want to go easy on the salsas. While it's still a better alternative to most dressings, pico de gallo contains about 565 milligrams of sodium (about 24% the daily value)."

290 calories, 14 g fat (6 g saturated fat, .5 trans fat), 610 mg sodium, 26 g carbs (1 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 15 g protein

"Burgers like this one can be a decent choice for those on a weight loss journey. This cheeseburger has 290 calories and 15 grams of protein," says Pankonin. "Pair this with a side of apple slices and it can make for a very satisfying meal compared to eating a prepared salad off the menu. This is fewer calories compared to the parmesan Caesar salad which has almost 500 calories with the dressing."

320 calories, 6 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 680 mg sodium, 41 g carbs (4 g fiber, 9 g sugar), 28 g protein

"If you're going to go with a chicken sandwich, this is your best bet. High protein and low in calories make it a great choice," says Gorski.

270 calories, 4.5 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 540 mg sodium, 41 g carbs (5 g fiber, 8 g sugar), 21 g protein

"When in doubt, go grilled! Items that have been fried generally have a higher overall calorie and fat content than those that have been grilled. Not to mention the fats in fried foods are largely saturated and/or trans fats which have been known to contribute to high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and heart disease. Choosing menu items that have been grilled vs. fried will not only help in your weight loss pursuits but also help to keep you heart-healthy," says Valdez. "This sandwich is made with grilled chicken and a double serving of veggies on a 6" whole grain sub. Its contents aren't simply great low-fat options with only 4.5 grams fat and 1.5 grams saturated fat (about 0.9% the daily value for saturated fat), they're packed with nutrients. And because it's only 6 inches, you don't have to worry that you might over-do it. Counting carbs? Ask for this sandwich on one of their flatbreads."

400 calories, 20 g fat (9 g saturated fat), 920 mg sodium, 33 g carbs (2 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 22 g protein

"Yes, the McDouble. You may have been thinking of a chicken sandwich, but the McDouble actually has the same amount of calories (400) as the McChicken, but 8 more grams of protein, and less fat! Pair it with some fresh fruit and water and it's actually not that bad of a meal!" says Gorski.

Related:We Tried Every Burger at McDonald's, and This Was the Best

430 calories, 17 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 810 mg sodium, 57 g carbs (10 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 12 g protein

"If you are looking for a plant-forward option that will be satisfying Taco Bell's Power Bowl might be a very good choice," says Gans. "Their bowl is packed with fiber, providing 10 grams, for only 430 calories. To make it 100% plant-based, pass on the cheese to save another 60 calories."

430 calories, 23 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 720 mg sodium, 29 g carbs (6 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 31 g protein

"This meal provides 31 grams of protein and a friendly 430 calories. It comes with 6 grams of fiber," says Carli. "Make it 10 by adding a side of fresh fruit for added vitamins and minerals and to satisfy a sweet tooth." Speaking of sides, what about reminiscing on these 15 Discontinued Fast-Food Sides We Want Back.

Excerpt from:
19 Healthiest Fast-Food Meals for Weight Loss, According to RDs - Eat This, Not That

Jan 5

You have to exercise an hour to lose weight here’s how to make the most of it – New York Post

Lockdown love handles, Thanksgiving tummies and Christmas pie thighs these are just a few of the things you may hope to leave behind in 2021.

But tacking on a few workouts a week isnt going to get you your weight-loss wishes.

A recent study found that people who followed a rigorous hour-long workout on a daily basis lost substantially more weight than those who only got their heart rates up a few times a week.

Thats partly because people who exercise tend to eat more to make up for their exertions, but only up to a point meaning those who only worked out a couple times a week canceled out any caloric losses, while those who exercised daily didnt.

Even more interesting, the intense workout regimens appeared to boost levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin in the body, something occasional exercise did not do.

Logging an average of 300 minutes of exercise weekly or working out 40 to 60 minutes, six days a week and burning about 3,000 calories total, was the fat-burning sweet spot in the study, authored by Kyle Flack, Ph.D., an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Kentucky.

And while any exercise is better than no exercise, those looking to move the dial on the scale will need to put in the time roughly 60 minutes every day.

Unfortunately, that level of commitment is enough to make most would-be workout warriors want to quit mid-battle of the bulge.

So, how to stay motivated when the task appears so daunting?

The key is to not make fitness a game of how miserable you can make yourself, celebrity fitness trainer John Basedow told The Post. You have to make exercise something thats enjoyable, something that fits into your lifestyle and something that you look forward to doing.

Experts such as him say that the new routine, and all the endurance that comes with it, has to happen gradually. In other words, you cant expect to instantaneously go from zero to beast mode.

Here, gym gurus offer the best at-home hour-long workouts that will help you build your strength and commitment in the new year.

Basedow, the muscle-bound mastermind behind exercise empire Fitness Made Simple, says a healthy blend of cardio and weightlifting is the chefs kiss for melting off those extra chunks without igniting the flames of workout burn-out.

Theres nothing better than doing a combination of weight training and cardio for weight loss, the Long Island native told The Post. You can do 30 minutes of any cardio that gets you moving, gets your heart rate up and gets you into that fat-burning mode.

After spending a few minutes warming up with simple stretches and yoga moves, you might get your heart pumping by running on the elliptical machine, taking a high-powered walk on the treadmill or in the park or engaging in a a safe game of racquetball with friends.

Then its onto the weights: Combine your cardio with another 30 minutes of strength training your bodys different muscle groups with a pair of adjustable dumbbells, and youre going to get amazing results, he said.

He suggests three sets of 10 to 12 reps each of chest incline presses and dumbbell back rows, bicep curls and tricep extensions and walking dumbbell lunges (see breakout below) and squats. Finish with crunches (eventually working up to three sets of 50 reps), then upper and lower body stretches to cool down.

Walking lunges with dumbbells

This strength-training exercise works the butt, thighs, quads, hamstrings, core and biceps.

How many: Three sets of 10 to 12 reps with weights

How to:

Pole and aerial fitness trainer Abigail Williams-Joseph stresses the importance of building muscle and core strengthening. Simply focusing on calorie loss misses the big picture, she said.

Burning 3,000 calories and getting to the gym every single day in order to lose a certain amount of weight per week is not our main focus, Williams-Joseph told The Post. Were building people up to be physically strong, and to increase their mobility and flexibility.

Williams-Joseph says at-home cellulite soldiers can combat the fat with a solid body-weight training routine.

Stefano Giovannini

Stefano Giovannini

No matter your New Year goals, these top healthy snacks...

She suggests a 10- to 15-minute workout that incorporates full body stretches; head, wrist, arm and ankle circles; jumping jacks; and chest-cross arm swings.

Then its on to a series of body-weight exercises pushups, shoulder shrugs, pullups, lateral leg raises, squats, lunges and knee tuck crunches (see breakout below). For each exercise, do three sets of 20 reps, with a 30-second rest between sets.

Finish with a brief cool down, 30 seconds on each side, that includes arm-cross shoulder stretches, overhead tricep stretches and glute stretches.

Knee tuck crunches

This ab-buster strengthens the core, makes your hips and back more flexible and increases mobilityand flexibility.

How to:

Armed with more than three decades of exercise expertise, certified group fitness trainer Cheryl Kellys high-octane classes are kryptonite to calories.

Like Basedow, she recommends a mix of cardio and weight training each day, coupled with a warmup and cool-down period.

The key to success, she stressed, is variety.

Change up your cardio and weight-training routine every day, Kelly told The Post. Mix it up as often as possible.

When working out on your own at home, the New Jersey instructor suggests 25 to 30 minutes of fun, fast-paced cardio such as kickboxing (try the breakout move below), step aerobics or a high-speed walk or run on the treadmill.

Complete the routine with some weight-training moves. For those who dont have weights or kettlebells, Kelly says doing lunges and bicep curls with household items such as heavy cans of food, full water jugs or detergent containers will get the job done.

For this 20-minute muscle-building segment, try four sets of 15 reps, with a 10-second rest between sets, of the following moves: alternating bicep curls, seated dumbbell extensions, lateral arm raises, hop squats, back rows, pushups and tricep dips.

Jab, cross, hook, upper cut combo

This heart-rate lifter is great for cardiovascular health, while burning calories and building muscle strength and balance.

How many:Repeat combo 50 times

How to:

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You have to exercise an hour to lose weight here's how to make the most of it - New York Post

Jan 5

7 Healthy New Years Resolutions That Arent Just To Lose Weight – Yahoo Lifestyle


If you're looking to lose body fat and work your muscles, this 45-minute workout designed by ACE-certified fitness instructor John Kersbergen is the place to start. It combines cardio with strength training moves - so aside from burning calories, it'll also help you build muscle, which increases your metabolic rate and helps you burn more calories when you're not working out. Essentially, this routine will help you effectively, efficiently lose weight without taking up too much time, but heed this warning: it's fast-paced and will leave you dripping with sweat! Before we get into the workout, here are a few quick reminders. This workout can help you build muscle when done consistently, but you'll also want to eat a balanced, protein-filled diet and get adequate sleep to reach that goal. The same goes for losing weight; a consistent workout routine (that includes workouts like this one) is key, but so is eating a nutrient-dense diet and working toward a modest calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume). It's important to remember that you can't control some factors, such as your genes and hormones, and these will also impact your weight loss. With all that said, this is a Tabata workout, which is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It's a good choice for weight loss, as studies have indicated that HIIT workouts may help diminish belly fat more effectively than steady-state cardio. Each four-minute section of this workout involves eight rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. What makes this workout so intense is that it's long: 45 minutes total! You get a one-minute rest every 12 minutes, so soak it up, and remember that if you're at your limit or just not used to this style of training, it's OK to take a longer rest or complete your exercises at a slower pace. Drink some water, catch your breath, walk around a little, and then get ready to rev up the intensity once again. Related: Start Our 30-Day Beginner Bodyweight Challenge Today and Get Stronger Every Day! 45-Minute HIIT Workout For Weight Loss Equipment needed: jump rope (if you don't have one, just pretend!), medium- to heavy-weight dumbbells (five to 20; here are more tips for choosing the right weight), and a clock, timer, or Tabata app to keep track of time. Directions: Start by completing the warmup circuit below as many times as you can in five minutes. Then, start the first block of the workout. Do 20 seconds of the first exercise, then rest for 10 seconds before completing 20 seconds of the second exercise. Rest for 10 seconds, then repeat the two-move circuit for four rounds total. Repeat this format for each block, taking a longer, one-minute rest where indicated. Cool down after the workout with full-body stretches. 0:00-5:00 Warmup Repeat as many times as you can in 5 minutes 10 jumping jacks 10 forward backward lunges (5 per side) 10 plank jacks 5:01-6:00 Rest 6:01-10:00 Cardio Repeat 4x 20 seconds jump rope, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds mountain climbers, 10 seconds rest 10:01-14:00 Legs Repeat 4x 20 seconds air squats, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds goblet squats, 10 seconds rest 14:01-18:00 Arms Repeat 4x 20 seconds triceps push-ups, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds dumbbell thrusters, 10 seconds rest 18:01-19:00 Rest 19:01-23:00 Core Repeat 4x 20 seconds plank with bunny hops, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds v-sits, 10 seconds rest 23:01-27:00 Cardio Repeat 4x 20 seconds jump rope, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds mountain climbers, 10 seconds rest 27:01-31:00 Plyo Repeat 4x 20 seconds burpees, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds split lunge jumps, 10 seconds rest 31:01-32:00 Rest 32:01-36:00 Back Repeat 4x 20 seconds Superman lifts, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds plank with row, 10 seconds rest 36:01-40:00 Butt Repeat 4x 20 seconds jump squats, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds deadlifts, 10 seconds rest 40:01-44:00 Cardio Repeat 4x 20 seconds jump rope, 10 seconds rest 20 seconds mountain climbers, 10 seconds rest 44:01-45:00 Rest Keep reading for a description of each move. Related: Transform Your Abs With This 2-Week Crunch Challenge - It Takes Just a Few Minutes a Day!

See more here:
7 Healthy New Years Resolutions That Arent Just To Lose Weight - Yahoo Lifestyle

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